The Rich Fool 2

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The Rich Fool Highlight

13 A man in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to

divide with me the property our father left us.”
14 Jesus answered him, “Friend, who gave me the right to judge or to
divide the property between you two?” 15 And he went on to say to
them all, “Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of
greed; because your true life is not made up of the things you
own, no matter how rich you may be.”
16 Then Jesus told them this parable: “There was once a rich man who
had land which bore good crops. 17 He began to think to himself, ‘I
don't have a place to keep all my crops. What can I do? 18 This is what
I will do,’ he told himself; ‘I will tear down my barns and build bigger
ones, where I will store the grain and all my other goods.
Then I will say to myself, Lucky man! You have all the good things you
need for many years. Take life easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself’ 20
But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night you will have to give
up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for
21 And Jesus concluded, “This is how it is with those who pile up
riches for themselves but are not rich in God's sight.”

TASK 2: Answer the following Questions:

1. What was the request made by the man in the crowd?
2. What did Jesus warn them against? Why?
3. In the parable Jesus told, what did the rich man think of doing
when his land bore good crops?
4. What was the rich man’s reason for storing all his spare crops?
5. What did God say to the rich man?
6. What lesson was Jesus trying to teach through the parable of the
rich fool?
7. What moral could the man in the crowd and his brother take?


The moral of the story


What is this story telling us about WEALTH and POVERTY?
TASK 5: How can I use this story in an evaluation answer?
Point about poverty, Evidence which is the story from the Bible and
Explanation which is the message in the story

Some Christians agree that we should be concerned with Poverty,




What if you gave up all your wealth and all interest in money?
Meaning of the story: The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12: 13-21)
• Jesus tells this parable to teach against the love of material
• The rich man grows lots of crops and so decides to build bigger
barns to store all of his wealth; he is greedy and wants to hoard his
goods. Butter mountains of the MEDC’s is completely unacceptable.
• But God tells him that he will die before he can enjoy his wealth
and that someone else will get it.
• This parable teaches us that material wealth is not important; we
need to build up riches with God.

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