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1 Introducction

The purpose off this docum

ment is to ascertain the
t design of core waall (Tower area)in DL
wn Taramaani, Chennaai. As suchh it will be a brief to the concerrned who carry
c out thhe
justificattion calculaations and too whoever going
g to perrform checkk.

2. Project Informatioon

F Downtown is one off the IT buuilding projects in steeel-concrete composite constructioon

mani, Chennnai, India. The
T primaryy use of thiis building is for office and consiists of manny
blocks. 1 Downtow
wn & 2 Downtown comprises of Basement + 4 Stilts+ Top of pod
level + 10 Typical floors+ 4 Refuge
R flooors + Terracce + Mumtty terrace + Machine room
r level +
Machinee room terraace. Basemeent and fourr stilt levelss will be useed for car paarking.

3. Scope off work:

The scope of thhis documennt is to perfoorm analysiis anddesignn of core waall (Tower area)
a in DL
wn, Taramaani, Chennaai.

4. Materiaals

The materials used were lissted below.

Gradde of Concrete:
x Basement to 1st Floorr level : M60
x 1st floor rooof to 10th floor
f level : M50
x Above 10tth floor : M40
Rebaar Grade : Fe500/Fee415 (IS 1786))
Younng’s Modullus of Concrrete : 5000¥fckk(IS 456:2000; Cllause -

Younng’s Modullus of Structtural Steel : 2.0x105Mpa

M (IS 800:20007Clause

Poisson’s ratio of
o steel : 0.3

Poisson’s ratio of
o Concretee : 0.2

Coeffficient of thhermal expaansion : 12 x10-6/c

/ (For Steel)
Coeffficient of thhermal expaansion : 10 x10-6/c
/ (For Concrete)

(Refer the respectiive input drrawings for the details of

o each matterial grade and membeer sizes)

DATE:17-02-2022 REV:01
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