All About Me Diego Bautista 900001 1149

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Unidad 1 - Task 2 - This is me - Rúbrica de evaluación y entrega de la actividad


CÓDIGO: 1.098.624.261
No. DE GRUPO: 900001_1149




26 de septiembre de 2023



Párrafo 1: Presentación personal. Personal information

1. What’s your name? My name is Diego Alberto Bautista Vargas. 2. Where are you from? I am
from Bucaramanga city from Colombia 3. How old are you? I am 36 years old 4. Are you married /
are you single? I am married 5. Where do you live? Actually i live in Sogamoso, Boyacá 6. What is
your occupation? I am zonal coordinator of intervenir 7. What do you study? I am student of
systems engineer 8. Do you have children? I not have childrens 9. Do you have pets? I have a pet,
his name is Ares

Párrafo 2: Descripción de su residencia. Describe the place where you live.

1. Where do you live? I live in municipality of Sogamoso, Boyacá 2. do you live in a house or in an
apartment? I live in a house 3. What kind of house or apartment do you live in? i live in a house of
one floor but is so Good 4. What are there in the rooms? In the living room there is a table and TV,
in the kitchen there is a stove, refrigerator and things to cook. In the bedrooms there are beds and
closets and in the garage there is the car and my beloved motorcycle.
Párrafo 3: Información de su familia.

1. Who do you live with? I live with my wife and my dog 2. Are you an only child? no, i have sisters
3. How many brothers or sisters do you have? I have tree sisters 4. Are you married? I am married
5. Do you have children? I not have cildrens, but have a dog 6. How old are your parents, how old
are your brothers or sisters, how old are your children? My father died on January 2, two thousand
and nine, my mother is fifty-six years old, my older sister is thirty-nine years old, I am thirty-six, my
younger sisters are thirty-three and twenty-four. 7. What are your parents’ occupations? What are
your brothers or sisters occupations? My mom is housewife, my older sister is an industrial
engineer, my youngest sister is a housewife and the youngest of all is an engineering student. ,
What are your children’s occupations? I not have childrens


My name is Diego Alberto Bautista Vargas, i am from Bucaramanga city from Colombia, i am 36
years old, i am married, actually i live in Sogamoso, Boyacá, i am zonal coordinator of intervenir, i
am student of systems engineer, i not have childrens, i have a pet, his name is Ares

I live in municipality of Sogamoso, Boyacá, i live in a house, i live in a house of one floor but is so
Good, in the living room there is a table and TV, in the kitchen there is a stove, refrigerator and
things to cook. In the bedrooms there are beds and closets and in the garage there is the car and
my beloved motorcycle.

I live with my wife and my dog, i have tree sisters, i am married, i not have cildrens, but have a dog,
my father died on January 2, two thousand and nine, my mother is fifty-six years old, my older
sister is thirty-nine years old, I am thirty-six, my younger sisters are thirty-three and twenty-four,
my mom is housewife, my older sister is an industrial engineer, my youngest sister is a housewife
and the youngest of all is an engineering student, i not have childrens


1. What does the main character look like?
He is thin, has black hair and wears glasses.
2. Name at least five activities people do.
they introduce themselves to each other
they talk about wisconsin cheese
they have dinner
he plays the flute for her
she slaps him
3. What happens in the man’s brain?
He has two conflicting personalities.
4. Is Scarlett comfortable with Paul?
only with some details of their two personalities
5. What is the moral of the story?
a. It is important to have a balance in life.
b. It is important to dance on a date.
c. It is important to be on time on a date.


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