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Hi there! I'm ( ) , and I'm here to tell you about

pineapples. Pineapples are super cool fruits! They have
a spiky, rough skin on the outside that's yellow or
sometimes even green. When you cut open a pineapple,
you'll see juicy, sweet, and yellow fruit inside. It tastes
really yummy! Pineapples grow in tropical places like
Hawaii and have a tropical flavor. Did you know that
pineapples are good for you too? They have lots of
vitamins and can help your digestion. You can eat
pineapples all by themselves or have them in fruit
salads or smoothies. Next time you see a pineapple,
give it a try! It's like having a tropical party in your
Hey, everyone! Let's talk about pineapples! Pineapples
are fruits that grow in tropical places like Hawaii and
Costa Rica. They have a cool shape with a spiky, rough
skin and a yellowish color inside. Pineapples are juicy
and sweet! To eat a pineapple, you have to cut off the
spiky skin and then slice it into yummy pieces. Did you
know that pineapples are packed with Vitamin C? That's
what makes them healthy for us. Pineapples are a fun
and tasty treat to enjoy, so give them a try!
Hello everyone! I'm ( ) and I'm excited to tell
you about mangoes. Mangoes are super yummy fruits
that grow on trees. They have a sweet and juicy taste
that makes them so delicious. Mangoes come in
different colors like orange, yellow, and sometimes even
green. They have a big seed in the middle, so you have
to be careful when eating them. Mangoes are great for
making smoothies, popsicles, and even mango ice
cream! Did you know that mangoes are really good for
you too? They have lots of vitamins that help keep us
healthy and strong. I love eating mangoes, especially in
the summer when it's hot outside. It's like having a
tropical treat! That's all I wanted to say about mangoes.
Thank you for listening!
Hey, everyone! Guess what? I want to tell you about
mangos! Mangos are super yummy fruits that grow on
big trees in warm places. They come in different colors
like green, yellow, and orange. When you eat a mango,
you have to take off the skin, and inside you'll find juicy
and sweet fruit. Mangos are good for you because they
have vitamins that make your body strong. You can even
plant a mango seed and grow your own mango tree!
How cool is that? Mangos are delicious and tropical.
Give them a try!

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