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Based on the characteristics described in the video, do you consider yourself to be a

high or low context communicator? Explain why and give a few examples to illustrate
your answer.

2. Based on your personal experience, would you likely use a high or low context
approach in the following situations? Explain your answers:
a. at a job interview
b. if you were writing a users manual
c. when texting among your friends
d. when writing a business email
e. on a first date

I consider myself a low context communicator because I value clear and direct
communication. I rely on information communicated verbally using explicit language with
words that explain the situation in detail. I’m a little straightforward when it comes to
communicating and don’t want to waste my time explaining all the details. on my previous
job, I give the instructions once in full details and explain precisely to my client making sure
that they understand. And also, I respond to questions direct and precise without any
irrelevant information irrelevant or making it longer. With this I believe that by being clear,
direct, and providing specific information or responses can help me to effectively
communicate my thoughts and engage in meaningful conversations.

3. a. I applied the low context strategy in my past job interviews. They are not
interested in my personal life; therefore, I am being honest and providing details to
promote my credentials and accomplishments instead. I gave clear, concise answers
to the questions posed since it's vital to speak clearly and concisely to leave a lasting
impression throughout the interview.
b. I don’t have any experience yet writing a user’s manual, however, if I were going to
produce one, I would probably choose a low context approach because it's crucial to
give precise and specific instructions to ensure understanding. By employing simple
language, detailed directions, and visual aids that are easy for readers to
c. I employ a high context approach while messaging a friend because we are
addressing a specific occurrence that only we would understand and leveraging
shared knowledge. Including inside jokes and colloquial expressions that are simple
for us both to understand. These are the results of our close friendship and
d. I sent a business email using a low-context method based on my own experience.
To help the recipient better comprehend what my letter is about, I must be precise,
clear, and upfront with all pertinent facts. I avoid presuming that the receiver is
familiar with the subject or has the same context as mine. In a professional
situation, it's critical to speak clearly and concisely to make sure my message is
e. I take a low context approach on my every first dates because I believe that to
build a solid connection, communication must be direct and concise. I don't make
unclear statements; I honestly convey my views and emotions. I am an honest
person that freely discusses my dark side before deciding whether to continue
dating or stick with friendship.

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