Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas: MP6. Inglés

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Técnico Superior en Administración y

1920 S1

MP6. Inglés


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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

Instrucciones Examen:

Tenéis un tiempo máximo de 1 hora para realizar el examen completo.

Las preguntas "TEST" tienen un valor total de 10 puntos por UF. Sólo una respuesta
es correcta. Cada pregunta contestada de forma errónea resta 0.06 puntos

Las preguntas en blanco no suman ni restan.

Únicamente se corregirán los resultados respondidos en la plantilla de color naranja

que se os ha repartido junto al examen. La plantilla para ser válida debe estar
cumplimentada siguiendo las instrucciones que aparecen en el margen superior de la
misma. Es recomendable responder también en el examen físico.

No se admitirán hojas fuera de las propias que vienen dadas por el profesor/a en el

Queda totalmente prohibido desgrapar hojas y/o sacarlas fuera de la sala.

Habéis trabajado duro este semestre, estáis preparados para ello...

¡Mucha suerte onliners¡

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

UF1. Inglés técnico

1 - They yet, they're still working.:

a. aren't

b. don't are

c. isn't

d. am not

2 - Which is the reported speech of: Anna said "My parents are fine.":

a. Anna said that her parents are being fine.

b. Anna said that her parents have been fine.

c. Anna said that her parents were fine.

d. Anna said that her parents are fine.

3 - If he money, he would travel around the world.:

a. has

b. had have

c. have

d. had

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

4 - If I to bed early, I would have caught the train.:

a. gone

b. went

c. go

d. had gone

5 - If they hadn't told me about the exhibition, I never .:

a. would have known.

b. will know.

c. would know.

d. would known.

6 - If I studied, I the English exam.:

a. would have passed

b. pass

c. would pass

d. will pass

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

7 - If she has enough money, she buy a motorbike.:

a. have

b. had

c. would

d. will

8 - Which is the passive voice of: Josh cleans his room every day.:

a. His room is cleaned every day.

b. His room will cleaned every day.

c. His room was cleaned every day.

d. His room were cleaned every day.

9 - Which is the reported speech of: Clara said "I can't come to the party on Friday.":

a. She said that she won't come to the party on Friday.

b. She said that she doesn't come to the party on Friday.

c. She said that she couldn't come to the party on Friday.

d. She said that she don't come to the party on Friday.

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

10 - Which is the reported speech of: "I am talking to Robert.":

a. I said that I talk to Robert.

b. I said that I have been talking to Robert.

c. I said that I was talking to Robert.

d. I said that I am talking to Robert.

11 - She to the doctor tomorrow at 5 pm because she is feeling bad.:

a. is will go

b. are going to go

c. goes

d. is going to go

12 - Which is the passive voice of: Somebody built this house in 1970.:

a. This house have built in 1970

b. This house was built in 1970

c. This house are built in 1970

d. This house will built in 1970

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

13 - Which is the passive voice of: The company employs two hundred people.:

a. Two hundred people will be employed by the company.

b. Two hundred people are employed by the company.

c. Two hundred people were employed by the company.

d. Two hundred people was employed by the company.

14 - A time by which something must have be done.:

a. Decline

b. Deadline

c. Dieline

d. Finish time

15 - To use or develop something for profit or progress in business.:

a. Fire

b. Exploit

c. Fee

d. Enclose

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

16 - A need for something to be sold or supplied.:

a. Depreciation

b. Exceed

c. Demand

d. Expand

17 - To suddenly start an activity.:

a. Cut costs

b. Branch

c. Broaden your product range

d. Break into an area

18 - To close a business because it has no money left.:

a. Go into liquidation

b. Get in touch

c. Go into goods

d. Growth potential

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

19 - I think it rain.:

a. did

b. will

c. going to

d. have

20 - I promise I do it.:

a. will

b. have been

c. going to

d. have

21 - you happy?:

a. Am

b. Are

c. Do

d. Does

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

22 - "Is Tom here?","No, he .":

a. have gone

b. has go

c. have go

d. has gone

23 - I in a Private Company.:

a. have work

b. work

c. working

d. works

24 - She one piece of fruit every day.:

a. don't eat

b. eating

c. eats

d. eat

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

25 - Leyla right now.:

a. are working

b. is working

c. am working

d. have working

26 - I am what he said.:

a. to remember

b. remembered

c. remember

d. remembering

27 - You to me.:

a. isn't listening

b. am not listening

c. aren't listening

d. don't listening

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

28 - He his shoes. His shoes are clean now.:

a. have cleaned

b. was cleaned

c. has cleaned

d. clean

29 - "Do you want the newspaper?" "No, thanks. I it.":

a. was read

b. have read

c. did read

d. has read

30 - Joe too much recently. He should eat less.:

a. has been eating

b. are eating

c. eat

d. have been eating

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

31 - I at 10.30 last night.:

a. works

b. did working

c. was working

d. have work

32 - She walking for 3 hours, so she is tired now.:

a. were

b. did been

c. have been

d. has been

33 - You the bus for an hour.:

a. waits

b. have been waiting

c. has been waiting

d. have wait

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

34 - The concert last night at 7.30.:

a. was

b. were

c. are

d. is

35 - Mr Todd into the room, took off his coat and sat down.:

a. are coming

b. come

c. came

d. cames

36 - Last Saturday my sister to Paris.:

a. is going

b. go

c. goes

d. went

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

37 - Sam to the cinema with us last week.:

a. doesn't went

b. didn't go

c. don't go

d. didn't went

38 - Carol the room when I went into the house.:

a. painting

b. are painting

c. were painting

d. was painting

39 - Lily that book!:

a. didn't reading

b. aren't reading

c. read

d. wasn't reading

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés

40 - An amount of money that you pay to do something, to use something, or to get a service.:

a. Fit

b. Float

c. Fee

d. Gross

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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés


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Ciclo formativo de grado superior
Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas
MP6. Inglés


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