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CBPM 2021 Form B-17 No Objection Letter Review Report


Additional Financing


(for Community Shopping for Works and Goods)

A. Documents Submitted

Item Date Documents Remarks

No. submitted at
the ACT
BSPMC Letter Request for NOL
Approved Technical Documents
Request for Quotation:
1. Copy of issued RFQ
2. Copy of the Acknowledgement Receipts for Personal Serving
3. Certification for posting the RFQ, if necessary.
Record of Opening of Quotation
Abstract of Quotation for Works or Goods
Minutes of the Evaluation of Quotation
Post-qualification Report, if applicable
Draft Purchase Order or Contract Agreement
For Works Contracts only:
Financial Proposal Sheet (using filled-up RFQ or a Bill of
Quantities or Summary of Bids)
Contractor’s Detailed Estimates
Valid license issued by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation
Board (PCAB) or valid Temporary Certificate of Renewal
Business/mayor’s Permit/ Municipal License to Operate
For Sole Proprietorship: DTI Certificate of Business Name

For Corporations: SEC Registration with Articles of


For Cooperatives: Certificate of Registration with the

Cooperatives Development Authority.
Authority of the signatory : (Board Resolution if the bidder is a
corporation or a cooperative, a Partnership Resolution if the
bidder is a Partnership, or a Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
issued by the General Manager or Proprietor if the bidder is a
sole proprietor
Certificate of Site Inspection for Works Contracts
Construction methods (itemized and with safety procedures)
CBPM 2021 Form B-17 No Objection Letter Review Report

Item Date Documents Remarks

No. submitted at
the ACT
Construction schedule (bar chart or PERT/CPM) and S-curve
Construction safety and health program of the contractor;
List of contractor’s key personnel pledged for the contract to be
bid, with the attachments below:
a. Statement on the availability of key personnel that
may be used for construction contracts;
b. Organizational chart for the contract to be bid;
c. Manpower schedule;
List of contractor’s equipment units pledged for the contract to
be bid together with the attachments below:
a. Statement on the availability of equipment that may be
used for construction contracts;
b. Official Receipts/ Deed of Sale/ Lease Agreement (for
equipment proposed to be used for the contract)
c. Certificate of registration (to support owning the
equipment for proposed equipment to be used)
d. Schedule of Utilization of Equipment
Statement of all completed government and private
construction contracts similar to the contract to be bid, with the
following attachments:
o Contracts (to support projects undertaken for the last 2
years )
o Certificate of Completion and Acceptance (to support
projects undertaken for the last 2 yrs )
Statement of all ongoing government and private construction
contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet started;
o Contracts and Notice of Awards with information on
the status of physical accomplishments.
Audited Financial Statements for the preceding calendar year
Computation of the Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC)
or Credit Line Certificate amounting to 10% of the bid amount
from a reputable bank
Omnibus Sworn Statement (Affidavit) – CBPM Form C-5
For Goods Contracts only:
Financial Proposal Sheet (RFQ used as Price Schedule)
Business/Mayor’s Permit/Municipal License to Operate
For Sole Proprietorship: DTI Certificate of Business Name
For Corporations: SEC Registration with Articles of
For Cooperatives: Certificate of Registration with the
Cooperatives Development Authority.
Authority of the signatory: (Board Resolution if the bidder is a
CBPM 2021 Form B-17 No Objection Letter Review Report

Item Date Documents Remarks

No. submitted at
the ACT
corporation or a cooperative, a Partnership Resolution if the
bidder is a Partnership, or a Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
issued by the General Manager or Proprietor if the bidder is a
sole proprietor;
Statement that none of the officers / directors / controlling
stockholders / members /owners of the firm are related by
consanguinity or affinity up to the 1st civil degree to the BSPMC
Chairperson or employees of KC-NCDDP Regional Program
Management Office (RPMO) or National Program Management
Office (NPMO) who are having direct access to information that
may substantially affect the result of the bidding, such as, but
not limited to, the members of the Bids and Awards Committee
(BAC), the members of the Technical Working Group (TWG),
the Procurement Team (PT), and the designer/s of the Sub-
Other required documents as prescribed, if applicable

B. Community Sub-project Information

1. Background
a. Name of sub-projects: ________________________________________
b. Physical Description/Indicators: _________________________________
c. Location: ___________________________________________________
d. Items/Package Procured subject for NOL: _________________________

Description of Works or Goods Quantity Unit

e. Package No.: _________

f. Method of Procurement Used: ________________
g. Estimated Budget for the Package: Php. _________________________
h. Name of contractor/supplier recommended for award: _______________
i. Amount in this contract: Php.__________________________________
j. Aggregate Contract Amount for this contractor/supplier as of (date of
reference) : Php. __________

(Attached the detailed list of awarded contracts and its %


For RPMO NOL [ ] For NPMO NOL [ ] For WB NOL [ ]

2. Request for Quotation

CBPM 2021 Form B-17 No Objection Letter Review Report

(State the firms issued with RFQ, date of personal serving/issuance of RFQ
and inclusive date of posting if needed)

3. Opening of Quotations

(To be taken from the minutes of the Opening of Quotation. Capture all the
necessary information on what transpired in the opening such as number of
quotations received on time, late quotations, name of suppliers/contractors
who submitted quotations, date and place of the opening of quotation, and
complaints if there are, etc.)
Name of Quoted Amount Remarks

4. Evaluation of Quotations

Name of Evaluated Pass/Fail Remarks

Suppliers/Contractor Amount Criteria

(To be taken from the minutes of the Evaluation of Quotation. Capture all the
necessary information like are there disqualified contractors/suppliers,
incomplete/nonresponsive quotations, etc)

C. Observations
(Are there complaints? what are they? Is the procurement process followed? If
not, what are the deviations? What other information/s you want to know? )

Prepared by: Noted:


Technical Facilitator/LGU Engineer Area Coordinator
Date: ______________ Date: ___________________


CBPM 2021 Form B-17 No Objection Letter Review Report



If for RPMO NOL:

Reviewed by:

Community Procurement Officer (CPO)
Date: ______________


Reviewed by:

Community Procurement Officer (CPO)
Date: ______________

Regional Procurement Officer (RPO)
Date: ______________

Endorsed by:

NPMO PDO IV (Procurement)
Date: ______________


1. Indicate what are the technical, financial and legal documents submitted by the
supplier/contractor in reference to the checklist of documents for
2. Indicate the title of the Community/Barangay Sub-project and its Sub-project
3. Describe the physical aspect of the community Sub-project and its indicators
(How many units, what is the length, thickness, width, etc.)
4. Indicate the barangay, municipality and province.
5. Indicate the item number, Description of the Items of Work, Quantity and Unit of
CBPM 2021 Form B-17 No Objection Letter Review Report

the package/s procured subject for NOL.

6. Indicate the method of procurement used
7. Indicate the Estimated Budget for the Package (EBP) subject for NOL
8. Indicate the name of the Supplier/Contractor recommended for award
9. Indicate the amount in this contract
10. Indicate the aggregate amount (Total amount of contracts of the bidder
recommended for award from the previous KALAHI contracts within the
municipality to include this contract subjected for NOL).
11. Indicate if the NOL issuance is for RPMO, NPMO or World Bank
12. Extract from the minutes of the opening of quotation useful information such as
late quotations, quoted amount, complaints, date and time of actual opening, etc
13. Fill out the matrix with the name of contractors/suppliers, quotation, remarks.
Include other information not found in the matrix.
14. Extract from the minutes of the Evaluation of Quotation necessary information
such as criteria for award, disqualified suppliers/contractors and its reason for
disqualification, etc.
15. Fill out the matrix with name of supplier/contractor, quoted amount, results of the
pass/fail criteria, result on the evaluation of quotation, remarks (other information
not found in the matrix). Make a conclusion regarding the process and the result
of the evaluation.

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