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Reem and Jihad

Reem: Hey, Jihad! How's it going?

Jihad: Hi, Reem! I'm good, thanks. How about you?

Reem: I'm doing well too. You know, I love this time of year. The
weather is finally starting to cool down.

Jihad: Yeah, it's a relief after the hot summer. I'm looking
forward to the changing seasons. Which season is your

Reem: I really enjoy autumn. The leaves changing color and the
cool breeze make it so beautiful. Plus, I love wearing cozy
sweaters and drinking hot chocolate.

Jihad: I agree! Autumn is great, but I think my favorite season is

spring. I love seeing all the flowers blooming and the weather
getting warmer. It feels so refreshing after the cold winter.
Reem: That's true. Spring brings a sense of renewal and new
beginnings. But you can't deny the charm of winter either. Don't
you enjoy playing in the snow and celebrating the holidays?

Jihad: Absolutely! Winter has its own magic. Snowball fights,

building snowmen, and drinking hot cider by the fireplace are
some of my favorite things to do.

Reem: I can't argue with that. Each season has its own unique
beauty and things to look forward to. It's amazing how weather
and seasons can affect our moods and activities.

Jihad: Definitely! It's interesting how the weather can shape our
plans and even influence our emotions. It's always good to have
a variety of seasons to keep things interesting.

Reem: I couldn't agree more. Well, Jihad, it was nice talking

about the weather and seasons with you. I'll see you in class!

Jihad: Same here, Reem. Have a great day and see you later!
Ali and Ayham

Ali: Hey, Ayham! How are you?

Ayham: Hi, Ali! I'm good, thanks. And you?

Ali: I'm good too. The weather has been really hot lately.

Ayham: Yeah, it's been scorching. I hope it cools down soon.

Which season do you like?

Ali: I actually enjoy summer. I love going to the beach and


Ayham: That sounds great, but I prefer spring. I like seeing

flowers bloom and the weather getting nicer.

Ali: Spring is nice, but I find it unpredictable. I prefer knowing

summer will be warm and sunny.
Ayham: I get that. Sometimes, the heat can be too much for
me. I like the mild temperatures of spring.

Ali: True. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to

weather and seasons. It's interesting how they can affect our

Ayham: Definitely. Weather plays a big role in our plans and

how we feel. Well, Ali, it was nice talking about the weather.
See you later!

Ali: Same here, Ayham. Take care and see you soon!

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