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Gd. Benny Subianto (d.h. Labtek V) Lt. Dasar, Jln. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132
Telp: +6222 2504551, Fax: +6222 2509406, Email:, Website:

Chemical Engineering
Phone : +6222 2500989
Fax : +6222 2501438 To whom it may concern

I am writing in support of Mr. Aldrich Tyto in his application for Joint Master in Materials
for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC) Course.

Aldrich is a student under my supervisory for his research project in Process Safety and
Corrosion Control Laboratory. I have personally known him for more than a year. Under
my supervisory, I found him as a diligent student who performed well while conducting
researches. Besides that, he has consistently shown good discipline and dedication to
his study. He is currently on his last semester of study, with GPA of 3.86 (out of 4) and
is expected to obtain a bachelor degree in chemical engineering in July 2015. He has
also completed his research project on-time. This reflects his strong motivation to
succeed in his study and puts him at top 2% of his cohort. Besides that, he also
received Best Freshman Student Award from ITB and was recently a 2 nd Winner in
Grand Final Paper Competition of National Safety Competition 2014 organized by
Chemical Engineering Students Association at other prestige university in Indonesia.

I also found that Aldrich has been involved in various student activities organized by
Chemical Engineering Students Association in our campus. He demonstrated his
communication skill in maintaining personal relationship with others.

In the field of energy storage, Europe sits as the top academic destination mainly
because of the applications novelty and cutting-edge technologies, which are lacking in
most developing countries. Having students with wide range of knowledge in such
important field will highly benefit Indonesia which is currently overwhelmed by energy
issues while still possessing hidden energy potential. Besides that, studying in multiple
universities in different countries can also broaden one’s experience of technology
uniqueness in each country.

In my opinion, with his thorough theoretical and practical knowledge in energy,

electrochemistry and materials obtained during his study, and also the fact that he is
socially matured, I consider that in any circumstances he will not have any problem
adapting himself to a new situation and environment while studying overseas in this
MESC program. I am confident that, given the right environment and proper guidance,
he will succeed in his pursuance for higher degree. Therefore, I give my full support and
recommendation for his application. I would also be very pleased if he is granted a full
scholarship during his future study.

Sincerely yours,

Hary Devianto, Ph.D.

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