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Overseeing the ministry of Pastors José Ramírez and Eric Pennings

Teaching missionaries of the URCNA churches working via MINTS International Seminary

Missionary Report of Rev. Eric Pennings September 2023

HCM Ministry Partners:

As I reflect on the ministry that the Lord has called me to in providing leadership for the training of leaders worldwide, I
review some of the communications that have crossed my desk recently and some of the meetings I have had. Here is a
snapshot of some exciting things that God is doing through the coordination of the executive mission team of MINTS.

➢ Cuba – The social, economic, and political situation and the effects of the pandemic have taken its toll. Some students
have left the country and several MINTS Centres have closed. The one remaining MINTS Centre, with over 2,000
students from 21 denominations, continues to provide leadership training from a distinctive Reformed perspective.
➢ US Seminary in Prison – There are 20 prisons (primarily in Florida) that have MINTS student groups studying theology.
The first group of five Hispanics graduated this month. Besides the 20 prisons that have classes in English there are 8
study centers in Spanish. Since 2015 MINTS has produced 170 graduates in this program.
➢ Manipur, India – The director of the Reformed School of Theology (A MINTS Centre) reports on the persecution with
more than 300 churches burnt and ethnic cleansing happening. Over 150 deaths have been reported. Internet
shutdowns have made it difficult for the teaching ministry, but students continue to receive the training they desire.
➢ Guinea Bisseau, West Africa – MINTS is growing in the Portuguese world. José Aristedes, our MINTS-Portuguese
Regional Dean, is training leaders in Brazil. In September he travelled to Guinea Bisseau where they have 17 students,
two of which have graduated with their Masters Degree and are doing Bible Translation with their training.
➢ Nakuru, Kenya – Ronald Kogo, MINTS-Kenya Country Coordinator, reports that they continue to train pastors through
Agano Theological School. This semester they are teaching Pastoral Counseling, Johannine Literature, Pauline
Literature, Doctrine of Man, Revelation, Reformed Worship and Leadership.
➢ PS78 School Teacher Training Program – Carla Stevens is partnering with MINTS in a program inspired by Psalm 78:4,
dedicated to the establishment of God-centered schools in evangelical churches worldwide. I recently received a
report of their activity in Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia. Check their website:
➢ Pastor José’s Trip Plans for the Fall – Pastor José Ramírez will be travelling to Honduras and El Salvador from October
2-13. During this trip he will be participating in two panel discussions on the theme of Covenant Christian Family. He
has been invited to teach a course that he has recently written and published on Pillars of the Christian Faith. He will
also be making plans for two graduations in November. He will report on his trip in the October HCM Newsletter.
➢ Leadership Transition from NA Missionaries to National Leaders – Due to the rapid growth of MINTS among
Hispanics, we have formed the Hispanic Academic Committee, made up of five national leaders from Brazil, Costa
Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Mexico, Rev. Hegeman and I serve as consultants for this committee.
Treasurer’s Report:
As a progress report for this year, our expenses are on target and should stay in the budgeted $255,300 range. However,
the receipts from the churches are a bit lower so far this year in comparison to previous years. As a summary:
➢ Receipts to June 30/23 $ 84,522
➢ Disbursements $135,126
➢ Shortfall - June 30/23 $ 50,604

We request your continued support in prayer and finances for these exciting developments in the training of leaders for
Christian ministry through the local church worldwide.
⁕P R E P A R I N G C H R I S T I A N L E A D E R S F O R M I N I S T R Y⁕
Covenant Reformed Church and Faith URC are partners in the United Reformed International Missions Joint Venture
Donations: Please make cheques payable to the church and note Hispanic Christian Ministry in the memo line.
Canadian (CAD) Donations | Covenant Reformed Church, 265 Albion Road, Toronto, Ontario M9W 3P1
United States (USD) Donations | Faith United Reformed Church, 8270 120th Avenue, West Olive, Michigan 49460

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