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Utilization of

Microsoft Excel
By: Argeline Joy J. Amores
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Thing to be Discussed:
Data Validation
Conditional Formatting
Index & Match Formula
Vlookup Formula
Sort Formula
Data Validation
Data validation is a feature in Excel used to control what a
user can enter into a cell.
Data Validation
Data Validation
Conditional Formatting
Conditional Formatting makes it easy to highlight certain values or
make particular cells easy to identify. This changes the appearance
of a cell range based on a condition (or criteria).
Conditional Formatting
Conditional Formatting
Index and Match Formula
The INDEX / MATCH functions can be used together, as a flexible
and powerful tool for extracting data from a table.
Vlookup Formula
The INDEX / MATCH functions can be used together, as a flexible
and powerful tool for extracting data from a table.
Let's Practice...

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