Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD

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Hari / Tanggal : Jum’at, April 2022 Guru Orang Tua
Waktu : 08.00 – 09.00 WIB
Nama : ...............................................
Kelas / No. Absen : VI (Enam) / .......................

I. Choose the best answer for a, b, c, or d!

1. Aldo : Good afternoon, Sasti! How‘s life?

Sasti : Good afternoon Aldo, Alhamdulillah, I’m very well. Thank you.
By the way, where will you go?
Aldo : I’ll pick up my mother. I must go now. ……………….. Sasti
Sasti : Bye
a. Not too bad c. Good night
b. How are you? d. Good bye
Jawaban: D

2. Annisa : Why did not you call me last night?

Dayu : ........................ I forget it.
a. I am so sorry c. Good bye
b. Yes, it is d. How are you
Jawaban: A

3. Alea : Hello, My name is Alea, ………………..?

Jimmy : Hi, my name is Jimmy
Alea : Nice to meet you Jimmy
Jimmy : Nice to meet you Alea
a. Assalamu’alaikum
b. Good morning
c. What is your name
d. Where do you from
Jawaban: C

4. Leni: What is ............. ?

Zahra: My name is Zeni
a. Your name
b. Her name
c. His name
d. Their name
Jawaban: A

5. Hello! There are five people in my family: My father or my dad, my .............. or my mom, my elder
brother, my liltle sister, and my self. My father is Mr. Rajali. He’s a teacher. My mother is Mrs, Kurnia.
She is a nurse. My big ......... is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little ......... is Rosa. She’s
still in kindergarten.
The best answer for the paragraph above are?
a. Sister, mother, brother
b. Mother, brother, sister
c. Father, mother, sister
d. Brother, mother, sister
Jawaban: B
Read the dialog carefully to answer no 6-9
Mr. Kardi, biology teacher is going to the laboratory , meets Wahyu at break time.
Wahyu : Good morning , sir
Mr. Kardi : Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry ?
Wahyu : I am going to library ,sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Kardi : Great, How diligent you are !
Wahyu : thank you, sir. Sorry, I must go now. See you
Mr. Kardi : see you.
6. Where does the dialog take place ?
a. In the library c. In the canteen
b. In the laboratory d. At school
7. When do you think the dialog happen ?
a. In the afternoon c. In the morning
b. In the evening d. In the night.
8. Where is Mr. Kardi going ?
a. To office c. To class-room
b. To laboratory d. To staff office
9. Where is Wahyu going ?
a. To library c. To canteen
b. To laboratory d. To parking lot
10. Dicky : Let’s have meal at canteen!
Deni : Not now, we will have break at ……….
a. Nine to half c. Nine past half
b. Half to nine d. Half past nine

11. What time is it?

a. Ten o’clock c. A half past ten
b. Ten past ten d. Ten to ten

Read this introduction to answer question 12 until 16!

Hello, my name is KETUT. I was born on the 4th of June 2004. I am a student of SMPN 1 Denpasar. I
live on Garuda street no 68. My house is only 1 km from school. I have a bicycle, it is my favourite
vehicle. So I ride my bicycle to go everywhere. My favourite colour is blue. I like to eat Betutu chicken.
Nice to meet you!

12. How old is Ketut ?

a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 14
13. Where does he come from ?
a. Lampung b. Jogyakarta c. Padang d. Bali
14. What is his favourite food ?
a. KFC b. Fried fish c. Betutu chicken d. Pecel lele
15. How does Ketut go to school ?
a. By bike b. By car c. By bus d. By train
16. What is his hobby ?
a. Cycling b. Dancing c. Painting d. Gardening

Read the Monolog to answer no 25 – 28

Hi friends, this is my daily activities for a week after school. On Mondays , I join an English club. On
Tuesdays, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On Wednesdays, I play badminton. On Thursdays, I read my
favourite stories. On Fridays, I visit my grandparents. On Saturdays, I go jogging. On Sundays, I go to
supermarket to have window shopping.

17. On what days does the writer do sports ?

a. Wednesday and Saturday c. Tuesday
b. Monday and Friday d. Sunday
18. What does the writer do on Tuesday ?
a. She plays football c. She helps her parents
b. She makes pudding d. She goes jogging
19. Today is Wednesday, what day was yesterday ?
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Tuesday d. Friday
20. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be ………
a. Tuesday b. Thursday c. Friday d. Saturday
21. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate. Rio, this is my Mother.
Ratno’s mother: Nice to meet you , Rio
Rio : ……………………………………..
a. I am fine c. Good bye
b. Thank you d. Nice to meet you, too
22. Rifal : How are you, Rita ? why you don’t go to school.
Rita : I have got a flu
Rifal : ……………………
Rita : Thank you.
a. Get well soon c. You are welcome
b. Have a nice day d. See you tomorrow
23. Hani : Can I help you, Mom ?
Mother : Wash the vegetables, please.
Hani : Sure, mom
Mother : ………………..
a. You are welcome c. You are my daughter
b. Thanks a lot d. I am sorry
24. Father : Can you help me to sweep the backyard, son?
Son : my pleasure
Father : Thanks my son
Son : …………………………
a. You don’t have to say it. c. Good luck
b. It’s ok, dear d. Get well soon
25. Melly : Would you like to feed my cat ?
Anggi : I’m sorry, I run out of the ……………….
a. Deer b. Banana c. Cabbage d. Fish
26. Isma : what time do you have lunch ?
Trijoko : at ………………..
a. 6 am b. 1 pm c. 8 pm d. 10 am
27. Teacher : What is your name ?
Restu : My name is Restu
Teacher : How do you ………. it ?
Restu : R –e-s-t-u
a. Speak b. Spell c. Tell d. Read
28. Today is Friday, I will go to Jakarta tomorrow, what is tomorrow ?
a. Sunday c. Saturday
b. Thursday d. Wednesday
29. My father will go to bandung on Sunnday, and he will back to lampung after Sunday.
What is the day after Sunday?
a. Monday c. Tuesday
b. Wednesday d. Thursday
30. This month is May, Next month is……. Last month was……..
a. June, April c. June, July
b. July, April d. June, August
31. When do we celebrate Nasional Education Day?
a. On December 22 c. On October 5
b. On June 1 d. On May 2

Look the table!

Andi’s schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

English Indonesian Social Math Science

Math Science Sport English Indo

Art Citizenship Religion Science

Religion Art Art Indo

40.How many day does Anton have english

a. 2 days c. 3 days
b. 4 days d. 5 days
41.When does Anton have citizenship ?
a. Moday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Friday
42.When does Anton have 2 subject in a day ?
a. Monday c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday d. Friday
43.How many days does Anton have science ?
a.5 c. 3
b. 4 d. 2

Read the text for 1 – 7

KH. Hasyim Asy’ari was born on February 14th 1871 in Jombang as Muhammad Hasyim, During his live,
he fought for Indonesian people islamic education, He established a Pesantren named Tebuireng
He was concerned about islamic movement as well. Along with KH. Wahab Hasbullah and KH. Raden
Asnawi, he founded islamic organization called Nahdlatul Ulama’ on Januari 31st 1926.
He was officially announced as a National Hero on 1964 by Soekarno president.

32. When was KH. Hasyim Asy’ari born?

a. Januari 31st 1962
b. February 14th 1871
c. May 2nd 1889
d. February 14th 1964
33. Where was he born?
a. In Surabaya
b. In Jakarta
c. In Jombang
d. In Yogyakarta
34. What was his birth name?
a. Muhammad Hasyim
b. Wahab Hasbullah
c. Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjadiningrat
d. Raden Asnawi
35. What pesantren did he establish?
a. Walisongo
b. Darul Ulum
c. Manba’ul Qur’an
d. Tebuireng Jombang
36. What islamic organization was he founded?
a. Indische Partij
b. Nahdlatul Ulama
c. Majelis Ulama
d. Muhammadiyah
37. When was he officially announced as National Hero?
a. On 1964
b. On 1959
c. On 1926
d. On 1871
38. Who was announced KH. Hasyim Asy’ari as National Hero?
a. Soekarno
b. Ki Hajar Dewantara
c. Moh. Hatta
d. Soetomo
39. A ……….takes people by car/bus
a. Teacher
b. Nurse
c. Driver
d. Postman
40. Cristiano Ronaldo is a ……………
a. Barber
b. Footballer
c. Teacher
d. Actor

Mr. Anton is ………………

a. a barber
b. an architect
c. an army
d. a driver

A : Could you please help me …… the door?

B. Sure
a. Do my homework
b. Sweep the floor
c. Open the door
d. Move this chair


A : Would you please ……………………..?

B : My pleasure
a. open my books
b. bring my books
c. write my books
d. read my books

A : ………………………. some apples?

B: Sure, thanks
a. Would you like
b. Could you
c. Can you help me
d. Can’t you help me
45. A : Can you help me to move the table?
B : …………….., my hand is hurt
a. I am sorry
b. Certainly
c. alright
d. my pleasure

What is he do?
a. jump
b. sit down
c. stand up
d. walk

What is the correct instruction?

a. Clap your hand
b. Wash your hand
c. Raise your hand
d. Insert your hand


What is the correct instruction?

a. Don’t talk
b. Don’t sleep
c. Don’t be late
d. Don’t eat


What is the correct instruction?

a. Work in pairs
b. Clean the board
c. Work alone
d. Work in groups
The table is for number 19-21

Name Play piano Speak English Swim

Adi  X 
Rani X  X
Fara   X

50. Choose the correct sentences based on the table!

a. Adi can play piano and swim. But he can’t speak English
b. Rani can play piano and swim. But she can’t speak English
c. Fara can play piano and swim. But she can’t speak English
d. Adi can speak English and swim. But he can’t play piano.
51. Choose the correct sentences based on the table!
a. Rani and Fara can’t swim
b. Rani and Fara can swim
c. Rani and Fara can play piano
d. Adi and Rani can swim.
52. Choose the correct sentences based on the table!
a. Fara can play piano and swim. But she can’t speak English
b. Fara can play piano and speak English. But she can’t swim
c. Fara can swim and speak English. But she can’t play piano
d. Fara can speak English and swim. But she can’t play piano


What can you do?………

a. I can ride a horse
b. I can ride a bicycle
c. I can ride a motorcycle
d. I can fly with a bicycle

54. Raka : Do we have plan for holiday?

Rasyid : …………….. play football?
Adam : That’s good idea
a. How many
b. How much
c. How about
d. How long
55. Run – fast – Teddy - can
Arrange the words correctly!
a. Teddy can fast run
b. Teddy can run fast
c. Can Teddy run fast
d. Can Teddy fast run
56. Some – coffee – like – you – would - ?
Arrange the words correctly!
a. You like some coffee would?
b. You like coffee some would?
c. Would you like some coffee?
d. Would like you some coffee?
The text is for number 6-8
MBQ Canteen

A bottle of water Rp. 1000,-

A glass of ice tea Rp. 3000,-
Snack Rp. 1000,-
Meat ball Rp. 500,-
A bowl of noodle Rp. 5000,-

57. How much is a bowl of noodle and a glass of ice tea?

a. eight thousand
b. nine thousand
c. ten thousand
d. eleven thousand
58. I have ten thousand. I buy 2 snacks with a bottle of water. And I eat 4 meat balls too.
How much is the change?
a. three thousand
b. four thousand
c. five thousand
d. six thousand
59. Is it Rp. 8000,- for a bottle of water, a snack, and a bowl of noodle?
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it does
d. No, it does not
60. The teacher teach about the poisonous animal.
a. binatang liar
b. binatang laut
c. binatang berbisa
d. binatang peliharaan
61. The allied forces attacked Surabaya in a great war.
a. Tentara Belanda
b. Tentara Jepang
c. Tentara Inggris
d. Pasukan sekutu
II. Fill in the blank with some of these words!

big – two – playgroud – no, thanks – blue – yellow – bring – the mosque – alright – agree -
white board – marker –– crayons

1. I play in the ………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. My school bag is ……………………. and my lunc box is …………………………………………
3. I always reads the holy qur’an in ………………………………………………………………………
4. The teacher writes on the ………………………. with a blue …………………………… ………....
5. I color with my ………………………………………………………………………………………
6. My classroom is ………………………………… and has number ……………………....................
7. A : Would you like some coffee?
B : …………………………………
8. A : Can you help me to …………………………… my books?
B : Sure
9. A : Could you sweep the floor please?
B : ……………………………………….
10. Aldi : Today, I don’t have nothing to do
Aris : What about going cycling?
Aldi : That’s good idea, I …………………………. with you.

III. Translate the text in to indonesia!


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