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Saludar: Hi, good (morning, afternoon, evening /night/), nice to meet you, how/are you?, How do
you do? How is it going? What´s up?

 What is your name? My name is Roxana Baeza

How old are you? I am nineteen years old

 Where are you from? Where do you come from?

I am from Mulchén.

 Where do you live (in)?

I live in Mulchén

 What do you do in your free time?

In my free time i like listening to music.

 What do you do?

I am a student.

My programs is

 Do you live with your parents?

Yes/No, Yes i do.
Cuando las preguntas empiezan con Do se usan respuestas cortas.
 Do you live in Temuco?
No, i don´t
 Do you take a shower?
 Does she take a shower? Yes, she does.
Acciones: Do (you, we, they, I)
Does (She, he, it)
 What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is pasta
 Do you drink tea? Yes, i do.
 Are you drinking tea? (en el momento)
 What do you study? I study/ I am studying.
 Does she take a breakfast? Yes, she does. No, she doesn´t.
She usually takes a cup of milk and a piece of bread.
Se agrega s, cuando es she, he, it.
 Where does he live? He lives in …
 She watches series, spendes time with her friends.
I watch, i spends, i have.
Physical: What do you look like?
Personality: What are you like?


Physical: Tall,
What does she/he look?
She is …
Personality: Happy, pessimistic.

Unit 2: Past
 How was your weeknd?
I was with my family

To be: Was (i she he it) / Were (you we they)

 Where you in Temuco last weeknd?
No, I was in …
 Where were you?
I was in …
 What was your favorite cartoon?
My favorite cartoon was adventure time
 What was your favorite subject at school?
My favorite subject was english
 How old were you last year?
I was seventeen years old last year
 Where were you born?
I was born in Mulchén.
 What was the weather like yesterday?
Yesterday was…

Past continuous: ing

I was studying yesterday in the afternoon
We were cleaning the house all weekend
 What were you doing yesterday in the morning?
I was resting
 Yesterday at night? I was studying
 Were you eating out last night? I was no eating out.
 What did you do last weekend?
I was studying.
 What did you do last summer?
I met with my friends
 What were you doing when the 2010 earthquake started?
I was sleeping
Past C/ Past S: Describen una acción del pasado y una del presente en progreso.
My mom called me when I was taking a shower.
While i was taking a shower, my mom called me.
You were washing the dishes when the door rang.

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