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Travel Speeds Table

Wallpaper by Mark22

for The Witcher TRPG by R.Talsorian Games

created by TheMOELANDER and DerGeGa Based on other roleplaying game systems.

How to use this table:

First you take a map of your choosing, measure the distance between the two points, that your
party want to travel. Then you determine the environments, weather and all other factors that play
a role in this travel. Ask your party how long they want to travel each day, if they want to make
stops, and at what pace they want to travel. Then go through the table, take the type of travel
they are using, then apply any modifiers. The resulting number, is their average speed per hour.
Don’t forget to decrease their stamina if they exert themselves.

REMEMBER: A group can only travel as fast as the slowest member (if they want to stick

Type of Travel Speed (Miles per hour)


Easy Terrain (meadows, fields, roads) 2.5

Normal Terrain 2.25

Rough Terrain (hills, low mountain, forests, snow) 1.25

Very Rough Terrain (Mountains, thick forests, swamps) 0.75 (or slower)
Riding (speed based on average horse)

Easy Terrain (meadows, fields, roads) 3

Normal Terrain 2.75

Rough Terrain (hills, low mountain, forests, snow) 1.25

Very Rough Terrain (Mountains, thick forests, swamps) nearly impossible

Carriage (speed based on average horse)

Easy Terrain (meadows, fields, roads) 2.75

Normal Terrain 2.25

Rough Terrain (hills, low mountain, forests, snow) 0.5 (or lower)

Very Rough Terrain (Mountains, thick forests, swamps) impossible

by Water

Easy water (slow flowing rivers, lakes, calm sea) 2.8

Rough Water 2.25

Stormy Water (river rapids, sea at storm, maelstrom) GM discretion

Modifiers Speed modifier


At Least 5 Below Encumbrance Value +0.2

Unencumbered no change

Encumbered -0.5 for every 5 points over

Encumbrance Value

Foot Pace

Walk no change

Jog +1 (8 Stamina per hour)

Run +3 (20 Stamina per hour)

Sprint +6 (45 Stamina per hour)

Mount Type

Warhorse -0.15

Pony -0.25

Mule -0.5

Ox -0.6
Mount Type

Unicorn +1 (or dimensional travel)

Horse no change

Mount Pace (deduct Stamina from the mount)

Walk no change

Trot +2 (5 Stamina per hour)

Run +4 (15 Stamina per hour)

Gallop +8 (40 Stamina per hour)

Carriage modifiers

Each additional animal of ANY type +0.1

Cart no change

Carriage -0.5

Critical injuries

Simple -0.5

Complex -1.5

Difficult -4

Deadly should not travel

Race Modifiers

Dwarf +0.3

Elf +0.1 in forests

Halfling -0.1

Gnome -0.2

Human no change

Witcher no change

Werebbub -0.1

Vran -0.5 in cold weather

Group Size

1 - 10 no change

11 - 100 -0.1

101 - 1.000 -0.2

1.001 - 5.000 -0.3

Group Size

5.001+ -0.4

Time of day

Daytime no change

Nighttime -0.5

Weather Conditions

Fair Weather no change

Rain -0.1

Snowfall -0.2

Storm -0.5

Blizzard -1

Other Modifiers

Stealthy Travel half normal rate, then apply modifiers

Teleportation Instantaneous arrival if successful

Magical Flight (flying carpet, witch’s broom) +15

Orientation by Wilderness Survival (does not work on roads) +0.1 per 2 points above DC


Lambert, Lambert, what a prick!

Vessel Type

Rowing Boat (see table below)

Sailing Boat no change

Cutter +0.5

Sailing Ship +0.25

Modifiers for Rowing

No Current no change

Drifting with the Current no change

Rowing with the Current +1.3

Rowing against the Current -1

Modifiers for Sailing with the Current

No Current no change

Strong Current +8

Average Current +5

Slow Current +3

Modifiers for Sailing against the Current

No Current no change

Strong Current -8

Average Current -5

Slow Current -3

Modifiers for Sailing with Wind

No Wind no movement unless rowing or current

With Strong Wind +8

With Average Wind +5

With Weak Wind +3

Against Strong Wind -5

Against Average Wind -3

Against Weak Wind -1.5

This document is meant to be free! Do not sell or get any kind of currency in exchange for this document! It is meant as a game aide for THE
THE WITCHER® is a registered trademark of CD PROJEKT S.A. THE WITCHER game © CD PROJEKT S. A. All rights reserved. THE
WITCHER game is based on the prose of Andrzej Sapkowski. THE WITCHER TRPG is © R.Talsorian Games, Inc., 2018
P.O.Box 82922, Kenmore, WA USA 98028

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