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B.A. 214 – PROJECT



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Email Add: dragrisdpa@gmail.com
"Success doesn't come from
what you do occasionally, it
comes from what you do

Marie Forleo
Forleo's Top 10 Rules for
1. Start before you're ready
2. Follow your fear
3. Don't give away your power
4. Have patience
5. Be hungry
6. Fend off negativity
7. Be boldly not for everyone
8. Increase your productivity
9. Put things in perspective
10. Move & Meditate
What is a project?
What is project?

• Planned undertaking which is a set of

interrelated and coordinated activities
designated to achieve certain specific objectives
within a given budget & within specific period
of time.
• Generally part of sub-program or program
How program differs
from a project?
Primary Goals of a Project
• Conclude the project within the planned
• Complete the project within the programmed
• End the project with the identical level of
• Terminate the project within the detailed
• Make the best of the task that has been given
The Triple Constraint
Also known as the IRON TRIANGLE


Scope Cost
Figure 1.1 Triple Constraint of Project Management
The Quadruple Constraint



Scope Cost

Warning: Quality has many definitions

What is project?
uProject must come up with an output upon its completion called
uWhat is deliverable?
uIs the measurable and tangible outcome or the result of
the completion of the project or the end of the project’s
life cycle. It can be in the forms of:
a. Hardware deliverable – these are items like table,
prototype or a piece of equipment
b. Software deliverable – these are items like reports,
studies, handouts and documentation.
c. Interim deliverable – these are items that could be
hardware or software and gradually advances as the
project progresses.
Classification of Project
• Management always makes emphasis on projects that address
the needs and objectives of the organizations. There are 5
classifications of projects in the portfolio of most
Project Type Definition Examples
Compliance § It is a “must” project to meet the new ü Healthcare information
requirements enforced by management protection projects
itself and regulating bodies like the ü Environmental
government. Penalties await non- regulations projects

Emergency • It is a “must-do” project that is ü Rebuild factory

required to meet emergency condition. damaged by fire
If not done will impair operation and ü Renovate plant
will not be able to fulfill the core destroyed by a strong
competencies of the firm. typhoon
Classification of Project
Mission § It is a project critical to the ü Construction of a
critical mission of the firm. If not data center for an
accomplished shall cause application services
immediate and unacceptable provider
negative impact to the ü A new facility to test
business. products
Operational § Operational project is ü Six sigma projects
considered necessary in order to
give full support to the present
operations like delivery systems
upgrading for efficiency, product
costs cutback and performance
Strategic • It is a project that is vital to support ü New product design
the long term mission of increasing ü Development projects
revenue and market share.
What is project management?
Project management has become
recognized as a branch of management in
its own right, with its own professional
associations and with a comprehensive
and expanding range of procedures and
What is project management?

• is the science and art in the application of

knowledge, skills and techniques to execute
project effectively and efficiently toward the
accomplishment of its goal and objectives.
Purpose of Project Management
The purpose of project management is to plan,
organize and control all activity so that the
project is completed as successfully as possible
in spite of all the difficulties and risks.
When the process
When the process starts?
The process starts before any resources are
committed and must continue until all work is
finished. The aim is for the final result to
satisfy the objectives of both the project
performer and the customer.
Advantages of Project
u Better control of financial, physical, and human resources

u Improved customer relations

u Shorter development times

u Lower costs

u Higher quality and increased reliability

u Higher profit margins

u Improved productivity

u Better internal coordination

Advantages of Project Management
• A more resourceful handling of resources (both human &
monetary resources) as both the schedule and the budget are
clear in the project plan.
• Less cost and better quality of the end product/service
conveyed by executing meticulous cost management and
quality management processes.
• A better, more firm affiliation with the client and other
stakeholders by employing stakeholder management.
• An improvement teamwork atmosphere because of the
implementation of the formal process to
acknowledge/resolving conflicts.
Disadvantages of Project Management
1. Overhead
a. Cost overhead – all actions can outlay a sizeable
sum of money must be kept aligned with the
overall business strategy to make sound
b. Communication overhead – instead of having the
information stream directly from functional
managers down to the team members and back-
c. Time overhead – project managers can never
precisely evaluate the extent of any task, and pad
their approximation so that they won’t wind up
with a late project.
Disadvantages of Project Management
2. Obsession
a. Methodology obsession – project managers become so
blocked and so defensive to their own methodology that
they reject to try out with a different one that may be
quicker and superior for their existing project.
b. Process obsession – quite a project managers deter the
advancement of the project with their obsession for
attaching to the process.

What is the motive?

The motive why most project managers think process

obsession as a good practice is because of insecurity and
fear of loss control.
Disadvantages of Project Management
c. Stakeholder obsession – instead of administering the
stakeholders’ expectations, request, and interference, and
focusing on getting their support, these Project Managers
strive their best to accommodate the stakeholders.
3. Non-creativity
a. Technical - project management compels cut-off date on
resources, who have to work as speedy as they can to
conclude their tasks on time.
b. Managerial – PM, by nature, imposes the routine process.
Managers habitually leading humans, become directed by a
Limitations of Project Management
. Failure to “stick “with the project scope - there is an absence of

commitment to the original project scope owing to continuous change

request in project management.
2. Failure to completely made parallel the project objectives with the
business/organizational strategy – the project manger is responsible in
supervising projects, not managing their organization.
3. Failure to administer projects with unstipulated budget and/or schedule –
most project completed on time and on schedule have been bargained
for quality.
4. Reliance on functional management – the project manager is always at the
mercy of both the functional managers and the human resources. At
times the PM has to offer something in return, in order to get done for
the project.
5. Pursuing an exclusive methodology – Only one methodology for a project
is used in project management. In most cases, even when the other
methodology is proven to be highly successful for that type of project, no
switching could be done.

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