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Test Bank for Group Dynamics for Teams 4th Edition Daniel J Levi Download

Test Bank for Group Dynamics for Teams 4th Edition

Daniel J Levi Download

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Levi: Group Dynamics for Teams 4e
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Chapter 7: Managing Conflict

Learning Objectives

1. Why is the lack of conflict a sign of a problem in a team?

2. What are the healthy and unhealthy sources of conflict?
3. When is conflict good for a team? When is it bad for a team?
4. How does the impact of conflict vary depending on the type of team?
5. What are the different approaches to conflict resolution?
6. Which approach to conflict resolution is best? Why?
7. What can teams do to prepare for conflicts?
8. How can a mediator help facilitate management of a team conflict?
9. What should a team do to create an integrative solution to a conflict?

Test Questions and Answers

Short Answer/ Essay Questions
1. Why is the lack of conflict a sign of a problem in a team?
A team without conflict might be suffering from unhealthy agreement, have a
domineering leader, or be performing its task in a routine manner without trying to

2. When is conflict good for a team? When is it bad for a team?

It is good when it encourages the team to explore new approaches, motivates members
to understand issues better, and encourages new ideas. It is bad when it creates strong
negative emotions and stress, interferes with communication/coordination, and diverts
attention from tasks and goals.

3. What can teams do to prepare for conflicts?

Develop approaches for identify conflicts in their early stages and creating a
psychologically safe environment that supports constructive controversy.

4. Name and define the two dimensions by which conflict resolution approaches may be
Distribution: concern about one’s own outcomes and integration: concern about
outcomes of others
Multiple Choice

1. The lack of conflict in a group can be a sign of a problem because:

a. Conflict is a normal part of a group’s activity.
b. Members may be agreeing with each other just to avoid conflict.
c. When a groups is suffering from groupthink there is no conflict.
d. All of the above are true.
e. None of the above are true.

2. A group conflict is “healthy” when it is:

a. Between individual and group goals.
b. Focused on task issues.
c. Caused by faulty communications.
d. Related to competition over power and resources.
e. All of the above are examples of healthy group conflict.

3. Which of the following is an unhealthy source of conflict?

a. Legitimate differences of opinion about the task.
b. Differences in values and perspectives.
c. Poorly run team meetings.
d. Different expectations about the impact of decisions.
e. All of the above are examples of unhealthy group conflict.

4. Which of the following statements about managing conflict is FALSE?

a. Structured communication approaches are useful for dealing with conflicts caused
by miscommunication.
b. Negotiations using problem solving approaches are useful for conflicts about
task issues.
c. When the conflict is about emotional issues, an outside mediator is often needed.
d. All group conflicts can be successfully resolved.
e. All of the above are true.

5. Which of the following is a benefit of group conflict?

a. Conflict can help a group to make better decisions.
b. Conflict can help a group to overcome obstacles that prevent progress.
c. Conflict can encourage a group to explore new problem solving approaches.
d. Conflict can reduce conformity within a group.
e. All of the above are true.
6. Which of the following is NOT a problem with group conflict?
a. It can create strong emotions and stress.
b. It can destroy team cohesion.
c. It can create future competition between members.
d. It can hamper creativity .
e. It can result in negative stereotyping

7. Which of the following is TRUE about conflict in work teams?

a. Relationship conflicts have a positive effect on team performance.
a. Relationship conflicts have a positive effect on team satisfaction.
c. Task conflict regarding how to perform nonroutine tasks has a positive effect on
d. Process conflicts create disagreements about allocation of resources.
e. It is to be avoided altogether .

8. Which of the following is TRUE about task and relationship conflict?

a. The two are often correlated.
b. Task conflicts often lead to increased relationship conflicts.
c. When members have a high degree of trust in each other, task-related conflict is more
likely to lead to relationship conflict.
d. The two are not at all related.
e. The two are related only on routine tasks .

9. The approach to conflict resolution that emphasizes both assertiveness (advocating one’s
position) and cooperativeness (concern for the other side’s position) is called:
a. Collaboration.
b. Confrontation.
c. Avoidance.
d. Accommodation.
e. Compromise.

10. The approach to conflict resolution that involves acting aggressively and trying to win is
a. Collaboration.
b. Confrontation.
c. Avoidance.
d. Accommodation.
e. Compromise.
11. The approach to conflict resolution that tries to ignore issues or denies there is a problem is
a. Collaboration.
b. Confrontation.
c. Avoidance.
d. Accommodation.
e. Compromise.

12. What are the two dimensions by which conflict resolution approaches may be analyzed?
a. Distribution and integration.
b. Compromise and mediation.
c. Accommodation and negotiation.
d. Integration and accommodation.
e. Compromise and construction.

13. Which of the approaches to conflict resolution does NOT have the problem of creating
winners and losers?
a. Accommodation.
b. Confrontation.
c. Avoidance.
d. Compromise.
e. All of the above produces winners and losers.

14. When possible, teams should use a(n) _____________ approach to conflict resolution.
a. Collaborative.
b. Confrontational.
c. Avoidant.
d. Compromising.
e. Accommodating.

15. The most important aspect in preparing for group conflict is:
a. Ensuring a mediator is readily available.
b. Creating a psychological safe environment.
c. Avoiding issues of controversy.
d. Prohibiting negative emotions.
e. Encouraging feelings about personal issues.

16. Preemptive strategies to help avoid conflicts include:

a. Development of cooperation among members.
b. Building of trust among members.
c. Development of team contracts that identify how to handle difficult situations.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

17. When a conflict is resolved using an outside facilitator who does not have the authority to
impose a solution, it is called:
a. Negotiation.
b. Mediation.
c. Bargaining.
d. Arbitration.
e. Superordinate solution

18. The use of a third party to intervene to help resolve a conflict:

a. Is useful because it can allow both sides to make concessions while saving face.
b. Can help to reduce emotional issues and focus both sides on the issues.
c. Requires the agreement of both sides in order to work.
d. May cause each side to harden its position and make compromise more difficult.
e. All of the above are true.

19. In a constructive conflict, the participants should:

a. Escalate the conflict using aggressive language.
b. Avoid participating in arguments.
c. Try to clarify the areas of agreement and disagreement.
d. Give in on some points in order to reduce tension.
e. All of the above are constructive conflict tactics.

20. Which of the following is NOT one of the techniques a facilitator should use to mediate a
a. Separate personal issues from the problem.
b. Focus on the shared interests of all of the parties.
c. Develop many options that can be used to solve the problem.
d. Evaluate solution options using objective criteria.
e. All of the above are conflict mediation techniques.

21. Preemptive strategies to help avoid conflicts include:

a. Development of cooperation among members.
b. Building of trust among members.
c. Development of team contracts that identify how to handle difficult situations.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
Test Bank for Group Dynamics for Teams 4th Edition Daniel J Levi Download

22. Which of the following is part of the structure for negotiation of conflict?
a. Separate the people from the problem.
b. Focus on shared interests of all parties.
c. Develop many options to solve the problem.
d. Try again.
e. All of the above.


1. All conflict is unhealthy and should be avoided by groups at all costs. False
2. All group conflict should be managed internally. False
3. Conflicts are unpredictable and cannot be preempted. False
4. It is possible to resolve a conflict so that all feel like winners. True
5. A conflict resolution approach that produces clear winners and losers is confrontation. True
6. The impact of conflict on a team may depend on its task. True
7. Virtual teams face less conflict than face-to-face teams. False
8. All sources of conflict are healthy. False

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