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CSS Mock Series MPT Mock Exam Time: 200 minutes

Instructions for candidates

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answer sheet for checking their scores. Answer Key will be
uploaded on Google classroom / in the relevant group on the eve of
the examination.

Candidates are advised to;

(i) Read MCQs from Questions Booklet and Fill in the

appropriate box in the Answer Sheet.
(ii) Understand that, all MCQs have equal marks and there is no
Negative Marking.
(iii) Avoid writing Name, answers to the questions or any other
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(iv) Take/retain Answer Sheet on conclusion of examination.
(v) Visit relevant Google classroom / group for Answer Key which
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1.The portion of the wall of Ka‟ba which is between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is

A. Al multazim B. Hateem C. Haram D. Safar

‫کعثہ کی دیوار کا وٍ حصہ جو اش کے دروازے اور حجر اضود کے درهیاى ہے _________ کہالتا ہے؟‬
‫ ضفر‬-‫د‬ ‫ حرم‬-‫ج‬ ‫ حتین‬-‫ب‬ ‫ هلتظن‬-‫ا‬

2.Our Holy Prophet (SAW) broke fast (Aftari) with _______?

A. Dates B. Water C. Milk D. All of these

‫ہوارے ًثی ملسو ہیلع ہللا یلص ًے افطار کیا _______ ضے؟‬
‫ اى هیں ضے توام‬-‫د‬ ‫ دودھ‬-‫ج‬ ‫ پاًی‬-‫ب‬ ‫ کھجور‬-‫ا‬
3.Which was the favorite month of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

A. Ramadan B. Rajab C. Sha‟ban D. Safar

‫حضرت دمحم ملسو ہیلع ہللا یلص کا پطٌدیدٍ هہیٌہ کوى ضا تھا؟‬

‫ صفر‬-‫د‬ ‫ شعثاى‬-‫ج‬ ‫ رجة‬-‫ب‬ ‫ رهضاى‬-‫ا‬

4.What was the age of Hazrat Aisha (R.A) when Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) died?

A. 17 years B. 18 years C. 19 years D. 20 years

‫حضرت عائشہ رضی ہللا عٌہا کی عور کتٌی تھی جة حضرت دمحم ملسو ہیلع ہللا یلص ًے اًتقال فرهایا؟‬

‫ ضال‬02 -‫د‬ ‫ ضال‬79 -‫ج‬ ‫ ضال‬78 -‫ب‬ ‫ ضال‬77 -‫ا‬

5.Who was the first child born after migration (hijrat)?

A. Abdul bin Qasim (R.A) B. Abdul bin Zubair (R.A)

C. Abu Salma (R.A) D. Abu Zainab (R.A)

‫ہجرت کے تعد پہال تچہ کوى پیدا ہوا تھا؟‬

‫ اتو زیٌة‬-‫د‬ ‫ اتو ضلوہ‬-‫ج‬ ‫ عثد تي زتیر‬-‫ب‬ ‫ عثد تي قاضن‬-‫ا‬
6. How many surahs of the Holy Quran starts with broken letters (‫?)حروف هقطعات‬
A. 29 B. 7 C. 14 D. 21

‫قرآى پاک کی کتٌی ضورتیں ٹوٹے ہوئے حروف (حروف هقطعات) ضے شروع ہوتی ہیں؟‬

07 -‫د‬ 71 -‫ج‬ 7 -‫ب‬ 09 -‫ا‬

7. In which month Allah forgives 10 lakh muslims every day at the time of Aftari?

A. Sha‟ban B. Rajab C. Safar D. Ramadan

‫ الکھ هطلواًوں کی هغفرت فرهاتا ہے؟‬72 ‫ہللا کص هہیٌے هیں ہر روز افطاری کے وقت‬

‫ رهضاى‬-‫د‬ ‫ صفر‬-‫ج‬ ‫ رجة‬-‫ب‬ ‫ شعثاى‬-7

8. Allah forgives _____ muslims every day at the time of aftari in Ramadan?

A. 4 lakh B. 6 lakh C. 8 lakh D. 5 lakh

E. 10 lakh

‫رهضاى الوثارک هیں ہر روز افطاری کے وقت ہللا _____ هطلواًوں کو هعاف کرتا ہے؟‬

‫ الکھ‬72 -ٍ ‫ الکھ‬5 -‫د‬ ‫ الکھ‬8 -‫ج‬ ‫ الکھ‬6 -‫ب‬ ‫ الکھ‬1 -‫ا‬

9. In Ramadan, Nafal prayer is equal to ______?

A. Sunnat prayer B. Farz prayer C. Wajib Prayer D. None of these

‫کیا رهضاى هیں ًفل ًواز ______ کے تراتر ہے؟‬

‫ اى هیں ضے کوئی ًہیں‬-‫د‬ ‫ واجة ًواز‬-‫ج‬ ‫ فرض ًواز‬-‫ب‬ ‫ ضٌت ًواز‬-‫ا‬

10. In Ramadan, Farz prayer is equal to ______?

A. 70 Sunnat prayer B. 70 Farz prayer C. 70 Wajib Prayer D. 70 Nafal


‫کیا رهضاى هیں فرض ًواز ______ کے تراتر ہے؟‬

‫ ًفل ًواز‬72 -‫د‬ ‫ واجة ًواز‬72 -‫ج‬ ‫ فرض ًواز‬72 -‫ب‬ ‫ ضٌت ًواز‬79 -‫ا‬

11. In which Islamic month Nafal prayer is equal to Farz prayer?

A. Sha‟ban B. Rajab C. Safar D. Ramadan

‫کص اضالهی هہیٌے هیں ًفل ًواز فرض ًواز کے تراتر ہے؟‬

‫ رهضاى‬-‫د‬ ‫ صفر‬-‫ج‬ ‫ رجة‬-‫ب‬ ‫ شعثاى‬-‫ا‬

12. In which Islamic month Farz prayer is equal to 70 Farz prayer?

A. Sha‟ban B. Rajab C. Safar D. Ramadan

‫ فرض ًوازوں کے تراتر ہے؟‬72 ‫کص اضالهی هہیٌے هیں فرض ًواز‬

‫ رهضاى‬-‫د‬ ‫ صفر‬-‫ج‬ ‫ رجة‬-‫ب‬ ‫ شعثاى‬-‫ا‬

13. How many units (rakat) taraveh are offered in Ramadan?

A. 12 B. 8 C. 16 D. 20

‫رهضاى الوثارک هیں کتٌی رکعت (تراویح) ادا کی جاتی ہیں؟‬

02 -‫د‬ 76 -‫ج‬ 8 -‫ب‬ 70 -‫ا‬

14. How many Arkan Roza has?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

‫ارکاى روزا کتٌے ہیں؟‬

5 -‫د‬ 1 -‫ج‬ 3 -‫ب‬ 0 -‫ا‬

15. Number of angels of hell are ______?

A. 17 B. 19 C. 21 D. 23

‫جہٌن کے فرشتوں کی تعداد ______ ہے؟‬

03 -‫د‬ 07 -‫ج‬ 79 -‫ب‬ 77 -‫ا‬

16. Who is the gate-keeper of hell?

A. Rizwan B. Malik C. Sabeel D. Tahir

‫جہٌن کا درتاى کوى ہے؟‬

‫د‪ -‬طاہر‬ ‫ج‪ -‬ضثیل‬ ‫ب‪ -‬هالک‬ ‫ا‪ -‬رضواى‬

‫?)‪17. What was the real name of Imame Shafi (RA‬‬

‫‪A. Muhammad bin Usman‬‬ ‫‪B. Muhammad bin Shafee‬‬

‫‪C. Muhammad bin Idrees‬‬ ‫‪D. Muhammad bin Suleman‬‬

‫اهام شافعی رضی ہللا عٌہ کا اصل ًام کیا تھا؟‬

‫د‪-‬دمحم تي ضلیواى‬ ‫ج‪ -‬دمحم تي ادریص‬ ‫ب‪ -‬دمحم تي شافعی‬ ‫ا‪ -‬دمحم تي عثواى‬
‫?‪) in the Holy Quran‬الف( ‪18. Which letter has mostly used after alif‬‬

‫‪A. Baa‬‬ ‫‪B. Seen‬‬ ‫‪C. Noon‬‬ ‫‪D. Taa‬‬

‫‪E. Haa‬‬

‫قرآى پاک هیں الف کے تعد کوى ضا حرف زیادٍ تر اضتعوال ہوا ہے؟‬

‫ٍ‪ -‬ھ‬ ‫د‪ -‬ت‬ ‫ج‪ -‬ى‬ ‫ب‪ -‬ش‬ ‫ا‪ -‬ب‬

‫?)حٰ ن( ‪19. How many surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word Ha-meem‬‬

‫‪A. 2‬‬ ‫‪B. 3‬‬ ‫‪C. 4‬‬ ‫‪D. 5‬‬

‫‪E. 7‬‬

‫‪ .‬قرآى پاک کی کتٌی ضورتیں لفع حٰ ن (حٰ ن) ضے شروع ہوتی ہیں؟‬

‫ٍ‪7 -‬‬ ‫د‪5 -‬‬ ‫ج‪1 -‬‬ ‫ب‪3 -‬‬ ‫ا‪0 -‬‬

‫?)الر( ‪20. How many surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word Alif-laam-Raa‬‬

‫‪A. 1‬‬ ‫‪B. 2‬‬ ‫‪C. 3‬‬ ‫‪D. 4‬‬

‫‪E. 5‬‬

‫قرآى پاک کی کتٌی ضورتیں لفع الف الم را (الر) ضے شروع ہوتی ہیں؟‬

‫ٍ‪5 -‬‬ ‫د‪1 -‬‬ ‫ج‪3 -‬‬ ‫ب‪0 -‬‬ ‫ا‪7 -‬‬

‫‪ -07‬هطدش اُش ًظن کو کہتے ہیں جو هشتول ہوں۔‬

‫تیي هصرعوں پر‬
‫چار هصرعوں پر‬
‫پاًچ هصرعوں پر‬
‫چھ هصرعوں پر‬
‫‪ -00‬گوہر کا هترادف ہے۔‬
‫د ًُیا‬
‫‪ -03‬شجاعت کا هترادف ہے۔‬
‫‪ -01‬کثیف ضے هراد ہے۔‬
‫‪ -05‬غالة کا هتضاد ہے۔‬
‫‪ -06‬ظلوت کا هتضاد ہے۔‬
‫‪ -07‬وٍ حروف جي ضے کوئی زتاى تٌتی ہے ـــــــ کہالتے ہیں؟‬
‫حروف اتجد‬
‫حروف تہجی‬ ‫ِ‬
‫حروف شوطی‬‫ِ‬
‫حروف قوری‬ ‫ِ‬
‫‪ -08‬وٍ حروف جي پر "ال" عرتی آتا ہے هگر پڑھا ًہیں جاتا اى حروف کو ــــــ کہتے ہیں‬
‫حروف اتجد‬
‫حروف تہجی‬ ‫ِ‬
‫حروف شوطی‬‫ِ‬
‫حروف قوری‬ ‫ِ‬
‫‪ -29‬زتر‪ ،‬زیر‪ ،‬اور پیش کو ــــــ کہتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪ -30‬جة کطی حرف کے ًیچے یا اوپر دو زتریں‪ ،‬دو زیریں یا دو پیشیں آئیں اضے ـــــــ کہا جاتا ہے۔‬
‫‪ -31‬ایطی "و" جو خوب کھل کر پڑھی جائے ـــــــ کہالتی ہے۔‬
‫واؤ هعروف‬
‫واؤ هجہول‬
‫واؤ هعدولہ‬
‫کوئی تھی ًہیں‬
‫‪ -32‬ایطی "و" جو خوب کھل کر ًہ پڑھی جائے ـــــــ کہالتی ہے‬
‫واؤ هعروف‬
‫واؤ هجہول‬
‫واؤ هعدولہ‬
‫کوئی تھی ًہیں‬
‫‪ -33‬اًطاى کے هٌہ ضے تولتے وقت جو کچھ ًکلتا ہے اضے ـــــــ کہتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪ -34‬تاهعٌی لفع یا کلوہ کی ــــــــ قطویں ہوتی ہیں؟‬
‫‪ -35‬وٍ کلوہ جو کطی جاًدار یا غیر جاًدار جگہ یا چیس کا ًام ہو ــــــ کہالتا ہے؟‬
‫‪-36‬وٍ کلوہ جص ضے کطی کام کا کرًا یا ہوًا هعلوم ہو اور ضا هیں کوئی زهاًہ پایا جائے ـــــــ کہالتا ہے؟‬
‫‪ -37‬وٍ کلوہ جو دوضرے کلووں کے ضاتھ هلے تغیر پورے هعٌی ًہ دے‪ ،‬یہ اضووں اور فعلوں کو آپص هیں هالتا‬
‫ہے ـــــ کہالتا ہے؟‬
‫‪ -38‬تٌاوٹ کے لحاظ ضے اضن کی ـــــ قطویں ہیں۔‬

‫‪ -39‬وٍ اضن جو ًہ خود کطی لفع ضے تٌا ہو اور ًہ اش ضے کوئی دوضرا لفع تٌے ـــــ کہالتا ہے۔‬
‫اضن جاهد‬
‫اضن هصدر‬
‫اضن هشتق‬
‫کوئی تھی ًہیں‬
‫‪ -12‬وٍ اضن جص ضے دوضرے تہت ضے الفاظ تو هقررٍ قاعدوں کے هطاتق تٌتے ہوں هگر وٍ خود کطی ضے ًہ‬
‫تٌا ہو ــــــــ کہالتا ہے؟‬
‫اضن جاهد‬
‫اضن هصدر‬
‫اضن هشتق‬
‫کوئی تھی ًہیں‬
.41 If the books have been cataloged last week, why haven‟t they been placed on the
a. have been cataloged b. would have been cataloged
c. was cataloged d. were cataloged
e. had been cataloged
42. Jessica Mitford wrote The American Way of Death, a best-selling book that led
eventually to an official investigation of the funeral industry.
a. that led eventually b. that had led eventually
c. that eventually led d. which eventually led
e. who eventually led
43. Sabotage came from the French saboter, which means “to clatter with wooden shoes
a. which means “to b. which means, “to
c. that means “to d. that means-“to
e. that means, “to
44. When studying an assignment, it is wise to read it over quickly at first, than see the
major points, and finally outline the material.
a. first, than b. first: then
c. first-then d. first, then
e. first-than
45. To judge the Tidy City contest, we picked an uninterested party.
a. picked an uninterested party. b. picked an interested party!
c. picked a disinterested party. d. are in the process of picking an uninterested
e. picked an disinterested party.
46. Linda decides they had better scram before the killers find them.
a. had better scram. b. had better leave.
c. should hurry and scram. d. could hurry and leave
e. had better get out.
47. I really dug the character of Brutus.
a. dug b. thought about
c. thought of d. admired
e. gazed at
48. Once upon a point a time, a small person named Little Red Riding Hood initiated
plans for the preparation, delivery and transportation of foodstuffs to her grandmother.
a. and transportation of foodstuffs to her grandmother.
b. and transportation of food stuffs to her grandmother.
c. and transportation of food supplies to her grandmother.
d. and transportation of foodstuffs to her grandmother.
e. and, transportation of food supplies to her grand mother.
49. The setting of a story effects the story‟s plot.
a. effects the story‟s plot. b. effects the stories plot.
c. affect the story‟s plot. d. affects the story‟s plot.
e. affects the story‟s plots.
50. Arctic trees are scrubbiest than trees in milder climates.
a. scrubbiest than trees b. scrubbier than trees
c. scrubbiest than are trees. d. scrubbier than are trees.
e. scrubbier than trees
51. Quebec rises in a magnificent way above the St. Lawrence River.
a. rises in a magnificent way above. b. rises in a magnificent way, way
c. rises magnificently above. d. rises magnificently way above.
e. is raised in a magnificent way above.
52. Someone gives the school gerbils every year.
a. Someone gives the school gerbils b. Someone gives the school gerbils
c. Someone gives the School gerbils d. There is a person that gives the school
e. An individual gave gerbils

53- Teachers should not only be knowledgeable but also ; students should feel
comfortable approaching them with questions or problems.
a. wheedling b. patronizing
c. laconic d. affable

54-The pain medication Kristy received after surgery offered relief; however, the
overwhelming feeling of was an unexpected side effect, and she didn‟t like being groggy.
a. extortion b. compellation
c.acquisition d. lethargy

55-The ski lodge had a window that looked out upon a beautiful mountain .
a. vista b. melee
c.fray d. foray

56-The palace‟s great hall was rich in history and splendor, the walls hung with
a. mellifluous b. malleable
c.prudent d. ornate

57-After weeks of heavy rains, the earth gave way; mud and trees down the
mountain swallowing cars and houses in their path.
a. ascended b. inculcated
c. aspersed d. hurtled

58-The butter had been left in the refrigerator for years.

a. complacent b. scandalous
c.riveting d. rancid

59-Several weeks of extremely hot, dry weather the land, so instead of rowing
across a river, we walked across a cracked, parched river?
a. oscillated b. desiccated
c.subverted d. coalesced

60-The pitcher‟s workout regimen was the most grueling of all his teammates, and
he never took a day off.
a. Spartan b. spasmodic


Unemployment is an important index of economic slack and lost output, but it is much
more than that. For the unemployed person, it is often a damaging affront to human
dignity and sometimes a catastrophic blow to family life. Nor is this cost distributed in
proportion to ability to bear it. It falls most heavily on the young, the semiskilled and
unskilled, the black person, the older worker, and underemployed person in a low
income rural area who is denied the option of securing more rewarding urban
employment… The concentrated incidence of unemployment among specific groups
in the population means far greater costs to society that can be measured simply in
hours of involuntary idleness or dollars of income lost. The extra costs include
disruption of the careers of young people, increased juvenile delinquency, and
perpetuation of conditions which breed racial discrimination in employment and
otherwise deny equality of opportunity. There is another and more subtle cost. The
social and economic strains of prolonged under-utilization create strong pressures for
cost-increasing solutions… On the side of labor, prolonged high unemployment leads
to “share-the-work” pressures for shorter hours, intensifies resistance to technological
change and to rationalization of work rules. On the side of business, the weakness of
markets leads to attempts to raise prices to cover high average overhead casts and to
pressures for protection against foreign and domestic competition.

61. According to the passage, unemployment is an index of

a. over utilization of capacity b. economic slack and lost output

c. diminished resources d. the employment rate

62. While unemployment is damaging to many, it falls most heavily upon all except the
a. black b. semiskilled
c. unskilled d. white middle class
63. The cost to society of unemployment can be measured by all except
a. lost incomes b. idleness
c. the death rate d. juvenile delinquency

64. Serious unemployment leads labor groups to demand

a. more jobs by having everyone work shorter hours
b. higher wages to those employed
c. “no fire” policies
d. cost-cutting solutions

65. According to the passage, a typical business reaction to a recession is to press for
a. higher unemployment insurance
b. protection against imports
c. government action
d. restrictive business practices

66. Nafeesa is afraid_____ spiders.

a. from b. in
c. about d. of

67. I am worried_____ the exam.

a. in b. about
c. on d. of

68. He looks upset, I think he took the criticism_____ heart.

a. to b. about
c. in d. of

69. I am envious_____ them.

a. of b. about
c. in d. on

70. He confided_____ me.

a. about b. in
c. on d. of

71. Synonym of INGENUITY is
a. Dullness b. Skillfulness
c. Certainty d. Sentimental

72. Synonym of VIVACIOUS is

a. Open b. Languid
c. Strong d. Bright

73. Synonym of OBSCENE is

a. Unwanted b. Indecent
c. Unhealthy d. Dirty

74. Synonym of RECOLLECT is

a. Assemble b. Distribute
c. Memory d. Forget

75. Synonym of FESTAL is

a. Sad b. Merry
c. Serious d. Noisy

76. Synonym of “reticence” is _________?

a. reserve b. retention
c. regret d. brazenness
e. hostility

77. Synonym of “chagrin” is _________?

a. chin b. mortification
c. elation d. intuition
e. chamber
78. Synonym of “prognosis” is _________?
a. scheme b. forecast
c. preface d. identification of a disease

79.Synonym of “variegate” is _________?

a. set type b. multi-color
c. differ d. reject
e. reply-in-kind

80.Synonym of “disparity” is _________?

a. argumentation b. difference
c. belittlement d. harmony
e. discord

81.Synonym of “wraith” is _________?

a. apparition b. garland
c. Christmas decoration d. anger
e. excitement


82.What is antonym of Chary?

a. Cautious b. Bold
c. Happy d. Careless

83.What is the antonym of ” Withdraw”?

a. need b. advance
c. reduce d. want

84.What is the antonym of ”Pit”?

a. group b. peak
c. select d. marry

85. What is the antonym of Kindle?

a. detest b. douse
c. enemy d. discourage
86.What is the antonym of Demur?
a. accept b. crude
c. boisterous d. falter

87.What of the following word is an opposite to English word „ Bigsie‟?

a. Arrogant b. Selfish
c. Humble d. Naughty

88.Wastrel also means _________?

a. Sophisticate b. Spendthrift
c. Modicum d. None of these

89.Antonym of ACRIMONIOUS is __________?

a. Acid b. Bitter
c. Soothing d. Enervate

90.Antonym of FOIBLE is_________?

a. Feasible b. Luxurious
c. Forte d. Powerful


Basic Arithmetic, Algebra & Geometry; Logical Problem Solving & Analytical
Abilities; Mental Abilities.

(60 marks)

91.Aslam ran around a ¼ kilometer track 1/6 times. How many kilometers did he run?
a. 41/2km b. 4 km

c. 43/2km d. 41/4km

92.Which shape has four equal sides and right angles?

a. Rhombus b. Square
c. Rectangle d. Parallelogram

93.Find the square of 35?

a. 175 b. 1125
c. 1225 d. 1215
94.Calculate the perimeter is a rhombus with each side equal to 6cm?
a.18cm b. 24cm
c. 36cm d. 48cm

95. 3/1000 written as a fraction is:

a. 0.3 b. 0.03
c. 0.003 d. 3

96. 1 square foot is equal to:

a. 48 squares inches b. 24 squares inches
c. 72 squares inches d. 144 squares inches

97. Find the cube root of 2744:

a. 14 b. 16
c. 19 d. 21

98. The least number by which 294 / is divided:

a. 2 b. 6
c. 7 d. 9

99. 3x4x5+6x7 =?
a. 60 b. 13
c. 102 d. 300

100. 1,9,25,49,81?
a. 98 b. 100
c. 121 d. 130

101. 10,21,31,46, ?
a. 60 b. 81
c. 88 d. 98
102. 2,2.5,13,28?
a. 44 b. 48
c. 49 d. 52

103. 0,2,8,14,?,34?
a. 18 b. 20
c. 24 d. 30

104. 1,5,14,30,35,55,91?
a. 135 b. 140
c. 145 d. 150

105. What is the circumference of circle whose area is 100𝜋?

a. 10 b. 20
c. 10𝜋 d. 20𝜋

106. In a certain class the ratio of men to women is 3:5. If the class has 24 people in it,
how many are women?

a. 9 b. 12
c. 15 d. 18

107. The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7:8 if the second train runs
400km in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is?

a. 65.5km/hr b. 75km/hr
c. 85.25km/hr d. 87.5km/hr
108. A man on four travels first 160km at 64km/hr and the next 160km at 80km/hr.
The average speed for the first 320km of the four is?
a. 40.45km/hr b. 50.25km/hr
c. 71.11km/hr d. 80km/hr


110. What is 10% of 20% of 30%?
(a) 0.006% (b) 0.5%
(c) 6% (d) 60%
111. What percent of 50 is b?
(a) 50% (b) 25%
(c) 20% (d) 10%
112. What fractional part of a week is 98 hours?
(a) 724 (b) 2498
(c) 12 (d) 7/12
113. If all the members of a team are juniors or seniors, and if the ratio of juniors to
seniors on the team is 3.5, what percent of team members are seniors?
(a) 37.5% (b) 40%
(c) 60% (d) 62.5%
114. Scot can read 50 pages per hour. At this rate, how many pages can he read in 50
(a) 25 (b) 4123
(c) 48 (d) 60

115. If 80% of the applications to a program were rejected, what is the ratio of the
number accepted to the number rejected?
(a) 1:5 (b) 1:4
(c) 2:5 (d) 4:5
116. A person purchases 90 clocks and sells 40 clocks at a gain of 10% and 50 clocks
at a gain of 20%. If he sold all of them at a uniform profit of 15%, then he would
have got Rs. 40 less. The cost price of each clock is:_________?
a. Rs.50
b. Rs.60
c. Rs.80
d. Rs.90

117. What is the ratio of the

circumference of a circle to its
(a) 1 (b) 𝜋/50
(c) 𝜋 (d) 2𝜋

118. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of the positive integers for 1 to 100,
(a) 49 (b) 49.5
(c) 50 (d) 50.5

119. If 10a +10b=35 what is the average (arithmetic mean)

of a and b?
(a) 1.75 (b) 3.5
(c) 7 (d) 10
120. If the average (arithmetic mean) of 5,6,7 and w is 8 what is the value of w?
(a) 8 (b) 12
(c) 14 (d) 16

121. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of the measure of the five angles in a
(a) 36 (b) 108
(c) 90 (d) 180

122. If x-4=9 what is the value of 𝒙𝟐 − 𝟒?

(a) 22 (b) 77
(c) 81 (d) 165

123. If 3x-4=11 what is the value of (3x-4)2?

(a) 22 (b) 15
(c) 116 (d) 121

124. If the average (arithmetic mean) of 3a and 4b is less than 50, and a is twice b,
what is the largest possible integer value of a?
(a) 9 (b) 10
(c) 11 (d) 19

125. Hamid had three times as much money as Rashid. If Hamid gives Rashid Rs
50. Rashid will then have three as much money as Hamid. How much money do the
two of them have together?
(a) 75 (b) 100
(c) 125 (d) 150
126. In the morning Sarah read 100 pages at the rate of 60 pages per hour. In the
evening she read another 100 pages at the rate of 40 pages per hour. What was
average rate of reading for the day?
(a) 45 (b) 48
(c) 50 (d) 52

127. The number of shells in Javaid‟s collection is 80% of the number in Justin‟s
collection. If justin has 80 more shells than Javaid, how many shells do they have
(a) 180 (b) 320
(c) 400 (d) 720

128. Burgers are being sold for Rs 40 each and pizza for Rs 75 each in one day 150
burgers were sold and Rs 7400 earned, how many pizzas were sold?
(a) 22 (b) 32
(c) 42 (d) 52

129. What is the grater of two numbers whose product is 900 if the sum of two
numbers exceeds their difference by 30?
(a) 15 (b) 60
(c) 75 (d) 90

130. What is the L.C.M of 25,30,35 and 40?

(a) 3800 (b) 4200
(c) 4400 (d) None of these

131. A boat having a length 3m and breadth 2m is facing on a lake. The boat sinks
by 1cm when a man gets on it.
(a)30kg (b) 60kg
(c) 65kg (d) 70kg

132. ?% of 6144 = 5/2 × 245.76

(a) 16 (b) 20
(c) 5(d) (d) 10

133. (30% of 80)? = 24

(a) 3/10 (b) 3/17
(c) 1(d) (d) 2

134. 45% of? + 30% of 90 = 30% of 210.

(a) 120 (b) 80
(c) 60 (d) 90

135.One fourth of one third of two fifth of a number is 15. What will be 40% of that
(a) 120 (b) 350
(c) 270 (d) 180

136.If 37% of a number is 990.86 what will be approximately 19% of that number?
(a) 600 (b) 400
(c) 500 (d) 700

137.If 15% of 40 is greater than 25% of a number by 2 the number is?

(a) 15 (b) 20
(c) 24 (d) 32

138.What will be 160% of a number whose 200% is 140?

(a) 200 (b) 160
(c) 140 (d) 112
139. If average of 3a and 4b less than 50, and a is twice b, what is the largest
possible integer value of a?
(a) 15 (b) 19
(c) 29 (d) 39
140. When 40% of a number is added to 42 the result is the number itself. The number
(a) 75 (b) 60
(c) 80 (d) 70
141. A student can solve q questions in 1/h hour. At this rate how many questions can
she solve in q hours?
(a) hq (b) hq2
(c) 1/hq (d) h/q
142.All bought a sweater for Rs 200 and acid it Rs 250 how much profit did he get?
(a) 240 (b) 120
(c) 60 (d) 50
143.Saleem bought a pair of shoes for Rs 300 and sold it Rs 380. How much profit did
he get?
(a) 80 (b) 100
(c) 120 (d) 200
144.Ahmad bought a shirt for Rs 500 and sold it Rs 525 What profit did he get?
(a) 75 (b) 50
(c) 25 (d) 200
145.The speeds of three cars are in the ratio 2:3:4 the ratio between the times taken
by these cars to travel the same distance is?
(a) 1:2:3 (b) 6:4:3
(c) 8:5:4 (d) 4:3:5

146.If a, b, c, and d are proportional the mean proportion between a2 +c2 and b2 + d2 is?
(a) ad/dc (b) ab+cd
(c) a/b+d/c (d) b2/a2+d2/c2
147.A cyclist cowers 660 feet in 66 seconds. How many yards will he cover in the same
(a) 220 (b) 600
(c) 100 (d) 10
148.Subtracting 40% of a number from the number we get the result as 30. The number
(a) 29 (b) 50
(c) 52 (d) 73
149.If three fifth of a number in 40 more than 40% of the same number. What is the
(a) 100 (b) 150
(c) 200 (d) 400
150.A number on subtracting 15 from it reduces to its 80% What is 40% of that
(a) 60 (b) 45
(c) 30 (d) 90

Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairs, General Science

151.When did Allama Muhammad Iqbal started his political career?

A. 1925
B. 1923
C. 1926
D. 1924

152.When did Iqbal give the framework of the proposed Muslim state?

A. March 1932
B. May 1932
C. April 1932
D. June 1932

153.When did Iqbal write an essay ISLAMIC CULTURE?

A. 1911
B. 1914
C. 1912
D. 1913

154.When did Khilafat Movement come to an end?

A. 1923
B. 1921
C. 1924
D. 1922

155.When did Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah born?

A. 25, December 1874

B. 25, December 1875
C. 25, December 1876
D. 25, December 1873

156.When did Muhammad Bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir?

A. 11 A.D.
B. 713 A.D.
C. 714 A.D.
D. 712 A.D.

157.When did Quaid-e-Azam addressed to the frontier Muslim student Federation?

A. 16TH June 1945

B. 18TH June 1945
C. 17TH June 1945
D. 15TH June 1945

158.When the Qadianis/Ahmedis/Mirzais were declared non-Muslims?

A. 1973
B. 1974
C. 1979
D. 1975

159.When was Salvation day observed?

A. December 21, 1939

B. December 23, 1939
C. December 20, 1939
D. December 22, 1939

160.When was the resolution of objectives approved?

A. 1950
B. 1948
C. 1949
D. None of these

161.When were the Delhi proposals presented?

A. 1926
B. 1928
C. 1927
D. 1925

162.Where did annual session of Muslim League hold in 1915, before Lucknow Pact?

A. Mumbai
B. Lahore
C. Kanpur
D. Dhaka

163.Where did the incident of Jalian Wala Bagh tragedy take place?

A. Malabar
B. Amritsar
C. Lucknow
D. Madras

164.Where was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan born on 17 October 1817?

A. Lucknow
B. Bijnor
C. Delhi
D. Rampur

165.Which of Pakistan‟s Constitution introduced in the bicameral parliamentary system?

A. 1973
B. 1956
C. 1947
D. 1962

166.Which was the first princely state to accede Pakistan?

A. Swat
B. Umerkot
C. Bahawalpur
D. None of these

167.Number of Districts in Gilgit Baltistan is _________?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 12
D. 14

168.Who advised Muslims to stay away from All India Congress?

A. Sir Muhammad Shafi

B. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
C. Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar
D. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

169.Who applied LFO (Legal Framework Order) for the first time?

A. Pervez Musharraf
B. Zia-ul-Haq
C. Ayub Khan
D. Yahya Khan

170.Who convinced Quaid-e-Azam to join Muslim League?

A. Nawab Mohsin -ul-Mulk

B. Muhammad Husain Azad
C. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
D. Sir Agha Khan

171.Who is Current Chief justice of Pakistan?

A. Justice Umar Ata Bandial

B. Justice Qazi Faez Isa
C. Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa
D. Justice Gulzar Ahmed

172.Who is the Current IG of Sindh Police?

A. Ghulam Nabi Memon
B. Mushtaq Mehar
C. Riffat Mukhtar Raja
D. None of These

173.Who is the Current Chief Minister of BALOCHISTAN?

A. Jam Mir Kamal Khan

B. Abdul Quddus Bizenjo
C. Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki (Caretaker)
D. Ghous Bakhsh Barozai

174.Who is the Current Chief Minister of SINDH?

A. Syed Murad Ali Shah

B. Qaim Ali Shah
C. Justice (r) Maqbool Baqir (caretaker)
D. Zahid Qurban Alvi

175.Who is the Current Caretaker Chief Minister Sindh ?

A. Justice (R) Nasir ul MulkB

B. Justice R Maqbool Baqir
C. Justice (R) Tariq Pervez
D. None of These

176.Who is the current caretaker Prime minister of Pakistan ?

A. Ishaq dar
B. Jalil Abbas jilani
C. Anwaarul Haq Kakar
D. None of These

177.Who was the 1st Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan?

A. Balakh Sher Mazari
B. Moeenuddin Ahmad Qureshi
C. Mir Hazar Khan Khoso
D. Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi

178.Who has become second person from Balochistan province to be interim prime
minister of Pakistan?

A. Main Muhammad Soomro

B. Anwar ul Haq Kakar.
C. Sadiq Sanjrani.
D. None of These

179.What is the ranking of Pakistan according to latest Henley Passport Index 2023?

A. 98th
B. 99th
C. 100th
D. None of above

180.Who is the Current Minister of Education in Gilgit-Baltistan?

A. Mohammad Ibrahim Sanai

B. Ghulam Shezad Agha
C. Mr. Aftab Haider
D. Dr. Ali Madad Sher

181.Who is the Current Deputy Speaker of Gilgit Baltistan Assembly?

A. Sadia Danish
B. Haji Fida Muhammad Nashad
C. Syed Amjad Zaidi
D. Nazir Ahmed

182.Current Hijri Year is _________?

A. 1442 AH
B. 1443 AH
C. 1445 AH
D. None of these

183.Through which border crossing „Uzbekistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (UAP)‟ rail link

will enter Pakistan?

A. Kabul border crossing

B. Mazar-i-Sharif border crossing
C. Torkham border crossing
D. Kharlachi border crossing

184.Psephology is the study of_________?

A. voting
B. knowledge
C. nerves
D. none

185.Nature‟s Valley is found in which of the following African country?

A. South Africa
B. Nigeria
C. Ethopia
D. None of these

186.World‟s highest bridge for bungee jumping named Bloukrans Bridge is found in?

A. Canada
B. America
C. South Africa
D. England

187.Which famous Asian player has never scored a century outside of Asia?

A. MS Dhoni
B. Tamim Iqbal
C. Kumar Sangakara
D. Shahid Afridi

188.Which is the only player in the history of cricket to have captained a team for more
than 100 Test matches?
A. Ricky Ponting
B. MS Dhoni
C. Saurav Ganguly
D. Graeme Smith

189.which of the following is not a contagious disease?

A. Hysteria
B. Measles
C. Typhoid
D. Influenza

190.Vector of Kala-azar disease is___________?

A. Sandfly
B. Dragonfly
C. Mosquito
D. Housefly

191.Who discovered the Solar system ?

A. Copernicus
B. Newton
C. Galileo
D. Kepler

192.A chronometer meter measures__________?

A. Sound waves
B. Time
C. Color contrast
D. Water waves

193.Which two organs glands are affected by malaria?

A. Lungs and heart

B. Spleen and liver
C. Kidneys and lungs
D. Heart and brain

194.Amnesia is related to:__________?

A. Sleeping sickness
B. Loss of sight
C. Loss of hearing
D. Loss of memory

195.Which of the following is not a mosquito born disease?

A. Dengue fever
B. Malaria
C. Sleeping sickness
D. Filariasis

196.Sleeping sickness in the natives of Africa is caused by________?

A. Trichomonas
B. Giardia
C. Leishmania
D. Trypanosoma

197.‟30.ELISA‟ test is employed to diagnose?

A. Corona virus
B. AIDS antibodies
C. Tuberculosis bacterium
D. Cancer

198.Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865?

A. Edward Jenner
B. Joseph Lister
C. Henry William
D. John Sleeman

199.Who discovered the Polio Vaccine?

A. Jonas Salk
B. Jaber Ibn Hayan
C. Selman Waksman
D. None of these

200.Fathom is the unit of measurement for__________?

A. Sound
B. Depth
C. Energy
D. Time

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