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Test Bank for Essentials of Life-Span Development, 2nd Edition: Santrock

Test Bank for Essentials of Life-Span Development,

2nd Edition: Santrock

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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Greta is 55 years old. If she had been born a century earlier and destined to turn 55 in the year 1900, by that
year she would probably have been:
A. deceased.
B. in good health.
C. in middle adulthood.
D. in later adulthood.

2. What was the average life expectancy in 1900?

A. 37 years
B. 42 years
C. 47 years
D. 52 years

3. What percentage of the U.S. population is older than 65 years?

A. 2
B. 12
C. 22
D. 23

4. Manuel has just reached middle age as defined by the text. This means he is at least __________ years old.
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

5. Which "cohort" represents the largest single age group in the United States?
A. The "hippies."
B. The "gothics."
C. The "elderly."
D. The "baby boomers."
6. Experts predict that the median age in the United States will rise to ____ years by the year 2050.
A. 35
B. 38
C. 42
D. 45

7. As your author points out, middle age is a very difficult time to quantify. Experts are now starting to refer to
the ages of __________ as "late midlife" in an attempt to create more distinction between age periods.
A. 40-60
B. 45-55
C. 50-60
D. 55-65

8. Middle-aged adults tend to focus more on assessment of __________ than young adults do.
A. how much time remains in life
B. time spent in different contexts of life
C. how much time is available for enjoyment
D. how much time is spent in intimate relationships

9. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding middle-aged people's appearances?

A. Facial wrinkles and gray hair are among the signs of aging that appear in the forties or fifties.
B. Middle-aged people focus less on facial attractiveness than do older or younger people.
C. Middle-aged people are more likely to perceive the signs of aging as having a negative effect on their
physical appearance.
D. Middle-aged people will often dye their hair, take heavy doses of vitamins, and participate in exercise
programs to sustain a youthful appearance.

10. More than for previous generations, the baby boom generation in the United States places ___________
maintaining a youthful physical appearance.
A. very little emphasis on
B. great emphasis on
C. no emphasis on aging gracefully and
D. too much emphasis on

11. The average adult in middle adulthood __________ height and __________ weight.
A. loses; loses
B. loses; gains
C. gains; gains
D. gains; loses
12. Bob is 50 years old. If he is typical for his age, what is one of his major health concerns at this stage of life?
A. weight
B. complexion
C. liver disease
D. optimal exercise

13. Bernard is now in his 50s. Body fat accounts for __________ of his total body weight.
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%

14. A major health concern for middle-aged adults is:

A. diabetes.
B. cancer.
C. being overweight.
D. tooth decay.

15. People become __________ as they go through middle adulthood.

A. faster
B. happier
C. thinner
D. shorter

16. The term __________ is given to age-related loss of muscle mass and strength.
A. arthritis
B. sarcopenia
C. osteoporosis
D. muscular dystrophy

17. A man in his mid-40s is most likely to notice:

A. increased strength in his upper arms.
B. sensitivity to high-pitched sounds.
C. joint stiffness.
D. decreased bladder control.
18. Larry is a normal 45-year-old male. Which of the following is Larry most likely to be experiencing?
A. decreased sexual drive
B. divorce
C. declines in vision and hearing
D. increased metabolic rate

19. Which of the following is most likely to cause difficulty for a middle-aged adult without glasses?
A. reading a newspaper
B. watching TV
C. reading an eye chart 20 feet away
D. reading a road sign during the day

20. During middle age, the visual system begins to change. Which of the following is NOT one of those
A. Accommodation ability of the eye diminishes.
B. The size of the retinal blind spot diminishes.
C. More illumination is required for visual work.
D. It is necessary to have glasses that focus on multiple distances.

21. During middle age, the ability to hear __________ sounds declines first.
A. lower-pitched
B. higher-volume
C. higher-pitched
D. midrange-pitched

22. Sensitivity to ____ pitches usually declines first among ____.

A. high; women
B. high; men
C. low; women
D. low; men

23. Forty-five-year-old Angie loves going to the symphony, but she has been complaining that lately the basses
and cellos are overwhelming the violins and flutes. Angie may be experiencing the middle-age decline in her:
A. sensitivity to low-pitched sounds.
B. hearing attention span.
C. sensitivity to high-pitched sounds.
D. sensitivity to middle-pitched sounds.
24. Mattie is in middle adulthood and can expect all of the following changes to her cardiovascular system,
A. after menopause, her blood pressure will sharply rise.
B. deposits will line her blood vessels.
C. the level of cholesterol in her blood will increase.
D. shortness of breath will occur more frequently.

25. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of metabolic syndrome, which is commonly seen during the
middle age years?
A. congestive heart failure
B. hypertension
C. obesity
D. insulin resistance

26. What is the most common change in sleep patterns of adults during middle age?
A. They spend more time in REM sleep.
B. They sleep about 30 to 45 minutes less each night.
C. They take more frequent naps during the day.
D. They spend less time in deep sleep.

27. Stress weakens the ability of the immune system to fight disease. This effect can start to cause serious health
concerns by the time we reach ________.
A. early adulthood
B. middle age
C. retirement age
D. old age

28. The main cause of death in middle adulthood in the United States is:
A. cancer.
B. accidents.
C. heart disease.
D. smoking-related illnesses.

29. What is the hormonal change that is associated with menopause in women?
A. increase in estrogen
B. decrease in estrogen
C. increase in androgen
D. decrease in androgen
30. Lillian is 50 years old. Her doctor has noticed a sharp decrease in her estrogen levels, and Lillian is
complaining about nausea and fatigue. What will her doctor probably tell her?
A. Her thyroid is malfunctioning.
B. She is going through menopause.
C. She may have a problem with her bone marrow.
D. She needs to control her diet and blood sugar levels.

31. A recent large-scale study of American women found that the majority of postmenopausal women reported:
A. debilitating depression and irritability.
B. embarrassing hot flashes.
C. regret that they no longer had their period.
D. that menopause was not the negative event that it was once portrayed to be.

32. After menopause, most women experience:

A. prolonged depression.
B. a loss of sexuality or sexual desire.
C. an increase in psychological disorders related to menopause.
D. no severe negative effects.

33. The idea that menopause causes depression, loss of sexual desire, and psychological disturbance is:
A. inaccurate for most women.
B. true for most women.
C. true for about half of all women.
D. true only for women who have given birth.

34. When Janet goes to her doctor to discuss ways to cope with discomfort during menopause, her doctor most
likely will advise short-term:
A. antibiotics.
B. amphetamines.
C. estrogen reduction.
D. hormone replacement therapy.

35. Since 2004, many women and their doctors are concerned that the hormonal treatments available for
menopause may have the side effect of being associated with:
A. diabetes.
B. stroke and breast cancer.
C. ovarian cancer.
D. high blood pressure.
36. Female menopause is more _________, whereas male menopause is more _________.
A. psychological; physical
B. physical; psychological
C. psychological; psychological
D. physical; physical

37. When it comes to treating male and female menopause, hormone treatments are:
A. about equally effective for both sexes.
B. more effective for women than for men.
C. more effective for men than for women.
D. effective for men younger than 50 years and women older than 50.

38. What is the hormonal change that is associated with male menopause?
A. increase in testosterone
B. decrease in testosterone
C. increase in androgen
D. decrease in androgen

39. Evidence suggests that male menopause is:

A. psychological rather than physical.
B. physical rather than psychological.
C. beginning to appear at an earlier age than before.
D. caused more by a loss of androgen than by a loss of testosterone.

40. When it comes to treating male menopause, hormone treatments are:

A. effective.
B. not effective.
C. effective only after age 60 years.
D. effective in about two-thirds of cases.

41. Tony's condition has been diagnosed as sexual dysfunction. His doctor will most likely treat him with:
A. Rogaine.
B. Viagra.
C. cognitive restructuring.
D. Prozac.
42. In addition to Viagra, there are two more recent drugs to help with erectile dysfunction. These drugs, which
are reported to have fewer side effects, are:
A. Rogaine and Prozac.
B. Levitra and Cialis.
C. oxycodone and Prozac.
D. naproxen and OxyContin.

43. As they proceed through middle age, Tony and Martha are not having sexual relations quite as often as they
did when they were younger. From what we know about sexual development in middle age, we can expect that
this is because Tony and Martha:
A. have less time and energy for sex.
B. are not as healthy as they once were.
C. do not find each other as attractive as before.
D. have reduced sexual drives as a result of hormonal changes.

44. The number one factor that determines whether a woman will continue to have an active sex life during
middle age is:
A. good health.
B. time.
C. the presence of a spouse or partner.
D. sexual drive.

45. Fluid intelligence is the ability to:

A. reason abstractly.
B. memorize information quickly.
C. adapt to new ways of thinking.
D. use deductive reasoning.

46. In middle adulthood, __________ intelligence continues to increase.

A. fluid
B. semantic
C. crystallized
D. multiple
47. A reasonable explanation for why 40-year-olds and 60-year-olds show differences in intelligence test scores
A. secular trends.
B. cohort effects.
C. declining IQ with age.
D. biases in IQ testing.

48. Laura is in her 40s. Which of the following of her abilities will decline in the next 10 years?
A. inductive reasoning
B. numerical abilities
C. spatial orientation
D. verbal abilities

49. The Seattle Longitudinal Study concluded that middle age is a time of:
A. peak performance for verbal abilities and verbal memory.
B. great decline for inductive reasoning.
C. moderate decline for spatial abilities.
D. increased mathematical abilities.

50. An adult in middle age will do most poorly on which of the following tasks?
A. adding columns of numbers
B. completing a crossword puzzle
C. hitting the brakes when the light turns red
D. lifting a box that weighs 20 pounds

51. Michelle is upset because she believes her memory has been getting worse since she entered middle age.
She finds it harder to remember a grocery list or telephone number, although she does not have difficulty with
information she uses often, such as her address or Social Security number. Which of the following is probably
TRUE about Michelle?
A. Michelle is showing signs of premature memory failure.
B. Michelle is typical of middle-aged people in her ability to remember information.
C. Michelle is better at remembering information than the majority of middle-aged people.
D. Michelle is typical in her memory for frequently used information but is worse than average in her memory
for lists.
52. Which of the following strategies would be most helpful in improving memory in middle age?
A. Avoid using vivid imagery to keep from becoming distracted.
B. Use a recall rather than recognition strategy whenever possible.
C. Use organization and imagery to assist the remembering of specific information.
D. Avoid using the information to be remembered so that it does not become confused with other information.

53. In general, why are 40-year-olds better problem-solvers than 20-year-olds?

A. they have better methods to improve their memory
B. they have more experience
C. they are more patient
D. they have better insight

54. In middle age, the role of work __________ in people's lives.

A. is downplayed
B. is very central
C. lessens
D. is of moderate importance

55. At age 45, Dena wants to begin a new leisure activity. Which of the following would NOT fit the definition
of leisure?
A. reading poetry
B. taking a jewelry-making class
C. selling ceramics out of her home
D. volunteering 10 hours per week at the library

56. Which of the following is NOT a reason that leisure may be an especially important aspect of middle
A. inevitability of death
B. life change
C. opportunity
D. availability of money

57. According to information in Chapter 13, what will be the balance of leisure and work for most individuals
during middle adulthood?
A. They will work more and participate in leisure less.
B. The balance of work and leisure will stay the same as in their earlier life.
C. They will participate in leisure more and work less.
D. The balance cannot be determined; different people are too variable.
58. One reason that leisure is important in middle adulthood is that:
A. it prepares middle-aged adults for retirement.
B. adults in midlife enjoy diversion more than people do at other life stages.
C. other experiences have become relatively less meaningful and important to most people.
D. leisure has a major impact on career advancement.

59. What percentage of Americans consider themselves to be religious?

A. 35
B. 55
C. 70
D. 95

60. Compared with men's involvement in religion, women are more likely to:
A. have less faith in religious institutions.
B. believe in a higher power or presence.
C. change churches when they are dissatisfied.
D. experiment with alternative religious practices.

61. Which group has a stronger interest in religion?

A. men
B. women
C. Protestants
D. Catholics

62. As we age, our level of spirituality:

A. increases.
B. decreases.
C. remains the same.
D. increases, but only in those who have chronic health concerns.

63. Which statement best characterizes the nature of religion's influence on Americans' lives?
A. The vast majority of Americans attend religious services.
B. Religion appears to be less important to Americans than to other people around the world.
C. The majority of Americans engage in some sort of spiritual practice.
D. Americans attend religious services out of habit, not out of religious conviction.
64. Recent research suggests that religion can promote physical health due to:
A. lifestyle issues
B. social networks
C. coping with stress
D. all of these

65. According to Victor Frankl, the three most distinct human qualities are freedom, responsibility, and:
A. meaning.
B. spirituality.
C. religion.
D. faith.

66. In 1933, this theorist referred to midlife as "the afternoon of life."

67. This theorist proposed that two kinds of intelligences (knowledge of facts and the ability to reason
abstractly) could be identified, and each of these intelligences were differentially affected as one aged.

68. This Austrian psychiatrist, a concentration camp survivor, wrote the book Man's Search for Meaning, in
which he proposed that the human qualities of spirituality, freedom, and responsibility were key in finding one's
true meaning in life (and death).
69. The developmental period that begins at approximately 40 years of age and extends to about 60 to 65 years
of age.

70. The ability to focus and maintain an image on the retina.

71. Disorders that are characterized by slow onset and long duration. They are rare in early adulthood, they
increase during middle adulthood, and they become common in late adulthood.

72. The midlife transition, for both men and women, in which fertility declines.

73. The complete cessation of a woman's menstruation which usually occurs in the late 40s or early 50s.
74. A kind of (adult) intelligence that consists of one's accumulated knowledge base and verbal skills.

75. A kind of (adult) intelligence that consists of one's ability to reason abstractly.

76. The mental "workbench" in the mind through which individuals manipulate information and solve

77. List three changes to ones appearance that may occur as we reach middle age.
78. List three ways that memory generally changes during middle adulthood.

79. List three reasons why religion is positively associated with positive physical health.

80. Identify three of the physical changes that take place during middle adulthood.

81. Briefly discuss the conditions that may occur with menopause.
82. Distinguish between crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence, and explain how they change in middle
c13 Key

1. Greta is 55 years old. If she had been born a century earlier and destined to turn 55 in the year 1900, by that
year she would probably have been:
A. deceased.
B. in good health.
C. in middle adulthood.
D. in later adulthood.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #1

2. What was the average life expectancy in 1900?

A. 37 years
B. 42 years
C. 47 years
D. 52 years

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #2

3. What percentage of the U.S. population is older than 65 years?

A. 2
B. 12
C. 22
D. 23

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #3
4. Manuel has just reached middle age as defined by the text. This means he is at least __________ years old.
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #4

5. Which "cohort" represents the largest single age group in the United States?
A. The "hippies."
B. The "gothics."
C. The "elderly."
D. The "baby boomers."

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #5

6. Experts predict that the median age in the United States will rise to ____ years by the year 2050.
A. 35
B. 38
C. 42
D. 45

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #6

7. As your author points out, middle age is a very difficult time to quantify. Experts are now starting to refer to
the ages of __________ as "late midlife" in an attempt to create more distinction between age periods.
A. 40-60
B. 45-55
C. 50-60
D. 55-65

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Defining Middle Adulthood
Santrock - Chapter 13 #7
8. Middle-aged adults tend to focus more on assessment of __________ than young adults do.
A. how much time remains in life
B. time spent in different contexts of life
C. how much time is available for enjoyment
D. how much time is spent in intimate relationships

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Defining Middle Adulthood
Santrock - Chapter 13 #8

9. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding middle-aged people's appearances?

A. Facial wrinkles and gray hair are among the signs of aging that appear in the forties or fifties.
B. Middle-aged people focus less on facial attractiveness than do older or younger people.
C. Middle-aged people are more likely to perceive the signs of aging as having a negative effect on their
physical appearance.
D. Middle-aged people will often dye their hair, take heavy doses of vitamins, and participate in exercise
programs to sustain a youthful appearance.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Visible Signs
Santrock - Chapter 13 #9

10. More than for previous generations, the baby boom generation in the United States places ___________
maintaining a youthful physical appearance.
A. very little emphasis on
B. great emphasis on
C. no emphasis on aging gracefully and
D. too much emphasis on

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Visible Signs
Santrock - Chapter 13 #10

11. The average adult in middle adulthood __________ height and __________ weight.
A. loses; loses
B. loses; gains
C. gains; gains
D. gains; loses

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Height and Weight
Santrock - Chapter 13 #11
12. Bob is 50 years old. If he is typical for his age, what is one of his major health concerns at this stage of life?
A. weight
B. complexion
C. liver disease
D. optimal exercise

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Height and Weight
Santrock - Chapter 13 #12

13. Bernard is now in his 50s. Body fat accounts for __________ of his total body weight.
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Height and Weight
Santrock - Chapter 13 #13

14. A major health concern for middle-aged adults is:

A. diabetes.
B. cancer.
C. being overweight.
D. tooth decay.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Height and Weight
Santrock - Chapter 13 #14

15. People become __________ as they go through middle adulthood.

A. faster
B. happier
C. thinner
D. shorter

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Height and Weight
Santrock - Chapter 13 #15
16. The term __________ is given to age-related loss of muscle mass and strength.
A. arthritis
B. sarcopenia
C. osteoporosis
D. muscular dystrophy

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Strength, Joints, and Bones
Santrock - Chapter 13 #16

17. A man in his mid-40s is most likely to notice:

A. increased strength in his upper arms.
B. sensitivity to high-pitched sounds.
C. joint stiffness.
D. decreased bladder control.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Strength, Joints, and Bones
Santrock - Chapter 13 #17

18. Larry is a normal 45-year-old male. Which of the following is Larry most likely to be experiencing?
A. decreased sexual drive
B. divorce
C. declines in vision and hearing
D. increased metabolic rate

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #18

19. Which of the following is most likely to cause difficulty for a middle-aged adult without glasses?
A. reading a newspaper
B. watching TV
C. reading an eye chart 20 feet away
D. reading a road sign during the day

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #19
20. During middle age, the visual system begins to change. Which of the following is NOT one of those
A. Accommodation ability of the eye diminishes.
B. The size of the retinal blind spot diminishes.
C. More illumination is required for visual work.
D. It is necessary to have glasses that focus on multiple distances.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #20

21. During middle age, the ability to hear __________ sounds declines first.
A. lower-pitched
B. higher-volume
C. higher-pitched
D. midrange-pitched

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #21

22. Sensitivity to ____ pitches usually declines first among ____.

A. high; women
B. high; men
C. low; women
D. low; men

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #22

23. Forty-five-year-old Angie loves going to the symphony, but she has been complaining that lately the basses
and cellos are overwhelming the violins and flutes. Angie may be experiencing the middle-age decline in her:
A. sensitivity to low-pitched sounds.
B. hearing attention span.
C. sensitivity to high-pitched sounds.
D. sensitivity to middle-pitched sounds.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #23
24. Mattie is in middle adulthood and can expect all of the following changes to her cardiovascular system,
A. after menopause, her blood pressure will sharply rise.
B. deposits will line her blood vessels.
C. the level of cholesterol in her blood will increase.
D. shortness of breath will occur more frequently.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Cardiovascular System
Santrock - Chapter 13 #24

25. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of metabolic syndrome, which is commonly seen during the
middle age years?
A. congestive heart failure
B. hypertension
C. obesity
D. insulin resistance

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Cardiovascular System
Santrock - Chapter 13 #25

26. What is the most common change in sleep patterns of adults during middle age?
A. They spend more time in REM sleep.
B. They sleep about 30 to 45 minutes less each night.
C. They take more frequent naps during the day.
D. They spend less time in deep sleep.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Sleep
Santrock - Chapter 13 #26

27. Stress weakens the ability of the immune system to fight disease. This effect can start to cause serious health
concerns by the time we reach ________.
A. early adulthood
B. middle age
C. retirement age
D. old age

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Health and Disease
Santrock - Chapter 13 #27
28. The main cause of death in middle adulthood in the United States is:
A. cancer.
B. accidents.
C. heart disease.
D. smoking-related illnesses.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Health and Disease
Santrock - Chapter 13 #28

29. What is the hormonal change that is associated with menopause in women?
A. increase in estrogen
B. decrease in estrogen
C. increase in androgen
D. decrease in androgen

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #29

30. Lillian is 50 years old. Her doctor has noticed a sharp decrease in her estrogen levels, and Lillian is
complaining about nausea and fatigue. What will her doctor probably tell her?
A. Her thyroid is malfunctioning.
B. She is going through menopause.
C. She may have a problem with her bone marrow.
D. She needs to control her diet and blood sugar levels.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #30

31. A recent large-scale study of American women found that the majority of postmenopausal women reported:
A. debilitating depression and irritability.
B. embarrassing hot flashes.
C. regret that they no longer had their period.
D. that menopause was not the negative event that it was once portrayed to be.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #31
32. After menopause, most women experience:
A. prolonged depression.
B. a loss of sexuality or sexual desire.
C. an increase in psychological disorders related to menopause.
D. no severe negative effects.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #32

33. The idea that menopause causes depression, loss of sexual desire, and psychological disturbance is:
A. inaccurate for most women.
B. true for most women.
C. true for about half of all women.
D. true only for women who have given birth.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #33

34. When Janet goes to her doctor to discuss ways to cope with discomfort during menopause, her doctor most
likely will advise short-term:
A. antibiotics.
B. amphetamines.
C. estrogen reduction.
D. hormone replacement therapy.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #34

35. Since 2004, many women and their doctors are concerned that the hormonal treatments available for
menopause may have the side effect of being associated with:
A. diabetes.
B. stroke and breast cancer.
C. ovarian cancer.
D. high blood pressure.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #35
36. Female menopause is more _________, whereas male menopause is more _________.
A. psychological; physical
B. physical; psychological
C. psychological; psychological
D. physical; physical

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Hormonal Changes in Middle-Aged Men
Santrock - Chapter 13 #36

37. When it comes to treating male and female menopause, hormone treatments are:
A. about equally effective for both sexes.
B. more effective for women than for men.
C. more effective for men than for women.
D. effective for men younger than 50 years and women older than 50.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Hormonal Changes in Middle-Aged Men
Santrock - Chapter 13 #37

38. What is the hormonal change that is associated with male menopause?
A. increase in testosterone
B. decrease in testosterone
C. increase in androgen
D. decrease in androgen

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Hormonal Changes in Middle-Aged Men
Santrock - Chapter 13 #38

39. Evidence suggests that male menopause is:

A. psychological rather than physical.
B. physical rather than psychological.
C. beginning to appear at an earlier age than before.
D. caused more by a loss of androgen than by a loss of testosterone.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Hormonal Changes in Middle-Aged Men
Santrock - Chapter 13 #39
40. When it comes to treating male menopause, hormone treatments are:
A. effective.
B. not effective.
C. effective only after age 60 years.
D. effective in about two-thirds of cases.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Hormonal Changes in Middle-Aged Men
Santrock - Chapter 13 #40

41. Tony's condition has been diagnosed as sexual dysfunction. His doctor will most likely treat him with:
A. Rogaine.
B. Viagra.
C. cognitive restructuring.
D. Prozac.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Hormonal Changes in Middle-Aged Men
Santrock - Chapter 13 #41

42. In addition to Viagra, there are two more recent drugs to help with erectile dysfunction. These drugs, which
are reported to have fewer side effects, are:
A. Rogaine and Prozac.
B. Levitra and Cialis.
C. oxycodone and Prozac.
D. naproxen and OxyContin.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Sexual Attitudes and Behavior
Santrock - Chapter 13 #42

43. As they proceed through middle age, Tony and Martha are not having sexual relations quite as often as they
did when they were younger. From what we know about sexual development in middle age, we can expect that
this is because Tony and Martha:
A. have less time and energy for sex.
B. are not as healthy as they once were.
C. do not find each other as attractive as before.
D. have reduced sexual drives as a result of hormonal changes.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Sexual Attitudes and Behavior
Santrock - Chapter 13 #43
44. The number one factor that determines whether a woman will continue to have an active sex life during
middle age is:
A. good health.
B. time.
C. the presence of a spouse or partner.
D. sexual drive.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Sexual Attitudes and Behavior
Santrock - Chapter 13 #44

45. Fluid intelligence is the ability to:

A. reason abstractly.
B. memorize information quickly.
C. adapt to new ways of thinking.
D. use deductive reasoning.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Santrock - Chapter 13 #45

46. In middle adulthood, __________ intelligence continues to increase.

A. fluid
B. semantic
C. crystallized
D. multiple

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Santrock - Chapter 13 #46

47. A reasonable explanation for why 40-year-olds and 60-year-olds show differences in intelligence test scores
A. secular trends.
B. cohort effects.
C. declining IQ with age.
D. biases in IQ testing.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Santrock - Chapter 13 #47
48. Laura is in her 40s. Which of the following of her abilities will decline in the next 10 years?
A. inductive reasoning
B. numerical abilities
C. spatial orientation
D. verbal abilities

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: The Seattle Longitudinal Study
Santrock - Chapter 13 #48

49. The Seattle Longitudinal Study concluded that middle age is a time of:
A. peak performance for verbal abilities and verbal memory.
B. great decline for inductive reasoning.
C. moderate decline for spatial abilities.
D. increased mathematical abilities.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: The Seattle Longitudinal Study
Santrock - Chapter 13 #49

50. An adult in middle age will do most poorly on which of the following tasks?
A. adding columns of numbers
B. completing a crossword puzzle
C. hitting the brakes when the light turns red
D. lifting a box that weighs 20 pounds

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Speed of Information Processing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #50

51. Michelle is upset because she believes her memory has been getting worse since she entered middle age.
She finds it harder to remember a grocery list or telephone number, although she does not have difficulty with
information she uses often, such as her address or Social Security number. Which of the following is probably
TRUE about Michelle?
A. Michelle is showing signs of premature memory failure.
B. Michelle is typical of middle-aged people in her ability to remember information.
C. Michelle is better at remembering information than the majority of middle-aged people.
D. Michelle is typical in her memory for frequently used information but is worse than average in her memory
for lists.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Memory
Santrock - Chapter 13 #51
52. Which of the following strategies would be most helpful in improving memory in middle age?
A. Avoid using vivid imagery to keep from becoming distracted.
B. Use a recall rather than recognition strategy whenever possible.
C. Use organization and imagery to assist the remembering of specific information.
D. Avoid using the information to be remembered so that it does not become confused with other information.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Memory
Santrock - Chapter 13 #52

53. In general, why are 40-year-olds better problem-solvers than 20-year-olds?

A. they have better methods to improve their memory
B. they have more experience
C. they are more patient
D. they have better insight

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Expertise
Santrock - Chapter 13 #53

54. In middle age, the role of work __________ in people's lives.

A. is downplayed
B. is very central
C. lessens
D. is of moderate importance

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Work in Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #54

55. At age 45, Dena wants to begin a new leisure activity. Which of the following would NOT fit the definition
of leisure?
A. reading poetry
B. taking a jewelry-making class
C. selling ceramics out of her home
D. volunteering 10 hours per week at the library

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Leisure
Santrock - Chapter 13 #55
56. Which of the following is NOT a reason that leisure may be an especially important aspect of middle
A. inevitability of death
B. life change
C. opportunity
D. availability of money

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Leisure
Santrock - Chapter 13 #56

57. According to information in Chapter 13, what will be the balance of leisure and work for most individuals
during middle adulthood?
A. They will work more and participate in leisure less.
B. The balance of work and leisure will stay the same as in their earlier life.
C. They will participate in leisure more and work less.
D. The balance cannot be determined; different people are too variable.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Applied
Page Reference: Leisure
Santrock - Chapter 13 #57

58. One reason that leisure is important in middle adulthood is that:

A. it prepares middle-aged adults for retirement.
B. adults in midlife enjoy diversion more than people do at other life stages.
C. other experiences have become relatively less meaningful and important to most people.
D. leisure has a major impact on career advancement.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Leisure
Santrock - Chapter 13 #58

59. What percentage of Americans consider themselves to be religious?

A. 35
B. 55
C. 70
D. 95

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Religion and Adult Lives
Santrock - Chapter 13 #59
60. Compared with men's involvement in religion, women are more likely to:
A. have less faith in religious institutions.
B. believe in a higher power or presence.
C. change churches when they are dissatisfied.
D. experiment with alternative religious practices.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Religion and Adult Lives
Santrock - Chapter 13 #60

61. Which group has a stronger interest in religion?

A. men
B. women
C. Protestants
D. Catholics

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Religion and Adult Lives
Santrock - Chapter 13 #61

62. As we age, our level of spirituality:

A. increases.
B. decreases.
C. remains the same.
D. increases, but only in those who have chronic health concerns.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Religion and Adult Lives
Santrock - Chapter 13 #62

63. Which statement best characterizes the nature of religion's influence on Americans' lives?
A. The vast majority of Americans attend religious services.
B. Religion appears to be less important to Americans than to other people around the world.
C. The majority of Americans engage in some sort of spiritual practice.
D. Americans attend religious services out of habit, not out of religious conviction.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Conceptual
Page Reference: Religion and Health
Santrock - Chapter 13 #63
64. Recent research suggests that religion can promote physical health due to:
A. lifestyle issues
B. social networks
C. coping with stress
D. all of these

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Religion and Health
Santrock - Chapter 13 #64

65. According to Victor Frankl, the three most distinct human qualities are freedom, responsibility, and:
A. meaning.
B. spirituality.
C. religion.
D. faith.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Meaning in Life
Santrock - Chapter 13 #65

66. In 1933, this theorist referred to midlife as "the afternoon of life."

Carl Jung

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #66

67. This theorist proposed that two kinds of intelligences (knowledge of facts and the ability to reason
abstractly) could be identified, and each of these intelligences were differentially affected as one aged.

John Horn

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Santrock - Chapter 13 #67
68. This Austrian psychiatrist, a concentration camp survivor, wrote the book Man's Search for Meaning, in
which he proposed that the human qualities of spirituality, freedom, and responsibility were key in finding one's
true meaning in life (and death).

Viktor Frankl

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Meaning in Life
Santrock - Chapter 13 #68

69. The developmental period that begins at approximately 40 years of age and extends to about 60 to 65 years
of age.

middle adulthood

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Changing Midlife
Santrock - Chapter 13 #69

70. The ability to focus and maintain an image on the retina.

accommodation (of the eye)

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing
Santrock - Chapter 13 #70

71. Disorders that are characterized by slow onset and long duration. They are rare in early adulthood, they
increase during middle adulthood, and they become common in late adulthood.

chronic disorders

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Health and Disease
Santrock - Chapter 13 #71
72. The midlife transition, for both men and women, in which fertility declines.


Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Sexuality
Santrock - Chapter 13 #72

73. The complete cessation of a woman's menstruation which usually occurs in the late 40s or early 50s.


Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #73

74. A kind of (adult) intelligence that consists of one's accumulated knowledge base and verbal skills.

crystallized intelligence

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Santrock - Chapter 13 #74

75. A kind of (adult) intelligence that consists of one's ability to reason abstractly.

fluid intelligence

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Santrock - Chapter 13 #75

76. The mental "workbench" in the mind through which individuals manipulate information and solve

working memory

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Memory
Santrock - Chapter 13 #76
77. List three changes to ones appearance that may occur as we reach middle age.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Visible Signs
Santrock - Chapter 13 #77

78. List three ways that memory generally changes during middle adulthood.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Memory
Santrock - Chapter 13 #78
79. List three reasons why religion is positively associated with positive physical health.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Religion and Health
Santrock - Chapter 13 #79

80. Identify three of the physical changes that take place during middle adulthood.

(a) Accommodation of the eye declines; (b) viewing close objects becomes difficult; (c) the eyes' blood supply
diminishes; (d) the size of the visual field diminishes; (e) the retina becomes less sensitive to low levels of
illumination; (f) hearing declines, with sensitivity to high pitches declining first; (g) individuals become shorter;
(h) the skin wrinkles and sags; (i) teeth become yellow; (j) individuals lose strength; (k) there is progressive
bone loss; and (l) individuals gain weight.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Physical Changes
Santrock - Chapter 13 #80

81. Briefly discuss the conditions that may occur with menopause.

Estrogen production declines, creating uncomfortable symptoms in some menopausal women: hot flashes,
nausea, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. Depression and irritability also are reported. However, only a minority of
menopausal women experience these symptoms. Most postmenopausal women experience menopause as a
positive event.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Menopause
Santrock - Chapter 13 #81
82. Distinguish between crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence, and explain how they change in middle

Crystallized intelligence is an individual's accumulated information and verbal skills. This type of intelligence
continues to increase in the middle adulthood years. Fluid intelligence is one's ability to reason abstractly. This
type of intelligence declines in the middle adulthood years.

Author: Santrock
Bloom's: Knowledge
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Santrock - Chapter 13 #82
Test Bank for Essentials of Life-Span Development, 2nd Edition: Santrock

c13 Summary

Category # of Questions
Author: Santrock 82
Bloom's: Applied 16
Bloom's: Conceptual 13
Bloom's: Knowledge 53
Page Reference: Cardiovascular System 2
Page Reference: Changing Midlife 8
Page Reference: Defining Middle Adulthood 2
Page Reference: Expertise 1
Page Reference: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence 7
Page Reference: Health and Disease 3
Page Reference: Height and Weight 5
Page Reference: Hormonal Changes in Middle-Aged Men 6
Page Reference: Leisure 4
Page Reference: Meaning in Life 2
Page Reference: Memory 4
Page Reference: Menopause 9
Page Reference: Physical Changes 1
Page Reference: Religion and Adult Lives 4
Page Reference: Religion and Health 3
Page Reference: Sexual Attitudes and Behavior 3
Page Reference: Sexuality 1
Page Reference: Sleep 1
Page Reference: Speed of Information Processing 1
Page Reference: Strength, Joints, and Bones 2
Page Reference: The Seattle Longitudinal Study 2
Page Reference: Visible Signs 3
Page Reference: Vision and Hearing 7
Page Reference: Work in Midlife 1
Santrock - Chapter 13 82

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