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B. ‘The Contractor shall perform and execute all the works in good and workmanlike manner, strictly in accordance with all Iegal and other standards of the construction industry. C. ‘The Contractor shall supply, on its sole account, all the materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary and desirable for the satisfactory completion of the Project, such as but not limited to administrative and support serviees, such as supervision, mobilization and manpower accommodation, The Contractor shall employ sufficient number of men, which must be composed of competent and efficient engincers, superintendents, foremen, laborers, artisans and other skilled workers necessary to carry out the Project dilivently, efficiently and completely in accordance with this Contract and such other documents executed in relation thereto, If in the opinion of the Project Manager to be designated by the Owner, an employee is careless, incompetent, or obstructs the progress of the work or commits acts or omissions contrary to lawful instruction, the Contractor shall, upon written request of the Project Manager and approved by the Owner, transfer the said employee to another project not connected with the Project subject matter hereof. D. The Contractor shall coordinate and be solely responsible for the work of all men under its jurisdiction including those employed by subcontractors, to ensure completion of the project in the soundest manner consistent with the interest of the Owner and satisfactory to the Project Manager. E, The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the quality of materials used in the construction of the Project. The Contractor warrants that all materials and other facilities to be incorporated into the work and turned over to the Owner upon the completion of the Project shall be brand new and free from any defect. The Contractor undertakes that it shall not incorporate or use or recommend the use of material or substance that is hazardous to health Moreover, all materials, equipment and workmanship shall be of the kind and quality deseribed in all the documents referred to in Article ] and the Contractor shall, upon request of the Owner's Project Manaver or any of the Owner’s authorized representatives, furnish the latter with supporting documents to prove that the macerials/workmanship are such as specified, In the event that the Contractor cannot obtain such specified material or equipment or the same is otherwise not available in the market, the Contractor may, subject to prior written approval of the Qwner or its Project Manager, utilize and substitute materials and equipment. F, ‘The Contractor hereby recognizes the trust and confidence given by the Owner and agrees to perform its best work and exercise sound judgment and to cooperate with the Owner or its Project Manayer andior with any of the Owner's superintendence in the completion of the Project, to have adequate supply of wor times, and to sceure the implementation of this Contract in the soundest way and in the most expeditious manner consistent with the interest of the Owner authorized representatives. in furthering efficient administration and nen and materials at all G. ‘The Contractor shall assign and maintain at job site one full-time Project Architect/Engineer and one Superintendent, who must coordinate all related items of work with the Owner and Project Manager for more efficient performance of the work. If the Contractor fails to comply. deductions based on the cost indicated in the bid form submitted by the Contractor shall be imposed. For this purpose, the Project Manager shall make an evaluation and payment shall be given to the Owner H. ‘The Contractor shall put up and maintain adequate protection and security of all its work from damages and shall proteet the property of the Owner from injury or loss arising in connection with this Construction Contract until final acceptance of the Project by the Owner 1. ‘The Contractor shall provide safety facilities in the job site. ‘The Contractor shall also properly maintain, at all times, as required by the condition: ss of its work on the Project such lights, danger signs and necessary safeguards as will protect workmen on the site and progr ‘The Contractor shall take all the necessary precautions for public safety and the safety of its employees and workmen at the job site, requiring at all times of its workers to wear or provide themselves with the necessary accessories such as hard hats. safety uniforms, identification cards, and the like to prevent accidents and for easy identification, K. Necessary or incidental to the construction of the Project, the Contractor shal; duties and responsibilities. & ge fu ‘ ; / followi

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