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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tgl : Selasa,12 September 2023
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ Ganjil Pukul : 08.00-09.30 wib
Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024 Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda, Uraian

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I. Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer

Use this dialog to answer question number 1 to 3

Jane : I can’t use my bicycle, brother. Do you think you can repair the chain, please?
Dave : Yes, I think so. I have done it before
Jane : Thank you so much, brother
Dave : No problem

1. Is Jane Dave’s sister ?

a. Yes, He is c. No, Heisn’t
b. No, She isn’t d.Yes, She is
2. What does Jane express ?
a. She asks for Dave’s opinion c. She needs help from Dave
b. She checks Dave’s understanding d. She asks Dave to pay attention to her
3. What does Jane say after Dave say he can repair Jane’s bike ?
a.. No problem c. Yes, I think so
b. Thank you so much, brother d. I can’t use my bicycle, brother
4. No, it’s very clear. This respond is used to express…..
a. checking one’s understanding c. getting one’s attention
b. showing appreciation to others d. telling what we or other people think of something
5. Dani : Prabu, is this your drawing?
Prabu : Yes, of course. Why?
Dani : Wow, …………….
Prabu : Thanks
a. O.K c. Fantastic work!
b. Yes, I have understood d. keep silence, please!

Use this dialog to answer the question from number 6 to 8

Teacher : Students, …………………….. Please. I have some information for you
Student : Yes, Ma’am. We will hear you.
Teacher : Our material will end tomorrow so you will have daily exam next week.
Students : Yes, Ma’am.
Teacher : Please study chapter 1 and 2 for your exam from the text book and notebook.
Do you understand, kids?
Students : Yes, Ma’am. We have understood

6. What is the best answer for the dialog above

a. can you hear me? c. I need some explanation
b. Any question before I go? d. could I have your attention?
7. Do you understand, kids? What does the teacher express
a. getting one’s attention b. checking one’s understanding
c. asking for and giving information about a person’s capability d. telling what we or other people think of something
8. Do the students understand with teacher’s explanation?
a. Yes, they do c. Yes, they are.
b. No, they aren’t d. No, they don’t
9. Danish : Hans, what do you think about our class?
Hans : ……………………..
a. Yes, I do c. No, I don’t think so
b. I’m so glad d. I think our class is so big and clean

10. Lucky : …………………………….?

Tari : My opinion about our new school rule is good. It will make students more discipline
a. Do you like our new school rule c. What is your opinion about our new school rule
b. Do you think our new school is good d. Do you agree with our new school rule
11. Mita : Pipit, my parents asks me to enter police woman academy.
W hat do you think I should do?
Pipit : I think you should tell to your parents what you really want, Mita.

What is expression used to the underlined word above….

a. giving opinion c. getting one’s attention
b. checking one’s understanding d. showing appreciation to others

Use this dialog to answer the question number 12 – 14

Ratih : Adhe, can you help me, please?
Adhe : Yes, Ratih. What can I do for you?
Ratih : My motorcycle is strike and I don’t know why. Can you check it, please?
Adhe : Of course, Ratih. Let me see first
Ratih : Thank you so much Adhe
Adhe : My pleasure

12. What expression that is used in the dialog above…..

a. asking for and giving information about a person’s willingness to do a task
b. checking one’s understanding
c. Getting one’s attention
d. asking for and giving information about a person’s capability

13. What is the relationship between Adhe and Ratih according to the dialog above
a. student and teacher c. neighbor
b. friend d. principal and teacher

14. Word ‘my pleasure’ has the same meaning with

a. fine c. I agree
b. take care d. Don’t mention it

15 My name is Rendy. I’m good in playing piano and dancing. I want

to be a great pianist. But I’m not good in doing math.

From the statement above, we know that…….

a. Rendy can play piano and dance c. Rendy is good in math
b. Rendy doesn’t want to be a pianist d. Rendy wants to study math intensively
Hi, I’m Lupita. I study in SMPN 1 Panei. I really
like singing and I can sing well. I join choir
class in my school. But I don’t like painting
because I can’t draw well

Which statement that isn’t true according the text above…..

a. Lupita studies in SMPN 1 Panei c. Lupita can sing well
b. Lupita like painting and drawing d. Lupita joins choir class in her school
17. Erlin can swim well but she can’t dive. This sentence has same meaning with….
a.. Erlin are able to swim but she aren’t able to dive
b. Erlin is able to swim but she isn’t able to dive
c. Erlin can is able to swim but she can’t isn’t able to swim
d. Erlin isn’t able to swim but she is able to dive


From the picture we can conclude that….

a. he isn’t able to play tennis c. he is able to play tennis
b. he can’t play tennis d. he is can play tennis
19. Read this dialogue !
Mrs. Amelia : Are you free, dear?
Leslie : Yes, mom. Is there anything I can do?
Mrs. Amelia : Will you sweep and mop the floor, please. Because it’s so dirty
Leslie : Sure, Mom. I will do that Mrs.
Amelia : Thanks my dear
Leslie : My pleasure

Which part of the dialog above that show expression asking about a person’s willingness?
a. are you free, dear? c. Thanks my dear
b. Is there anything I can do? d. Will you sweep and mop the floor, please?
20. Which sentence that has correct form below
a. I am willing to become the class captain if my friends want it
b. He are willing to spend his money everyday
c. They willing to join English Club in their school
d. We is willing to attend Math Olympiad contest next month in SMPN 1 Panei
21. Bella : What do you think of Lake Toba?
Yordan : ……………………….
a. I have no idea c. I think it is so beautiful
b. I’m not sure d. Alright
22. Tasya : Congratulation for you. You have won the basketball.
Basketball team : …………………
a. Thank you very much c. I’m sorry, I’m busy
b. No problem d. Whose team it is !
23. Nayla : You look beautiful wear batik
Rumondang: …………………….
a. Sorry b. Your welcome c. I hate it d. Thank you
24. A : Congratulation, you got a good mark.
B : …………………..
a. Sorry b. Thanks c. Please d. bye
25. A : What do you think if we go to Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung?
B : ……………………., I hate it
a. I disagree b. Sure c. Why not d. Of course
II. Make a short dialogue based on these expression below !
1. Expression of asking for and showing attention
Teacher :
Students :
2. Expression of asking for and giving opinion
Dick :
Kevin :
3. Expression of checking for understanding
Nayla :
Rumondang :
4. Expression of giving compliment
Aldo :
Haikal :
5. Expression of willingness
Teacher :
Students :
Satuan pendidikan : SMP Negeri 1 Panei
Mata Pelajaran : B.Inggris
Kelas : VIII

No Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Level Bentuk Nomor

Kognitif Soal Soal
1 2 3
1. 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi 1. Expression of asking for and giving Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ - - PG 1,2,3,11
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur opinion mengidentifikasi Expression of asking for and
kebahasaan teks interaksi giving opinion
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan meminta 2. Expression of checking understanding Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ - - PG 4, 7, 8
perhatian, mengecek mengidentifikasi Expression of checking
pemahaman, menghargai understanding
kinerja, meminta dan
mengungkapkan pendapat, serta
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya

2. 4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi 1. Expression of asking for and giving Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ PG 9,10,21,25
interpersonal lisan dan tulis opinion melengkapi dan menyusun Expression of √ Uraian 2
sangat pendek dan sederhana asking for and giving opinion
yang melibatkan tindakan
meminta perhatian, mengecek 2. Expression of giving compliment Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ PG 5,22,23,24
pemahaman, menghargai melengkapi dan menyusun Expression of giving √ Uraian 4
kinerja, serta meminta dan compliment
mengungkapkan pendapat, dan 3. Expression of asking for and showing √ PG 6
menanggapinya dengan attention Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ Uraian 1
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, melengkapi dan menyusun Expression of
struktur teks, dan unsur asking for and showing attention
kebahasaan yang benar dan 4. Expression of checking understanding √ Uraian 3
sesuai konteks Siswa dapat menyusun Expression of checking
3. 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 1. Expression of Capability Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ PG 12,13,14,15,16,17,18
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan mengidentifikasi Expression of Capability
teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait 2. Expression of willingness Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ PG 19,20
kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan mengidentifikasi Expression of willingness
suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan can, will)

4. 4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi Expression of willingness Disajikan dialog singkat siswa dapat √ Uraian 5
transaksional lisan dan tulis mengidentifikasi Expression of willingness
sangat pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kemampuan dan
kemauan, melakukan suatu
tindakan, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks

Panaitongah, Agustus 2023

Guru Mapel,

Sarmina, S.Pd
NIP. 198403312019032002

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