RSC Journals Entity

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RSC RSC entities

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details
mu: μ &mgr; m m l l [small mu]
lsquo: ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’
ldquo: “ “ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ "
rsquo: ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
rdquo: ” ” ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ "
rdquor: “ “ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ [rising dbl quote]
rsquor: ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’
Gamma: Γ Γ G G C C [Gamma]
Dagger: ‡ ‡ z z z z [double dagger]
Delta: Δ Δ D D D D [capital Delta]
Gg: ⋙ ⋙ d d d d [triple gtr-than]
Gt: ≫ ≫ c c c c [dbl greater-than]
Lambda: Λ Λ L L K K [capital Lambda]
Ll: ⋘ ⋘ | | | | [triple less-than]
Lt: ≪ ≪ { { { { [double less-than]
Omega: Ω Ω O O X X [capital Omega]
Phi: Φ Φ F F U U [capital Phi]
Pi: Π Π P P P P [capital Pi]
00 00 00 00
Prime: ″ ″ [double prime]
Psi: Ψ Ψ C C W W [capital Psi]
Rarr: ↠ ↠ 7 7 7 7 [twoheadrightarrow]
Sigma: Σ Σ S S R R [capital Sigma]
Theta: Θ Θ Y Y H H [capital Theta]
Upsi: ϒ ϒ U U ! ! [capital Upsilon]
Verbar: ‖ ‖ 8 8 8 8 [dbl vertical bar]
Xi: Ξ Ξ X X N N [capital Xi]
YAcy: Я Я R R R R [capital YA]
alpha: α α a a a a [small alpha]
and: ∧ ∧ 4 4 4 4 [logical and]
ang: ∠ ∠ + + + + [angle]
angsph: ∢ ∢ - - - - [angle-spherical]
angst: Å Å Å Å Å Å [Angstrom]
ang90: ∟ &ang90; / / / / [right (90 degree) angle]
ap: ≈ ≈ E E E E [approximate]
ape: ≊ ≊ F F F F [approximate, equals]
becaus: ∵ ∵ _ _ _ _ [because]
bernou: ℬ ℬ b b b b [Bernoulli function]
beta: β β b b b b [small beta]
bottom: ⊥ ⊥ > > > > [bottom]
dashv: ⊣ ⊣ B B B B [left tack]
boxvl: ┤ ┤ $ $ $ $ [upper and lower left quadrants]
boxvr: ├ ├ $ $ $ $ [upper and lower right quadrants]
bsim: ∽ ∽ H H H H [reverse similar]
bsime: ⋍ ⋍ I I I I [reverse similar, eq]
bull: • •     [round bullet, filled]
cap: ∩ ∩ - - - - [intersection]
Cap: ⋒ ⋒ / / / / [double intersection]
caret: ⁁ ⁁ ^ ^ ^ ^ [caret]
check: ✓ ✓ | | | | [check mark]
chi: χ χ w w v v [small chi]
cir: ○ ○ J J J J [circle, open]
compfn: ∘ ∘ 3 3 3 3 [small circle]
cong: ≅ ≅ HD HD HD HD [congruent with]
conint: ∮ ∮ [contour integral operator]
cross: ✗ ✗ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ [ballot cross]
ctdot: ⋯ ⋯    
cup: ∪ ∪ , , , , [union or logical sum]
dagger: † † w w w w [dagger]
dArr: ⇓ ⇓ + + + + [double downward arrow]
darr: ↓ ↓ k k k k [downward arrow]
dash: ‐ ‐ - - - - -
dtri: ▽ ▽ X X X X [down triangle, open]
dtrif: ▼ ▾ . . . . [blacktriangledown]
ecolon: ≕ ≕ ¼: ¼: ¼: ¼: [equals colon]
efDot: ≒ ≒ A A A A [eq, falling dots]
ell: ℓ 𝓁 c c c c [cursive small l]
empty: ∅ ∅ + + + + [emptyset]

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 1

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

emsp:     XX X
emsp13:     XX X
ensp:     XX X
epsiv: ε &egr; e e e e [varepsilon]
equiv: ≡ ≡     [identical with]
esdot: ≐ ≐ 6 6 6 6 [equals, single dot above]
eta: η η Z Z g g [small eta]
eth: ð ð j j j j [small eth]
euro: € € h h h h [euro sign]
exist: ∃ ∃ ( ( ( ( [exist]
female: ♀ ♀ ~ ~ ~ ~ [female symbol]
fnof: ƒ ƒ f f f f [function of]
forall: ∀ ∀ 8 8 8 8 [for all]
1 1 1 1
frac13: ⅓ ⅓ 3 3 3 3 1/3
1 1 1 1
frac15: ⅕ ⅕ 5 5 5 5 1/5
1 1 1 1
frac16: ⅙ ⅙ 6 6 6 6 1/6
1 1 1 1
frac18: ⅛ ⅛ 8 8 8 8 1/8
2 2 2 2
frac23: ⅔ ⅔ 3 3 3 3 2/3
2 2 2 2
frac25: ⅖ ⅖ 5 5 5 5 2/5
3 3 3 3
frac35: ⅗ ⅗ 5 5 5 5 3/5
3 3 3 3
frac38: ⅜ ⅜ 8 8 8 8 3/8
4 4 4 4
frac45: ⅘ ⅘ 5 5 5 5 4/5
5 5 5 5
frac56: ⅚ ⅚ 6 6 6 6 5/6
5 5 5 5
frac58: ⅝ ⅝ 8 8 8 8 5/8
7 7 7 7
frac78: ⅞ ⅞ 8 8 8 8 7/8
frown: ⌢ ⌢ _ _ _ _ [down curve]
gE: ≧ ≧ ^ ^ ^ ^ [double equals]
ge: ≥ ≥ Z Z Z Z [greater-than-or-equal]
ges: ⩾ ⩾ X X X X [gt-or-equal]
gsim: ≳ ≳ \ \ \ \ [greater, similar]
hairsp:     XX X
hamilt: ℋ ℋ h h h h [Hamiltonian]
harr: ↔ ↔ 2 2 2 2 [leftrightarrow]
hArr: ⇔ ⇔ 3 3 3 3 [Leftrightarrow]
hellip: … … ... ... ... ... ...
image: ℑ ℑ I I I I [imaginary number]
infin: ∞ ∞ N N N N [infinity]
inodot: ı ı ıR Rı Rı Rı [i without dot]
int: ∫ ∫ [integral operator]
iota: ι ι i i i i [iota]
isin: ∈ ∈ A A A A [set membership]
kappa: κ κ k k j j [small kappa]
lAarr: ⇚ ⇚ 1 1 1 1 [left triple arrow]
lArr: ⇐ ⇐ ( ( ( ( [is implied by]
lE: ≦ ≦ % % % % [less, double equals]
lagran: ℒ ℒ l l l l [script capital L]
lambda: λ λ l l k k [small lambda]
lang: 〈 ⟨ h h h h [left angle bracket]
larr: ← ← ’ ’ ’ ’ [leftward arrow]
larrhk: ↩ ↩ % % % % [hook leftward arrow]
lceil: ⌈ ⌈ J J J J [left ceiling]
ldquor: „ „ "
’’ ’’ ’’ ’’
le: ≤ ≤ r r r r [less-than-or-equal]
les: ⩽ ⩽ q q q q [less-than-or-eq]
lfloor: ⌊ ⌊ I I I I [left floor]
lmidot: ŀ ŀ l· l· l· l· [small l, middle dot]
loz: ◊ ◊ } } } } [lozenge or total mark]
lozf: ✦ ⧫ ~ ~ ~ ~ [lozenge, filled]
lrarr: ⇆ ⇆ # # # # [leftrightarrows]
lrhar: ⇋ ⇋ ! ! ! ! [leftrightharpoons]
lsim: ≲ ≲ t t t t [less, similar]
lsquor: ‚ ‚ ’
’ ’ ’ ’
ltri: ◁ &Mx25c1; v v v v [triangleleft]
ltrif: ◀ &Mx25c0; b b b b [blacktriangleleft]
male: ♂ ♂ # # # # [male symbol]
malt: ✠ ✠ { { { { [maltese cross]
mid: ∣ ∣ 7 7 7 7 [mid]
minusb: ⊟ ⊟ 0 0 0 0 [minus sign in box]
mldr: … … ... ... ... ... [em leader]
mnplus: ∓ ∓ 8 8 8 8 -/+
nabla: ∇ ∇ r r = e [Hamilton operator]

2 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

ne: ≠ ≠ a a a a [not equal]
nearr: ↗ ↗ s s s s [NE pointing arrow]
nequiv: ≢ ≢ c c c c [not equivalent]
ni: ∋ ∋ { { { { [contains]
nldr: ‥ ‥ .. .. .. .. [double baseline dot]
notin: ∉ ∉ e e e e [negated set membership]
nrarr: ↛ ↛ Q Q Q Q [not right arrow]
nu: ν ν n n n n [small nu]
nwarr: ↖ ↖ q q q q [NW pointing arrow]
ohm: Ω Ω O O X X [ohm sign]
ominus: ⊖ ⊖ ~ ~ ~ ~ [minus sign in circle]
olarr: ↺ ↺ T T T T [circlearrowleft A: l arr in circle]
oplus: ⊕ ⊕ " " " " [plus sign in circle]
orarr: ↻ ↻ U U U U [circlearrowright A: r arr in circle]
osol: ⊘ ⊘ { { { { [solidus in circle]
otimes: ⊗ ⊗ # # # # [multiply sign in circle]
par: ∥ ∥ J J J J [parallel]
part: ∂ ∂ q @ q @ [partial differential]
permil: ‰ ‰ % % % % [per thousand]
perp: ⊥ ⊥ > > > > [perpendicular]
phis: ϕ ϕ j j u u [small phi]
phiv: φ &phis; f f / / [curly or open phi]
pi: π π p p p p [small pi]
piv: ϖ ϖ $ $ - - [varpi]
plank: ℏ ℏ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ [Planck’s over 2pi]
plusb: ⊞ ⊞ 1 1 1 1 [plus sign in box]
0 0 0 0
prime: ′ ′ Q Q Q Q [prime or minute]
prod: ∏ ∏ [n ary product]
prop: ∝ ∝ p p p p [is proportional to]
psi: ψ ψ c c w w [small psi]
0000 0000 0000 0000
qprime: ⁗ ⁗ [quadruple prime]
rArr: ⇒ ⇒ ) ) ) ) [implies]
radic: √ √ O O O O [surd radical]
rang: 〉 ⟩ i i i i [right angle bracket]
rarr: → → - - - - [rightward arrow]
ratio: ∶ ∶ : : : : [ratio]
rceil: ⌉ ⌉ n n n n [right ceiling]
real: &#x211c; &real; < < < < [real number]
rect: &#x25ad; &rect; T T T T [rectangle, open]
rfloor: &#x230b; &rfloor; m m m m [right floor]
rharu: &#x21c0; &rharu; , , , , [right harpoon up]
rho: &#x3c1; &rho; r r q q [small rho]
rhov: &#x3f1; &rhov; R R . . [var rho]
rlarr: &#x21c4; &rlarr; $ $ $ $ [right left arrows]
rlhar: &#x21cc; &rlhar; " " " " [right left harpoons]
rtri: &#x25b7; &Mx25b7; x x x x [triangle right,open]
rtrif: &#x25b6; &Mx25b6; c c c c [black triangle right]
sdotb: &#x22a1; &sdotb; [small dot in box]
searr: &#x2198; &searr; r r r r [SE pointing arrow]
sigma: &#x3c3; &sigma; s s r r [sigma]
sigmav: &#x3c2; &sigmav; B B 1 1 [var sigma]
sim: &#x223c; &sim; B B B B [similar]
sime: &#x2243; &sime; C C C C [similar, equals]
squ: &#x25a1; &squ; & & & & [square, open]
square: &#x25a1; &squ; & & & & [square]
squarf: &#x25a0; &z.squfl; [black square, filled]
squf: &#x25a0; &z.squfl; [black square, bullet]
star: &#x2606; &ast;&star; $ $ $ $ [star, open]
starf: &#x2605; &starf; % % % % [star, filled]
sub: &#x2282; &sub; C C C C [subset or is implied by]
sube: &#x2286; &sube; D
P [subset, equals]
sum: &#x2211; &sum; [summation operator]
sup: &#x2283; &sup; * * * * [superset]
supe: &#x2287; &supe; + + + + [superset, equals]
swarr: &#x2199; &swarr; t t t t [SW pointing arrow]
target: &#x2316; &target; [register mark or target]
tau: &#x3c4; &tau; t t s s [small tau]
varr: &#x2195; &updownarrow; z z z z [up-and-down arrow]
weierp: &#x2118; &pscr; } } } } [Weierstrass p]

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 3

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

ASCII character
0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
A: A A A A A A A
B: B B B B B B B
C: C C C C C C C
D: D D D D D D D
E: E E E E E E E
F: F F F F F F F
G: G G G G G G G
H: H H H H H H H
I: I I I I I I I
J: J J J J J J J
K: K K K K K K K
L: L L L L L L L
M: M M M M M M M
N: N N N N N N N
O: O O O O O O O
P: P P P P P P P
Q: Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
R: R R R R R R R
S: S S S S S S S
T: T T T T T T T
U: U U U U U U U
V: V V V V V V V
W: W W W W W W W
X: X X X X X X X
Y: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Z: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
a: a a a a a a a
b: b b b b b b b
c: c c c c c c c
d: d d d d d d d
e: e e e e e e e
f: f f f f f f f
g: g g g g g g g
h: h h h h h h h
i: i i i i i i i
j: j j j j j j j
k: k k k k k k k
l: l l l l l l l
m: m m m m m m m
n: n n n n n n n
o: o o o o o o o
p: p p p p p p p
q: q q q q q q q
r: r r r r r r r
s: s s s s s s s
t: t t t t t t t
u: u u u u u u u
v: v v v v v v v
w: w w w w w w w
x: x x x x x x x
y: y y y y y y y
z: z z z z z z z
amp: &#x26; &amp; & & & & &
apos: ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
ast: * * * * * * *
bsol: \ \ \ \ \ \ \
dollar: $ $ $ $ $ $ $

4 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

excl: ! ! ! ! ! ! !
comma: , , , , , , ,
commat: @ @ @ @ @ @ @
verbar: | | | | | | |
equals: = = = = = = =
gt: > > > > > > >
hyphen: - - - - - - -
lcub: { { { { { { {
lpar: ( ( ( ( ( ( (
lsqb: [ [ [ [ [ [ [
num: # # # # # # #
percnt: % % % % % % %
period: . . . . . . .
plus: + + + + + + +
quest: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
rcub: } } } } } } }
rpar: ) ) ) ) ) ) )
rsqb: ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
sol: / / / / / / /
lt: &#x3c; &lt; o o o o o

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 5

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

ASCII diacritic
ndash: &#x2013; &ndash; – – – – -
mdash: &#x2014; &mdash; — — — — -
minus: &#x2212; &minus; -
copy: &#xa9; &copy; r r r r [copyright sign]
brvbar: &#xa6; &brvbar; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ [broken vertical bar]
cent: &#xa2; &cent; b b b b b
times: &#xd7; &times;     [times]
emsp14: &#x2005; &emsp14; XXX X
1 1 1 1
frac12: &#xbd; &frac12; 2 2 2 2 1/2
1 1 1 1
frac14: &#xbc; &frac14; 4 4 4 4 1/4
3 3 3 3
frac34: &#xbe; &frac34; 4 4 4 4 3/4
1 1 1 1
half: &#xbd; &frac12; 2 2 2 2 1/2
iexcl: &#xa1; &iexcl; ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ [inverted exclamation mark]
laquo: &#xab; &laquo; ) ) ) ) ’
micro: &#xb5; &micro; m m l l [micro sign]
middot: &#xb7; &middot;     [middle dot]
nbsp: &#xa0; &emsp14; XXX X
ordf: &#xaa; &ordf; , , , , [a]
ordm: &#xba; &ordm; < < < < [o]
para: &#xb6; &para; z z z z [paragraph sign]
plusmn: &#xb1; &plusmn;     +/-
pound: &#xa3; &pound; d d d d [pound sign]
raquo: &#xbb; &raquo; * * * * ’
s s s s
reg: &#xae; &reg; [registered sign]
sect: &#xa7; &sect; y y y y [section sign]
shy: &#xad; &shy; -
Aacute: &#xc1; &Aacute; Á Á Á Á A
Acirc: &#xc2; &Acirc; Â Â Â Â A
Agrave: &#xc0; &Agrave; À À À À A
Aring: &#xc5; &Aring; Å Å Å Å A
Atilde: &#xc3; &Atilde; Ã Ã Ã Ã A
Auml: &#xc4; &Auml; Ä Ä Ä Ä A
Ccedil: &#xc7; &Ccedil; Ç Ç Ç Ç C
Eacute: &#xc9; &Eacute; É É É É E
Ecirc: &#xca; &Ecirc; Ê Ê Ê Ê E
Egrave: &#xc8; &Egrave; È È È È E
Euml: &#xcb; &Euml; Ë Ë Ë Ë E
Iacute: &#xcd; &Iacute; Í I´ Í I´ I
Icirc: &#xce; &Icirc; Î Iˆ Î Iˆ I
Igrave: &#xcc; &Igrave; Í I´ Í I´ I
Iuml: &#xcf; &Iuml; Ï Ï Ï Ï I
Ntilde: &#xd1; &Ntilde; Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ N
Oacute: &#xd3; &Oacute; Ó Ó Ó Ó O
Ocirc: &#xd4; &Ocirc; Ô Ô Ô Ô O
Ograve: &#xd2; &Ograve; Ò Ò Ò Ò O
Oslash: &#xd8; &Oslash; Ø Ø Ø Ø O
Otilde: &#xd5; &Otilde; Õ Õ Õ Õ O
Ouml: &#xd6; &Ouml; Ö Ö Ö Ö O
Uacute: &#xda; &Uacute; Ú Ú Ú Ú U
Ucirc: &#xdb; &Ucirc; Û Û Û Û U
Ugrave: &#xd9; &Ugrave; Ù Ù Ù Ù U
Uuml: &#xdc; &Uuml; Ü Ü Ü Ü U
Yacute: &#xdd; &Yacute; Ý Ý Ý Ý Y
aacute: &#xe1; &aacute; á á á á a
acirc: &#xe2; &acirc; â â â â a
agrave: &#xe0; &agrave; à à à à a
aring: &#xe5; &aring; å å å å a
atilde: &#xe3; &atilde; ã ã ã ã a
auml: &#xe4; &auml; ä ä ä ä a
ccedil: &#xe7; &ccedil; ç ç ç ç c
eacute: &#xe9; &eacute; é e´ é e´ e
ecirc: &#xea; &ecirc; ê eˆ ê eˆ e
egrave: &#xe8; &egrave; è e` è e` e
euml: &#xeb; &euml; ë e¨ ë e¨ e
iacute: &#xed; &iacute; ı́ ı´ ı́ ı´ i
icirc: &#xee; &icirc; ı̂ ıˆ ı̂ ıˆ i

6 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

igrave: &#xec; &igrave; ı́ ı´ ı́ ı´ i
iuml: &#xef; &iuml; ı̈ ı¨ ı̈ ı¨ i
ntilde: &#xf1; &ntilde; ñ ñ ñ ñ n
oacute: &#xf3; &oacute; ó ó ó ó o
ocirc: &#xf4; &ocirc; ô ô ô ô o
ograve: &#xf2; &ograve; ò ò ò ò o
oslash: &#xf8; &oslash; ø ø ø ø o
otilde: &#xf5; &otilde; õ õ õ õ o
ouml: &#xf6; &ouml; ö ö ö ö o
uacute: &#xfa; &uacute; ú ú ú ú u
ucirc: &#xfb; &ucirc; û û û û u
ugrave: &#xf9; &ugrave; ù ù ù ù u
uuml: &#xfc; &uuml; ü ü ü ü u
yacute: &#xfd; &yacute; ý ý ý ý y
yuml: &#xff; &yuml; ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ y
iquest: &#xbf; &iquest; ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ [inverted question mark]
deg: &#xb0; &deg; 1 1 1 1 [degree]
AElig: &#xc6; &AElig; Æ Æ Æ Æ AE
aelig: &#xe6; &aelig; æ æ æ æ ae
szlig: &#xdf; &szlig; ß ß ß ß ß

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 7

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

[German sz ligature]
non-ASCII diacritic
OElig: &#x152; &OElig; ΠΠΠΠOE
oelig: &#x153; &oelig; æ æ æ æ oe
ijlig: &#x133; &ijlig; ij ij ij ij ij
IJlig: &#x132; &IJlig; IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ
Abreve: &#x102; &Abreve; Ă Ă Ă Ă A
Amacr: &#x100; &Amacr; Ā Ā Ā Ā A
Aogon: &#x104; &Aogon; A ˛ A ˛ A ˛ A ˛ A
Ascr: &#xe520; &Ascr; A A A A A
Bscr: &#xe13f; &Mxe13f; B B B B B
Cacute: &#x106; &Cacute; Ć Ć Ć Ć C
Ccaron: &#x10c; &Ccaron; Č Č Č Č C
Ccirc: &#x108; &Ccirc; Ĉ Ĉ Ĉ Ĉ C
Cdot: &#x10a; &Cdot; Ċ Ċ Ċ Ċ [C dot]
Cscr: &#xe522; &Cscr; C C C C [script C]
Dcaron: &#x10e; &Dcaron; Ď Ď Ď Ď D
Dscr: &#xe523; &Dscr; D D D D D
Dstrok: &#x110; &Dstrok; Ð Ð Ð Ð D
Ecaron: &#x11a; &Ecaron; Ě Ě Ě Ě E
Edot: &#x116; &Edot; Ė Ė Ė Ė [E dot]
Emacr: &#x112; &Emacr; Ē Ē Ē Ē E
Eogon: &#x118; &Eogon; E˛ E˛ E˛ E˛ E
Escr: &#xe140; &Mxe140; E E E E E
Fscr: &#xe141; &Mxe141; F F F F F
Gbreve: &#x11e; &Gbreve; Ğ Ğ Ğ Ğ G
Gcedil: &#x122; &Gcedil; G - G - G - G - G
Gcirc: &#x11c; &Gcirc; Ĝ Ĝ Ĝ Ĝ G
Gdot: &#x120; &Gdot; Ġ Ġ Ġ Ġ G
Gscr: &#xe112; &Gscr; G G G G G
Hcirc: &#x124; &Hcirc; Ĥ Ĥ Ĥ Ĥ H
Hscr: &#xe142; &Mxe142; H H H H H
Hstrok: &#x126; &Hstrok; H H H H H
Ibreve: &#x12c; &Mx012c; Ĭ I˘ Ĭ Ĭ I
Idot: &#x130; &Idot; İ İ İ İ I
Imacr: &#x12a; &Imacr; Ī I¯ Ī Ī I
Iogon: &#x12e; &Iogon; I˛ I˛ I˛ I˛ I
Iscr: &#xe143; &Mxe143; I I I I I
Itilde: &#x128; &Itilde; ~I I~ ~I I~ I
Jcirc: &#x134; &Jcirc; Ĵ Jˆ Ĵ Jˆ J
Jscr: &#xe529; &Jscr; J J J J J
Kcedil: &#x136; &Kcedil; K
- K- -
K -
Kscr: &#xe148; &Mxe148; K K K K K
Lacute: &#x139; &Lacute; Ĺ Ĺ Ĺ Ĺ L
Lcaron: &#x13d; &Lcaron; Ľ Ľ Ľ Ľ L
Lcedil: &#x13b; &Lcedil; L- L
- L
- L
- L
Lmidot: &#x13f; &Lmidot; L. L. L. L. [L middle dot]
Lscr: &#xe144; &Mxe144; L L L L L
Lstrok: &#x141; &Lstrok; Ł Ł Ł Ł L
Mscr: &#xe145; &Mxe145; M M M M M
Nacute: &#x143; &Nacute; Ń Ń Ń Ń N
Ncaron: &#x147; &Ncaron; Ň Ň Ň Ň N
Ncedil: &#x145; &Ncedil; N- N
- -N -N N
Nscr: &#xe52d; &Nscr; N N N N N
Odblac: &#x150; &Odblac; O+ O+ O+ O+ O
Omacr: &#x14c; &Omacr; Ō Ō Ō Ō O
Oscr: &#xe52e; &Oscr; O O O O O
Pscr: &#xe52f; &Pscr; P P P P P
Qscr: &#xe530; &Qscr; Q Q Q Q Q
Racute: &#x154; &Racute; Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ R
Rcaron: &#x158; &Rcaron; Ř Ř Ř Ř R
Rcedil: &#x156; &Rcedil; R- R
- -
R -

8 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

Rscr: &#xe531; &Rscr; R R R R R
Sacute: &#x15a; &Sacute; Ś S´ Ś S´ S
Scaron: &#x160; &Scaron; Š Sˇ Š Sˇ S
Scedil: &#x15e; &Scedil; S
- S- S- S- S
Scirc: &#x15c; &Scirc; Ŝ Sˆ Ŝ Sˆ S
Sscr: &#xe532; &Sscr; S S S S S
Tcaron: &#x164; &Tcaron; Ť Ť Ť Ť T
Tcedil: &#x162; &Tcedil; T- T- T- T- T
Tscr: &#xe533; &Tscr; T T T T T
Tstrok: &#x166; &Tstrok; T T T T T
Ubreve: &#x16c; &Ubreve; Ŭ Ŭ Ŭ Ŭ U
Udblac: &#x170; &Udblac; U+ U+ U+ U+ U
Umacr: &#x16a; &Umacr; Ū Ū Ū Ū U
Uogon: &#x172; &Uogon; U ˛ U˛ U˛ U˛ U
Uring: &#x16e; &Uring; Ů Ů Ů Ů U
Uscr: &#xe534; &Uscr; U U U U U
Utilde: &#x168; &Utilde; Ũ Ũ Ũ Ũ U
Vscr: &#xe149; &Mxe149; V V V V V
Wcirc: &#x174; &Wcirc; Ŵ Ŵ Ŵ Ŵ W
Wscr: &#xe536; &Wscr; W W W W W
Xscr: &#xe14a; &Mxe14a; X X X X X
Ycirc: &#x176; &Ycirc; Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Y
Yuml: &#x178; &Yuml; Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Y
Yscr: &#xe538; &Yscr; Y Y Y Y Y
Zacute: &#x179; &Zacute; Ź Ź Ź Ź Z
Zcaron: &#x17d; &Zcaron; Ž Ž Ž Ž Z
Zdot: &#x17b; &Zdot; Ż Ż Ż Ż Z
Zscr: &#xe14b; &Mxe14b; Z Z Z Z Z
abreve: &#x103; &abreve; ă ă ă ă a
amacr: &#x101; &amacr; ā ā ā ā a
aogon: &#x105; &aogon; a˛ a˛ a˛ a˛ a
cacute: &#x107; &cacute; ć c´ ć c´ c
ccaron: &#x10d; &ccaron; č cˇ č cˇ c
ccirc: &#x109; &ccirc; ĉ cˆ ĉ cˆ c
cdot: &#x10b; &cdot; ċ ċ ċ ċ c
dcaron: &#x10f; &dcaron; ď dˇ ď dˇ d
delta: &#x3b4; &delta; d d d d [small delta]
diam: &#x22c4; &diam; } } } } [open diamond]
diams: &#x2666; &diams; ~ ~ ~ ~ [diamond suit symbol]
divide: &#xf7; &divide; C C C C [divide sign]
dstrok: &#x111; &dstrok; : : : : d
ecaron: &#x11b; &ecaron; ě eˇ ě eˇ e
edot: &#x117; &edot; ė ė ė ė e
emacr: &#x113; &emacr; ē ē ē ē e
eogon: &#x119; &eogon; e˛ e˛ e˛ e˛ e
gacute: &#x1f5; &gacute; ǵ ǵ ǵ ǵ g
gamma: &#x3b3; &gamma; g g c c [gamma]
gbreve: &#x11f; &gbreve; ğ ğ ğ ğ g
gcaron: &#x1e7; &gcaron; ǧ ǧ ǧ ǧ g
gcirc: &#x11d; &gcirc; ĝ ĝ ĝ ĝ g
gdot: &#x121; &gdot; ġ ġ ġ ġ g
hcirc: &#x125; &hcirc; ĥ hˆ ĥ hˆ h
hstrok: &#x127; &hstrok; h h h h h
ibreve: &#x12d; &Mx012d; ı̆ ı˘ ı̆ ı̆ i
imacr: &#x12b; &imacr; ı̄ ı¯ ı̄ ı̄ i
iogon: &#x12f; &iogon; ˛i ˛i ˛i ˛i i
itilde: &#x129; &itilde; ~ı ~ı ~ı ~ı i
jcirc: &#x135; &jcirc; ĵ jˆ ĵ jˆ j
kcedil: &#x137; &kcedil; -k -k -k -k k
lacute: &#x13a; &lacute; ĺ l´ ĺ l´ l
lcaron: &#x13e; &lcaron; ľ lˇ ľ lˇ l
lcedil: &#x13c; &lcedil; -l -l -l -l l
lscr: &#xe146; &Mxe146; l l l l l
lstrok: &#x142; &lstrok; " ! $ # l
nacute: &#x144; &nacute; ń ń ń ń n
ncaron: &#x148; &ncaron; ň ň ň ň n
ncedil: &#x146; &ncedil; -n -n -n -n n
odblac: &#x151; &odblac; o+ o+ o+ o+ o
odot: &#x2299; &odot; } } } } o
omacr: &#x14d; &omacr; Ō Ō Ō Ō o
omega: &#x3c9; &omega; o o x x [small omega]

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 9

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

pscr: &#xe147; &Mxe147; p p p p p
racute: &#x155; &racute; ŕ r´ ŕ r´ r
rcaron: &#x159; &rcaron; ř rˇ ř rˇ r
rcedil: &#x157; &rcedil; -r -r -r -r r
sacute: &#x15b; &sacute; ś s´ ś s´ s
scaron: &#x161; &scaron; š sˇ š sˇ s
scedil: &#x15f; &scedil; s- s- -s -s s
scirc: &#x15d; &scirc; ŝ sˆ ŝ sˆ s
spades: &#x2660; &spades; " " " " [spade suit symbol]
tcaron: &#x165; &tcaron; ť tˇ ť tˇ t
tcedil: &#x163; &tcedil; t- t- t- -t t
there4: &#x2234; &there4; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ [therefore]
thetas: &#x3b8; &thetas; y y h h [small theta]
thetav: &#x3d1; &thetav; W W 0 0 [curly or open theta]
thinsp: &#x2009; &thinsp; XX X
timesb: &#x22a0; &timesb; 2 2 2 2 [boxtimes]
000 000 000 000
tprime: &#x2034; &tprime; [triple prime]
trade: &#x2122; &trade; t t t t [trade mark sign]
tridot: &#x25ec; &tridot; _ _ _ _ [dot in triangle]
trie: &#x225c; &trie; 9 9 9 9 [triangleq R: triangle, equals]
tstrok: &#x167; &tstrok; t t t t t
uArr: &#x21d1; &uArr; * * * * [double upward arrow]
uarr: &#x2191; &uarr; m m m m [upward arrow]
ubreve: &#x16d; &ubreve; ŭ ŭ ŭ ŭ u
udblac: &#x171; &udblac; u+ u+ u+ u+ [double acute accent]
uharr: &#x21be; &uharr; p p p p [upharpoonright]
umacr: &#x16b; &umacr; ū ū ū ū u
uogon: &#x173; &uogon; u˛ u˛ u˛ u˛ u
upsi: &#x3c5; &upsi; u u t t [small upsilon]
uring: &#x16f; &uring; ů ů ů ů u
utilde: &#x169; &utilde; ũ ũ ũ ũ u
utri: &#x25b3; &bigtriangleup; W W W W [up triangle, open]
utrif: &#x25b2; &utrif; m m m m [blacktriangle]
vellip: &#x22ee; &vellip; ^ ^ ^ ^ [vertical ellipsis]
wcirc: &#x175; &wcirc; ŵ ŵ ŵ ŵ w
wedgeq: &#x2259; &wedgeq; 8 8 8 8 [corresponds to]
xi: &#x3be; &xi; x x n n [small xi]
ycirc: &#x177; &ycirc; ŷ ŷ ŷ ŷ y
yen: &#xa5; &yen; f f f f [yen sign]
zacute: &#x17a; &zacute; ź z´ ź z´ z
zcaron: &#x17e; &zcaron; ž zˇ ž zˇ z
zdot: &#x17c; &zdot; ż ż ż ż z
zeta: &#x3b6; &zeta; z z f f z

10 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

[small zeta]
combining character
¼ ¼ ¼ ¼
cmb.a.dline: a &#x33f; &cmb.a.dline; a a a a [combining double overline] a &#x307; &; a_ a_ a_ a_ [combining dot above]
cmb.a.line:a &#x305; &cmb.a.line; a
a a
a [combining overline]
j j
cmb.a.lvline: &#x20d2; &cmb.a.lvline; a a a a [combining long vertical line overlay]
cmb.a.rharp: &#x20d1; &cmb.a.rharp; ~
a ~
a ~
a ~
a [combining right harpoon above]
a a &#x323; &; a: a: a: a: [combining dot below]
cmb.b.line: a &#x332; &cmb.b.line; a a a a [combining low line]
cmb.breve: a &#x306; &cmb.breve; ă ă ă ă [combining breve]
cmb.caron: a &#x30c; &cmb.caron; ǎ ǎ ǎ ǎ [combining caron]
cmb.cedil: a &#x327; &cmb.cedil; d¸ d¸ ḑ ḑ [combining cedilla]
cmb.macr: a &#x304; &cmb.macr; a% a% a% a% [combining macron]
cmb.tilde: a &#x303; &cmb.tilde; ã ã ã ã [combining tilde]
cmb.circ: a &#x302; &cmb.circ; â â â â [combining circumflex]
cmb.uml: a &#x308; &cmb.uml; ä ä ä ä [combining umlaut]

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 11

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

RSC character
z.dbd: &#xe001; &z.dbd; Q Q Q Q [double bond, length as m-dash]
z.tbd: &#xe002; &z.tbd; R R R R [triple bond, length as m-dash]
z.qbd: &#xe003; &z.qbd; S S S S [quadruple bond, length as m-dash]
z.dbd6: &#xe006; &z.dbd6; ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ [double bond, length half m-dash]
z.tbd6: &#xe007; &z.tbd6;     [triple bond, length half m-dash]
z.dbdsl: &#xe009; &z.dbdsl; { { { { [double bond splayed left]
z.dbdsr: &#xe00a; &z.dbdsr; z z z z [double bond splayed right]
z.tbdsr: &#xe00c; &z.tbdsr; x x x x [triple bond splayed right]
z.tbdsl: &#xe00d; &z.tbdsl; y y y y [triple bond splayed left]
z.pdbdbd: &#xe00f; &z.pdbdbd; ^ ^ ^ ^ [partial double bond, bottom dashed]
z.pdbdtd: &#xe12f; &z.pdbdtd; ]
] ] ] [partial double bond, top dashed]
z.ub1s: &#xe010; &z.ub1s; |
[upper bond 1 start]
z.ub1e: &#xe011; &z.ub1e; [upper bond 1 end]
z.lb1s: &#xe012; &z.lb1s; | | | |
[lower bond 1 start]




[lower bond 1 end]
[upper bond 2 start]

[upper bond 2 end]
[lower bond 2 start]

[lower bond 2 end]
[upper bond 3 start]

[upper bond 3 end]
[lower bond 3 start]

[lower bond 3 end]
[upper bond 4 start]

[upper bond 4 end]
[lower bond 4 start]

[lower bond 4 end]
[upper bond 5 start]


[upper bond 5 end]
[lower bond 5 start]
[lower bond 5 end]
z.hex: &#xe038; &z.hex; [hexagon open, point down]
z.hexr: &#xe1c0; &z.hexr; [hexagon open, flat-side down]
z.hexf: &#xe039; &z.hexf; [hexagon filled]
z.hexfr: &#xe124; &z.hexfr; [hexagon filled, rotated]
z.cirft: &#x25d3; &Mx25d3; R R R R [circle filled top]
z.cirfb: &#x25d2; &Mx25d2; S S S S [circle filled bottom]
z.cirfr: &#x25d1; &Mx25d1; Q Q Q Q [circle filled right]
z.cirshr: &#xe053; &z.cirshr; [circle shaded right slant]
z.cirshl: &#xe054; &z.cirshl; [circle shaded left slant]
z.cirshv: &#x25cd; &Mx25cd; [circle shaded vert]
z.cirshh: &#xe056; &z.cirshh; [circle shaded horiz]
z.cirshlr: &#xe057; &z.cirshlr; [circle shaded diagonal crosshatch]
z.cirshhv: &#xe058; &z.cirshhv; [circle shaded horizontal/vertical cross-
z.cirtinl: &#xe059; &z.cirtinl; [circle tinted (light)]
z.cirtinh: &#xe05a; &z.cirtinh; [circle tinted (heavy)]
z.olcir: &#x25ce; &Mx25ce; | | | | [bullseye (circle within another circle)]
z.pent: &#xe1c1; &z.pent; [pentagon open]

[pentagon filled]
[square tilted open]

[square tilted filled]
[square shaded right slant]

[square shaded left slant]
[square shaded vert]


[square shaded horiz]
[square shaded diagonal crosshatch]
[square shaded horizontal/vertical cross-
z.squtinl: &#xe068; &z.squtinl; [square tinted (light)]
z.squtinh: &#xe069; &z.squtinh; [square tinted (heavy)]
z.squftr: &#xe070; &z.squftr; [square filled top right]
z.squftl: &#x25e9; &Mx25e9; [square filled top left]
z.squfbl: &#xe072; &z.squfbl; [square filled bottom left]
z.squfbr: &#x25ea; &Mx25ea; [square filled bottom right]
z.squfl: &#x25e7; &Mx25e7; k k k k [square filled left]

12 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

z.squfr: &#x25e8; &Mx25e8; l l l l [square filled right]
z.squft: &#xe076; &z.squft; [square filled top]
z.squfb: &#xe077; &z.squfb; [square filled bottom]
z.utfl: &#x25ed; &Mx25ed; t t t t [up triangle filled left]
z.utfr: &#x25ee; &Mx25ee; y y y y [up triangle filled right]
z.utlhb: &#xe07a; &z.utlhb; |
[up triangle, long horiz bar]
z.dtfl: &#x29e8; &Mx29e8; [down triangle filled left]
t t t t
z.dtfr: &#x29e9; &Mx29e9; [down triangle filled right]
z.diamfl: &#xe080; &Mxe080; C C C C [diamond filled left]
z.diamfr: &#xe081; &z.diamfr; D D D D [diamond filled right]




z.diamft: &#xe082; &z.diamft; [diamond filled top]
z.diamfb: &#xe083; &z.diamfb; [diamond filled bottom]
z.diadot: &#xe084; &z.diadot; 
B [diamond dotted]








[X triangles, left, right]
[X triangles, filled, top, bottom]
[rectangle open, vertical]
z.dshdot: &#xe090; &z.dshdot; -- -- -- -- [dash dot, graph caption]
z.dshdsh: &#xe091; &z.dshdsh; --- --- --- --- [dash dash, graph caption]
z.thline: &#xe117; &z.thline; TT TT TT TT [thick line, graph caption]
z.gDa: &#xe092; &z.gDa; Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ [small g, double dot above]
z.gDda: &#xe093; &z.gDda; g.’ g.’ g.’ g.’ [small g, triple dot above]
z.agrda: &#xe14c; &Mxe14c; a_ w_ a_ a_ [small alpha, Greek, dot above]
z.khgrda: &#xe11e; &z.khgrda; w_ w_ v_ v_ [small chi, Greek, dot above]
z.egrda: &#xe0a1; &z.egrda; e_ e_ e_ e_ [small epsi, Greek, dot above]
z.phgrda: &#xe0a3; &z.phgrda; f_ f_ /_ /_ [small phi, Greek, dot above]
z.ggrda: &#xe0a2; &z.ggrda; g_ g_ c_ c_ [small gamma, Greek, dot above]
z.phvgrda: &#xe0a4; &z.phvgrda; j_ j_ u_ u_ [small phi (variant), Greek, dot above]
z.lgrda: &#xe152; &Mxe152; k_ w_ k_ k_ [small lambda, Greek, dot above]
z.mgrda: &#xe153; &Mxe153; l_ w_ l_ l_ [small mu, Greek, dot above]
z.thgrda: &#xe0a7; &z.thgrda; y_ y_ h_ h_ [small theta, Greek, dot above]
z.rgrda: &#xe0a6; &z.rgrda; r_ r_ q_ q_ [small rho, Greek, dot above]
z.psgrda: &#xe0a5; &z.psgrda; c_ c_ w_ w_ [small psi, Greek, dot above]
z.PHgrda: &#xe11d; &z.PHgrda; F_ F_ U _ U_ [capital Phi, Greek, dot above]
z.Lgrda: &#xe138; &z.Lgrda; L_ L_ K_ K_ [capital Lambda, Greek, dot above]
z.PSgrda: &#xe13b; &z.PSgrda; C _ C_ W _ W_ [capital Psi, Greek, dot above]
z.agcir: &#xe101; &z.agcir; a^ ^
a a^ a^ [small alpha, Greek, circumflex]
z.bgcir: &#xe114; &z.bgcir; b^ b^ ^
b b^ [small beta, Greek, circumflex]
z.khgcir: &#xe10c; &Mxe10c; w^ ^
w v^ v^ [small chi, Greek, circumflex]
z.dgcir: &#xe0b1; &z.dgcir; ^
d d^ ^
d d^ [small delta, Greek, circumflex]
z.egcir: &#xe107; &z.egcir; ^e ^
e ^e ^
e [small epsilon, Greek, circumflex]
z.phgcir: &#xe0b5; &z.phgcir; f ^ f^ / ^ /^ [small phi, Greek, circumflex]
z.ggcir: &#xe0b2; &z.ggcir; ^
g ^g ^
c ^
c [small gamma, Greek, circumflex]
z.eegcir: &#xe108; &z.eegcir; Z^ Z^ g^ g^ [small eta, Greek, circumflex]
z.kgcir: &#xe109; &z.kgcir; k^ k^ j^ j^ [small kappa, Greek, circumflex]
z.lgcir: &#xe11a; &z.lgcir; l^ l^ k^ k^ [small klambda, Greek, circumflex]
z.mgcir: &#xe0b3; &z.mgcir; m^ m^ l^ l^ [small mu, Greek, circumflex]
z.pgcir: &#xe1de; &Mxe1de; p^ p^ p^ p^ [small pi, Greek, circumflex]
z.thgcir: &#xe12d; &z.thgcir; ^
y y^ ^
h h^ [small straight theta, Greek, circumflex]
z.rgcir: &#xe0b7; &z.rgcir; r^ r^ ^
q q^ [small rho, Greek, circumflex]
z.sgcir: &#xe111; &z.sgcir; s^ s^ r^ r^ [small sigma, Greek, circumflex]
z.tgcir: &#xe0b8; &z.tgcir; ^t t^ ^s s
^ [small tau, Greek, circumflex]
z.ohgcir: &#xe0b4; &z.ohgcir; o^ o^ x^ x^ [small omega, Greek, circumflex]
z.xgcir: &#xe0b9; &z.xgcir; ^
x x^ ^
n n^ [small xi, Greek, circumflex]
z.psgcir: &#xe0b6; &z.psgcir; c^ c^ w^ w^ [small psi, Greek, circumflex]
z.zgcir: &#xe102; &z.zgcir; ^z z^ ^f f^ [small zeta, Greek, circumflex]
z.PHgcir: &#xe0a9; &z.PHgcir; F^ F ^ U ^ U ^ [capital Phi, Greek, circumflex]
z.Ggcir: &#xe132; &z.Ggcir; G^ G^ C^ C^ [capital Gamma, Greek, circumflex]
z.Lgcir: &#xe0a8; &z.Lgcir; L^ L^ K^ K^ [capital Lambda, Greek, circumflex]
z.Pgcir: &#xe106; &z.Pgcir; P ^ P ^ P ^ P ^ [capital Pi, Greek, circumflex]
z.THgcir: &#xe10a; &z.THgcir; Y ^ Y ^ H ^ H ^ [capital Theta, Greek, circumflex]
z.Sgcir: &#xe139; &z.Sgcir; S^ S^ R^ R^ [capital Sigma, Greek, circumflex]
z.PSgcir: &#xe0b0; &z.PSgcir; C ^ C ^ W ^ W ^ [capital Psi, Greek, circumflex]
z.agrm: &#xe0c2; &z.agrm; a 
a a a [small alpha, Greek, macron]
z.bgrm: &#xe0c3; &z.bgrm; b b 
b b [small beta, Greek, macron]
z.khgrm: &#xe0d8; &z.khgrm; w w v v [small chi, Greek, macron]
z.dgrm: &#xe0c5; &z.dgrm; 
d d 
d d [small delta, Greek, macron]
z.egrm: &#xe0c6; &z.egrm; e 
e e 
e [small epsilon, Greek, macron]
z.phgrm: &#xe0d6; &z.phgrm; f f / / [small phi, Greek, macron]
z.ggrm: &#xe0c4; &z.ggrm; 
g g 
c [small gamma, Greek, macron]
z.eegrm: &#xe0c8; &z.eegrm; Z Z g g [small eta, Greek, macron]
z.igrm: &#xe0ca; &z.igrm; i i i i [small iota, Greek, macron]

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 13

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

z.phvgrm: &#xe0d7; &z.phvgrm; j  j  u  u  [small phi variant, Greek, macron]
z.kgrm: &#xe0cb; &z.kgrm; k k j j [small kappa, Greek, macron]
z.lgrm: &#xe0cc; &z.lgrm; l l k k [small lambda, Greek, macron]
z.mgrm: &#xe0cd; &z.mgrm; m m l l [small mu, Greek, macron]
z.ngrm: &#xe0ce; &z.ngrm; n
 n n  n  [small nu, Greek, macron]
z.pgrm: &#xe0d0; &z.pgrm; p p p p [small pi, Greek, macron]
z.thgrm: &#xe0c9; &z.thgrm; 
y y 
h h [small theta, Greek, macron]
z.rgrm: &#xe0d1; &z.rgrm; r r 
q q [small rho, Greek, macron]
z.sgrm: &#xe0d2; &z.sgrm; s  s r r [small sigma, Greek, macron]
z.tgrm: &#xe0d4; &z.tgrm; t t s 
s [small tau, Greek, macron]
z.ugrm: &#xe0d5; &z.ugrm; 
u u 
t t [small upsilon, Greek, macron]
z.ohgrm: &#xe0da; &z.ohgrm; o o  x x  [small omega, Greek, macron]
z.xgrm: &#xe0cf; &z.xgrm; 
x x 
n n [small xi, Greek, macron]
z.psgrm: &#xe0d9; &z.psgrm; c c w w [small psi, Greek, macron]
z.zgrm: &#xe0c7; &z.zgrm; z z f f [small zeta, Greek, macron]
z.Dgrm: &#xe135; &z.Dgrm; D D D D [capital Delta, Greek, macron]
z.PHgrm: &#xe0c1; &z.PHgrm; F F  U U  [capital Phi, Greek, macron]
z.Ggrm: &#xe0ba; &z.Ggrm; G G C C [capital Gamma, Greek, macron]
z.Lgrm: &#xe0bb; &z.Lgrm; L L K K [capital Lambda, Greek, macron]
z.Pgrm: &#xe136; &z.Pgrm; P P  P P  [capital Pi, Greek, macron]
z.sfgrm: &#xe0d3; &z.sfgrm; B B 1 
1 [final small sigma, Greek, macron]
z.OHgrm: &#xe0c0; &z.OHgrm; O O X X  [capital Omega, Greek, macron]
z.Xgrm: &#xe122; &z.Xgrm; X X N N [capital Xi, Greek, macron]
z.agrt: &#xe0dc; &z.agrt; a~ ~
a a~ a~ [small alpha, Greek, tilde]
z.bgrt: &#xe10e; &z.bgrt; b~ b~ ~
b b~ [small beta, Greek, tilde]
z.khgrt: &#xe11b; &z.khgrt; w~ w~ v~ v~ [small chi, Greek, tilde]
z.dgrt: &#xe125; &z.dgrt; ~
d d~ ~
d d~ [small delta, Greek, tilde]
z.egrt: &#xe0de; &z.egrt; ~e ~
e ~e ~
e [small epsilon, Greek, tilde]
z.phgrt: &#xe0e2; &z.phgrt; f ~ f~ /~ /~ [small phi, Greek, tilde]
z.ggrt: &#xe0dd; &z.ggrt; ~
g ~g ~
c ~
c [small gamma, Greek, tilde]
z.eegrt: &#xe110; &z.eegrt; Z~ Z~ g~ g~ [small eta, Greek, tilde]
z.phvgrt: &#xe12c; &z.phvgrt; j~ j~ u~ u~ [small variant phi, Greek, tilde]
z.lgrt: &#xe0df; &z.lgrt; l~ l~ k~ k~ [small lambda, Greek, tilde]
z.mgrt: &#xe0e0; &z.mgrt; m~ m~ l~ l~ [small mu, Greek, tilde]
z.ngrt: &#xe0e1; &z.ngrt; ~
n n~ ~
m m [small nu, Greek, tilde]
z.thgrt: &#xe123; &z.thgrt; ~
y y~ ~
h h~ [small theta, Greek, tilde]
z.rgrt: &#xe0e4; &z.rgrt; ~
r r~ ~
q q~ [small rho, Greek, tilde]
z.sgrt: &#xe10d; &z.sgrt; ~
s s~ ~
r r~ [small sigma, Greek, tilde]
z.tgrt: &#xe0e5; &z.tgrt; ~t t~ ~s ~
s [small tau, Greek, tilde]
z.ugrt: &#xe131; &z.ugrt; ~
u u~ ~
t t~ [small upsilon, Greek, tilde]
z.ohgrt: &#xe10f; &z.ohgrt; ~
o o~ ~
x x~ [small omega, Greek, tilde]
z.xgrt: &#xe119; &z.xgrt; ~
x x~ ~
n n~ [small xi, Greek, tilde]
z.psgrt: &#xe0e3; &z.psgrt; ~
c c~ ~
w w~ [small psi, Greek, tilde]
z.zgrt: &#xe126; &z.zgrt; ~z z~ ~f f~ [small zeta, Greek, tilde]
z.Dgrt: &#xe10b; &z.khgcir; ^
w w^ ^
v v^ [capital Delta, Greek, tilde]
z.PHgrt: &#xe0db; &z.PHgrt; ~
F F~ ~
U U ~ [capital Phi, Greek, tilde]
z.Pgrt: &#xe12e; &z.Pgrt; ~
P P ~ ~
P P ~ [capital Pi, Greek, tilde]
z.THgrt: &#xe134; &z.THgrt; ~
Y Y ~ ~
H H ~ [capital Theta, Greek, tilde]
z.OHgrt: &#xe133; &z.OHgrt; ~
O O~ ~
X X ~ [capital Omega, Greek, tilde]
z.PSgrt: &#xe11c; &z.PSgrt; ~
C C ~ ~
W W ~ [capital Psi, Greek, tilde]
z.agvec: &#xe118; &z.agvec; ~ a ~ a ~ a ~a [small alpha, Greek, vector]
z.bgvec: &#xe115; &z.bgvec; ~ b ~ b ~ b ~
b [small beta, Greek, vector]
z.egvec: &#xe0e7; &z.egvec; ~ e ~ e ~ e ~ e [small epsilon, Greek, vector]
z.phgvec: &#xe13a; &z.phgvec; ~
f ~
f ~
/ ~
/ [small phi, Greek, vector]
z.eegvec: &#xe0e8; &z.eegvec; ~
Z ~ Z ~ g ~ g [small eta, Greek, vector]
z.lgvec: &#xe121; &z.lgvec; ~ l ~ l ~ k ~
k [small lambda, Greek, vector]
z.mgvec: &#xe0e9; &z.mgvec; ~ m ~m ~ l ~ l [small mu, Greek, vector]
z.ngvec: &#xe0ea; &z.ngvec; ~ n ~ n ~ m ~ m [small nu, Greek, vector]
z.rgvec: &#xe137; &z.rgvec; ~ r ~r ~ q ~ q [small rho, Greek, vector]
z.sgvec: &#xe1c9; &Mxe1c9; ~s ~s ~ r ~r [small sigma, Greek, vector]
z.tgvec: &#xe1ca; &Mxe1ca; ~ t ~ t ~ s ~s [small tau, Greek, vector]
z.ohgvec: &#xe13e; &z.ohgvec; ~o ~
o ~
x ~
x [small omega, Greek, vector]
z.xgvec: &#xe1cd; &Mxe1cd; ~ x ~ x ~ n ~
n [small xi, Greek, vector]
z.Dgvec: &#xe13c; &z.Dgvec; ~D ~
D ~D D~ [capital Delta, Greek, vector]
z.Ggvec: &#xe1d1; &Mxe1d1; ~G ~
G ~C C~ [capital Gamma, Greek, vector]
z.PSgvec: &#xe0e6; &z.PSgvec; ~
C C~ ~
W W~ [capital Psi, Greek, vector]
z.ccsh: &#xe0eb; &z.ccsh; J J J J [circle, cut, short horiz bar]
z.dfncl: &#xe0ec; &z.dfncl; || || || || [double-rule fence; left big]
z.dfncr: &#xe0ed; &z.dfncr; | | | | | | | | [double-rule fence; right big]
3 3 3 3
z.frac32: &#xe0ee; &z.frac32; 2 2 2 2 3/2
5 5 5 5
z.frac52: &#xe11f; &z.frac52; 2 2 2 2 5/2

14 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

5 5 5 5
z.frac54: &#xe120; &z.frac54; 4 4 4 4 5/4
1 1 1 1
z.frac19: &#xe127; &z.frac19; 9 9 9 9 1/9
5 5 5 5
z.frac59: &#xe128; &z.frac59; 9 9 9 9 5/9
5 5 5 5
z.frac5o12: &#xe129; &z.frac5o12; 12 12 12 12 5/12
4 4 4 4
z.frac43: &#xe12a; &z.frac43; 3 3 3 3 4/3
z.Gtc: &#x2aa2; &GreaterGreater; b b b b [double greater-than, compressed]
z.Ltc: &#x2aa1; &LessLess; 5 5 5 5 [double less-than, compressed]
z.hbtda: &#xe0f1; &z.hbtda; ... ... ... ... [horiz bar, triple dot above]
z.hbdda: &#xe0f2; &z.hbdda; .. .. .. .. [horiz bar, double dot above]
z.hbtdb: &#xe130; &z.hbtdb; ... ... ... ... [horiz bar, triple dot below]
z.ldang: &#x27ea; &Mx27ea; 0 0 0 0 [left double angle bracket]
z.rdang: &#x27eb; &Mx27eb; T T T T [right double angle bracket]
z.italv: &#xe0f5; &z.italv; v v v v v
1z.wvstarr: 2&#xe0f6; 3&z.wvstarr; 4 5 6 [long arrow, wavy then straight]
z.radarr: &#xe116; &z.radarr; [radiolysis arrow - arrow with voltage kink]
z.realm: &#xe1c2; &z.realm;     [real number, macron]
z.dshfnc: &#xe100; &z.dshfnc; a a a a [dashed fence]
z.spstarf: &#xe103; &z.spstarf; [*]
z.xvbar: &#xe113; &z.xvbar; | | | | [Cross with vertical bar through centre]
z.dstrA: &#xe164; &Mxe164; A A A A [Doublestruck A]
z.dstrB: &#xe165; &Mxe165; B B B B [Doublestruck B]
z.dstrC: &#xe166; &z.dstrC; C C C C [Doublestruck C]
z.dstrD: &#xe167; &Mxe167; D D D D [Doublestruck D]
z.dstrE: &#xe168; &Mxe168; E E E E [Doublestruck E]
z.dstrF: &#xe169; &Mxe169; F F F F [Doublestruck F]
z.dstrG: &#xe16a; &z.dstrG; G G G G [Doublestruck G]
z.dstrH: &#xe16b; &Mxe16b; H H H H [Doublestruck H]
z.dstrI: &#xe16c; &Mxe16c; I I I I [Doublestruck I]
z.dstrJ: &#xe16d; &Mxe16d; J J J J [Doublestruck J]
z.dstrK: &#xe16e; &Mxe16e; K K K K [Doublestruck K]
z.dstrL: &#xe16f; &Mxe16f; L L L L [Doublestruck L]
z.dstrM: &#xe170; &Mxe170; G G G G [Doublestruck M]
z.dstrN: &#xe171; &Mxe171; K K K K [Doublestruck N]
z.dstrO: &#xe172; &Mxe172; O O O O [Doublestruck O]
z.dstrP: &#xe173; &Mxe173; P P P P [Doublestruck P]
z.dstrQ: &#xe174; &Mxe174; Q Q Q Q [Doublestruck Q]
z.dstrR: &#xe175; &z.dstrR; R R R R [Doublestruck R]
z.dstrS: &#xe176; &Mxe176; S S S S [Doublestruck S]
z.dstrT: &#xe177; &z.dstrT; T T T T [Doublestruck T]
z.dstrU: &#xe178; &Mxe178; U U U U [Doublestruck U]
z.dstrV: &#xe179; &Mxe179; V V V V [Doublestruck V]
z.dstrW: &#xe17a; &Mxe17a; W W W W [Doublestruck W]
z.dstrX: &#xe17b; &Mxe17b; X X X X [Doublestruck X]
z.dstrY: &#xe17c; &Mxe17c; Y Y Y Y [Doublestruck Y]
z.dstrZ: &#xe17d; &Mxe17d; Z Z Z Z [Doublestruck Z]
z.frakA: &#xe17e; &Mxe17e; A A A A [Fraktur A]
z.frakB: &#xe17f; &Mxe17f; B B B B [Fraktur B]
z.frakC: &#xe180; &z.frakC; C C C C [Fraktur C]
z.frakD: &#xe181; &Mxe181; D D D D [Fraktur D]
z.frakE: &#xe182; &Mxe182; E E E E [Fraktur E]
z.frakF: &#xe183; &Mxe183; F F F F [Fraktur F]
z.frakG: &#xe184; &Mxe184; G G G G [Fraktur G]
z.frakH: &#xe185; &Mxe185; H H H H [Fraktur H]
z.frakI: &#xe186; &z.frakI; I I I I [Fraktur I]
z.frakJ: &#xe187; &z.frakJ; J J J J [Fraktur J]
z.frakK: &#xe188; &Mxe188; K K K K [Fraktur K]
z.frakL: &#xe189; &Mxe189; L L L L [Fraktur L]
z.frakM: &#xe18a; &Mxe18a; M M M M [Fraktur M]
z.frakN: &#xe18b; &Mxe18b; N N N N [Fraktur N]
z.frakO: &#xe18c; &Mxe18c; O O O O [Fraktur O]
z.frakP: &#xe18d; &Mxe18d; P P P P [Fraktur P]
z.frakQ: &#xe18e; &z.frakQ; Q Q Q Q [Fraktur Q]
z.frakR: &#xe18f; &z.frakR; R R R R [Fraktur R]
z.frakS: &#xe190; &Mxe190; S S S S [Fraktur S]
z.frakT: &#xe191; &Mxe191; T T T T [Fraktur T]
z.frakU: &#xe192; &Mxe192; U U U U [Fraktur U]
z.frakV: &#xe193; &Mxe193; V V V V [Fraktur V]
z.frakW: &#xe194; &Mxe194; W W W W [Fraktur W]
z.frakX: &#xe195; &Mxe195; X X X X [Fraktur X]
z.frakY: &#xe196; &Mxe196; Y Y Y Y [Fraktur Y]
z.frakZ: &#xe197; &Mxe197; Z Z Z Z [Fraktur Z]

RSC ENTITIES 2009, ]]], 1–16 | 15

RSC entities (continued )

Entity Unicode 3b2_entity Roman Italic Bold Bold italic Details

z.agdda: &#xe198; &Mxe198; ₠
a a₠ ₠
a a₠ [greek alpha with two dots above]
z.bgdda: &#xe199; &Mxe199; ₠
b b₠ ₠
b b₠ [greek beta with two dots above]
z.khgdda: &#xe19a; &Mxe19a; ₠
c c ₠ ₠
c ₠
c [greek chi with two dots above]
z.dgdda: &#xe19b; &z.dgdda; ₠
d d₠ ₠
d d₠ [greek delta with two dots above]
z.egdda: &#xe19c; &Mxe19c; ₠e ₠
e ₠e ₠
e [greek epsilon with two dots above]
z.phgdda: &#xe19d; &z.phgdda; f₠ f₠ ₠
/ /₠ [greek phi with two dots above]
z.ggdda: &#xe19e; &Mxe19e; ₠
g g₠ ₠
g g₠ [greek gamma with two dots above]
z.eegdda: &#xe19f; &Mxe19f; Z₠ Z₠ ₠
g g₠ [greek eta with two dots above]
z.igdda: &#xe1a0; &Mxe1a0; ₠i ₠i ₠i ₠i [greek iota with two dots above]
z.phvgdda: &#xe1a1; &Mxe1a1; j₠ j ₠ ₠
u u ₠ [greek variant phi with two dots above]
z.kgdda: &#xe1a2; &Mxe1a2; k₠ k₠ ₠
j j₠ [greek kappa with two dots above]
z.lgdda: &#xe1a3; &Mxe1a3; l₠ l₠ ₠
k k₠ [greek lambda with two dots above]
z.mgdda: &#xe1a4; &Mxe1a4; m₠ m₠ ₠
l l₠ [greek mu with two dots above]
z.ngdda: &#xe1a5; &Mxe1a5; ₠
n ₠i ₠
m m₠ [greek nu with two dots above]
z.pgdda: &#xe1a6; &Mxe1a6; p₠ p₠ ₠
p p₠ [greek pi with two dots above]
z.thgdda: &#xe1a7; &Mxe1a7; ₠
y y₠ ₠
h h₠ [greek theta with two dots above]
z.rgdda: &#xe1a8; &Mxe1a8; r₠ r₠ ₠
q q₠ [greek rho with two dots above]
z.sgdda: &#xe1a9; &Mxe1a9; s₠ s₠ ₠
r r₠ [greek sigma with two dots above]
z.tgdda: &#xe1aa; &Mxe1aa; ₠t t₠ ₠s s
₠ [greek tau with two dots above]
z.ugdda: &#xe1ab; &Mxe1ab; ₠
u u₠ ₠
t t₠ [greek upsilon with two dots above]
z.pvgdda: &#xe1ac; &Mxe1ac; ₠
j j ₠ ₠
u u ₠ [greek variant pi with two dots above]
z.ohgdda: &#xe1ad; &Mxe1ad; ₠
o o ₠ ₠
x x ₠ [greek omega with two dots above]
z.xgdda: &#xe1ae; &Mxe1ae; ₠
x x₠ ₠
n n₠ [greek xi with two dots above]
z.psgdda: &#xe1af; &Mxe1af; ₠
c c ₠ ₠
w w₠ [greek psi with two dots above]
z.zgdda: &#xe1b0; &Mxe1b0; ₠z z₠ ₠f f₠ [greek zeta with two dots above]
z.Dgdda: &#xe1b1; &Mxe1b1; ₠
D D ₠ ₠
D D₠ [greek Delta with two dots above]
z.PHgdda: &#xe1b2; &Mxe1b2; ₠
F F ₠ ₠
U U ₠ [greek Phi with two dots above]
z.Ggdda: &#xe1b3; &Mxe1b3; ₠
G G ₠ ₠
C C₠ [greek Gamma with two dots above]
z.thvgdda: &#xe1b4; &Mxe1b4; ₠
W W₠ ₠
0 ₠0 [greek variant theta with two dots above]
z.Lgdda: &#xe1b5; &Mxe1b5; ₠
L L ₠ ₠
K K ₠ [greek Lambda with two dots above]
z.Pgdda: &#xe1b6; &Mxe1b6; ₠
P P ₠ ₠
P P ₠ [greek Pi with two dots above]
z.THgdda: &#xe1b7; &Mxe1b7; ₠
Y Z₠ ₠
H H ₠ [greek Theta with two dots above]
z.Sgdda: &#xe1b8; &Mxe1b8; ₠
S S ₠ ₠
R R₠ [greek Sigma with two dots above]
z.Ugdda: &#xe1b9; &Mxe1b9; ₠
U U₠ ₠
! ₠! [greek Upsilon with two dots above]
z.sfgdda: &#xe1ba; &Mxe1ba; &Mxe1ba; &Mxe1ba; &Mxe1ba; &Mxe1ba; [greek final sigma with two dots above]
z.OHgdda: &#xe1bb; &Mxe1bb; ₠
O ₠
O ₠
X X₠ [greek Omega with two dots above]
z.Xgdda: &#xe1bc; &Mxe1bc; ₠
X ₠
X ₠
N N₠ [greek Xi with two dots above]
z.PSgdda: &#xe1bd; &Mxe1bd; ₠
C ₠
C ₠
W W₠ [greek Psi with two dots above]
z.oone: &#x2460; &z.oone; &z.oone; &z.oone; &z.oone; &z.oone; [circle containing 1]
z.otwo: &#x2461; &z.otwo; &z.otwo; &z.otwo; &z.otwo; &z.otwo; [circle containing 2]
z.othr: &#x2462; &z.othr; &z.othr; &z.othr; &z.othr; &z.othr; [circle containing 3]
z.ofour: &#x2463; &z.ofour; &z.ofour; &z.ofour; &z.ofour; &z.ofour; [circle containing 4]
z.ofive: &#x2464; &z.ofive; &z.ofive; &z.ofive; &z.ofive; &z.ofive; [circle containing 5]
z.osix: &#x2465; &z.osix; &z.osix; &z.osix; &z.osix; &z.osix; [circle containing 6]
z.osev: &#x2466; &z.osev; &z.osev; &z.osev; &z.osev; &z.osev; [circle containing 7]
z.oeigh: &#x2467; &z.oeigh; &z.oeigh; &z.oeigh; &z.oeigh; &z.oeigh; [circle containing 8]
z.onine: &#x2468; &z.onine; &z.onine; &z.onine; &z.onine; &z.onine; [circle containing 9]
z.cirf: &#x25cf; &z.cirf; K K K K [black circle]
z.cirfl: &#x25d0; &Mx25d0; &Mx25d0; &Mx25d0; &Mx25d0; &Mx25d0; [circle filled left]
z.nsupne: &#xe1fb; &Mxe1fb; &Mxe1fb; &Mxe1fb; &Mxe1fb; &Mxe1fb; [neither a superset of nor equal to]
z.rad: &#x2d9; &z.rad; [radical dot]

16 | 2009, ]]], 1–16 RSC ENTITIES

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