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CS 136 (Elementary Numerical Computing I) September 29, 2022

W3 Quiz JJS Villar

General Instructions
1. No need to typeset your answers, but if you handwrite your answers, write in a clean paper and make
sure that the erasures are very minimal.
2. For each page of the document, please write your name (surname first), your student number and
section at the top left corner.
3. Answer all problems clearly and completely specifying all justifications for arguments. Mysterious
or unsupported answers will not receive a full credit. A correct answer, unsupported by
calculations, explanation, or algebraic work will receive no credit; an incorrect answer supported by
substantially correct calculations and explanations might still receive partial credit.

4. It is fine to leave your answer in a form such as ln(.02) or 239 or (385)(133 ). However, if an expression
can be easily simplified (such as eln(.02) or cos(π) or (3 − 2)), you should simplify it.
5. While you are allowed to consult the lecture notes, references and the internet, you are expected to
answer this without the help of your classmates. It is also understood that by submitting your answers,
you agree to the UP Academic Integrity statement.


d2 r
1. Solve dt2 − ω 2 r = −g sin ωt when both g, ω ∈ R+ .
2. Determine the general solution to a homogeneous ODE if the roots of the auxillary equation are
−2 ± iπ, −3 ± iπ, −3 ± iπ.
3. Write the ODE associated with (2).

4. Find the general solution to a sixth-order homogeneous ODE for y(x) with real coefficients if the two
particular solutions are sin t and 4te−3t cos 2t.
5. Write the ODE associated with (4).

6. Show that y 00 + 128y 0 + 96y = 0 has two distinct solutions of the form y = αeγx , γ ∈ R. Provide the
possible values for γ.

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