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Colegio De Bachilleres De Tabasco

Plantel Num. 11

Teacher: Luz María García Carrera

Activity: Professional Fair
Semester: 4to D
Friday April 28, 2023
Victoria Contreras Peláez
María José Morales Priego
Michelle Guadalupe Palacio Mayo
César Augusto Vidal Correa
Brayan Cervantes Ortiz
The law can be defined as the system of
principles and norms, generally inspired by
ideas of justice and order, which regulate
human conduct in any society and whose
compliance can be coercively imposed by the
public power.
Skills to develop
Working as a lawyer naturally requires a certain set of job skills and competencies, especially if you
want to be successful.

Initiative and independence.
Creative problem solving.
Written communication skills.
Verbal communication skills.
Working under pressure.
Commercial conscience.
Understanding people: empathy.
Job opportunities
The field of labor law is very broad, and is developed in different areas
such as:
Notary or public broker.
Holder or adviser for the Legislative Branch or in legal addresses of
the Executive Branch.
Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice.
Magistrate, judge or any position within the Judiciary.
Legal adviser, director or litigant in offices or law firms.
In the legal department of industrial companies, services and NGOs.
Mediator in alternative resolution procedures.
Teacher, director or researcher in universities.
Second conditional examples
1. If you were to choose a profession, consider the remarkable path of law. With its vast
range of opportunities and profound impact on society, the legal field presents a
unique platform for personal growth and societal advancement.

2. If you were to become a lawyer, you would immerse yourself in a world where justice
prevails. As an advocate, you would have the power to fight for the rights of individuals
and organizations, ensuring fairness and equality for all.

3. If you were to choose law as your profession, you would become a guardian of justice
and a voice for the voiceless.

4.If you were a lawyer, you could use your knowledge and skills to advocate for those
who need it most, fighting for their rights and protecting their interests.

5. So, if you were to consider a career in law, you will envision the possibilities that lie
ahead. The path of law is waiting for those who are ready to step into a world where
justice prevails and the power to make a difference is within your grasp.
Bibliographic References

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