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mammal. Research is still on to locate the away from him as he looked for
existence of those scratch marks and foot- firewood in a forested area, and
prints. vanished into the undergrowth,
Repeated claims by terrified villag- he said.
ers about Bigfoot roaming the jungles in Claims to have sighted
the Garo hills bordering Bangladesh also such bigfoot creatures are treat-
prompted the authorities to order an inves- ed skeptically by scientists be-
tigation. cause of lack of solid physical
A team of wildlife officials and other proof, but there are scientists
experts were asked to conduct a study to and researchers who believe
find out if there is any truth in the locals’ they could exist.
claims about these hairy giants. The Achik Tourism society,
A local farmer, Wallen Sangma, was has been trying to verify the
once quoted as saying that he had seen an creature’s existence for the past
entire family of the creatures — possibly 10 years, photographing foot-
a lowland relative of the Himalayan Yeti, prints reportedly 13 to 15 inches
or a cousin of the North American Bigfoot (33 to 38 centimeters) long, and
and Sasquatch, or Australia’s Yowie. ‘nests’ reported by locals.
Their heads looked as if they were The ATS, which had been
wearing caps, and their color was black- in search for this creature has
ish-brown. The four ‘monsters’ were came out with some evidences on the mat- Scratch mark
about 100 to 130 feet (30 to 40 meters) ter. They have collected some samples
of hair, which Bigfoot. The most common description
is the only of mande burung goes like this: Accord-
biological evi- ing to its report, it is big, an ape-like crea-
dence that they ture with thick hair covering its entire
have, other than body. The colour of the hair is reported to
some imprints, be black or blackish brown. It has some
footprints and kind of foul odour/smell emanating from
scratch marks the body. It has a footprint/pug-mark size
on tree trunks. from 13 inches to 15 inches in length. It
The hair has may be around 7’5” to 9’ tall. It may weigh
been sent for around 300 kgs. It is noted to be a herbivo-
DNA and foren- rous creature that eats banana tubes, tree
sic test. roots, fruits, berries, barks of some trees,
In 1990, an Apatani man was returning Again, in July 2005, a lady, who was through a forest was captured by such a The ATS like Sawe trees and is also reported to eat
home with his herd of goats and it was sleeping with her child in a village in Garo mammal and breastfed forcibly. This was has also come crabs. It walks on two legs (biped). As
almost dark. He was quite brave to walk Hills in Meghalaya, was awoken by some reported on January 18, 1999 and as per up with a very reported in 2002 sighting, it sleeps in a
the jungle path late in the evening, but that peculiar scratching sounds outside her his account “the milk was sour with a mix- comprehensive ‘nest’ built on open ground. According to
day, he heard heavy sounds of footsteps thatched hut sometime at night. Later, a ture of bitterness.” report and de- the 2005 sighting, it is shy and is basically
following him closely. All of a sudden a big hairy creature entered her house. She Reports of such huge creatures ap- scriptions of harmless.
huge ape-like creature appeared from be- was both terrified and calm, and saw the pearing every now and then have put the mande burung There have been many incidents re-
hind and disappeared again into the dark. creature in the full light of the firewood, administration and also the local people or the so called ported on this illusive creature. The 1997
which was burning till then. The creature on tenterhooks. Lack of scientific studies
stamped out the fire and disappeared into and non-availability of foolproof evidence Measuring the fooprint
the darkness without harming the lady in
any way.
of the presence of such creatures have en-
couraged A’chik Tourism Society (ATS), a Etymology
Thus goes the story of Mande Bu- local NGO, to initiate efforts to ascertain
The name Yeti is derived from the Tibetan yeh-the, a com- pas’ in 1937. Kang Admi means Snow Man and Jo-bran the
rung – a huge hairy ape like creature that whether the story about ‘Mande Burung’
resembles Sasquatch in North America, is a myth or reality? pound of words yeh meaning “rocky” or “rocky place” and ti, Man-beast.
Yowie in Australia, Yeti in Nepal and In search of this illusive creature, a te or the, which translates as “bear”.
Arunachal Pradesh. Mande Burung, whose group of young enthusiasts started making Other terms used by Himalayan peoples do not translate History of Yeti sightings
literal meaning is Bigfoot has its share of regular visits to the deep dark jungles of exactly the same, but refer to legendary and indigenous wild-
dedicated followers across the globe. The Garo Hills in Meghalaya. It usually makes life. Jo-bran, Kang Admi, Mirka, Migoi, Dzu-teh, Meh-teh all The appellation “Abominable Snowman” was not coined until
creature, which is supposed to be more a visit on the information received from translate as “man-bear”. 1921, the same year Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Howard-Bury
than eight feet tall, is said to have been the local people on the sighting of this Dzu-teh – ‘dzu’ translates as “cattle” and the full meaning led the Royal Geographical Society’s “Everest Reconnais-
first sighted in 1997 and the last time at mammal. translates as “cattle bear” and is the Himalayan Red Bear. sance Expedition”, which he chronicled in Mount Everest The
Rongrigittim in South Garo Hills in July After such reports of sightings, an- Migoi or Mi-go (pronounced mey-goo) translates as “Wild Reconnaissance, 1921. In the book, Howard-Bury includes an
2005, before making a reappearance in other set of reports started coming in. This Man”. account of crossing the “Lhakpa-la” at 21,000 feet (6400 me-
May, 2007. But the most interesting report time it is the footprints and scratch marks Mirka is another name for “wild-man”, however as local ter) where he found footprints that he believed “were probably
came in 1999, when a man, while passing supposedly left behind by this gigantic legend has it “anyone who sees one dies or is killed”. The lat- caused by a large ‘loping’ gray wolf, which in the soft snow
ter is taken from a written statement by Frank Smythe’s ‘Sher- 23
formed double tracks ratherJuly
like08a those of a barefooted

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