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You're a Servant Leader!

Work-life balance
Team player
Servant Leaders are most successful when they feel like they are serving the greater good. Their ideal work
environment has a clear mission and opportunities to improve the lives of others. They succeed when they can find
a work-life balance to enjoy their family and other commitments.
Producers are successful when they are in a position where they
can focus on results. Their ideal work environment allows them
ample opportunities to track progress and identify the
objectives necessary to achieve a goal. They succeed when
they can lead others, monitor the status of a project, and
implement change when it will help achieve a successful
Teachers are most successful in a work environment where
there are plenty of opportunities for growth. They thrive when
they have chances to help coworkers grow. They are best suited
to work as part of a team, working directly with others.

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Purpose traits relate to motivating yourself and others
Producers are motivated by results. Successful Producers are excellent at quickly sorting through critical factors required to
achieve goals and make decisions.
You measure and track performance which allows you to be agile in your workflow. You often make a great manager,
communicating clear objectives for your team. You are focused on staying on track to meet your overall goals and those of the
You likely embrace agile processes in your day-to-day life!
Servant Leader
Servant Leaders are motivated by mission. They are strongly committed to things they believe in, whether it be family, community,
or organization. As long as there is meaning in the work, there is no stopping them.
You're a team player. Loyal and dependable, you show up and are a pillar for those around you. Motivated by the cause and what it
means to the world around you, you're aware of your actions and how they affect others. You measure your success by the
feedback you get from those you serve and others who are serving.
You probably find yourself volunteering much of your time to causes you care about!
Trustees are motivated by commitment. They develop a high degree of ownership over projects they are involved in. Trustees are
accountable, dedicated, and confident in their work.
You are likely confident and comfortable making big decisions. You are dependable and loyal, committed to delivering results on
time even if it means both you and your team have to put in extra time and effort.
You're probably the friend someone partners with for a startup!
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Approach traits define ways you include colleagues
Closers interact with confidence. They are outgoing, quick-thinking, and determined individuals. Successful closers are able to use
their determination to seal the deal.
You envision success early in the process, with plans to meet obstacles head-on. Armed with enthusiasm, strength, and courage,
you are never afraid to speak your mind and defend your teammates. As a closer, your tenacity and sense of drive are what get
people signing on the dotted line.
You are the pitcher for your team!
Communicators are the ones you see speaking at the front of the room. Successful Communicators use their natural enthusiasm
to build a friendly and team-centered environment.
You speak clearly and confidently. Adapting to varying levels and interests, you're able to convey exactly what needs to be done
and how. Through your optimism and confidence, people find themselves taking what you say to heart. Don't be surprised when
you have followers and fans.
You are likely to have a viral TEDTalk one day!
Counselors have a natural ability to sense everyone's feelings and respond appropriately. They approach life with understanding
and a good sense of humor. Successful counselors are able to help their colleagues understand other points of view.
Although you may not be as outspoken as others, you are always listening. You strive to understand what influences people to act
a certain way. Your response to others is a key factor for building effective, long-term relationships. An instinctive team player,
you're always ready to reach out and comfort.
Don't forget to find time for yourself!
Influencers are skilled listeners who can easily identify others' motivations. They thrive on the challenge of seeing other people
follow their example.
You are a great persuader! Whether you're armed with logic and reason or style and passion, you're able to convince others to use
your ideas. Never shying away from a debate, you're often able to convince others to see things your way.
We hope you use your persuasive powers for good!
Motivators prefer to reach goals by leading their team through challenges together. They have a positive attitude that stimulates
enthusiasm across the team.
You are everyone's cheerleader! You appeal to the emotions of others. You enjoy leading and sharing the success of your team
with the rest of the organization. Because you're considerate of others' feelings, your team feels supported and heard. You're an
encourager that inspires people to feel like they can accomplish anything.
You're the one who straightens all your friends' crowns!
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Thinking traits describe the mental tools you use
Innovators use thinking to develop solutions and create change. Infinitely adaptable, they are flexible and resourceful. They have a
wide range of knowledge and use it as building blocks to create new and better solutions.
You're who people seek out when they hit a roadblock. You foster a creative environment that's safe for others to share their ideas.
Constantly searching and trying out new methods helps you keep projects moving.
You need an environment where you can grow and try new things.
Decision Maker
Decision Makers can be trusted to use research and analytics to make wise choices. They're able to see how all the pieces fit
together both now and in the long term, even when those around them might not have a full understanding.
You're often trusted to lead your colleagues through challenges. You have the ability to see the big picture, and you know who to
include to accomplish the task. Basing your decisions on facts and logic makes it easy for you to unify the team.
You're likely to be picked whenever a group is looking for a team captain or jury.
Journalists analyze through observation. They can discern goals and spot mistakes. They're able to gather a lot of knowledge and
quickly sort what's useful and what isn't.
It's hard to say whether you have a natural instinct or have learned from experience, but you can quickly appraise a situation and
determine how you should respond. You analyze actions to improve yourself and create better solutions in the future.
You're likely very street-smart and quick on your feet.
Straight Arrow
Straight Arrows evaluate decisions using an ethical framework. They're honest, dependable, and consistent. There is no room for
cutting corners or making unrealistic promises.
Your colleagues likely seek you out when stuck trying to decide the right thing to do. Your strong moral compass helps guide the
team and keep things on the up and up. You don't cut corners, and you don't ask "what's in it for me," which makes you a great
team member to have to help restore harmony while maintaining company values.
You would never lie about cutting down that cherry tree!
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Habits are actions you take to solve problems
Teachers act by encouraging growth. They get the most out of their job when they inspire and guide the ones around them to
develop their skills further.
You recognize that everyone has different needs, talents, and goals. You know your colleagues' strengths and weaknesses and
delegate tasks accordingly. Even if promotions and lateral assignments mean a project might take a little longer, you perceive the
potential growth of your colleague and how it could improve the overall team.
You probably volunteer in a Big Brother/Big Sister program (and if you don't, you should).
Directors act with a strategic plan. They know the resources they have and their limits. Incredibly efficient in the way they work,
directors can quickly bounce ideas off others and deploy new strategies.
You have a plan for your plan! Rarely are you caught off guard, you are aware of all assets and contingencies. You have a natural
way of operating and are realistic in your expectations from your team.
You likely go on vacation with a list of backup activities in case your first choices don't pan out.
Prospectors constantly target their efforts - making lists of the next movers and shakers in their field. They know who and what is
going to help them reach their goals.
You can assess whether or not a product, partner, or person is a good fit for your organization. Whether you're building a cross-
functional team or a sales lead strategy, you can predict outcomes based on what key players are involved.
You always know who will give in to your pleas!
Strategists act with well-organized plans. They can see the big picture and are able to prioritize tasks to reach the overarching
You do your best work when you can be a part of constructing the strategy. The ability to coordinate the team and resources to
meet deadlines on a project makes you a key player, and you always have a backup plan.
You were probably the kid showing off their new Trapper Keeper? the first week of school!
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