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At the PEG Studio

Track Header
Track Header
 Located left of the timeline
 Displays the name of each track
 Controls for each track: adjust audio volume or
panning, video compositing level, apply
effects, temporarily mute or solo an audio or video
track, apply track motion, change the recording
mode, or change the track height.
 This is your main work area
 Horizontally, the timeline represents time
 Timeline is like a movie filmstrip or unraveled audio
tape where you can read your tracks from left to right
 Vertically, the timeline shows tracks. A track is a strip
where you can put your audio / video files
 Event: when an audio, video, or still image file is
placed on the timeline, it is referred to as an event.
 The timeline lets you precisely control the length and
placement of the events in your movie
Transport Toolbar
Transport Toolbar
 You can control playback like a tape deck or a CD
Time Display
Time Display
 Shows the current cursor position of the timeline in
HH:MM:SS;FF format
Status Area
Status Area (for timeline)
 Selection
 starting time
 ending time
 selection length
Project Media Window
Project Media Window
 This windows shows all of your media that are used in
your project.
 Audio
 Video
 Still images
 Text
 Backdrops
 Categories are listed on the left
 Common presets for these categories are listed to the
 To view: hover your mouse over a preset on the right
 To add a transition: drag to an overlap of two events
Video FX
Video FX
 All of the effect categories are on the left
 To view, hover mouse over preset on right
 To add, drag preset onto a video event
Media Generators
Media Generators
 Variety of different text and backdrops categories are
listed on the left and common presets are displayed on
the right
 To add, drag presets to timeline
Explorer Window
Explorer Window
 Browse your computer for audio, video, or still image.
 You can drag a file from the explorer to the timeline to
use it in your project
 A portion of a media file can be selected (or trimmed)
and inserted into your project
Mixer Audio Controls
Mixer Audio Controls
 Adjust the overall project volume
 Project properties and preview your audio and video
Video Preview
Video Preview
 Displays your video, along with any text or
backdrops, text effects, and transitions in your project
In Sony Vegas 10.0
 This is your main work area
 Horizontally, the timeline represents time
 Timeline is like a movie filmstrip or unraveled audio
tape where you can read your tracks from left to right
 Vertically, the timeline shows tracks. A track is a strip
where you can put your audio / video files
 Event: when an audio, video, or still image file is
placed on the timeline, it is referred to as an event.
 The timeline lets you precisely control the length and
placement of the events in your movie
Video Track
Video Track
 Video, Still Images, Text, Backdrops
 Video events on video tracks show graphical images
inside of them which should give you an idea of what
the video looks like – very much like frames in a
 The video tracks are layered in order from top to
Audio Track
Audio Track
 Voice, Music, Sound Effects
 Audio events are represented in waveforms, or
graphical representations of the audio showing the
larger parts having the louder audio peaks.
 By using multiple audio tracks, you can have more
than one sound playing at once. For instance, you can
have someone speaking over background music. The
events must be on different tracks but playing at the
same time on the timeline.
Zooming In and Out
Zooming In and Out
 When you zoom in, you will see more detail of your
project. When you zoom out, you will see less detail.
In either case, you are not changing anything about
your project, just how much of it you can see on the
 The horizontal scroll bar controls the visible area of
your project left or right.
 The scroll box will become smaller as you zoom in to
indicate that the project extends beyond the visible
area of the timeline.
Project’s Time Ruler
 It should give you a general idea of where you are on
the timeline.
The Cursor
The Cursor
 Inside the timeline, you will see a vertical flashing line.
This is the play cursor.
 It indicates the current time in your project.
Transport Toolbar
Transport Toolbar
 You can control playback like a tape deck or a CD
 If you drag your mouse on an empty section of the
timeline, you can create a selection.
 Although a selection can be used for editing
purposes, it also lets you playback certain portions of
your movie.

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