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Inside the Interrogation of Detainee 063 -- Printout -- TIME,8816,1071284,00.

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Sonduy, Jon. 1, oog
Inside the Interrogation of Detainee
By Adum Zugorin, MICHAIL LIIY
TIe prIsoner known uround LIe U.S. nuvuI sLuLIon uL GuunLunumo Buy us DeLuInee o6 wus u Iurd mun Lo
breuk. DeIIunL Irom LIe sLurL, Ie LoId IIs cupLors LIuL Ie Iud been In AIgIunIsLun Lo pursue IIs Iove oI
IuIconry. BuL LIe young SuudI prIsoner wIo wouIdn'L LuIk wus noL jusL uny deLuInee. He wus MoIummed
uI-QuILunI, u IoIIower oI Osumu bIn uden's und LIe mun beIIeved by muny Lo be LIe so-cuIIed zoLI
IIjucker. He Iud LrIed Lo enLer LIe U.S. In AugusL zoo1, uIIegedIy Lo Luke purL In LIe SepL. 11 uLLucks. BuL
wIIIe MoIummed ALLu, LIe evenLuuI Ieuder oI LIe IIjuckers, wus wuILIng ouLsIde In LIe OrIundo, Iu.,
uIrporL purkIng IoL, uI-QuILunI wus deLuIned InsIde--und LIen deporLed--by un uIerL ImmIgruLIon oIIIcer wIo
dIdn'L buy IIs sLory.
More LIun u yeur IuLer, uILer uI-QuILunI Iud been cupLured In AIgIunIsLun und LrunsIerred Lo GILmo's Cump
X-Ruy, IIs InLerroguLIon wus goIng nowIere. So In IuLe November zooz, uccordIng Lo un 8q-puge secreL
InLerroguLIon Iog obLuIned by TME, uI-QuILunI's quesLIoners swILcIed geurs. TIey suggesLed Lo LIeIr
cupLIve LIuL Ie Iud been spured by AIIuI In order Lo reveuI LIe Lrue meunIng oI LIe Korun und IeIp brIng
down bIn uden.
DurIng u rouLIne cIeck oI IIs medIcuI condILIon, u sergeunL upproucIed uI-QuILunI und wIIspered In IIs
eur, "WIuL Is God LeIIIng you rIgIL now? Your 1q IrIends dIed In u IIrebuII und you weren'L wILI LIem. Wus
LIuL God's cIoIce? s IL God's wIII LIuL you sLuy uIIve Lo LeII us ubouL IIs messuge?" AL LIuL poInL, LIe Iog
sLuLes, uI-QuILunI LIrew IIs Ieud buck und buLLed LIe sergeunL In LIe eye. Two MPs wresLIed uI-QuILunI Lo
LIe ground. TIe sergeunL croucIed down nexL Lo LIe LIrusIIng LerrorIsL, wIo LrIed Lo spIL on IIm. TIe
sergeunL's response: "Go uIeud und spIL on me. L won'L cIunge unyLIIng. You're sLIII Iere. 'm sLIII LuIkIng
Lo you und you won'L Ieuve unLII you've gIven God's messuge."
TIe InLerroguLIon Iog oI DeLuInee o6 provIdes LIe IIrsL InLernuI Iook uL LIe IIgIIy cIussIIIed reuIm oI GILmo
InLerroguLIons sInce LIe deLenLIon cump opened Iour yeurs ugo. CIIeI PenLugon spokesmun urry DIRILu
LeIIs TME LIuL LIe Iog wus compIIed by vurIous unIIormed InLerroguLors und observers on LIe PenLugon's
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JoInL Tusk orce uL GILmo us LIe InLerroguLIon proceeded. L Is sLumped SECRET ORCON, u mIIILury ucronym Ior
u documenL LIuL Is supposed Lo remuIn wILI LIe orgunIzuLIon LIuL creuLed IL. A PenLugon oIIIcIuI wIo Ius seen LIe
Iog descrIbes IL us LIe "kInd oI documenL LIuL wus never meunL Lo Ieuve GILmo."
TIe Iog reuds IIke u nIgIL wuLcImun's dIury. L Is u someLImes sIockIng und oILen mundune Iour-by-Iour, even
mInuLe-by-mInuLe uccounL oI u cumpuIgn Lo exLrucL InIormuLIon. TIe Iog records every LIme uI-QuILunI euLs,
sIeeps, exercIses or goes Lo LIe buLIroom und every LIme Ie compIIes wILI or reIuses IIs InLerroguLors' requesLs.
TIe deLuInee's pIysIcuI condILIon Is IrequenLIy cIecked by medIcuI corpsmen--someLImes us oILen us LIree LImes
u duy-- wIIcI IndIcuLes eILIer specLucuIur concern ubouL uI-QuILunI's IeuILI or persIsLenL worry ubouL jusL Iow
mucI sLress Ie cun Luke. AILIougI LIe Iog does noL uppeur obvIousIy censored, IL Is uIso pIuInIy IncompIeLe: LIere
ure numerous gups In LIe noLes ubouL wIuL Is suId und wIuL Is IuppenIng In LIe InLerroguLIon booLI beyond
deLuIIs IIke "DeLuInee Luken Lo buLIroom und wuIked Ior 1o mInuLes."
DespILe LIe InIormuLIon gups, LIe Iog oIIers u rure gIImpse InLo LIe durker reucIes oI InLeIIIgence guLIerIng, In
wIIcI Leums LIuL specIuIIze In exLrucLIng InIormuLIon by uImosL uny meuns muLcI wILs und wIIIs wILI men wIo
ure LruIned Lo keep quIeL uL uImosL uny cosL. L spuns o duys In LIe wInLer oI zooz-o, Irom November Lo eurIy
Junuury, u crILIcuI perIod uL GILmo, durIng wIIcI 16 uddILIonuI InLerroguLIon LecInIques were upproved by
DeIense SecreLury DonuId RumsIeId Ior use on u seIecL Iew deLuInees, IncIudIng uI-QuILunI.
By ILseII, LIe Iog doesn'L muke cIeur Iow eIIecLIve LIe InLerroguLIons were. TIe PenLugon conLends LIuL
uI-QuILunI Ius been u vuIuubIe source oI InIormuLIon: provIdIng deLuIIs oI meeLIngs wILI bIn uden, numIng
peopIe und IInuncIuI conLucLs In severuI Arub counLrIes, descrIbIng LerrorIsL LruInIng cumps wIere bIn uden IIves
und expIuInIng Iow Ie muy Iuve escuped Irom Toru Boru In December zoo1.
PenLugon oIIIcIuIs LeII TME LIuL mosL oI LIe InLeIIIgence gIeuned Irom LIose sessIons wus recorded In oLIer
documenLs. BuL LIe InLerroguLIon Iog gIves u rure wIndow InLo LIe LecInIques used by LIe U.S. mIIILury,
suggesLIng uL IeusL In LIIs cuse LIuL dIscIosures were someLImes obLuIned noL wIen uI-QuILunI wus under duress
buL wIen IIs IundIers eused up on IIm.
TIe cuse oI DeLuInee o6 Is sure Lo udd IIre Lo LIe superIeuLed debuLe ubouL LIe use oI AmerIcun power In LIe
uge oI LerrorIsm. TIe U.S. Ius been crILIcIzed Ior mIsLreuLIng GILmo prIsoners und denyIng LIeIr rIgILs uL u IucIIILy
AmnesLy nLernuLIonuI Ius conLroversIuIIy cuIIed LIe "guIug oI our LIme." AIong wILI Iuwmukers und
Iumun-rIgILs groups, Iormer PresIdenL JImmy CurLer Ius cuIIed on WusIIngLon oIIIcIuIs Lo sIuL LIe cump down.
Even PresIdenL George W. BusI LoId ox News IusL week LIuL IIs AdmInIsLruLIon wus expIorIng uILernuLIves Lo
LIe deLenLIon cenLer.
How sIouId u democruLIc nuLIon proceed wIen IL cupLures u IIgI-vuIue prIsoner IIke uI-QuILunI, wIen unIockIng
u mInd mIgIL suve IIves? ExperLs ucknowIedge LIuL bruLe LorLure generuIIy doesn'L work becuuse u person wIII suy
unyLIIng Lo sLop LIe puIn. So wIuL, exucLIy, Is eIIecLIve? And wIen do LIe ends jusLIIy LIe meuns?
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rom LIe momenL MoIummed uI-QuILunI sLepped oII u VIrgIn ALIunLIc IIIgIL In OrIundo buck In AugusL zoo1,
ImmIgruLIon oIIIcIuIs noLIced someLIIng LroubIIng ubouL IIm. He Iud urrIved on u one-wuy LIckeL yeL currIed onIy
$z,8oo In cusI, bureIy enougI Lo buy IIs reLurn. WIen un oIIIcIuI pressed IIm Ior deLuIIs ubouL IIs desLInuLIon,
uI-QuILunI wus IosLIIe und evusIve. WILI un InLerpreLer's IeIp, LIe ImmIgruLIon ugenL quesLIoned uI-QuILunI Ior
qo mIn. und LIen senL IIm puckIng. AI-QuILunI's purLIng words: "'II be buck."
rom ondon, uI-QuILunI mude IIs wuy Lo LIe UnILed Arub EmIruLes und LIen Lo AIgIunIsLun Lo IIgIL uguInsL LIe
U.S. He wus cupLured IIeeIng Toru Boru In December zoo1. WIen Ie wus sIIpped Lo GuunLunumo Lwo monLIs
IuLer, oIIIcIuIs Iud noL yeL reuIIzed Ie wus LIe presumed zoLI IIjucker. or weeks, Ie reIused Lo gIve IIs nume.
BuL In JuIy zooz, LIe Ieds muLcIed IIs IIngerprInLs Lo LIose oI LIe mun wIo Iud been deporLed Irom OrIundo
und murked IIm Ior InLensIve InLerroguLIon. AI-QuILunI, expIuIns PenLugon spokesmun DIRILu, wus "u
purLIcuIurIy weII-pIuced, weII-connecLed LerrorIsL wIo wus beIIeved cupubIe oI unIockIng un enormous umounL oI
specIIIc und generuI InsIgILs InLo qJ11, uI-Quedu operuLIons und ongoIng pIunnIng Ior IuLure uLLucks." BuL LIe
InILIuI quesLIonIng by LIe B wenL poorIy. "We were geLLIng noLIIng Irom IIm," u senIor PenLugon oIIIcIuI suys.
"He Iud been LruIned Lo resIsL dIrecL quesLIonIng. And wIuL works In u CIIcugo poIIce precIncL doesn'L work In
TIuL's wIere LIIngs sLood In IuLe November zooz, wIen LIe Iog obLuIned by TME begIns. AL LIuL poInL, Lug
Leums oI InLerroguLors ure puLLIng uI-QuILunI LIrougI u duIIy rouLIne desIgned Lo druIn LIe deLuInee oI IIs
uuLonomy. TIey wuke IIm every mornIng uL q und someLImes quesLIon IIm unLII mIdnIgIL. EucI duy--und
someLImes every Iour--Is sIuped uround sLundurd Army InLerroguLIon LecInIques, wILI code numes IIke eur
UpJHursI, PrIdeJEgo Down, LIe uLIIILy ApproucI und LIe CIrcumsLunLIuI EvIdence TIeme. EucI duy, LIe
InLerroguLors seem Lo be LryIng Lo IInd LIose LIuL work besL. TIey promIse beLLer LreuLmenL; LIey sIow IIm
pIcLures oI qJ11 vIcLIms, purLIcuIurIy cIIIdren und LIe eIderIy. TIey LuIk ubouL God's wIII und uI-QuILunI's guIIL.
TIey LeII IIm LIuL Ie IuIIed on IIs mIssIon und IInL LIuL oLIer comrudes Iuve been cupLured und ure LuIkIng
ubouL IIs roIe In LIe pIoL. TIey pIuy on IIs emoLIons, suyIng Ie sIouId LuIk II Ie ever wunLs Lo see IIs IumIIy or
IrIends or IomeIund uguIn.
or duys, uI-QuILunI sLonewuIIs IIs IundIers und muInLuIns LIuL Ie wenL Lo LIe U.S. Lo geL InLo LIe used-cur
busIness. "You ure workIng wILI LIe devII," Ie LeIIs IIs cupLors. TIe InLerroguLors respond by IorcIng IIm Lo sLund
or sIL ImmobIIe on u meLuI cIuIr. He LrIes Lo deIIecL quesLIons ubouL wIere Ie wenL In AIgIunIsLun wILI unswers
uppurenLIy druwn dIrecLIy Irom un uI-Quedu Iundbook, gIven Lo LerrorIsLs, ubouL Iow Lo resIsL InLerroguLIons.
WIen uI-QuILunI resorLs Lo u Iundbook unswer, IIs IundIers repIy LIuL IL umounLs Lo unoLIer udmIssIon oI guIIL.
YeL In oLIer wuys, uI-QuILunI emerges us un InnocenL ubroud--uneducuLed, uImosL Irom unoLIer eru. He usks
wIeLIer LIe sun revoIves uround LIe eurLI. He wonders ubouL dInosuurs und Is LoId oI LIeIr IIsLory und demIse.
He conIIdes LIuL Ie wouId IIke Lo murry someduy--uppurenLIy noL reuIIzIng Iow unIIkeIy LIuL gouI now Is.
TIe IIrsL breuk In uI-QuILunI 's Iucude comes wILI u Iong-deIuyed cuII oI nuLure. WIen u Iunger sLrIke Ie Ius
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IuuncIed IIzzIes, Ie sLurLs reIusIng wuLer. TIuL becomes u buLLIe oI wIIIs--und LeeLI. AI-QuILunI quIckIy becomes
so deIydruLed LIuL medIcuI corpsmen IorcIbIy udmInIsLer IIuIds by V drIp. He LrIes Lo IIgIL LIem oII wILI IIs
Iunds und Is resLruIned. AnoLIer LIme, uI-QuILunI LrIes Lo rIp LIe V needIe ouL; wIen Ie Is cuIIed Lo IIs cIuIr, Ie
Lurns IIs Ieud und bILes LIe V IIne compIeLeIy In Lwo. He Is LIen sLrupped down und gIven un undIscIosed
umounL oI IIuIds. An Iour or so IuLer, uround q:qo u.m., uI-QuILunI LeIIs IIs guurds LIuL Ie wouId be wIIIIng Lo
LuIk II Ie Is uIIowed Lo urInuLe. TIe Iog noLes Ie Is gIven 1Jz bugs oI V IIuId. He sLurLs Lo moun und usks uguIn
Lo be uIIowed Lo reIIeve IImseII. Yes, buL IIrsL Ie musL unswer quesLIons:
nLerroguLor: WIo do you work Ior?
AI-QuILunI: AI-Quedu
nLerroguLor: WIo wus your Ieuder?
AI-QuILunI: Osumu bIn uden
nLerroguLor: WIy dId you go Lo OrIundo?
AI-QuILunI: wusn'L LoId LIe mIssIon
nLerroguLor: WIo wus wILI you on LIe pIune?
AI-QuILunI: wus by myseII
TIuL unswer IrusLruLes LIe InLerroguLor--You're wusLIng my LIme, Ie suys--und wIen uI-QuILunI requesLs IIs
promIsed buLIroom breuk, Ie Is LoId Lo go In IIs punLs. HumIIIuLIngIy, Ie does. TIe Iog noLes o mInuLes IuLer,
"He Is begInnIng Lo undersLund LIe IuLIIILy oI IIs sILuuLIon ... He Is mucI cIoser Lo compIIunce und cooperuLIon
LIun uL LIe begInnIng oI LIe operuLIon."
BuL LIIngs uppeur Lo move sIowIy uILer LIuL. L Is noL cIeur Irom LIe Iog's Lerse enLrIes LIuL Increused pressure Is
IeudIng Lo new dIscIosures. TIe InLerroguLors keep juggIIng LecInIques--gIvIng exLru sIeep some duys, oIIerIng u
Iome-cooked Arub meuI on unoLIer (uI-QuILunI reIuses IL). uLer LIuL duy, wIen u vIdeo oI LIe desLrucLIon oI LIe
TwIn Towers Is pIuyed, uI-QuILunI becomes so vIoIenL, Ie Ius Lo be resLruIned. "We cun'L suy, Becuuse we dId
LIIs, we goL LIuL," u senIor PenLugon oIIIcIuI suys. "I we dId know wIuL worked, we'd know exucLIy wIIcI
pressure poInLs Lo uppIy und wIen." Even uI-QuILunI seems Lo undersLund LIuL: "I you InLerroguLe me In LIe
rIgIL wuy und LIe rIgIL posILIon," Ie LuunLs IIs quesLIoners, "you mIgIL IInd some unswers."
A secondury buLLIe uppeurs Lo be under wuy over Rumudun. AL vurIous poInLs durIng LIe MusIIm IoIy monLI,
uI-QuILunI cIuIms Lo be eILIer on u Iunger sLrIke, reIusIng uII Iood und wuLer, or IusLIng durIng duyIIgIL Iours, us
Rumudun requIres. AccordIng Lo LIe Iog, LIe InLerroguLors LeII uI-QuILunI Ie cunnoL pruy--u reIIgIous
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obIIguLIon--unIess Ie dIsregurds unoLIer by uccepLIng wuLer. So Ie decIInes Lo pruy.
AI-QuILunI's resIIIence under pressure In LIe IuII oI zooz Ied Lop oIIIcIuIs uL GILmo Lo peLILIon WusIIngLon Ior
more muscuIur "counLer resIsLunce sLruLegIes." On Dec. z, RumsIeId upproved 16 oI 1q sLronger coercIve
meLIods. Now LIe InLerroguLors couId use sLress sLruLegIes IIke sLundIng Ior proIonged perIods, IsoIuLIon Ior us
Iong us o duys, removuI oI cIoLIIng, Iorced sIuvIng oI IucIuI IuIr, pIuyIng on "IndIvIduuI pIobIus" (sucI us dogs)
und "mIId, non-InjurIous pIysIcuI conLucL sucI us grubbIng, pokIng In LIe cIesL wILI LIe IInger und IIgIL
pusIIng." AccordIng Lo LIe Iog, uI-QuILunI experIenced severuI oI LIose over LIe nexL IIve weeks. TIe LecInIques
RumsIeId buIked uL IncIuded "use oI u weL LoweI or drIppIng wuLer Lo Induce LIe mIspercepLIon oI suIIocuLIon."
"Our Armed orces ure LruIned," u PenLugon memo on LIe cIunges reud, "Lo u sLundurd oI InLerroguLIon LIuL
reIIecLs u LrudILIon oI resLruInL." NeverLIeIess, LIe Iog sIows LIuL InLerroguLors poured boLLIes oI wuLer on
uI-QuILunI's Ieud wIen Ie reIused Lo drInk. nLerroguLors cuIIed LIIs gume "DrInk WuLer or Weur L."
AILer LIe new meusures ure upproved, LIe mood In uI-QuILunI's InLerroguLIon booLI cIunges drumuLIcuIIy. TIe
InLerroguLIon sessIons IengLIen. TIe quIzzIng now sLurLs uL mIdnIgIL, und wIen DeLuInee o6 dozes oII,
InLerroguLors rouse IIm by drIppIng wuLer on IIs Ieud or pIuyIng CIrIsLInu AguIIeru musIc. AccordIng Lo LIe Iog,
IIs IundIers uL one poInL perIorm u puppeL sIow "suLIrIzIng LIe deLuInee's InvoIvemenL wILI uI-Quedu." He Is
Luken Lo u new InLerroguLIon booLI, wIIcI Is decoruLed wILI pIcLures oI qJ11 vIcLIms, AmerIcun IIugs und red
IIgILs. He Ius Lo sLund Ior LIe pIuyIng oI LIe U.S. nuLIonuI unLIem. HIs Ieud und beurd ure sIuved. He Is reLurned
Lo IIs orIgInuI InLerroguLIon booLI. A pIcLure oI u qJ11 vIcLIm Is Luped Lo IIs Lrousers. AI-QuILunI repeuLs LIuL Ie
wIII "noL LuIk unLII Ie Is InLerroguLed LIe proper wuy." AL ; u.m. on Dec. q, uILer u 1z-Iour, uII-nIgIL sessIon, Ie Is
puL Lo bed Ior u Iour-Iour nup.
Over LIe nexL Iew duys, uI-QuILunI Is subjecLed Lo u drIII known us nvusIon oI Spuce by u emuIe, und Ie
becomes especIuIIy ugILuLed by LIe cIose pIysIcuI presence oI u womun. TIen, uround z p.m. on Dec. 6, comes
unoLIer smuII breukLIrougI. He usks IIs IundIers Ior some puper. " wIII LeII LIe LruLI," Ie suys. " um doIng LIIs
Lo geL ouL oI Iere." He IInuIIy expIuIns Iow Ie goL Lo AIgIunIsLun In LIe IIrsL pIuce und Iow Ie meL wILI bIn
uden. n reLurn, LIe InLerroguLors Ionor requesLs Irom IIm Lo Iuve u bIunkeL und Lo Lurn oII LIe uIr condILIoner.
Soon enougI, LIe pressure ruLcIeLs up uguIn. VurIous sLruLegIes oI InLImIduLIon ure empIoyed unew. TIe Iog
reveuIs LIuL u dog Is presenL, buL no deLuIIs ure gIven beyond u Iuzy reIerence Lo u dIsugreemenL beLween LIe
mIIILury poIIce und LIe dog IundIer. AgILuLed, uI-QuILunI Lukes buck LIe sLory Ie LoId LIe duy beIore ubouL
meeLIng bIn uden.
BuL u mucI more serIous probIem deveIops on Dec. ;: u medIcuI corpsmun reporLs LIuL uI-QuILunI Is becomIng
serIousIy deIydruLed, LIe resuIL oI IIs reIusuI Lo Luke wuLer reguIurIy. He Is gIven un V drIp, und u docLor Is
summoned. An unprecedenLed zq-Iour LIme ouL Is cuIIed, buL even us uI-QuILunI Is puL under u docLor's cure,
musIc Is pIuyed Lo "prevenL deLuInee Irom sIeepIng." NIne Iours IuLer, u medIcuI corpsmun cIecks uI-QuILunI's
puIse und IInds IL "unusuuIIy sIow." An eIecLrocurdIogrum Is udmInIsLered by u docLor, und uILer uI-QuILunI Is
LrunsIerred Lo u IospILuI, u CT scun Is perIormed. A second docLor Is consuILed. AI-QuILunI's IeurLbeuL Is reguIur
buL sIow: beuLs u mInuLe. He Is pIuced In IsoIuLIon und Iooked up Lo u IeurL monILor.
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TIe nexL duy, u rudIoIogIsL Is IIown In Irom RooseveIL Rouds NuvuI AIr SLuLIon In PuerLo RIco, 6oo mIIes uwuy, Lo
reud LIe CT scun. TIe Iog reporLs, "No unomuIIes were Iound." NoneLIeIess, uI-QuILunI Is gIven un uILrusound Ior
bIood cIoLs. or LIe IIrsL LIme sInce LIe Iog begun, uI-QuILunI Is gIven un enLIre duy Lo sIeep. TIe nexL evenIng, LIe
Iog reporLs LIuL IIs medIcuI "cIecks ure uII good." AI-QuILunI Is "Iooded, sIuckIed und resLruIned In u IILLer" und
LrunsporLed buck Lo Cump X-Ruy In un umbuIunce.
Over LIe nexL monLI, LIe InLerroguLors experImenL wILI oLIer LucLIcs. TIey sLrIp-seurcI IIm und brIeIIy muke
IIm sLund nude. TIey LeII IIm Lo burk IIke u dog und growI uL pIcLures oI LerrorIsLs. TIey Iung pIcLures oI scunLIIy
cIud women uround IIs neck. A IemuIe InLerroguLor so unnoys uI-QuILunI LIuL Ie LeIIs IIs cupLors Ie wunLs Lo
commIL suIcIde und usks Ior u cruyon Lo wrILe u wIII. AL one sLuge, un ArubIc-speukIng servIcemun, posIng us u
IeIIow deLuInee, Is brougIL Lo Cump X-Ruy Ior u sIorL sLuy In un eIIorL Lo guIn uI-QuILunI's conIIdence. TIe Iog
reporLs LIuL uI-QuILunI mukes severuI commenLs Lo InLerroguLors LIuL ImpIy Ie Ius u bIg sLory Lo LeII, buL
InLerroguLors reporL LIuL Ie seems eILIer Loo scured or sImpIy unwIIIIng, Lo LeII IL. On Jun. 1o, zoo, uI-QuILunI
suys Ie knows noLIIng oI LerrorIsLs buL voIunLeers Lo reLurn Lo LIe guII sLuLes und ucL us u doubIe ugenL Ior LIe
U.S. In excIunge Ior IIs Ireedom. Ive duys IuLer, RumsIeId's IursIer meusures ure revoked uILer mIIILury Iuwyers
In WusIIngLon ruIsed quesLIons ubouL LIeIr use und eIIIcucy.
L's uncIeur Iow uI-QIuLunI's InLerroguLIon proceeded Irom LIuL poInL und wIeLIer IL Is sLIII conLInuIng. SenIor
PenLugon oIIIcIuIs LoId TME LIuL some oI IIs mosL vuIuubIe conIessIons cume noL durIng LIe perIod covered In
LIe Iog or us u resuIL oI uny purLIcuIur LecInIque buL wIen uI-QuILunI wus presenLed wILI evIdence cougIed up by
oLIers In deLenLIon, especIuIIy KIuIId SIeIkI MoIummed, or KSM, LIe uIIeged musLermInd oI qJ11. TIe
InLeIIIgence Luke wus more cumuIuLIve LIun unyLIIng eIse, suys u PenLugon oIIIcIuI. Once uI-QuILunI reuIIzed KSM
wus LuIkIng, LIe oIIIcIuI specuIuLes, uI-QuILunI muy Iuve IeIL Ie Iud LIe green IIgIL Lo IoIIow suIL.
AI-QuILunI Ius never been cIurged wILI u crIme, Ius no Iuwyer und remuIns In deLenLIon uL GuunLunumo. BuL IIs
cuse Is uIreudy LIe subjecL oI severuI probes In WusIIngLon. A yeur ugo, u senIor B counLerLerrorIsm oIIIcIuI
wroLe LIe PenLugon compIuInIng oI ubuses LIuL B ugenLs suId LIey wILnessed uL LIe nuvuI buse. TIe ugenLs
reporLed seeIng or IeurIng oI "IIgIIy uggressIve InLerroguLIon LecInIques." TIe IeLLer sIngIes ouL LIe LreuLmenL oI
uI-QuILunI In SepLember und OcLober oI zooz--beIore LIe Iog obLuIned by TME begIns--suyIng u dog wus used
"In un uggressIve munner Lo InLImIduLe DeLuInee #6." TIe B IeLLer suId uI-QuILunI Iud been "subjecLed Lo
InLense IsoIuLIon Ior over LIree monLIs" und "wus evIdencIng beIuvIor consIsLenL wILI exLreme psycIoIogIcuI
Lruumu (LuIkIng Lo non exIsLenL peopIe, reporLIng IeurIng voIces, croucIIng In u ceII covered wILI u sIeeL Ior
Iours on end)." TIe JusLIce DepurLmenL und LIe PenLugon Iuve opened sepuruLe InvesLIguLIons InLo LIe cIurges.
A PenLugon oIIIcIuI LeIIs TME Ie expecLs LIuL muny oI LIose cIurges wIII prove Lo be unIounded.
nLerroguLors evenLuuIIy compeIIed uI-QuILunI Lo Iocus on IIs IeIIow deLuInees uL GuunLunumo. n LIuL process,
Ie ImpIIcuLed more LIun zo oLIer GILmo prIsoners us members oI uI-Quedu or ussocIuLes oI bIn uden's,
uccordIng Lo LIe os AngeIes TImes. A mIIILury bourd Ius sInce used uI-QuILunI's IdenLIIIcuLIon us u IucLor In
proIongIng LIe deLenLIon oI some oI LIem. WIeLIer Ie Ius won more IuvorubIe LreuLmenL In reLurn Ior IIs
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cooperuLIon Is unknown. BuL uL IeusL one oI LIose Ie numed, u YemenI, Is now cIuImIng In u U.S. IederuI courL
LIuL uI-QuILunI's sLuLemenLs ubouL IIm ure unreIIubIe becuuse LIey "uppeur Lo Iuve been obLuIned by LIe use oI
PresIdenL BusI Ius suId LIe U.S. wouId uppIy prIncIpuIs consIsLenL wILI LIe Genevu ConvenLIons Lo "unIuwIuI
combuLunLs," subjecL Lo mIIILury necessILy, uL GuunLunumo und eIsewIere. TIe PenLugon urgues LIuL uI-QuILunI's
LreuLmenL wus uIwuys "Iumune." BuL LIe Genevu ConvenLIons IorbId uny "ouLruge on personuI dIgnILy." ErIc
reedmun, u consLILuLIonuI-Iuw experL und consuILunL In some oI LIe growIng number oI IederuI IuwsuILs
cIuIIengIng U.S. LreuLmenL oI LIese deLuInees, suys, "I LIe LecInIques descrIbed In LIIs InLerroguLIon Iog ure noL
ouLruges Lo personuI dIgnILy, LIen words Iuve no meunIng." TIen uguIn, In LIe wur on LerrorIsm, LIe personuI
dIgnILy oI u IunuLIc LruIned Ior muss murder muy be un InevILubIe cusuuILy. --WILI reporLIng by BrIun BenneLL,
TImoLIy J. Burger, SuIIy B. DonneIIy und VIvecu NovukJWusIIngLon
WILI reporLIng by BrIun BenneLL, TImoLIy J. Burger, SAY B. DONNEY, VIvecu NovukJWusIIngLon
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