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Hssignment - 01 *

Name Pate Dhruvkumc Sureshbha

Enel. No 190130111100

Suiect Digtakmaqe a viles racess mg

tatch EC. A3

Questiom -1
Ecpainbusic elements_o mat processimq y ste
usicelements at naae pracessing systemis as iela

Tmage Acquisition
2 maae Stoage
mage roce ssin
S) an.smissio

Aets_discuss hem in detulk

Tma4e Acquisitiom Imaqe cuc uetien is the
irststeP m any ime
The qenerd qim ot im9qt
acqoisi ion is tohnsfeim
m opBial Im e inte q
of mumr ical deta which toold ke
Lafer mamipulqted on a Coput
Ima e acqostion is achieved by Suitable
we s e diffrent _ c a m e a for difremt
eedam X-qYimaqe We
amerahat issensitive X-xa8
want q n inha-ed imaqe We uSe am
which are SenstiVe o mfra-Yed radicuion

Hqusfion canbe achieved b dikfzent

quantum detectors
We have gehR seVezal malest operutHon of
gueantum detector. and aenerallLed is as belouws

2Photo Conductive
2 lphato Vodtaic.

Tmage storaqe A video sianals ase essentiel

in anaXo gtorm

The cameras are imter fuced_

to qpmputer where the
process1 Ya alaorithmg are

hisis _done b a a e qahher card Usually

a ru me qradler_Cars i_a printtd Cirud berd.
CeCB) itted to the host computer With
isaneilo entrante poxrt matehi m he
impedante heincaming- ideo inal
ameqTablerCa has_a ock 0 memoT
Sepurute ¥om the LOmpufers pwn memory,
Lorge spaute o ho ma qe.
his is_knoun_cLs thetyame 4tey nemaY

he Contents_of the nnemay ae_continuosly-

ead ut t Video q L3o trame LseL
Passed thT80gh the DlA Cmvtwesher tnd1splayed_
n the momfor.

The frome byter memaryLan he ph 5/15-

Each Each 1maqe is çtored as a mrix Where
every aue Of he matixrpresent
the e Leveat that point
PSuppo.ce jhe imaqe is of size x8 amSuopose
we vequireL sto e pzesent each element
ofthe memc MemoM Spate re4ui e
Store he ima9e is
to_AXBxc b r
pproximately _elra

SvppaseWe haVe Suaimoges then the

del numbe ot bits=- AxßxcXD
Thus Jhe ormule HRCD gives us Q taiy!
48Dd dea ofthe Qm.oun Spate r utd
mage leinHso=dionencio nax untim.s, aiocpy
a ot of apate an he nte it is aduisall
Ao ave aco muter with a sizable hur
disk ams also d qood RAM
.fi) mae frocessina Stem rangin9 1Tom
mic oc*mpufers to genernl
pUTpDseLarge Conputets
CTe Used in Imn gt protrsn

Dedicted jmaa e procesins

Connectd to a
(ompuftis caxe papuler oudes

racessing imaqes invol ve Proed uyts

of diqitd
expressed i n alao rith i c
that aTe USUall
o m d u e to Jhich masti imaqe PoceSsing
uncion.s aTe implementtd incoftare

TheThe tre nd hough is to menge aentraLpurpase

imaa e prcessin hasduar

Should T e e m ber
s maje
ne thi mg
thi nq hat we Solu tims.
is_ cha yuctenzeds speciti
an d
A dicplay devite produce
Civ) Ospkay
Sh t u s a
visuak form o
sto red 1ma
n Lmenlak Vekues
as an image 1ay.
Com pute
devices aze
incipa ispa amd (Ri-
1V menito rs

Jiaple can
m11 Lwith an
ima qe_
cs a dispKa

Yatesu ny
These usterdevies comver jmas edetr
ito a vileD same
is,it must yefresh he
ne majorprahlem
SCILem_at rate o about_30 rames
pe Se.comd cvoid Arker Sea
ue wan do kul e jmage prncessina the
SYstema ho oae wesheuld havea
JeD_araphics Card vVeA) attachedto

Co mputer and_a monitn hat SUppo1 fs

Haat V l a r d

V Trame missiom lhe image se4UenLe rom

he cameax Coded into
as comcise a epresentutio n_
cas posidle tor ran: pver thenel-

Magt trans m bmad cast telespision are stil in_

analog o m a n ancalog cading methadsaTe
Use to maxeit qe_eficimi as_psible

NT1SE, PAL_amd SEA ar he 3 majar cading

sed in veiouspack afthe tiorld._

) n he imae yansnission chain, there ane

m a melemenx hich echibit a non-lineay
Yis the tput

behaviaur I i s he LnpuE Und

leamma af deve
A Y z CX'_ where(e(onstum

Come ra the kis p laq devce amd eje al have

honUYL1y gammas
Telatidnship betuetn Pizels f also
hseuss basic
descle diHte n t neiahbnurhobd ofpixeks in

Basic Relationship between piacks an as lelot

i)Nelah borhase
QV) Paths
V Reqions emd boundame

Nesh bas opzel Any plocel Px,) hus

HuoMeytica an Hlo
heyizontul nelqh lors
Spectied y

ThisThis Sek of pixel are known_he - nelshors

of P_amd is denoted - ELP)

C)_Gjatency Tuo piz!s are linxej it the

ave neighbarsamd heir a y
levels_satisf fes detuile
pcatemof simileaty
p r înstantejn a binar imaqe
Dplels qre Cometttd it they
aTe neljhbor md have same
Vul e.
CG Paths APath fram plael P h toodinaks
(7y J, to _plcel q_With cordinats
CstiCsequence af Jisint
pioce wih CooYdinates

Whe re ta,yo) xs) and.

CXn n) LS.t);
Xy) ais aJietent fo (i-1

foy 1sisn_
m lerhatpeh
)Reaiom and Bouneies i A_sokset R_of plxel
jn anmaqe is
calledc reqion o4
Phe image R n

The Boundyy_o4 he kegion K_is the

Set ofplxeR n the zeqiom that
have one or mare netahoo
hat are not m R.

V )onnectvity lorecion ishe pyoCedure of

diaitally manipulatina im.aqe
data such thut the lmaae s.
projecton Qturutelsy matches
aspecii pYoJLion Suxtale a r
Piaceneish bour hood
he meiqhbovrhaod ofa pixel i
the coRlectio m of pixelc Whith
C his set opixes s caN es he -neighbo02s


This -diasonel ne'ghours oE P are:: No P)

CoCHJt xtl-1)(x-Lyti) btlL y)

he neqimlevrs fPixceP .
xplain Jmae Samplin4 amd Uanfization_i
mesaSsar Sketh
Sampling Disitizin^ he Loordinate
is called Sampking
=Simte an cmakoq imaqe is contin Uous
mot just in ik to-odinates xraxi)
bueso in y axis umplitu de,

thepaythat deals_with the

Jigii zing of lo oydinates
knawm a ampling.

Hs shoin in fiqure -3A,we cgm_Se

in he
theTeare SomeTamd o m_ vqrations
siqme Caused olse
samplima weredure Hais moise by takinq
THwe we eke merescmpkes the Qeikitq of bmay-
woulsle mere
Lwoukdbe moTe befer. The nolse
Xemove and same happen ylte Versq.

Samp lina hs a elation.ship t h imaae pxtks

To l numley.ak pixels total no owSx lafeil ro.tse

Lwe have 3 pi»cel thatmeams
maje_and we took
oteal f x k qUre
3 Samp le_IY

directk equalto
H o the yumber Sample i

SamSamplin s sheunm în_me de detin m
the a mpltulJe
GI) JuantzatBon Digiti Kzing- d_4 uanti2 ceti o N

Velue is_ealLed

quamthzatir n is _opposite to
Samplimg- becuue i t is.
4iamtizcdion_ is 9 pracess of tansfomin4
o n e rkina
eal Velued sem y le Imaqeto
e r _ d i s t i n t value
on! a Ante nimier_fof
AIn smple wor hen Lwe are 9 Uamtizing m ma -
_actually divdin

s shown î'n figure 3.C. fhese Neti.col!y runrin

alyes have Pen quamtized into b_disfret
Qevels 0 r p a r i f o m s Ramqingro Vm 0 6aek

to White his evek could var_eicordinng-

to he y-pe of imaqe we wamt.
Jhea Lwe wan o 1mproveHe qualty s
imae we cemînrese h e e ve k_assig to
he sctmpltd imaaqe He imemcese thjeve-
o256 1 means Le have a esale: aage

IE -bits per pixelaxe Used.

Noat9uemtizedian Jeveds k =2
CRvestion -r
Expein bekow point processin techn igue.
Ci) Tmaqe Wegative Cii) Powey aw hransform
Image Negahive Imane Neqaive are useul in
aot afappkicatians-
Common ExcmpBe ot mme asativL
Is he displasingo an

-As The name Suages NegatVe simpy mear

mverhma he ye evel.

Example latk im he oriqina mage Li naLt

Lhite qmdvite Úers

i u r eA) shous Hhe thaihal Nesative rnhmats

o f a g i t lma4e

diqiml neqative
Theusinaa nple-tonito_matian givny

2255-Y Amax 2 6 5 -

Whe n ,Y-sS2255 and Y2.65S2

n 4eherel S(L-2-Y
re nber o ey evekc_
FTX, Tpvt Jmage
9(y)2 (L=)-+G9) xy}ovtput 7uge
Cu) fawer Xatd transformation

he basic formulc for poler Xalstanstonma Jien

LaCJ)s CX£lxy)
ICCmaksa ke wrLHen_as S_cy'
HereLand Y qre pagyive_tomjfenkJ

Ihehansernaion is shoun dekoti fez

diftrent akues_f Y hich is alsa culled-
hegamma Comeion tctay
ohserVe taat k4 chanina the Vakue af
a mma e okdei n a tamiy64 tnsCunec

nineamhe.s encontexed_duing imae

Capti riMgpriniha diuplayna an ke
corYected UslnaaaMm . LoYecton_Hence

i fhe imege
qammaCoTYectn iimp»1tnt
needs ke ditp layed on he Computtr

he poWer framtanatian can alsn be Used

to imprave the dymami einqe pt_h_Jmaqe
heAnelmae hu heen homaaizd
.5 TanaC

mmaloxrtibn_ futox chewn n isUTe

Expleain Conast s
trettehing and grey leve)
Man Hmes
Lwe olteim -o con trest Imaes due to
Poo iL mimcdions OY doe fo wrom ettinq
he ems cpexture Theidea tti ng af
Lehind contraststrcccehin
is inae ase he contrestod he
Makmq the dek Imaqes 6
poytions darker and hebrih
poxiom ighBer.
fquse (5.A) showes he hranstorme ton sed to chicve
Contst Sreatr hingJn he i4ure he do tedLine
ndicates he idenity tanstormetion end he s LJ
ine is the Contras retrhin transtez m ion
Asis evLdemi from iqure we ma ke he dark
ere Levelsdurker d ssicgmm askope of
Ress a n 0ne cmd make Hhe briqht Sm* gre
evels bnyhter cLSsigniny
hamo me
T h e fonnation af Hhe Corutstreathin
alapnthmi s ienbelow
S m(r-a)+v
Wheye , m and nae the slooeL. Iti clecr tramn
Phe maqcsthut amdnare Yec
while mjs rejeythem one Hham one
GD Cre evel slicing (Tntencit slieing

What hreshaldins_doesii it splits the gTey-

e v e k i n t o Huo p artt
AfHmes se m fed a
a speciticenhameina
hishliht eXample the

rUmstames e se a un tormy tio2

Such trqnsfanchie.
nowmn S rey cve sicimq he
shown i n AaUre
Lam Le
implementesusinaHhe tmuletisn

SeL- 2 'acYS}L
S 0D Othertise-
c a n h e uitem i n tenms of flx y amd Jlxy) a
Eq uatin
x,y l-

Here t (ay) 1s fhe mput mag e c a d

9Lz,) is heautput imaqe
This pmetaadis knan eas LereJevel sliin uthut b
A o w Cere evel sliaiznq withksckqround issholn be lou

S -1
6 othenwise
I CLestion-
Discuss akout histeqrum equliztion.
inea stetthins isa qod techni4ue bufas
the sa me y
memidned eCLrliey the sha pe yenains
Cplications i Whereim we nee
heYe lherare men
achieved 1
This cemnat le
a PLct histegram
histo Yam sretehm
is one Jhieh hs egual
Perdect îmage
n m b e y o f p i x el in al 1s y leves
nat on rspread the
Hene oUr_Dsiective
but_ealsa o have equal pibccds
damamic a n g e b u t
m a lh e r e eve

is_nou hasto 4rm equktzuton

This techmigueis as

whichpradurese4ual vakves
LWhat b his T
meach grey Level 2

The that oeLwe are Lasxin4

tostar matian
t a candiionS.
tormust'Satist the tolouin

T mst be sinqle vlved and mometo nicalk

r<I and
increaSin n theinrv

KBDT)< or o SYs 1
CeOsssL ss
Here the
the range oT_y_is taxen as o , 1 ) 1his
isCalldhe nomalized mn4 This 7mgeis
akenfarsinplicitj Sa insteadsfr ein
Im he ang.e o 25s we ake La, 1
Xetsdis cusshis tuo condihan indeulk

Here amd r e mappeda. sinle

9 r e Xevel A

i.e.)5 Hwo JIf ent arey Levels Loax_the smee

im_fhe mpditied imaa e a i s s a bi4
OTasbuck hene the
be cinale Velved
aispresenve he oxdey
llg Lshite

C )T Condition () issatishel then he mapp in

Lill ymot le Constskent _uithe he alotWed
pisel_yulues aode othey urds
S wilR_go beyond he validanye-

Sinte the transtrbaqtian 1JSmaye vakue-4nd-

monotoniCallqmCrecusi n4 he LAverSe
Hunsrmaton exis

foy_(nninvas Vanables_cermbe
lhe qYe levels
densittUnchons Pylzle
ChurateIud their pmlabikity
from Protability theary Je know hat ifPrly)ard
TG if Ts) Satist Conditanta)
hen the
Then- nbabiditydonsita t tnn4re kevel is

PCs) r er1s
uestto n: 4|

ma4e enhutement Usm4 4th metie

Explain i
candLoqi speraticn-

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