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Real Colegio Alfonso XII – Padres Agustinos

4th Grade. Science Unit 2 /43 marks

Name: _________________________ Date: ____________________

1. Number the food groups in the diagram. /5 marks

2. Write the numbers of the correct food group. Use numbers from Activity 1. /5 marks

3. Read and write T (true) or F (false) /4 marks

 You have a balanced diet if you only eat fruit and vegetables. ____________

 Fruit and vegetables provide lots of vitamins and minerals. ___________

 Dairy products give you iron and proteins. __________

 The are five main food groups. __________

Real Colegio Alfonso XII – Padres Agustinos

3. Match to make true sentences. /6 marks

4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are extra words /7 marks
Real Colegio Alfonso XII – Padres Agustinos

5. Tick the correct sentences /7 marks

6. Compete the table with the words from the box /9 marks

Good habits Bad habits

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