ES Assignment 1

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Date: I 1

Assigment- Page No.

Enbedded Systems C3161003)

1. Explain ditfment apph0cches ton desigming md implemertih

the embedde 6¥stem.
Ans A Embedded
Comtiols mamy 0the2electionic deviocs
is a Combimation_ot

and-zSot tooaie 1hcneahe lao typeS of emhedded

niczOphocessohS undmiCa0-tomtzalle
PtLOCesSO is bcised cm
computen sISte
Tt i5 cm_jmpa tum c i t af the
Cheneextehnu phocessons-ondpeuiphenals ane
andhas mche
inteafaced to t I t occapies mote check
COmsuomptuon, 1he cpplicatin of
the mChO
phocess0h is pehsonal CGmplutens

emobeolelingof hatlaluhe
HNStem desiamed uita ttae aurthu
oa spetitic functicn
emd sOt taluhe togetheh ton
embcdded.Sstem design.In
a latgen aneauis
design, c micaoconttollez plasc
emhedded 515tem
Comtmollenaisbasec om Hesavehel
vital ole. Micn0
impotritamtCamponemt ct
aic htechune i t islam
E x t e a a p o c e S s o u , imtehnal
c embedded Sstem
a n i l a a Compoments
cne iterctacecl
Crth the
micnocololle~L- 1 t ccupies ess ahc
less pocwe (omsumptionu The
nocomthalleh5 is MP3, cushina 2machines
Page No.

fnape s.pecifications ahe tohe macle so hat -the

Customeh ho uses the phocnctcam ao Bahonah toe
speciicebiom of the poduct cmd use i t aitaett
eny comtalsiom Designezs ncimy oaus om
speciticotucmslike hotmdajainedesign comsthisats
ife cycle _peniod hesultant systena bekuuig doen the skils nepaitzee fo am crobtelele

5stem Designe
AnsiAn enbedded emgimeeh necdls eieub dechmica skilk
Those incude experise inicompurte_hundeerne_and
Softocne cmdcoguairoming languages like Cand C
The enginecalo needs eretesin soft skills such c
eineagood COmmumicatonamphoblem=alves
Thetem embcadec ergineeh often hefens to eitheh
emembedded sattadne engincen onan "embeddad system
engincct 5kill5 Neguined fo eitheh job often
depend the phoduet cm engm.eeaOks
om cnd the ovcdules thart che paht of-te prajet
tanheddecd sottace enginees ond developes neco
L nange of temiça skills. They should haye c oleep
thndenstamdimgo f phoghomaing lemguageS,cEVie
nivcs cnd neal- time opehartingsstems
lehe cnesome e5sental skills eabeelded 5oftune
enginecS eufne h cea) ahehe they should
heve expehtise
C and c t Poz0ghcimming
Micnomthellens OnMCWs
Date: I 1
Page No.

5oftoicne opumizauons SKillscrt the 59stem cm duip level

Real Tme OpEncrmg 5ystcms CRTOS)
Umdengtanding of design partlems Cmo embedded systens
design po-lten5.
-Debugaing skill5
A tam is neede to Codesign cmd colie the high
level complexitie c homdaue &scftache desiqn
Embeelde sy5tem berndazsic engimens shoud have shillk
in hutdaeme umits amd basia knowledge of cC++
amd Javcl, R105 amd othen Phozhanming taals.i Lnal
optimuo design SoluiomiS then ohtainedbSstem

e f i m e the embtdded System crod aive clessidication

Ams:An embeddec 5ystem is cLSystemy tht has_embedded
Softae ommpmiter kandacme ushidn makes it cl system
oedicted f o r l eppliccttbonsor 5pecthic a
CpplicortiL ON Phductioac punttcf c lg e 54stem

Classificton of an embedded SIstemib

1 Rel tme multtmaute opeuutions defme the aays in
chich the systemactks,nedcts evenb, mtetupts
schedulesthe 5tstem'S fandtibmmg im Reul tme
2. 5imgle- fumctlond:£xecutesarsimgle phog
e peatedly
Tighty-comstnamad Low cost Log) Powe
3 22a
fast etc
4Complex alqonithrns d 4
Page No.

5Complexgnaphic usei mtenducey CUI5) 4 othe

e mtefates
GDedicorted umcuiemS
The mced to be highymeljc1lole h
sTt heu) lihomit m emcoy timited mumbenf

4austt the stttemet "By d emeastngthe

Openatmq clock at clomen nequenc hedu(es
the powe loss dne t hedt gmetctiom"
nsThe choice ci dock hequenq play N mportml
ole jm gavmg po The suud shcws thatwomg
Selectio ot opeticrtimg hequency of mionoconmales
an lad to siamjticant pmentuge c.)loss ef bettrhy
poter m otde tO auoid tuw loss the devehpes
meed to twke came_af the apop5ucite hequen selecta
eum the pcTocoTrollen. Vou jtis mot imece.ssaty
thet the fnepuen 5election (an be dome inlbally
Oohile settng up micioConthalle, oNenauy tcom
be chosen inbetween the p0ghamaimy alSa.
Theae cme mamy miCaocomtholle cohich o mS cta
|bit selecion lo selettdclesined opehcrtimg heuemy
AIo tne micocominolle ot Hiple
nequencie),So the olevelopeS hove optuon to
selectsappho.pturte fhequencdependimn pon the
t h e applicartom.
meams thcit gneaten th e fhcq uenoj_uil
huve less cocle exearton ime £ thus
5peed of pho9ham ex eCubomO qnutein
Page No.

S 0w 1t s ven clea thet tPneq uency Is

chamged thenthe penftmmce_cwill elsoChomae, But
t is nat necesschi tocrt-developeHS needictostick
ctne fnauenjust i t k e af higheN pETtotoncote

b.tnlist the aiteia oL daooshmg CPOt0n amy

embedded applicrtim
Ans A herdadhe des)meL chooseEpU becUuse ot lowez
pour2Consumptiam ot Bhe paocessen otL CPO.
IH5sesing an Cmhedded cPU
rentomeme Powe omsumpttom functiormlity ef The
Lmit chould be the ptumahc punameteas that guicde you

Novwmt the pnocRSso to be fust&Sk|fuh enough to

Fuflyout 7Cuinemets

Pnocesso tht is chlet suppomt the entizeby of youtu
so-tooane pmogicam Cm its ombound memottt

TACAaKethe pouueL Comsu mptiom tigh pento mce

Nou' lOunt o z0arth cl phocesso ahose peiphehcllS
ONenlapcoi ththctechmoogy you applicrtion hequines
Page No.

Notonly 2ice t the nit tself fall hut clso aink
coutatheimng-costuippcm-tng elevelopment tools and
pheniphetrcilS yenl|ned to mcxinize the usérof
h pnocessor

6escuihe the Comporets paesent on SoC fo

desigm an embedde 5stem

fHns SOC Com pone0t

Embeddco p2ocessc aP o SIP o ne
big-5înqle piz1postphoressim cones ommutiple
3 Ane-touonh bus protocol coTE
AMencyption fmctim mit
5DiscLete (osme tramsfouns to signal p7ecessimg9
app lictions
GO boatd executon memuy_ CSRAM ohs
MHiplestndatnd scue sobrtion called IP
CTmtellectua Popezrt oze)
S Pcogammable logc daice amd FPof (Field
progammcah1e Giote Annay cmne
gotheLlogiC analogvnrts.
Diftenentiae seua Pacllel Commumicato1
Explcm he b1ses used fo?n seHic commumictiom
AsBasis Seies Cizmuit Paallecircuit
=Component/ he mpomenty eene thefompenents
ainturtion comectad imONe ome comiected in heod
aktea the othetp hecel & t l totu
mam mL mannerh
Page No

ms 5eiql 1aomsmissjom andllel Tzansmissia

I a seia) Asunsmissicn, aPunalel Taamsmiss jon
derte Chit) feus im bj- datofloas in mtiple
dincctiom. limes
2 Thisis Lst-eiticiemtTh is not cast-efiticient
3 One bit LhamsmissionEight bit tnansferned crt
atoneclozk pulse s omeclock mulse
hslow commamicatio astiomo umicttioY
56eil Tunsmisiom PuzallcTumsmjssio is
issedb lenq ustmee used fo shardt ditance.
The cineuit USed in.ta Thecineuit sed in tiy
LManSmSsiom issimple tHunsmission is Aelatively
Eno7kNose aeil nnn maisecae
5The Bandoidth i s The Bamdmidta is
ugheu Lowe
9.womk_at high fnequenc Not coomk at high
10Ex Sesuia commmmiccrtiom Panullel comamymitatio
oetwem Computen d modlezoml hetuween..o mather bochd 4 huzddik

Seial 2otocols CBses

SPI Seriala Peni Phcsul Interfue
L9CL Tnte integncrtrda citcuit han
CAN ContaolleAncNetwmk
LIM LocalintPTONNECtUettw0k
USB-Umivese srru) Bus
Date:1 1
Page No.

lhusthate heimportemce ot aatrndog tme

dnec tefime clock io Emhedded 5stem
Ans: wrtohdoa tmei
A thmimg deujce that hesets tae sstero afte
phedefinet time cut TLhelps in neSCuimg the system
if a fautt deuelops O122icA2Eb
WD1 is a fre munmng om dhp RC oscillertoz
Colaich does mot 7fquine_cmyex teral comp0ments
Dyeing mAmal opekaton,awDT tme-art
aenezates c daice RESELIn sleep nodee
CL D Hme-aut Causex the deuice to codke-up
COmtmLue arth reraalopeettiom LL
WDIfe c odaune Hhat com beused to artomeitialk
detectsttuune amomulies R Aeset the puocessct
i a y orCu.WDI hised m_d coumteL thrt couts
doom frmnSome nttalt zena
*Real Time Clock (R TC)aid
-pTCiScm lectaomic davice im the form of an
Inteandtad duip avaiuble in vatu) puckagmg optián
-RTC generateom intetuyst umde tud comaitim
1 Tme lderte cCtens coene updated
2 Cunment time equdls the aanm thme
3 Peuicdic lnequency tnten nestuncts
RIC thot cam also peuse as c sYstem tma
The elock cineuirts dne ased hoth to keep -EnccK f
he cuzhuent tmmer of da 2 te muke p.hecise tme
mecuu2Pm PS 2
In hed m e ph01cmming SyStem clock is ySrd
fofr ScheclulimgvcfLiOus tusky.
Date: /
Page No.

RTC Cme spicallomposed at

OSC latO cAestal-tortaalled
Mumenous CaSCacded coumtenSeITd a
bartten buckup.The cNstal-cotrolled oscillotou
enactes a ue COnsistent high. faequemcoligita
pulse tat feedthe cascclded countens
RTC PHONides SNSte alock t it haScmumben of
pplicctioms. Tis c clock thet qenehdtea System 5
inte?tuptsat pheset int eNllS.
10ist plcm pnotocolS sed m coimeleSg
nobile system Commynictio i
hasInfLcAed dataAssocianon
JDH pmOvides speciticatONS tUN CL COmplcte set
CfPTetools fo ajineless
omd the name 'InDA also nefcas to the set of p0toos
DHdect comm micdtjon opehute in_haf -duplex
Digitu amus,phomes pagers dcrtcl osllectcensset-top
bokeSno dems uatce 4 conmparte peiphtals cine
some o f the natutal usens. ot i s tehmology.
ta TEEE S02.11
ihe s51s thehasic building block ot the TEE SCn-11
anchitecmne.A B55 isdatined as aHOnP ot Stations
thot co0hdinartes thein AteSSothe m edium
Undesc gtve mSLmce cfthe mtdiumete ss
TooLay7S. ) The PhySiclllayez cPHY)
2 The dat ink lavez
The S0211 MAC arem îs echnicalh a Sublayez
tha_dai linklayeh_It uides _ebou_phisica laycn
Page N0,

Cont2ollngtnamimiksiom otdertae phOvilGmg

i terclction_arda cLuiAed louckhome, ifOne exits.
BluetoatM isdl coizeless trdmalagN thert enables a
ulneles daice to commumicdte 1n the 24nHz
Buetooth is_a shott rngelowcost 4Law pou
uinclesscommnmicattiostmda hd
Buetooth euppozrs poisttopomt &_poimt-tb
m poimt (omectung
Two bsic topolcqies A2 PComet
2 Scdttehnet
hnre modes to icave pocoe? emcN Sni
2 holol
ed 2 aked

Zigbee loo costllo

Zigbee: phovidung standaznds L
COmsumtonlhelesS Commicatons.
-Thy Cm neich up t SoO m, witha data rcite
otup to 250 kbs fon a trpicapOweti TEEE
o 5 to Lo0 uw. AS ZigBee is bised on
thene is ro_cwake:up Signal but slatts
fon sleep o cLLtivIty 07 MasymcVPiCMONS modei
sleeping amytimethe haveYmatting to
witha n eve~-vigilant ccohdinctot9nfr
d e r t L n a m f e - 1 B t u c o n mode-
Two modes cf
212. Non eaco mcde.

n b
Page No.

DeSuibe the fccHtuze cASSOclated aith BMe-

toat Zigb ecpotocols
fAns Buetootr 2
Tt sup Portts Ong e uP to (Om low poced ptob
Bhuetoath pactocal suppoTLs autamcrtic selfdiscue2y
amd self-mAanizertion of netuiakin maben of
Bhetooth synchOnize and fomna w PAN.
hhetootl photoco sYppzats poweL oho so thet
the dteS Communi.cate at minjmim 7euined
t ommUn*ctio) latena fs 35
hos lese potocol stack oyenheeidof 250 Rb
PnoiSias ot en pted SecineCommnica-tion
Selt-dScoley set -o7190nizutiON and 2udo- buSed
Communicotiombetweemtny anteme
The zisBee netwokis Set ongamizimg oma
Supports peentp-peen£ lmesh netwuzks
The phys ic lceyen nadio opehctts at 2.4 nHz
bamd ccicfucquemcie with Dss5
Tsuppontsca unge Mp toom
Detc transfenu iate Su ppanttdais 250kbps
- t suppozrtssixtee Anchemmels i2
2gbee photocol Suppotsa lamge umbra d sms,.
lightina devices, cÜ comdtionlngidMstuiq conthdlez
Othez deices£Ioahome oftice automotion.
ZigBee nettck hus a zigBee 7ortn, end deuices
Page No

2Epleuim 5 T s phetoco to estublishh seia

COmmnnIcatioy hetaeenpO(e ssóAL amd a device
ns:5err Piphera Tnteufuce cSPTfs
Com2oSed b fonf sigmdlSmamelythe Meste
Ot Slave In CmosI) Mast euIn Slave ut
M150 Seial clockCsCKJ amd active nlo
Slave selectC5S
Mastet SoNeda
Memo Memo

5PT iS q multf muste|Slave ommunicotin Protecol.
The gme-aay ¢omimicartiom betucen mdst and
theselectd device a e the MISO L Mosr
Ttsspeecl can Nrah nme thm 1Mbps it
hulldu pek mode
SCK mu steTdevice guilL 4 enerdtedapylse andd
olcta aill be synchomized n both maste slave
dtvices. The~e ae fou offehmt clock tpes to
deineSTP Photo.coldepemamg omahertthe
SCkplaity phaSe mdy be Tt mugtiemUTE
4hese cigrdlS between the masta and s leue
ldevitesc6mptuble curth eachothen.
Page No.

SP1jS d SynchOnus photod

two deyices,Datu
SPT C2eates c dert loop betwee SDO ine
leuin he mUsteL Exits on the
A clock 15 gemenated bsy the usteadeviceE
tomtholswhen qnd. how qufcKk datC is ahongcol
betwceN the two devfces SS, allowS a mustez
deui(e toComto cuh en ce penticyla sluve is
bemg addhtssed
5P1 is that each slaue deice nequines_an.
hdiuidua 55 Line5

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