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Research Article

Purification Received: March 11, 2022
Blood Purif
Accepted: March 17, 2023
DOI: 10.1159/000530268 Published online: May 10, 2023

Kt/V or Bicarbonate: What Is More

Important for Growth in Pediatric
Peritoneal Dialysis Patients?

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Lucimary de Castro Sylvestre a, b Rejane de Paula Bernardes c
Débora Stremel Ribeiro d Maria Esther Díaz-González de Ferris e
Guido Filler f, g, h, i
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, Curitiba, Brazil;
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil;
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Clinica Nefrokids, Curitiba, Brazil; dDepartment of Public Health, City Health
Department, Curitiba, Brazil; eDepartment of Pediatrics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
NC, USA; fDepartments of Paediatrics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada; gDepartment of
Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada; hPathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada; iDepartment of Paediatrics, Lilibeth Caberto Kidney Clinical Research Unit,
London, ON, Canada

Keywords total infused dialysate volume was 5.26 L/m2/day (range

Peritoneal equilibration test · Kt/V · Height velocity · 2.03–15.32 L). The median total weekly Kt/V was 3.79 (range
Adequacy testing · Bicarbonate 0.9–9.5), and the median total creatinine clearance was 56.6
(range 7.6–133.48) L/week, higher than previous pediatric
studies. The delta height SDS was a median of −0.12 (range −2
Abstract to +3.95)/year. The mean height velocity z-score was −1.6 ±
Introduction: Growth retardation is a common problem in 4.0. The only relationships discovered were between the delta
pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease. It is unknown if height SDS and age, bicarbonate, and intraperitoneal pres-
the growth of children on peritoneal dialysis (PD) can be sure, but not for Kt/V or creatinine clearance. Conclusion: Our
augmented by more dialysis. Methods: We studied the effect findings highlight the importance of normalization of bicar-
of various peritoneal adequacy parameters on delta height bonate concentrations to improve height z-score.
standard deviation scores (SDSs) and growth velocity z-scores © 2023 S. Karger AG, Basel
in 53 children (27 males) on PD, who underwent 2 longitu-
dinal adequacy tests at 9-month intervals. None of the
patients were on growth hormone. Intraperitoneal pressure
and standard KDOQI guidelines were compared to the out- Introduction
come measures delta height SDS and height velocity z-scores,
using univariate and multivariate tests. Results: At the time of In children treated with chronic peritoneal dialysis
the second PD adequacy test, their mean age was 9.2 ± 5.3 (PD), weekly Kt/Vurea of 1.8/week is recommended
years; mean fill volume was 961 ± 254 mL/m2; and median [1–4]. While no longer part of the Kidney Disease © 2023 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Guido Filler guido.filler @
Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines, a Patients slowly increased dwell volumes until they reached an
weekly creatinine clearance (CCr) of at least 60 L/ average dwell volume of 917 ± 245 mL/m2 body surface area.
Patients were either treated with continuous ambulatory PD
1.73 m2 was recommended [5]. In a randomized con- (CAPD, n = 25), continuous cycling PD (CCPD, n = 16), or
trolled trial of adults, increasing the weekly total Kt/Vurea nocturnal intermittent PD (NIPD, n = 10). The difference between
above 1.7 failed to improve patient survival [6]. The value CCPD and NIPD was the lack of a daytime dwell on NIPD.
of these measurements for patient survival has been Average duration for the cyclic nighttime PD was 9.4 ± 2.9 h. Seven
questioned, and adequate sodium removal has been patients on CCPD had an additional daytime dwell. Ultrafiltration
proposed to replace Kt/Vurea in both adults [7] and targets were individually based on patient hydration status, fluid
intake requirements, and residual urinary output.
pediatric patients [8]. Children have a much lower car- Adequacy testing was comprised of a standardized peritoneal
diovascular risk, and these recommendations may not be equilibration test (PET) with a target dwell volume of 1,000 mL/m2.
applicable [9]. Warady et al. [10, 11] and Holtta et al. [12] Where applicable, the PET was performed at least 1 month after
demonstrated a positive relationship between growth and catheter insertion. Standard laboratory testing measured creatinine
total solute clearance in small pediatric studies. Gold- (modified Jaffé), urea, calcium, phosphate, intact parathyroid hormone
(PTH), etc. Calcium carbonate was the only phosphate binder used
stein’s review of pediatric single-center studies concluded during the study period. Weekly Kt/Vurea determination was per-

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that clearance, while being important, is not all that formed as previously described [2]. IPP was determined according to
matters for patient growth, and more research is required Fischbach et al. [14]. Catheter flux was determined during filling and
to provide optimal dialysis [13]. A study with 24 patients draining of PD solution normalized to body surface area (mL/min/
with a much higher PD prescription than the proposed m2). Complications included episodes of peritonitis, exit site infections,
tunnel infections, catheter blockage, hernias, leakage, constipation, and
KDOQI guidelines (mean weekly Kt/Vurea 3.45 ± 0.73) the need for surgical intervention (i.e., catheter replacement). Standard
failed to demonstrate any correlation with patients’ anthropometric data were obtained with either an upright stadiometer
growth. Those studies point to the fact that optimal for older children or a stadiometer for infants in supine position.
growth of pediatric patients on PD depends on other Weight was determined using a beam scale for older children and an
factors besides small solute clearance, so the question electronic scale for infants. While nutrition was not evaluated in this
study, dieticians optimized the nutrition in every patient. Six patients
remains which adequacy parameters are important. A had a gastrostomy tube for feedings.
multisite European study suggested that a high trans- Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism (Windows
porter state of the peritoneal membrane has a negative version 4.01, GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). SPSS version
effect in patients’ growth [12]. Apex time has not been 12.0 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA) was used for bivariate or multivariate
analyzed in pediatric adequacy studies, and intraperito- analysis controlling for confounding factors such as age. We first
neal pressure (IPP) has not been included in previous analyzed for normal distribution using the D’Agostino-Pearson omni-
bus test. Contiguous normally distributed data were expressed as mean ±
studies [2]. Despite the recommendation of an IPP one standard deviation, but if not normally distrusted, we reported
between 5 and 15 cm H2O [4], the ideal IPP for optimal median and range. Appropriate parametric statistical tests were used.
height velocity has not been elucidated. Most parameters were not normally distributed, so we used nonpara-
To address this knowledge gap, we evaluated the influ- metric tests, with the Spearman rank test for correlation analysis, and the
ence of comprehensive adequacy tests on growth and height Wilcoxon’s matched pairs test for paired observations or the Mann-
Whitney U test for unpaired observations comparing parameters
velocity in a large single-center retrospective study of a between groups. Unless stated otherwise, all p values are two-tailed.
prospectively applied protocol on adequacy testing of 53
pediatric PD patients. As growth velocity is age dependent,
we chose both height velocity z-score and delta height
standard deviation score (SDS) as primary outcomes. Results

We enrolled 53 patients (27 males), and their charac-

teristics at the first adequacy testing are summarized in
Materials and Methods
Table 1. The median time between PD initiation and the
The retrospective nature of our study did not influence patient first test was 95 days (minimum 7 days, maximum 1,186
treatment and was considered exempt from ethics board review. days). The average time between the first and the second
The standard of care at our institution is a consensus protocol by tests was 208 ± 73 days. Mean age at PD initiation was
the physicians in the group. Out of 73 pediatric patients who 8.7 ± 5.1 years. Primary diagnoses were obstructive
initiated the first PD treatment after June 1997 and who underwent uropathy (n = 22, 42%), acquired glomerulopathy (n =
adequacy testing between June 2000 and June 2005, 53 patients
were eligible for the study and had paper medical records available. 16, 30%), hereditary nephritis (n = 11, 21%), and vascu-
Inclusion criteria were at least two consecutive adequacy tests and lopathies (n = 1, 2%). Three patients had an unknown
no interruption of PD treatment between the two tests. etiology of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Four

2 Blood Purif Sylvestre/Bernardes/Stremel Ribeiro/Díaz-

DOI: 10.1159/000530268 González de Ferris/Filler
Table 1. Patient characteristics at first standardized peritoneal dialysis adequacy testing

Parameter Mean or median* for not Standard deviation Minimum Maximum

normally distributed parameters

Age, years 8.6 5.3 0.2 19.9

Height, cm 113.8 28.6 53.5 167.0
Height z-score −2.29 1.59 −5.70 0.90
Weight, kg 18.85* 3.30 52.60
BMI, kg/m2 15.35* 11.53 25.19
Dwell volume, mL/kg 37.5 9.3 17.1 66.6
Total dialysis volume, L/m2/day 4.9* 1.7 21.2
Intraperitoneal pressure, cm H2O/m2 11.4* 6.0 29.1
Drain catheter flow, mL/min/m2 379 147 89 755
Potassium, mmol/L 4.2 0.8 2.4 6.3
Intact PTH, pg/mL 199* 3.5 1,827
Serum albumin, g/L 35.7* 20.0 49.0

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Hematocrit 0.316 0.060 0.201 0.456
Weekly total Kt/Vurea 3.13* 0.22 8.90
Weekly PD Kt/Vurea 2.31* 0.22 8.9
Total CCr, L/week/1.73 m2 59.3 30.3 7.6 133.5
PD CCr 36.8 19.3 6.2 85.1

Clinical data of 53 PD patients at the time of the first adequacy test. PTH, parathyroid hormone; CCr, creatinine clearance; *, not
normally distributed data, therefore expressed as median and range.

patients had infantile cystinosis and were included. 3.13, p = 0.0399, one-sided, Wilcoxon’s matched pairs
Twenty patients (38%) were anuric. test). The patient with a Kt/Vurea of only 0.9 had a weekly
At the first testing, 30 patients were on CAPD, 10 Kt/Vurea of 3.67 on his first evaluation and 3.73 on
patients on CCPD, and 13 patients on NIPD. By the subsequent testing, and the patient with a Kt/Vurea of
time of the second testing, 3 patients were converted 9.5 had a previous weekly Kt/Vurea of 2.88 and a sub-
from CAPD to CCPD, 2 patients from CAPD to NIPD, sequent of 4.18. We suspect a collection or calculation
and 2 patients from NIPD to CCPD. At the time of the error. The second lowest Kt/Vurea was 1.29, and this
second PD adequacy test, the mean age was 9.2 ± 5.3 years patient previously had 2.33 and subsequently 3.64. The
old. All patients had two adequacy tests at a mean time median PD Kt/Vurea amounted to 2.14 (range 0.41–9.5).
interval of 210 ± 75 days. As the PD prescription was altered Similarly, the total CCr increased from 59.3 ± 30.3 to
post-first adequacy testing, we used the prescription of the 72.7 ± 44.0 L/week and 1.73 m2 (p = 0.0258, paired t test).
second testing as a surrogate marker for the previous 210 The median IPP normalized to body surface area was
days, thus responsible for the height gain of the patients. 10.89 cm H2O/m2 (range 4.5–27.6). The average catheter
The mean fill volume used for the first standard PET flux was 349 ± 146 mL/min/m2. The laboratory param-
was 969 ± 281 mL/m2 and at the second one 961 ± eters were similar on second testing. The comparison of
254 mL/m2, not significantly different (p = 0.6880, paired the first and second test is given in Table 2.
t test). The median total infused volume was 5.26 L/m2/ Under these dialysis prescriptions, average height z-score
day (range 2.03–15.32 L), significantly higher than at the for age was −2.5 ± 1.8, independent of age. Delta height SDS
first visit (p = 0.0445, Wilcoxon’s matched pairs test). was a median of −0.12 (range −2.00 to +3.95)/year. Median
According to the switches outlined above, 25 patients delta height SDS did not differ by dialysis modality. Average
were on CAPD, 15 patients on CCPD, and 13 patients on height velocity z-score was −1.6 ± 4.0. Both the delta height
NIPD, at the time of the second testing. For the entire SDS (Spearman r = 0.375, p = 0.015) and the height velocity
cohort, the median residual urinary output was 411 mL/m2 z-score (Spearman r = 0.329, p = 0.020) showed an age
(range 0–3,046), not significantly different from the first dependency, with older children having a significantly
visit (377, p = 0.22, Wilcoxon’s matched pairs test). better growth velocity than the younger ones.
The median total weekly Kt/Vurea was 3.79 (range Delta height z-score did not correlate with any of the
0.9–9.5), significantly higher than at the first test (median dialysis parameters above. Total Kt/Vurea, PD Kt/Vurea,

Bicarbonate and Growth of Kids on PD Blood Purif 3

DOI: 10.1159/000530268
Table 2. Comparison of total clearance, residual urine output, and key laboratory findings between the first and second testing

Parameter First visit Second visit Unit p value

Total weekly creatinine clearance 59.29±30.30 72.66±43.98 L/week/1.73 m2 0.01

Total weekly Kt/V 3.31±1.78 3.80±1.98 0.05
Ultrafiltration 661 (−1,489, 2,586) 663 (−350, 2,368) mL/24 h/m2 0.3
Residual diuresis (mean, min, max) 377 (0, 3,898) 390 (03, 046) mL/24 h/m2 0.07
Albumin 3.57±0.56 3.63±0.64 g/dL 0.21
Intact parathyroid hormone 165 (3.5, 1,827) 126 (4.8, 1,887) pg/mL 0.2
Hematocrit 31.7±6.0 34.0±7.6 % 0.02
Bicarbonate 24.59±3.92 24.49±3.91 mmol/L 0.43
Urea 104.98±40.33 97.96±35.06 mg/dL 0.14
Creatinine 5.31±2.73 5.47±2.50 mg/dL 0.19
Potassium 4,20±0.79 4.12±0.82 mmol/L 0.25
Calcium 9.92±1.20 10.03±1.09 mg/dL 0.28
CaxPO4 product 47.11±14.77 49.14±17.17 mg2/dL2 0.22

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and residual urine output had no effect on the height total CCr (r = 0.304, p = 0.027) as well as between total PD
velocity z-score. Median delta height SDS in the anuric Kt/Vurea and PD CCr and total CCr.
group was −0.10 (range −0.51 to +2.89), not significantly We then analyzed what parameters differed between
different from the delta height SDS in those patients with those patients who were above and below the mean height
residual urine output (median 0.00, range −2.00 to +3.95, velocity z-score. As membrane characteristics have been
Mann-Whitney test). Although renal osteodystrophy and associated with growth failure, we analyzed the effect of
nutrition affect growth, we found no correlation between transporter types. Twenty-six patients (49%) were high
phosphate or iPTH. One patient had a suppressed iPTH transporters at the time of the second adequacy test. The
of 3.5 pg/mL (normal 10–55) and may have had ady- average height velocity z-score of −1.733 ± 3.887 in the
namic bone disease. Nutrition adherence was not assessed high transporter group was not significantly different
in the study. Using univariate analysis, height velocity from the other patients (mean −1.563 ± 4.267, p =
z-score correlated significantly only with bicarbonate 0.8838, unpaired t test). However, there was a slight trend
(Spearman r = 0.327, p = 0.020). When controlling for toward a better delta height SDS in patients who were not
age, there was only a weak but nonsignificant trend high transporters (median −0.2000 vs. 0.0750, p = 0.0346,
toward significance between height velocity SDS and one-sided, Mann-Whitney U test).
bicarbonate (r = 0.181, p = 0.053, one-sided). After We found significant differences for bicarbonate con-
adjusting for age, total and PD Kt/Vurea still failed to centration. Median bicarbonate concentration was 23.1
show a relationship with height velocity z-score. Using a (range 18.0–28.8) mmol/L in the group with poor growth,
bivariate model, there was no relationship between the compared to the group with good growth (median 26.1
Kt/Vurea and delta height SDS or height velocity z-score, [range 18.0–31.3] mmol/L, p = 0.039, Mann-Whitney test).
nor was there a relationship between height velocity We correlated the IPP with the fill volume normalized
z-score or delta height SDS and total Kt/Vurea. to body surface area. As expected, there was a weak but
Using multivariate analysis, tendencies were found be- significant positive correlation between the IPP and the
tween bicarbonate and infused volume (Spearman r = 0.433, fill volume normalized to body surface area (r = 0.38, p =
p = 0.001) and between Schwartz eGFR and infused volume 0.0044). We correlated the IPP and body mass index
(Spearman r = 0.490, p < 0.001). Similar relationships (BMI) medians. The median BMI was 15.3 kg/m2
existed between dwell volume and Schwartz eGFR (Spear- (range 12.6–26.3). Median IPP was 11.0 cm H2O (range
man r = 0.561, p < 0.001) and IPP (Spearman r = −0.422, p = 7.0–20.0). We confirmed a strong relationship between
0.02). With multivariate models, there was only a trend but BMI and IPP (Pearson r = 0.3078, p = 0.0249). The BMI
no significance between delta height SDS and total CCr z-score in all but 6 patients was normally distributed.
(Spearman r = 0.245, p = 0.059, one-sided) and PD CCr (r = Average BMI z-score at the beginning of the study was
0.246, p = 0.058, one-sided), whereas Kt/Vurea had no effect −1.17 ± 1.17, significantly lower than at the second
at all. Not surprisingly, there was a significant correlation measurement (−0.99 ± 1.22, p = 0.000476, paired t test).
after adjusting for age between residual urinary output and Delta BMI z-score was 0.11 ± 0.20, significantly greater

4 Blood Purif Sylvestre/Bernardes/Stremel Ribeiro/Díaz-

DOI: 10.1159/000530268 González de Ferris/Filler
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Fig. 2. Relationship between delta BMI SDS and delta height SDS.

Fig. 1. Relationship between intraperitoneal pressure versus low

and high body mass index z-score.
our children was independent of Kt/Vurea (both total and
PD) and total CCr. Similar to the findings provided by
than zero (p = 0.0005, one-sample t test). We then Chadha et al. [10], our data suggest that total Kt/Vurea and
arbitrarily divided the patients into two groups, those total CCr did not predict catch-up growth. The proportion
with a worse and those with a better BMI z-score. At of anuric patients in our study was similar to the 50%
the beginning of the study, there was a significant differ- reported in the cohort from Chadha et al. [10].
ence between the IPP in the patients with worse and better Importantly, none of our patients received growth
BMI z-score. While patients with a lower BMI z-score had hormone therapy, which explains why the group from
a higher intraperitoneal pressure (12.75 ± 0.5622, n = 24, the University of Missouri experienced a catch-up growth
vs. 11.04 ± 0.4889, n = 23, p = 0.0272, unpaired t test, of 0.2 whereas our cohort experienced a −0.12 catch-
Fig. 1), this difference was no longer evident at the second down growth. Interestingly, residual urinary output was
measurement. We then calculated whether the delta BMI also not a predictor of improved height velocity or
SDS had an influence on the delta height SDS. There was a positive delta height SDS.
weak correlation between both parameters without stat- Our data support the findings in Goldstein’s review
istical significance (p = 0.0769, Pearson correlation, Fig. 2). [13], namely, that increasing PD prescription above a
certain threshold failed to improve patient outcome. In
children, accurate determination of Kt/Vurea is particu-
Discussion larly difficult because of frequent urinary collection errors
[15]. We therefore question the value of weekly Kt/Vurea
This single-center study with a large pediatric PD cohort determination being a gold standard evaluation for the
evaluated the feasibility of Kt/Vurea as a dialysis prescription estimation of PD adequacy in children.
target on growth. Because of the first adequacy testing and Age had the strongest effect on growth. Younger
analysis of other parameters like creatinine, urea, potassium children did worse than older children, despite a similar
and bicarbonate levels, ultrafiltration rate, dialysis was PD prescription per body surface area. It is well estab-
intensified. However, despite the increase in dialysis pre- lished that growth failure is particularly common in very
scription, the average height z-score worsened from −2.3 ± young children with ESKD [16]. Age should be consid-
1.6 to −2.5 ± 1.8. There was some inconsistency of the urine ered as an important covariate in any pediatric PD
collections, highlighting the difficulties of obtaining accurate adequacy study, given the different growth velocities.
Kt/V in children. The median weekly Kt/Vurea of 3.79 Growth also was dependent on bicarbonate concentra-
exceeded dialysis prescriptions in the studies by Holtta tions. Aggressive sodium bicarbonate supplementation
[12] and Chadha [10], as did the average weekly CCr of has been emphasized in chronic kidney disease/ESKD
72.7 L/week and 1.73 m2. Based on our findings, growth of [17]. A large European study suggests that 30% of

Bicarbonate and Growth of Kids on PD Blood Purif 5

DOI: 10.1159/000530268
children on PD require ongoing bicarbonate supplemen- question about the importance of bicarbonate concen-
tation despite being on PD [18]. Our data suggest to trations. While the importance of Kt/Vurea remains
support bicarbonate normalization. questionable, the measurement of IPP and its relation-
It has been shown that BMI correlates with IPP [19], ship to BMI and nutritional assessment should probably
and we confirmed this relationship. In addition, we found be included in pediatric PD adequacy studies.
a trend toward better delta height SDS and delta BMI
z-score. Nutrition was not assessed in this study. How-
ever, a change in the BMI z-score reflects nutrition. Acknowledgments
Perhaps, the marked differences with age blunted the
The authors would like to thank the patients and caregivers for
effects and prevented statistical significance in a two- allowing us to share this experience in the peer-reviewed literature.
tailed model. However, this trend suggests that those
patients with presumed better nutrition and better delta
BMI z-score demonstrate improved height velocity. Statement of Ethics
Apart from renal acidosis, residual renal function,

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nutrition, and renal osteodystrophy affect growth of The manuscript was prepared and conducted ethically in accord-
children on PD. While nutrition was optimized in every ance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. As
patient through visits with our dietitians, the fact that we this is a retrospective cohort study without any impact on manage-
ment, the institution advised us that ethics approval was not required.
did not assess adherence to diet restrictions forms a major This study protocol was reviewed, and the need for approval was
limitation. The assessment of residual function may have waived by the ethics board of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
been rather inaccurate, as timed urine collections in Paraná. The same institution also waived the need for consent.
children are notoriously unreliable [20]. Also, optimiza-
tion of renal osteodystrophy, renal anemia, and especially
avoidance of adynamic bone disease are important for
Conflict of Interest Statement
linear growth of children on dialysis [21]. Although the
median iPTH level in this cohort was significantly ele- The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
vated, only 1 patient had a suppressed iPTH, and we
therefore do not believe that adynamic bone disease had a
significant impact on our results. We did not collect Funding Sources
hemoglobin values in this study, given the local financial
restrictions but sub-target hemoglobin levels are common No funding was available for this study.
among pediatric PD patients [22]. Furthermore, medi-
cation information was inconsistently documented in the
paper medical records, and we could not measure adher- Author Contributions
ence. Approximately 40% of patients had bicarbonate
Guido Filler, Lucimary de Castro Sylvestre, and Rejane de Paula
prescribed. Also, 4/53 children had infantile cystinosis, Bernardes conceived the original study idea and provided intel-
where multiple factors affect growth [23]. A potential bias lectual insight. Guido Filler wrote the manuscript, obtained and
could be introduced since some of the testing occurred as reviewed all necessary references, was responsible for all editing
early as 7 days after initiation of PD, once a steady-state and obtaining approval from all authors, and developed the figures
prescription was obtained. The KDOQI guidelines sug- and table. Lucimary de Castro Sylvestre, Rejane de Paula Ber-
nardes, and Déborah Stremel Ribeiro collected the data and
gest that the first PET be performed 4–8 weeks after PD
provided major intellectual insight into the study as well as the
initiation. Nonetheless, the study clearly demonstrates the manuscript editing of each version. Maria Esther Díaz Gonzáles de
importance of normalizing renal acidosis for growth Ferris revised multiple versions of the manuscript, provided major
while prescribing high urea clearance did not improve intellectual insight into the study, and was responsible for trim-
height velocity. ming it to the allowed word count. All authors contributed to and
In summary, Kt/Vurea and CCr failed to predict approved the final manuscript.
growth in this large single-center PD adequacy study.
Given the inaccuracy of the timed urine collection, the
value of this adequacy parameter assigned a very high Data Availability Statement
importance in the KDOQI guidelines maybe questioned All relevant data have been included in the manuscript. De-
for pediatric PD patients. The effect of age adjusted for tailed laboratory findings of the patient would be available from
growth velocity requires further analysis, as does the the first author.

6 Blood Purif Sylvestre/Bernardes/Stremel Ribeiro/Díaz-

DOI: 10.1159/000530268 González de Ferris/Filler

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Bicarbonate and Growth of Kids on PD Blood Purif 7

DOI: 10.1159/000530268

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