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Review of recent research on biomedical

applications of electrospun polymer
nanofibers for improved wound healing

Wound dressings play an important role in a patient’s recovery from health problems, Alaa J Hassiba1, Mohamed
as unattended wounds could lead to serious complications such as infections or, E El Zowalaty2, Gheyath
ultimately, even death. Therefore, wound dressings since ancient times have been K Nasrallah2,3, Thomas J
continuously developed, starting from simple dressings from natural materials for Webster4,5, Adriaan S Luyt6,
Aboubakr M Abdullah6
covering wounds to modern dressings with functionalized materials to aid in the
& Ahmed A Elzatahry*,1
wound healing process and enhance tissue repair. However, understanding the nature 1
Materials Science & Technology
of a wound and the subsequent healing process is vital information upon which Program, College of Arts & Sciences,
dressings can be tailored to ensure a patient’s recovery. To date, much progress has Qatar University, Doha 2713, Qatar
been made through the use of nanomedicine in wound healing due to the ability 2
Biomedical Research Center, Qatar
University, Doha 2713, Qatar
of such materials to mimic the natural dimensions of tissue. This review provides an 3
Department of Health Sciences, College
overview of recent studies on the physiology of wound healing and various wound of Arts & Sciences, Qatar University,
dressing materials made of nanofibers fabricated using the electrospinning technique. Doha 2713, Qatar
Department of Chemical Engineering
Keywords: activity • antimicrobial • biomedical • electrospinning • nanofibers & Department of Bioengineering,
• nanomaterials • wound dressings Northeastern University, Boston,
MA 02115, USA
Center of Excellence for Advanced
First draft submitted: 20 November 2015; Accepted for publication: 15 December
Material Research, King Abdulaziz
2015; Published online: 8 January 2016 University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar
University, Doha 2713, Qatar
Background rating bioactive materials, wound dressing *Author for correspondence:
Various materials have been used to cover technology has advanced to a larger ability of Tel.: +974 4403 6808
wounds to prevent contamination and preventing infections and helping the wound aelzatahry@
therefore to provide an appropriate environ- to heal faster [1] .
ment for wound healing. In the past, differ- Researchers are aiming to new heights for
ent materials for wound dressing have been developing wound dressings with properties
used, such as honey pastes, animal fats and and a sophistication unheard of with the
plant fibers. Nowadays, the simplest form of usage of various synthetic and natural poly-
dressings commonly available (e.g., gauzes) mers that are biocompatible and biodegrad-
acts as a simple coverage for the wound from able and can actively support and supplement
mechanical trauma and microbial infection a quick deposition of healthy tissue [2] . More-
while allowing oxygen and fluid exchange over, using such materials and polymers at the
for healing. Hence, they are applicable for nanoscale presents unprecedented properties
numerous superficial wounds that are not such as high-surface area and nanoporosity
infected, or as a support for more advanced valuable for the intended goal [1] . With that
dressings. Another category of wound dress- goal in mind, researchers are using and devel-
ings (e.g., hydrocolloids) has the ability to oping different techniques to create compos-
provide a suitable moist environment needed ites by incorporating fibers with growth fac-
for the wound to heal. Recently, with newly tors, vitamins and other biomolecules known
developed biopolymer materials, process- to encourage a healthy healing process [3–5] .
part of
ing techniques and the ability of incorpo- Nanofibers can be created through different

10.2217/nnm.15.211 © 2016 Future Medicine Ltd Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) ISSN 1743-5889
Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

techniques, such as self-assembly or phase separation. glands, nerve endings, lymph vessels and blood vessels
However, electrospinning is most frequently chosen can be found throughout the three layers of the skin [8] .
due to its simplicity, cost–effectiveness and versatil-
ity [1] . Electrospun mats have proved to stimulate cell Wounds: principle & types
migration and proliferation, hemostasis, gas perme- The term wound is used to describe skin that has
ability, exudate absorption and cell respiration [6,7] . In encountered an injury or break in its surface, which
this review, recent studies on the electrospinning tech- may be caused by thermal, physical or chemical dam-
niques for developing improved wound dressing are age [4] . The Wound Healing Society defines a wound
presented and discussed. as the result of a disturbance to the present anatomic
Skin is the largest organ in human body and has structure in the skin and its function [14] . A wound is
many important roles such as regulation of water, tem- considered to be completely healed when the injured
perature and electrolytes. It also carries a wide vari- part of the skin returns to its typical functional and
ety of microbiota and skin microbiome which have anatomical structure, and resembling its original
gained attention recently. The skin consists of three appearance within a considerable period of time [14] .
layers, namely the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The wound type can be classified according to thick-
The epidermis is the outer most layer, which works as ness, morphology, complexity, time elapsed since trauma
a defense line against the entrance of foreign bodies. occurred, severity and level of contamination. Determi-
It also regulates the temperature and prevents water nation of wound type is important in guiding the wound
loss [8] . This layer consists mainly of a stratified squa- management route. For instance, wounds caused by
mous epithelium of keratinocytes, which presents over sharp objects would result in an insignificant amount of
90% of the total cells in this layer. The role of keratino- damaged tissue and low risk of infection. Hence, this
cytes includes the formation of cytoskeleton filaments kind of wound can heal by primary intentions and adhe-
that maintain structural cohesion as well as modula- sion of the tissue to retain continuity in skin. However,
tion of the skin during inflammation and repair pro- in primary closure injuries, damage occurs in the micro-
cesses [9] . Other type of cells that can be found in this vascular, which increases the risk level of infection that
layer includes antigen-processing Langerhans cells, requires healing by secondary intentions [15] .
pigment-containing melanocytes and Merkel cells for The most common classification for wounds is acute
pressure sensing [10] . The epidermis can be divided versus chronic. As opposed to the acute wounds, which
into four sublayers starting with the upper most layer: are usually healed within 12 weeks of the injury, the
the stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum chronic wounds need way more this time [4,16] . Acute
spinosum and stratum basale [9] . wounds can be caused by a mechanical (e.g., stabbing
The dermis, the layer underneath the epidermis, is by sharp object), thermal, electrical, chemical or radia-
composed of connective tissue and is responsible for the tion while chronic wounds can be the result of a compli-
mechanical behavior of the skin. It contains molecules cation of several diseases (e.g., diabetes or tumors) [17] .
such as collagens, proteoglycans, elastin and fibronec- In terms of healing, acute wounds need a support in
tin that are secreted by fibroblasts, which are found in protection against infection while chronic wounds
an extracellular matrix. Its function involves providing need healing promotion as it lacks the biological signals
structural support for the surrounding cells [8] . Three required to initiate an appropriate healing process [16] .
major cell types are found in this layer, fibroblasts, adi-
pocytes and macrophages. The basement membrane is Healing process
a thin sheet of fibers that separates the epidermis and Wound healing is a biological process which takes
dermis layers while controlling trafficking of cellular place in the skin, and this healing process has been
molecules between the two layers, it also contains a reported elsewhere [18,19] . Wound repair is a combina-
reservoir for growth factors and cytokines [11] . tion of orchestrated sequential events in which several
The hypodermis, also called the subcutaneous adi- cellular activities are involved throughout the differ-
pose tissue, is the third and deepest skin layer and it ent stages of wound healing [20,21] . Although phases of
connects the skin to bones and muscles. It is composed wound healing overlap, for simplicity, an ideal healing
of loose connective tissue with main cell types of adi- process can be summarized in four sequential stages
pocytes, fibroblasts and macrophages. The location of after the wound occurred: hemostasis, inflammation,
the skin determines the thickness, for instance, the proliferation and maturation (Figure 1) [10] .
skin around the eyelids is 0.5 mm thick, which is the A wound occurs when skin is punctured result-
thinnest in the body. On the contrary, skin thickness ing in death of the tissues in the site. At the site of
on the palms and soles of feet is 4 mm thick, which injury, fluids from injured blood and lymphatic vessels
is the thickest in the body [12,13] . Hair follicles, sweat escape and accumulate. This site is now susceptible to

10.2217/nnm.15.211 Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) future science group

Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

A Wounding B Hemostasis C Inflammation

Rapid 0–15 min 15 min–day 6

D Proliferation E Maturation
Day 6–week 3 Week 3–year 2
Healthy ECM
New keratinocytes

Granulation tissue

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the different phases of wound healing. (A) Wound occurring: distribution
of the healthy tissues in the site. (B) Hemostasis stage: the creation of a clot to prevent any further bleeding.
(C) Inflammation stage: penetration of neutrophils to the injured site. (D) Proliferation stage: infiltration of
fibroblasts to the injured site and keratinocytes, and granulation tissue appears. (E) Maturation, the final phase
which may last for years. During the final stage, fibroblasts disappear and the ECM matures.
ECM: Extracellular matrix.
Reproduced with permission from [22] © Royal Society of Chemistry (2013).

bacterial invasion and infection. Hemostasis, reached removing dead cells, foreign objects and trigger the
within 15 min, aims in producing a clot that will stop production of collagen that influences re-epitheliali-
any further bleeding [23] . In this stage, injured vessels zation [25] . There are other cells that arrive later on,
contract, which lower the blood flow to the injured site. about 6 days after the initial injury, which are lym-
Platelets produce proteins such as fibrinogen, which phocytes such as CD4 +, CD8 + and dendritic epidermal
causes coagulation of exudates, and fibronectin, which gamma/delta T cells. These immune cells also help in
cleaves into the fibrin and forms a network and per- the healing process [23] .
forms as an adhesive to bind platelets to each other. In the proliferation stage, the whole area would be
Gathering of these proteins along with other proteins, covered by new epithelial cells (re-epithelialization), a
such as thrombospondin and vitronectin, and platelets stage that happens 24–48 h after injury. Keratinocytes
produce the clot preventing further bleeding [24] . migrate to the wound site and start moving from its
The inflammatory phase then follows and may stay boundaries to the inside until the injured area is closed
up to 6 days [23] . Cells in the injured tissue such as with a stratified layer of keratinocytes while secret-
platelets and mast cells produce chemical signals that ing enzymes to destroy the temporary-built extracel-
stimulate the dilatation of blood vessels, along with an lular matrix [23] . Endothelial cells start migration to
increase in capillary permeability, which allows impor- the wound site. This movement is derived by the lack
tant cells, such as neutrophils to reach the injured area. of nearby endothelial cells, an extracellular matrix
The neutrophils play an important role in producing and cytokines, a process that happens 24 h after skin
factors that are important in removing foreign objects injury. This migration plays a role in the formation
and bacteria [24,25] . Monocytes also reach the site of of new blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis,
injury and differentiate into macrophages, which per- by forming tubules which ultimately form new cap-
sist for several weeks [23] . The macrophages assist in illaries. The present basement membrane is degraded

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Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

by matrix metalloproteinases while a new membrane healing (Figure 2) . Ideal dressing materials should be
is formed by stimulating the production of laminin made from clinically available biomaterials, which
in endothelial cells [23] . Four days after wound ini- need minimal processing to possess antimicrobial
tiation, the extracellular matrix based on fibrin fades properties [27] .
and is substituted by an extracellular matrix with col-
lagen-based granulation tissue that almost resembles Types of wound dressings
a healthy extracellular matrix. This granulation tis- The selection of wound dressings depends on the type
sue contains collagen, blood vessels and fibroblasts. of wound and on the patient’s need for recovery; hence,
Growth factors and chemotactic molecules act as a site different types of wound dressings have emerged.
signal for the migration of wound healing fibroblasts. Wound dressings can be classified into three groups:
Migrated fibroblasts proliferate and create matrix pro- passive, interactive, advanced and bioactive dress-
teins providing mechanical support for additional cell ings. Passive products, such as gauze, have the least
migration. Collagen production and cross-linking impact as they only present coverage for the wound
account for the mechanical strength of new capillary to heal by itself. Interactive materials, such as hydro-
beds. During this stage, fibroblasts attach to fibronec- gels and foams, are translucent and possess healthy
tin and collagen in the extracellular matrix [23] . Wound water and oxygen permeability. Bioactive materials,
contraction works in promoting the repair by pulling or active wound dressing materials, such as hydrocol-
the edges of the injured site together and it happens loids, calcium alginate and collagen, have shown an
through the help of dendritic epidermal gamma/delta ability to effectively heal wounds [1,4,28] . Table 1 pres-
T cells, 4–14 days after the wound was initiated [25,26] . ents examples of the different types of wound dress-
Also, within this period of time, myofibroblasts ings, their description as well as advantages and
produce actin and accelerate the closure process [23] . disadvantages [29–51] .
The maturation stage, also called remodeling,
includes the process of replacing granulation tissue with Nanofibers in wound dressing
fibrous tissue that is remodeled late on to form a scar, Nanofiber mats have drawn the attention of numerous
and the enzymatic degradation of collagen into unique researches in the wound dressing development field since
three-quarter- and a-quarter-length parts by the act of they can mimic a natural nanometer dimension of the
fibroblasts, neutrophils and macrophages [23,26] . By the tissue they are healing [52] . Nanofiber mats can provide
third week, collagen levels reach peak values. The stage fine polymeric fibers at the scale of nanometers. Their
of maturation occurs about 3–6 weeks after wounding structure provides mats with different unique properties,
and can carry on for months even after wound clo- making them highly tissue compatible to enhance wound
sure [23] . It should be noted that there are many factors, repair in comparison to other conventional dressings. An
in particular microbial infections, which may result ideal wound dressing should have a structure that resem-
from improper wound dressings, which could lead to a bles the natural skin’s structure, and such nanofibers, due
delay in the wound healing process. to their physical features, are able to mimic the healthy
extracellular matrix network found in the skin [18,53] . As
Wound dressing materials mentioned earlier, the extracellular matrix is important
Ideal dressing in the repair process as it provides structural support for
According to the wound type and associated require- cell attachment and proliferation. Therefore, nanofiber
ments to complete the healing process, the most mats could enhance proliferation and improve cell repair
suitable wound dressing system must be selected, mechanisms [52] . In fact, there are several advantages of
for which today, we are lacking. Usually, for a rapid using nanofibers as next-generation wound dressings as
wound healing response, different types of wound discussed in the following section.
dressing materials can be used. The following char-
acteristics are generally considered as an ideal wound Advantages of nanofibers as wound
dressing material regardless of location or need: main- dressing
taining a moist environment for the wound, remov- Hemostasis
ing exudates, preventing microorganisms from enter- Nanofibers produced by electrospinning consist of
ing the wound and allowing for gaseous exchange. small interstices and a large surface area to volume
It should not be toxic or allergenic to the human ratio. Due to their biologically inspired features, those
body, and it should be nonadherent to mammalian physical features allow for improved hemostasis at
cells (unless biodegradable) ensuring that its removal the injury site, and hence, this mat may substitute for
would not cause further trauma. Furthermore, it the addition of hemostatic agents which would have
should prevent infection while accelerating wound adverse effects in the body [52] .

10.2217/nnm.15.211 Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) future science group

Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

Provides scaffold
for cell growth

Strengthens new
Forms barrier
against infection

Provides protein for

natural blood

Absorbs fluids from


Blocks nerve endings

to reduce pain

Figure 2. Illustration showing the required properties of an ideal wound dressing. An ideal wound dressing
should have the ability to: first, minimize scarring of the tissue after healing; second, support and strengthen
newly formed tissue; third, deliver nutrients needed for wound healing such as proteins; fourth, absorb excess
exudates from inflammation; fifth, minimize pain from the wound by blocking the endings to reduce pain; sixth,
stimulate clot formation; seventh, protect the wound from microorganisms and foreign particles and eighth,
provide a road map for tissue regeneration.
Reproduced with permission from [27] © Elsevier (2011).
Absorption of exudates from the wound Drug-controlled release
Absorption of exudates is one of the main objectives Different fabrication techniques for making nanofibers
for an ideal wound dressing material. Due to the same allow for the addition of drugs to be released for topical
physical properties of having small interstices and applications. The type of drug loaded can be chosen
a high surface area to volume ratio, nanofibers can according to the wound need for improved healing.
absorb between 18 and 213% more water than films Examples include using one or more antibacterials,
made from the same polymers. This would also help antifungals, growth factors and vitamins [52] .
prevent wound desiccation [52] .
Flexibility in the dressing mat
Maintaining a moist environment Wound dressings should provide flexibility to the
& permeability patients upon applying and comfortability after place-
Electrospun mats consist of nanofibers, which resemble ment, and these nanofiber dressings can provide the
a mesh and provide a moist environment for cell res- adaptability and compliance needed [52] .
piration and, eventually, for cell proliferation and via-
bility. The porous nature of such mats not only works Scar-free
against bacterial infection due to a small pores size but Although not easy to achieve, researchers have
it also maintains a high gas permeation, which protects been conducting studies to create nanofiber dress-
against tissue dehydration [52] . ings to cause minimal scarring. Martindale created

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Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

Table 1. Examples of different types of dressings, their description and weakness.

Wound dressing type Example Description Weaknesses Ref.
Passive Gauze Made of cotton fibers. It is cheap and Fibers may shed, bacteria may [29–31]
readily available migrate from the sides, and
traumatic to remove
Interactive Hydrogel Made of cross-linked polymers Requires secondary dressing [32–36]
(e.g., starch, cellulose) or polysaccharide to adhere in place, not
derived from plant or animals recommended for heavy
It is suitable for dry or low exudate exudate wound as it may cause
wounds as it provides moisture, absorbs maceration
exudate, can be left on the wound site
for several days, will not cause trauma to
remove if used appropriately and helps in
autolysis of dead tissue
Semipermeable Made of plasticized polyvinyl polymer Will not work against [29,36–
film and have nonporous structure maceration 38]
It keeps injured site moist, allows for
visual checkup and stops bacterial
passage to wound
Advanced Hydrofibers Contains sodium carboxymethyl cellulose Requires secondary dressing to [36,39]
Used for medium/heavy exudates, adhere in place
maintains a moist environment for
wound and it can be left on the wound
site for several days
Calcium Made of polymers extracted from Requires secondary dressing [37,40–
alginates seaweeds to adhere in place, not 42]
Highly effective for wounds with recommended for dry wounds,
exudates and deep-cavity wounds and requires moisture to avoid
aids in preventing maceration damage to the site after
removal and fibers may shed
Hydrocolloid Made of polyisobutylene, In an environment with a [29,43–
carboxymethylcellulose, pectin, sodium heavily exudate, hydrocolloid 44]
and gelatin. Offers a moist environment will not work against
that is deprived from oxygen maceration in heavily exuding
Antibacterial wound Iodine dressing The most widely used forms are Has a cytotoxic effect against [45–47]
dressing iodophors povidoneiodine or cadexomer- cells such as keratinocytes and
iodine dressings. Has antiseptic effect leukocytes that hinder the
against broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi wound healing process. Hence,
and viruses it is appropriate for a
short-term application only
Silver dressing Silver in form of metal, ion and Studies have been conducted [48–51]
nanocrystal has been incorporated to investigate the possibility of
in various dressing materials, such as causing toxicity for patients
hydrofibers and hydrocolloids

electrospun wound dressing materials that immedi- Nanofibers fabrication techniques

ately promoted normal skin growth because the bio- Nanofibers are threads which have a diameter at the
degradable fibers provided a suitable road map for nanoscale and are created from polymers treated in a
tissue healing. Electrospun nanofibers have a struc- specific way. The resulting properties of large surface
ture that mimics the skin; therefore, these nanofiber to volume ratio and changes in surface characteristics
dressing mats would enhance compatibility of blood give these nanofibers the capability to develop super-
and, ultimately, enable wound repair and tissue fine structures. The ability to create a composite and
regeneration [54] . upload antibiotics [55] , vitamins [3,4] and/or growth

10.2217/nnm.15.211 Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) future science group

Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

hormones [5] into nanofibers broadens the possibility of tip, a high-voltage power supply and a fiber collec-
their use in biomedical fields for further development. tor (Figure 3) . The high-voltage power supply is used
Fabrication of nanofibers can be carried out through to create an electrically charged jet of polymer solu-
different techniques, for instance, self-assembly, tem- tion out of the spinneret tip. Under a high voltage, a
plate synthesis, phase separation, force spinning and cone-shaped droplet of the polymer solution is formed
electrospinning. Electrospinning, however, has proven and directed toward the counter electrode, which is
to be the most cost-effective to make nanofibers with attached to the collector. A further increase in the volt-
an easy to carry out the process [56] . Therefore, recent age causes the droplet to stretch slowly, and upon an
studies have used electrospinning to create nanofibers, additional increase in voltage, a jet is formed from the
and consequently, the focus of this review paper is on droplet creating the narrow fibers to solidify and rest
electrospinning. on the collector [60] .

Self-assembly Electrospinning working parameters

In self-assembly, small molecules are the basic build- There are several controllable synthesis parameters,
ing blocks that form nanofibers when added together. which affect fiber formation during the electrospin-
The building blocks are organized around a common ning process. These can be categorized into three main
center where extension in the plane results in the lon- groups: solution, processing and ambient parameters.
gitudinal axes of the nanofibers. This technique is con- Control of these parameters will allow for the fabri-
sidered to be a ‘bottom-up’ technique, where the final cation of nanofibers with a desired morphology and
structure is encoded in the form of small blocks. The diameter [61] .
shape and properties of the nanofiber are controlled
by the molecules and intermolecular forces that result Solution parameters
in an attraction between the building blocks bringing Concentration
them together. For the process to be carried out, stan- For the fabrication of fibers to occur, the concentration
dard laboratory equipment is needed, which is limited of the solution must be above a minimum point called
to certain polymers. Examples of polymers that can the critical point. Above this minimum point, fibers
be created via this method are triblock copolymers of will be observed along with the presence of beads.
peptide amphiphile and dendrimers [57,58] . As the concentration of the solution increases, beads
start disappearing and spindle-like fibers are obtained.
Phase separation Increases in concentration cause spindle-like fibers to
In phase separation, the polymer is stored as a homo- disappear and uniform fibers to form, which is the
geneous solution with a desired concentration in a optimal concentration of the solution. More concen-
refrigerator to create the gel form of the polymer. tration increases result in the obstruction of the solu-
The obtained gel form, the material, is then soaked tion ejection continuity from the tip of the needle and
in distilled water to allow for solvent exchange. After larger fibers are formed [62,63] .
removal from the water solution, the gel is dried by a
filter paper and placed in a freeze-dryer, which yields Molecular weight
the nanofiber matrix. Phase separation is considered a Greater molecular weight of the polymer causes entan-
relatively simple process but it is restricted to the labo- glements of polymer chains in solution, and thus solu-
ratory scale only [57] . tion viscosity increases. The molecular weight of the
polymer influences different properties such as rheology,
Electrospinning viscosity, surface tension and conductivity along with the
Unlike conventional methods, such as dry-spinning electrospun polymer morphology. It has been observed
and wet-spinning, which can be used to create fibers, that low molecular weight polymers in solution are likely
electrospinning depends on electrostatic forces and the to form beads rather than smooth fibers. Increases in
differences in voltage between the tip of the needle and molecular weight cause the formation of smooth fibers.
the collector, rather than mechanical forces, to stretch Further increases in molecular weight of the polymer in
the solution and create fibers. However, unlike con- the solution result in fibers with larger diameters [62,64] .
ventional methods, pulling the solution to form fibers
will continue to provide enough solution being fed to Viscosity
the syringe, which leads to a collection of a fibrous mat Viscosity is another factor that affects nanofiber morphol-
composed of distributed continuous nanofibers [59] . ogy and it is linked to the concentration of the solution
A typical electrospinning setup consists of basically and the molecular weight of the polymer. A low solution
three main components: a syringe with a spinneret viscosity gives discontinuous fibers, and increasing the

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Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

viscosity will improve the fiber morphology until smooth inversely proportional to the cube root of the electrical
and continuous fibers are obtained at an optimum viscos- conductivity of the solution [62,66] .
ity. A further increase in viscosity leads to hard ejection
of the solution from the tip of the needle [65,66] . Processing parameters
Distance between the tip to the collector
Surface tension The distance between the tip of the needle and the col-
Surface tension is related to solvent composition of lector affects the morphology of the fibers. Long and
the solution and different solvents result in differ- short distances between the tip and the collector will
ent surface tension. High surface tension leads to result in bead formation; hence, an optimal distance is
instability of the jets and the formation of droplets required. It has been found that the shortest distance,
as electrospray rather than electrospinning processes. which allows sufficient time for the fibers to dry before
Therefore, in order to obtain fibers without beads, it reaching the collector, is needed [69,70] . However, others
is required to reduce the surface tension of the solu- have reported that distance is not as vital in its effect
tion. It should be noted that lower surface tension on fiber morphology as the other factors [71] .
does not always work to obtain nanofibers, but rather
setting the lower and upper boundaries of the elec- Flow rate
trospinning window in which nanofibers are obtain- The flow rate of a polymer solution is considered to be
able [62,67–68] . another important factor during the electrospinning
process [72] . Commonly, a low flow rate is preferred
Conductivity/surface charge density because the solution will have sufficient time to polarize.
Solution conductivity is governed by the type of poly- A high flow rate results in beads with larger diameters
mer and solvent, and ionizable salts. With an increase due to low stretching forces and insufficient drying time
in electrical conductivity, the diameter of the nanofi- before the ejected polymer reaches the collector [73,74] .
bers decreases while a decrease in electrical conduc-
tivity results in beads because the electrical forces Types of collectors
will be insufficient enough to cause elongation of The collectors serve as the recipient upon which the fab-
the jet to create uniform fibers. It has been observed ricated nanofibers will rest and get collected. A common
that an increase in the conductivity of the solution collector is aluminum foil, but with this type of collector,
tends to form thinner fibers and that the jet radius is it could be difficult to separate the nanofiber membrane

Figure 3. The schematic illustrates the electrospinning technique. The setup consists of (A) a spinneret containing
the polymeric solution, (B) a high-voltage power supply that is connected to the spinneret and the collector and
(C) a collector. (D) Shows a scanning electron microscopy image of a collected electrospun nanofiber.

10.2217/nnm.15.211 Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) future science group

Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

from the collector. Other types have emerged, such as and a therapeutic agent reservoir can be electrospun
pins [75] , gridded bars [76] and rotating rods/wheels [77] . via one setup while being loaded by separate objects
Wang et al. used two types of collectors to obtain elec- (Figure 4) . This method creates core–shell fibers, where
trospun nanofibers: aluminum foils and a wire screen. the core is the reservoir and the shell is the polymer [1,82] .
They observed that using the wire screen collector was This modified technique is mostly useful in creating
not as consistent as that of the aluminum foil. It was nanofibers that encapsulate a therapeutic agent in its
shown that a smaller collection area has a negative effect core, hence, avoiding an initial burst release effect of
on the collection and beads were observed [78] . the content. The core content would be able to escape
from the fibers through diffusion or after the fiber deg-
Applied voltage radation [65] . A similar, more advanced technique is the
Voltage is a critical factor during the electrospinning triaxial electrospinning, which allows for the creation
process. Ejection of charged jets can only occur when of trilayer-structured nanofibers. Each of the three lay-
the applied voltage is higher than the threshold volt- ers is based on the same polymer matrix; however, each
age [66] . However, the influence of applied voltage on can be loaded with different compositions [83] .
the diameter size of the nanofibers is a debatable issue. Another technique that allows the fabrication of two
Reneker and Chun showed that the electric field did compartments is the side-by-side method. However,
not affect the diameter of polyethylene oxide [79] while unlike core–shell technique that has the compartment
Zhang et al. showed that the diameter of electrospun in interior–exterior relationship, side-by-side electros-
poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/water formed under a higher pinning permits both compartments to be exposed to
voltage gave rise to larger diameter fiber. its surroundings [85] .
Ambient parameters, such as humidity and tem-
perature, can also affect the morphology and thickness Composition of wound dressing mats
of the fibers. In a study relating the temperature and Natural materials
diameter of polyamide-6 electrospun fibers, increases Chitosan
in temperatures resulted in thinner fiber diameters Chitosan is a polysaccharide derived from chitin
which were related to the low viscosity of the solution which is the second most abundant polysaccharide in
at the high temperature [80] . Another study investigated the world, ranked right after cellulose. Chitosan is a
the relationship between humidity and electrospun renewable resource representing a principal component
polystyrene and showed that increases in humidity led in the exoskeleton of sea crustaceans, such as crabs and
to a porous appearance on the surfaces of the fibers [81] . shrimps, and it can be found naturally in microorgan-
isms, such as yeast and fungi. Furthermore, chitosan is
Modified electrospinning technique a biodegradable, biocompatible polymer with antibac-
Coaxial electrospinning is a modified technique of the terial properties and wound healing abilities. It has also
original simple electrospinning setup. In this method, been proven to achieve hemostasis and promote tissue
two different polymer solutions or a polymer solution regeneration [27] .

Core-shell 1000 nm

150 nm
Growth compounds
factors 222 nm

Figure 4. Illustration of core–shell technique and a scanning electron microscopy image of a resulted nanofiber.
(A) Fabrication of nanofibers via electrospinning and examples of compositions that can be involved in core–shell
nanofiber production to help in the wound healing process. Reproduced with permission from [1] .(B) Core–shell-
structured nanofibers produced from coaxial electrospun polyethylene glycol and polydodecyl thiophene with the
latter polymer being encapsulated in the core.
Reproduced with permission from [84] © John Wiley and Sons (2014).

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Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

Electrospinning of pure chitosan is difficult because bionanotextiles. Bionanotextiles refer to a new genera-
it is a polycationic in nature and can be of high viscos- tion of wound dressing material that possesses unique
ity in solution, making it difficult to electrospin; hence, properties (such as a controlled release of therapeutic
it needs toxic or highly concentrated acidic solvents to agents and highly improved cell adherence and prolif-
reduce its viscosity [86,87] . These conditions make the eration) due to their very high surface area to volume
processing of pure electrospun chitosan undesirable ratio. Therefore, it is more efficient in comparison to
in biocompatible-related applications. Therefore, to the usual wound dressing material such as hydrocol-
obtain biocompatible nanofibers, chitosan has been loids and hydrogels. The resulting blend showed strong
blended with other readily spun polymers, such as antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus
PVA, which is one of the most common medical poly- and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with an ability to prevent
mers used today. Nevertheless, this cospinning repre- bacterial adhesion for a long period of time [94] .
sents a limitation, as only a limited concentration of
chitosan can be integrated into polymers [88] . Gelatin
Naseri et al. have used chitosan along with another Gelatin is a natural polymer derived from collagen and
polymer, polyethylene oxide, to fabricate a novel wound has natural abundance; hence, it has the composition
dressing mat. Several characteristics of the electrospun and properties of collagen [95] . It is a biodegradable poly-
mat were investigated, such as structural morphol- mer used in food, cosmetics and the medical field [96] .
ogy, mechanical and thermal properties, water vapor The product of gelatin can be in the form of a film,
permeability and cytocompatibility. They decided to nanoparticles or porous hydrogel. Gelatin nanofilms
substitute the usual cross-linking reagent, glutaralde- can be obtained through electrospinning. However,
hyde, which is used to increase mechanical properties gelatin is a polyelectrolyte polymer that has ionizable
of organics in many applications with a lower cytotox- groups, and it has strong hydrogen bonding leading to
icity reagent, genipin. The fabricated dressing showed a 3D macromolecular network, reducing the motion of
moisture stability and high tensile strength along with gelatin chains [97] . Hence, the electrospinning of gela-
compatibility toward adipose cells up to 7 days after tin alone is poor [98] . Solvents (such as 2,2,2-trifluoro-
promoting this mat as a potential candidate for wound ethanol [99] , formic acid and acetic acid) can be used
dressing applications [89] . for the electrospinning of gelatin [100] . To increase the
stability of electrospun gelatin, studies were performed
Silk fibroin on the cross-linking of the fibers by different chemicals
Silk is a natural fiber acquired from insects, spiders and such as glutaraldehyde vapor [100,101] or hexamethylene
silkworms, and it consists of two types, fibroin and diisocyanate [102] .
sericin. Silk fibroin (SF) is a hydrophobic protein that Lu et al. aimed to produce gelatin in mass amounts
has been studied for medical applications because of its using spiral-electrospinning instead of a known sin-
desired properties: biocompatibility, biodegradability, gle-needle electrospinning, which yielded more than
minimal inflammatory reaction, adherence, absorp- usual finer nanofibers. Two methods of cross-linking
tion of exudates and excellent mechanical properties. were used, vapor- and liquid-phase glutaraldehyde.
Medically, it has been used as artificial ligaments of Examination of nanofibers using a scanning electron
blood vessels and skin grafts [90–92] . microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope
Shahverdi et al. investigated electrospun fibers of SF (TEM) and mechanical testing showed differences in
and the possibility of enhancing its fiber properties by the fabricated nanofibers, and evenly cross-linked fibers
adding another polymer, poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid) with higher tensile strength and better morphology
(PLGA). SF/PLGA blends with different concentra- were obtained from liquid-phase glutaraldehyde [103] .
tion ratios and their effects on wound healing rate were
studied. SF/PLGA scaffolds, with a ratio of 1:2, showed Polymers
superior properties in comparison to pure SF and Poly(vinyl alcohol)
SF/PLGA with 1:1 ratios; in that SF/PLGA (1:2) had PVA is a synthetic polymer that is one of the oldest
improved tensile mechanical properties. In comparison and most frequently used hydrogels with good biocom-
to the other tested blends and controls, SF/PLGA (1:2) patibility properties. It has been involved in advanced
significantly increased the attachment and proliferation biomedical applications such as wound dressings, [104]
of mouse fibroblasts (L929) and largely decreased the drug delivery systems [105] and artificial organs [106] .
wound area in an excision wound model in diabetic rats, When it comes to wound dressing applications, PVA
resulting in a most prominent wound healing effect [93] . cannot be used on its own, as it has inadequate elas-
In another study, SF was incorporated with poly- ticity, and lacks the required hydrophilicity. Hence,
ethylenimine (PEI) in order to create antibacterial blends of PVA with polysaccharides or some synthetic

10.2217/nnm.15.211 Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) future science group

Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

polymers to produce hydrogels are beneficial due to bers with different weight fractions of the cross-linker.
their abundance, ease of modification or derivitization Electrospinning conditions were set to 18 kV with a 16
and usually have good biocompatibility properties [107] . cm working distance and nanofibers 100–300 nm were
obtained. Different concentrations of glyoxal affected
PVA/gum tragacanth its morphology, thermal analysis and antibacterial
Gum tragacanth (GT), a natural gum exuded from results. With an increase in the cross-linker amount,
plants, is an acidic biopolymer that consists of two homogeneous and bead-free nanofibers were obtained
polysaccharides: tragacanthin, which is water soluble and more thermal stability was reached. Human-
with high molecular weight, and a complex of methox- based-keratin/PVA nanofibers with the smallest and
ylated acids, which is water insoluble with an ability intermediate content of glyoxal showed antibacterial
to swell and form gels. Medically, GT is considered effects against S. aureus while the highest concentra-
as a biodegradable, biocompatible polymer that does tion did not show any antibacterial effect. This could
not cause allergies, mutation or toxicity. Its poten- be due to the strong interaction between the molecules
tial application has been studied, for example, as an of PVA and keratin with glyoxal. On the other hand,
immobilizing agent in viral assays [108] , in burn wound the fibers did not show antibacterial behavior against
dressings [109] and in drug-delivery systems [110] . Escherichia coli, which could be attributed to the dif-
Ranjbar-Mohammadi et al. prepared PVA/GT ference in cellular content between Gram-positive and
nanofibers and evaluated their application as a wound Gram-negative bacteria [113] .
dressing [111] . Different GT concentrations blended
with PVA were first optimized to obtain uniform Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)
beadless nanofibers. During preparation, saturated Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone; PVP K-30) has been used as
glutaraldehyde vapors were used to improve water a film-forming agent and a viscosity-enhancement
resistance. Antibacterial and cell proliferation assays agent and is considered an essential element in deter-
of the PVA/GT nanofibers were determined. PVA/ gents, paints and biological engineering. Due to its low
GT nanofibers showed antibacterial activity against chemical toxicity and biocompatibility, PVP K-30 is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Gram-negative bacterium widely used in the commercial products and in the cos-
that contaminates wounds causing severe infections metic market, for example, hair-spray reagents, sham-
and it is characterized by multiple drug-resistance poos, eye makeup, lotions, sunscreen and skin care
properties [111] . However, no antibacterial activity products [114] . Furthermore, PVP can react with iodine
against Gram-positive bacteria was detected. Further- to generate a chemical compound with iodophor
more, MTT assays showed that these nanofibers are characteristics that is utilized as an antiseptic mate-
biocompatible and possess cell viability properties [111] . rial [36,115] . The PVP-iodine complex (PVP-I) works
as an iodophor that releases active iodine, an effective
PVA/keratin antimicrobial agent [116] .
Keratin is a natural protein with disulfide bonds and Gökmeşe et al. synthesized and studied nanofi-
a structure rich in cysteine. Keratin can be classified bers characteristic of the PVA/PVP blend and used
into three types: α-keratin (found in animal hair, wool this blend to develop another three kinds of nanofi-
and hooves), β-keratin (found in claws, feathers and ber mats: PVA/PVP with 5% and 10% chitosan and
beaks) and γ-keratin (found in human hair). Pure kera- PVA/PVP-iodine fibers. The addition of chitosan to
tin, however, has poor mechanical properties. Hence, the polymer-blended solution caused thinner fibers
the addition of other polymers can enhance properties due to the increase in solution viscosity and nanofi-
of keratin and ease its processability while maintain- ber conductivity. The addition of iodine affected the
ing the advantages of keratin, such as biocompatibility, morphology of the nanofibers as it had a higher ten-
biodegradability and natural abundance [112] . dency to form beads due to the relatively lower con-
In an attempt to blend PVA with keratin, Park et al. ductivity of the nanofibers [114] . Aytimur et al. prepared
prepared and characterized aqueous keratin that was and investigated electrospun nanofibers consisting of
extracted from human hair and was blended with PVA/PVP-I with the addition of two other polymers:
PVA to fabricate nanofibers by electrospinning. PVA PVA/PVP-I with Poloxamer 188 and PVA/PVP-I with
(10 wt%) was blended with different weight concen- chitosan. Poloxamer 188 (P188) is a triblock copoly-
trations of keratin under a controlled acidic pH. Since mer that consists of poly(oxypropylene) as a central
PVA is a highly hydrophilic polymer, PVA nanofibers hydrophobic chain and a poly(oxyethylene) hydro-
were cross-linked using glyoxal (with different concen- philic chains bordering the central chain [117] . P188 has
trations) to improve water resistance. Figure 5 shows been used as therapeutic reagent to reduce viscosity in
the SEM images of human-based-keratin/PVA nanofi- the blood before transfusions and in over the counter

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Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

1 µm 1 µm

1 µm 1 µm

Figure 5. Scanning electron microscopy images for poly(vinyl alcohol) and human-based-keratin nanofibers.
Images show (A) keratin nanofibers blended with poly(vinyl alcohol), (B) after dipping fabricated fibers in 3 wt%
glyoxal, (C) after dipping fabricated fibers in 6 wt% glyoxal and (D) after dipping fabricated fibers in 12 wt%

products such as toothpaste and laxatives. Lee et al. nanofibers. The morphology of the PVA/PAA nanofi-
documented the ability of P188 to repair the damaged bers was linear with beadless fibers with a diameters
membranes of skeletal muscle cells [118] . In a study by of 485 nm. PVP/PAA/chitosan, PVA/PAA/PVP and
Aytimur et al., the addition of both chitosan and P188 PVA/PAA/PVP-I resulted in smaller diameter of 237,
increased the thermal stability of the PVA/PVP-I mat. 139 and 279 nm but beads were formed [116] .
The morphological analysis showed that the addition Aytimur et al. carried out another study where
of chitosan resulted in a more compact and fibrous they prepared and examined two polymer blends
structure with a fiber diameter of 374 nm while P188 PVA/polyethylene glycol (PEG) and PVA/polypropyl-
resulted in a more porous and beaded structure with a ene glycol (PPG) and examined their biological proper-
fiber diameter of 489 nm [117] . ties. PEG and PPG are soluble in water with low toxic-
ity and antigenicity. The importance of PPG and PEG
Poly(acrylic acid) additions relies on the ability of PPG to act as plasticizer
Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) is obtained through photoini- and the ability of PEG to act as an anticross-linking
tiated or γ-radiation-initiated polymerization of acrylic agent since sterilizing wound dressing materials by
acid (AA). PAA is a water-soluble biocompatible poly- ionic radiation results in covalent bonding of polymeric
mer that has been used as a carrier for proteins, enzymes chains. PVA/PEG nanofibers with a different concentra-
and biologically active substances, and its super absor- tion showed either agglomeration of very porous fibers
bent capability allows it to be used in applications with irregular fiber shapes. The same was observed for
involving the water-soluble drugs [119,120] . A PVA/PAA PVA/PPG except for PVA/50% PPG where the fibers
nanofiber mat has been fabricated by Aytimur and Uslu were beadless and varied from ribbon-like to uniform
(2014). The blend was used as the primer solution and fibers with a mean diameter of 1.082 μm [121] .
other polymers were added creating three additional
nanofibers mats: PVA/PAA/PVP, PVA/PAA/PVP-I Antimicrobial agents
and PVA/PAA/chitosan. It was found that PVP and A wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative
PVP-I increased the thermal stability of the PVP/PAA bacteria may contaminate wounds leading to wound

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Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

infections. If left untreated, wound infections may catalase, both of which are vital-function genes. This
cause septicemia and further complications, which may study shows how VC-2-p-loaded SF mats can help for
lead to fatality depending on the site of wound infec- antiaging materials and enhance wound healing [3] .
tion. Electrospun mats may provide a solution because Another important vitamin that has been reported
these fibers have a porous structure that is suitable for to accelerate the wound healing process is vitamin
applications in wound dressings and drug delivery [55] . E [4] . Vitamin E (VE) possesses anti-inflammatory
Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone semisynthetic and antioxidant activities that reduce scaring [125] . In
antibiotic of wide applications in wound healing [122] . a study by Sheng et al., vitamin E was fabricated with
In a study done by Jannesari et al., a new electrospun SF creating electrospun nanofibrous mats. It was noted
nanofiber mat for controlled drug release was devel- that the amount of added vitamin E affected the mor-
oped to enhance the wound healing rate. A nanofiber phology of the fibers; at lower doses of incorporated
composite containing PVA and poly(vinyl acetate) was VE, a ribbon-like shape was produced while at higher
prepared and loaded with ciprofloxacin. For the first doses round fiber shapes were formed. Furthermore,
time, such a composite was successfully prepared using the addition of vitamin E enhanced the biological
electrospinning. It was noted that introducing the drug properties. The drug release profile through an in vitro
into the solution significantly decreased the viscosity of study showed the sustained release of VE/SF. Mouse
the solution and the average diameter of the fibers. The skin cells proliferated much better on the VE/SF nano-
kind of polymer and the quantity of the loaded drug fibrous mats in comparison with the control culture.
affected the in vitro studies such as the swelling test, Using VE in the mat increased the strength of the cells
rate of drug release and initial burst. The thickness of against oxidation stress conditions [126] .
the fabricated nanofiber mat strongly affected the rate
of drug release and initial burst [55] . The addition of Growth factors
antibiotics or antimicrobials to the fabricated wound Growth factors are required in wound repair as they in
dressings is of an important advantage for fighting combination with low-molecular-weight compounds
wound infections. Nevertheless, loading drugs needs achieve effective remodeling of epidermal and dermal
to be adjusted for different variables such as type of layers. Thus, of course, they have been incorporated
wound and the rate of drug release to reach the desired into wound dressing materials. Choi et al. reported
therapy [123] . An important drawback is the initial the addition of two growth factors, the endogenous
effect that is always accompanied with drug release, bFGF and an EGF, to a nanofiber dressing mat. The
which is high local drug concentrations that harm the bFGF causes an incline in the expression level of col-
cells [124] . The ideal drug-loaded mat wound dressing lagen; hence, it acts as a vital player in proliferating
should be a smart device with the capability to treat epidermal cells at the recovering epidermis [5] . The
different kinds of wound. It should be able to moni- EGF, on the other hand, acts on the keratinocytes by
tor the conditions of the cells and, only when needed, means of increasing their proliferation and migration
allows release of the therapeutic agent with an optimal by working along with growth factors. Using wound
delivery profile [1] . dressing materials containing EGF increases the re-
epithelization rates of the wound cells and significantly
Vitamins reduces the scarring [127] . The dressing incorporating
Fan et al. created an electrospun nanofiber mat using a bFGF/EGF showed a strong influence on the wound
natural polymer SF added with l-ascorbic acid 2-phos- healing process and helped significantly in the re-epi-
phate, also known as vitamin C 2-phosphate (VC-2-p). thelization of the tissues of the wound. Application of
The unstable silk was transformed into water-stable this dressing also influenced the accumulation of col-
silk II after treatment with ethanol vapor. In vitro stud- lagen and keratin in the wound promoting the dressing
ies indicated ease of disassociation for VC-2-p from as a potential candidate for wound dressing material
the SF mat. The vitamin loaded and neat SF nanofiber that can minimize scar formation [5] .
mats both showed good adhesion, spreading and pro- Due to the usefulness of EGF in accelerating the
liferation when tested with mouse fibroblast L929 cells. wound healing process, wound dressings containing
However, the vitamin-loaded mat exhibited through a EGF can be utilized in specifically treating diabetic
real-time polymerase chain reaction enhanced expres- ulcers, as their natural wound healing is not as efficient
sion of collagen-type I alpha 1. When nanofiber mats as that in a nondiabetic patient. In such cases, wounds
were tested with an oxidative injury model, both mats may get to a chronic or more complicated stage, where
appeared to help in the antioxidation, but the vitamin- amputation is required. Proof of their wound process
loaded mat showed higher mRNA levels of collagen- acceleration has been studied as EGF was chemically
type I alpha 1 along with glutathione peroxidase 1 and immobilized on the functional amine groups found

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Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

on the surface of biodegradable, poly(ethylene gly- and sodium alginate hydrogel nanofibers. In vitro
col)–poly(e-caprolactone)–poly(ethylene glycol) block studies showed that a small amount of zinc oxide
copolymer fibers. In vivo studies showed enhancement nanoparticles integrated into the mat had less toxic-
of keratinocyte-specific genes, specifically those genes, ity and better cell spreading in comparison to a larger
which accelerate the wound healing process [22,128] . amount of the metal oxide nanoparticle. Antibacterial
studies of the later showed an excellent antibacterial
Metals & metal oxides activity against S. aureus and E. coli. Figure 6 shows
Different metals have been used as antibacterial agents the electron images by Bio-TEM of E. coli before and
in fabricating electrospun wound dressing, and the after it is exposed to the nanofibers containing the zinc
most common metal is silver [51,129–131] . Silver has bio- oxide. The addition of zinc oxide to the nanofibrous
cidal activity against a wide spectrum of bacteria and mat is expected to result in an improved wound dress-
relatively low bacterial resistance as compared with ing, if the optimal zinc oxide nanoparticle concentra-
other metal antimicrobial agents [132] . In wound heal- tion, with the least toxicity and most effectiveness, was
ing, silver reduces inflammation and increases epithe- determined and used [137] . Table 2 summarizes the vari-
lialization [133] . However, in order for silver to be used, ous electrospun polymers developed for wound dress-
a reducing method must be followed while avoiding ing and their corresponding therapeutic agent loaded
possible cytotoxicity. Therefore, following an aqueous on the nanofibrous mat.
route as a reducing method is better than an organic
agent [130] . Nguyen et al. blended PVA and silver Characterization of recently fabricated
nanoparticles into electrospun fibers, and at the same wound dressing mats
time used PVA as a reducing agent for silver nanoparti- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
cles. After the electrospinning, the silver nanoparticles Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) can
were incorporated into the surface of the mat via heat be used to identify the functional groups and con-
treatment as they are most effective on the surface. formational changes of samples. In a study done by
This successful reducing method through PVA was Khalil et al., PLGA nanofibers with silver nanopar-
a faster and simpler process than other conventional ticles were fabricated and FTIR was carried out on
methods [131] . pure PLGA, PLGA nanofibers and PLGA with silver
The antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles nanoparticles. Three samples showed peaks between
was previously reported where silver nanoparticles 1760 and 1050 cm-1 indicating the C=O and C–O
were electrospun with a PVA and chitosan blend bonds, respectively, and bands at 3000 cm-1 that repre-
into a polymeric mat [51] . The fibers showed a strong sent the alkyl groups. The results showed no significant
antibacterial inhibitory effect on E. coli and S. aureus difference between the three samples [138] .
due to the silver nanoparticles. It also showed that
PVA/chitosan/silver nanoparticles ought to be more Thermogravimetric analysis
effective than PVA/chitosan/silver nitrate as wound Unnithan et al. used thermogravimetric analysis to
dressing mats. study the heat resistance of PU-dextran nanofibers
Titanium dioxide, an inorganic material also known with or without drugs. Tests were carried out on pris-
as titania, has been tested as a potential addition to tine PU, PU-dextran blend and PU-dextran loaded
improve an electrospun wound dressing material. In with the drug nanofiber. Pristine PU had the highest
a study by Azad et al., titania in two forms, pure and heat resistance followed by PU-dextran loaded with
doped in iron, were electrospun with a ceramic/poly- the drug and PU-dextran. This means that polymer
mer solution, and it showed antimicrobial behavior nanofiber blend was enhanced in terms of heat resis-
against E. coli [134] . In another study, titania was incor- tance after the addition of the drug, which may be
porated into another electrospun polymeric mat, poly- due to the crystallinity of the drug molecule [139] .
urethane nanofibers. The resulted fibers were tested
against S. aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [135] . Differential scanning calorimetry
Another study investigated the antibacterial activity of Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a ther-
titania after doping it with zinc. The results showed mal analysis tool that can be used to study the glass
the ability of electrospun PVA nanofibers contain- transition temperature, which is indication of flex-
ing titania doped with zinc to act against E. coli and ibility and crystallinity of fabricated nanofibers.
S. aureus [136] . Sabitha et al. fabricated electrospun poly(e-cap-
Zinc oxide nanoparticles were incorporated in a rolactone urethane urea) (PEUU) in the presence
nanofiber by Shalumon et al. using electrospinning. and absence of the antibacterial drug, tigecycline
Zinc oxide nanoparticles were integrated with PVA (T-PEUU). DSC was used to identify glass transi-

10.2217/nnm.15.211 Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) future science group

Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

1.0 µm 200 nm

100 nm 200 nm

Figure 6. Biotransmission electron microscope images. (A) Native Escherichia coli; (B) attachment of fabricated
nanofibers with the bacterial cell (red arrow and circle); (C) invasion of the bacterial cell by nanofibers (red
arrows) and (D) breakdown of Escherichia coli (red arrows).
Reproduced with permission from [136] © Springer (2011).

tion, crystallization and the melting temperatures of the blended polymers CS/PEO showed a peak at
the samples. PEUU showed a glass transition tem- 2θ = 20.6 indicating the formation of a successful
perature of -62°C while T-PEUU showed an increase polymeric blend. Intact ciprofloxacin powder showed
in the value to -51°C. This was explained by the a different characteristic peaks at 2θ values of 19.04,
addition of tigecycline that acted as an antiplasti- 24.9, 26.6 and 29.4. After addition of 10% ciproflox-
cizer. Furthermore, the N–H and C=O groups of acin to the CS/PEO blend, it had a peak at 2θ = 20.6.
this drug interacted with similar groups found in the Similarly, intact moxifloxacin powder had peaks at
PEUU fibers leading to the resultant increase in the 2θ values of 19.4, 24.4, 27.5 and 29.6. After addition
glass transition temperature. The melting tempera- of 10% moxifloxacin to the CS/PEO blend, a peak
ture was also affected by the addition of tigecycline was detected at 2θ = 20.6. This shows that amor-
because the value increased from of 53°C for PEUU phous distribution was achieved for both drugs in
to 56°C for T-PEUU fibers [140] . the blend without affecting the characteristic crys-
tallinity of the polymeric nanofibers blend. CS/PEO
x-ray diffraction nanofibers were cross-linked using glutaraldehyde to
Cheng et al. prepared wound dressing materi- increase the tensile strength and improve the con-
als using a chitosan (CS) and poly(ethylene oxide) trol of drug release of the dressing. Cross-linking of
(PEO) blend loaded with two fluoroquinolone anti- CS/PEO shifted the peak at 2θ = 20.6 to 19.88 [141] .
biotics, ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin. x-ray dif-
fraction was carried out to quantitatively determine In vitro drug release profile
the drug distribution in the polymeric mat. Intact Fu et al. used a coelectrospinning to develop a dress-
chitosan powder showed a peak at 2θ = 20.1 while ing mat consisting of PCEC loaded with curcumin.

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Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

Table 2. Therapeutic agent-loaded electrospun fibrous materials studied for wound dressing applications.
Electrospun polymers fibers Therapeutic agent Ref.
Silk fibroin/vitamin C 2-phosphate Vitamin C 2-phosphate [3]

Polycaprolactone/polyethylene glycol Basic fibroblast growth factor/epidermal growth factor [5]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl acetate) Ciprofloxacin [55]

Chitosan/polyethylene oxide/chitin nanocrystals Chitosan [89]

Silk fibroin/poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid) Silk fibroin [93]

Silk fibroin/polyethylenimine Silk fibroin [94]

Gelatin/poly(vinyl alcohol) Raspberry ketone [95]

Gelatin/poly(l-lactide) – [97]

Gelatin – [103]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan – [104]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/gum tragacanth – [111]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/keratin – [113]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) – [114]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)/chitosan Chitosan

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-iodine Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-iodine
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylic acid) – [116]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylic acid)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) –

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylic acid)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)- Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-iodine
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylic acid)/chitosan Chitosan
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-iodine/Poloxamer Poloxamer 188 [117]
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-iodine/chitosan Chitosan
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/polypropylene glycol – [121]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyethylene glycol –

Silk fibroin/vitamin E Vitamin E [126]

poly(e-caprolactone)-poly(ethyleneglycol)-poly(e- EGF [22]

Poly(vinyl alcohol) Silver nanoparticles [131]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan Silver nanoparticles [51]

Polysulfone Polyethyleneimine-capped silver nanoparticles [129]

Polyurethane Silver nanoparticles [130]

Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) Titanium dioxide [134]

Polyurethane Titania [135]

Poly(vinyl alcohol) Titania doped with zinc [136]

Poly(vinyl alcohol)/sodium alginate Zinc oxide [137]

Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid Silver nanoparticles [138]

Polyurethane-dextran Ciprofloxacin HCl [139]

Poly(e-caprolactone urethane urea) Tigecycline [140]

Chitosan/poly(ethylene oxide) Ciprofloxacin moxifloxacin [141]

poly(e-caprolactone) –poly(ethyleneglycol) –poly( e - Curcumin [142]


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Electrospun polymer nanofibers for wound healing Review

Table 2. Therapeutic agent-loaded electrospun fibrous materials studied for wound dressing applications (cont.).
Electrospun polymers fibers Therapeutic agent Ref.
Polycaprolactone Collagen [143]

poly(e-caprolactone)/polystyrene Chamomile [144]

Polycaprolactone/poly(lactic acid) Thymol [145]

A drug release test was completed to investigate dressing adhesion to the injured tissue, the removal
the curcumin release behavior from the mat up to of the gauze led to damage to the underneath tissue.
10 days. Initial burst release was observed within Positive control samples were covered by commercial
1 day, which might be due to drug present on the wound dressing, which showed better cell growth
surface of the mat. Thereafter, the recorded release and fibroblast formation due to the relatively moist
percentages were 52.7, 66.4, 78.5, and 87.2 for the area. Polymeric mats loaded with thymol showed an
mats containing 5, 10, 15, and 20% of the drug, enhanced wound healing performance, which might
respectively [142] . have been due to the water vapor permeability, a fea-
ture missing in the positive control sample. On day
Cell assays 14 of the experiment, the recorded wound closure
Duman et al. conducted a cell proliferation test on percentage were 92.4, 87 and 68% for the polymeric
neat polycaprolactone (PCL) and PCL/collagen elec- mat loaded with thymol, positive controls and nega-
trospun nanofibers. Fibers were cultivated in 24-well tive controls, respectively [145] . Histological studies
plates for 24 and 48 h and were tested using the at days 7 and 14 indicated that wounds covered with
methylthiazolydipheyl-tetrazolium bromide (MMT) negative controls showed severe inflammation and
method. This method depends on the cellular activ- necrosis while wound covered with positive controls
ity of viable cells to produce a colored solution mea- showed formation of fibroblast cells and blood ves-
sured colorimetrically. The results showed that both sels, and collagen fibers. Furthermore, inflammation
neat PCL and PCL/collagen supported human kera- and parts of the epidermis tissue were present due to
tinocytes attachment and proliferation with no sig- the use of a fabricated mat. After 14 days of treat-
nificant difference in comparison with the positive ment, the negative control showed muscle degrada-
control [143] . tion, the positive control showed similar results to
Motealleh et al. investigated a PCL/PS blend that of day 7, and the mat showed enhanced granula-
as nanofibers containing chamomile as a drug. To tion formation and tissue regeneration. In a nutshell,
evaluate the in vitro cell proliferation, mesenchy- the in vivo tests show that these fabricated mats pro-
mal cells were cultured on neat PCL/PS blend and vided enhanced wound healing in comparison to the
PCL/PS with chamomile. After 6 days of incuba- control groups [145] .
tion, cell adhesion and morphology were studied
using FE-SEM. The drug-loaded fibers resulted in a Conclusion
tenfold increase in cell proliferation than that of the The present review provided insights into the recent
neat nanofibers [144] . advances in wound dressing materials. It was shown
that nanofiber wound dressing materials displayed
Wound closure & histological studies advanced properties that can enhance wound repair
In vivo studies are important tools to investigate the in comparison with other dressings. Of the meth-
healing rate and effect of dressing on wound tissues. ods used to fabricate nanofibers, electrospinning
Karami et al. carried out these tests on PCL/PLA is the most frequently chosen due to its simplicity,
fibers loaded with thymol. Male Wistar rats were cost–effectiveness and versatility. Electrospun nano-
used and prepared by cutting 2 cm × 2 cm on their fiber mats have morphologies of high surface area
backs and the wounds were covered by gauze (acts as to volume ratio and porous structure, which gives
negative control), polymeric mat containing thymol it unique properties such as improved hemostasis,
and a commercial wound dressing (acts as positive exudate absorption, gas permeability and cell respi-
control). Wounds were observed on days 1, 3, 7, 10 ration, thus better cell migration and proliferation.
and 14, and the size of the wounds was recorded. His- This paper also discussed different evaluation tests
tological studies were completed on the tissue of the for the fabricated wound mats. Characterization tests
injured area and stained using eosin and hematoxy- include: FTIR – to identify the functional groups and
lin. Wounds covered by gauze were not as effective conformational changes of samples; thermogravi-
as other dressing. Due to the lack of moisture and metric analysis – to study heat resistance of nanofi-

future science group 10.2217/nnm.15.211

Review Hassiba, El Zowalaty, Nasrallah et al.

bers; DSC – to study the glass transition temperature ing research studies using electrospinning to develop
as a measure of flexibility; and the crystallinities of biologically inspired nanofibrous polymeric wound
the fabricated nanofibers; x-ray diffraction – to study dressing mats comprised of two layers, which will
the nanoparticles distribution such as silver nanopar- allow for dual functional mats where each layer has
ticles in the fibrous mat. Incorporation of antibiotics, a different function when applied on a wound. For
nonantibiotic antimicrobial agents (antiseptics) as example, the upper layer of the mat facing the envi-
well as metal antimicrobial agents would improve the ronment may be loaded with antibacterial nanoparti-
antimicrobial properties of nanofibers for improved cles to prevent environmental microorganisms from
antimicrobial properties of nanofibers to combat entering the injured site. The lower side of the mat
microbial etiological agents for biomedical applica- facing the wound in turn can be loaded with factors
tions. A summary was also given of drug release and known to increase tissue regrowth. In addition, a mid-
biological assessments such as in vitro drug release dle layer could be added to reduce chronic inflamma-
profile, cell proliferation and adhesion, histologi- tion. These types of composite materials can advance
cal and wound closure studies that were conducted. the efficacy of wound healing dressing materials that
Therefore, the utilization of electrospinning to create need to be the focus of future efforts. Moreover, there
nanofibers can pave the way for the development of are several developed techniques of electrospinning
new materials that will help obtain the ideal wound that shall facilitate the development of such wound
dressing, which can be tailored for the type of wound dressing, such as coaxial electrospinning, for simul-
and the patient’s need for improved wound repair. taneous electrospinning of two immiscible polymer
solutions producing a core–shell-shaped nanofibers
Future perspective and tri-axial electrospinning that allows the creation
While this review has highlighted numerous of trilayer-structured nanofibers.
advances, which have been made in designing better
wound dressing materials, significantly more work Financial & competing interests disclosure
is still needed. If designed correctly, proper wound The authors thank Qatar University for supporting A El-
dressings can effectively improve wound healing zatahry and A Hassiba under postgraduate student grant
ensuring a patient’s recovery without complications, number QUST-CAS-SPR-14\15–4. The authors have no
such as infection or chronic inflammation. In par- other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
ticular, better wound healing materials are needed to organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial
simultaneously fight infection while improving tis- conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the
sue healing, all without antibiotics for which bacteria manuscript apart from those disclosed.
are developing a resistance toward. To combat this No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this
problem, many researchers are currently conduct- manuscript.

Executive summary
Nanofibrous wound dressing mats
• There are several wound dressings that have been developed in the last century and continue to address
different needs for the patient’s recovery.
• Nanofibrous mats provides a wound dressing with a combination of unique properties due to the physical
feature of nanofibers (e.g., high surface area to volume ratio, high porosity and fibrous network mimicking
natural extracellular matrix).
Electrospun nanofibers mats
• There are several techniques by which nanofibers can be produced; however, electrospinning is immerging in
different applications, especially in the medical field, such as tissue engineering, drug delivery, wound healing
and biosensors, due to the simplicity, cost–effectiveness and versatility of the technique.
• Electrospun mats were shown to stimulate cell migration and proliferation, hemostasis, gas permeability,
exudate absorption and cell respiration.
• Fabricated nanofibers may be uploaded with growth factors, vitamins, antimicrobial agents and other
biologically active molecules known to encourage a healthy wound healing process.
• Table 2 summarizes the different electrospun polymers developed for wound dressing and the corresponding
therapeutic agent loaded on the mat.
Evaluation of electrospun nanofibers mats
• Numerous characterization tools can help in assessing the stability and functionality of the fabricated mat.
These methods will ensure the integrity of the fibers physically, chemically and biologically.

10.2217/nnm.15.211 Nanomedicine (Lond.) (Epub ahead of print) future science group

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