Thunderbolt 41 - Team 4 - 7-6-2023

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CLASS: Thunderbolt 41



Content Transcript Speaker


play video games increase problem solving ability and

Teamwork skills
According to a long-term study published in the leading
journal APA, the authors say playing video games can
help children develop problem-solving skills.
According to 2013 APA news, video game startups that
only interact with each other for 45 minutes perform Trần Mạnh Hùng
Speaker 1 HE186548
better, so those that engage in systematic team building
exercises work better. better movement
According to direct science in 2021. A study has shown
that a group of students spent an average of 3.5 hours
video game activities, as well as an average of 4 hours
studying. So for the best students, the optimal level for
gaming is more than 3 hours and less than 4 hours. This
group is dubbed the 'play hard - study hard' group
I'll prove it to you : video games video games help
increase our ability to make quick decisions .
When playing video games, players are often faced with
rapid and constantly changing situations that require
them to make decisions on the spot .
This can have several benefits for decision-making skills:
Problem-Solving Skills and Increased Adaptability . Nguyễn Văn Khôi
According to CTVnews on september , 13 , 2010 . The
Speaker 2
action game players were up to 25 % faster at coming to HE186101
conclusions .
And according to on september , 14 ,
2010 .
The 11 gamer volunteers were able to make those
judgments faster than the 12 non-gamers without
sacrificing accuracy, researchers found
A study conducted by Michigan State University (USA) in
2011 proved that playing games will significantly
creativity. Because according to the study's statistics,
children who play light intellectual games will increase Nguyễn Văn hậu
Speaker 3 their ability to recognize colors and objects and animals, HS186504
and also show more creativity in thinking than those
just play. use mobile devices to watch movies, social

Playing video games healthy, and on time will help

improve problem solving,skills good teamwork,
more enjoyable. helps us to make good, and quick

decisions, playing brain stimulating games, increases

creative curiosity, sometimes we even find, learning a Trịnh Đức Hải
Speaker 4 new HS180686
language, more interesting, relaxing after a day of work
tired file. The special game, also trains us to think
and generalship, to solve a problem. Video games make
us smarter, when we know how to take advantage,
exploit, play properly


play video game make gamer have poor emotion

according reuters in august 21, 2009 they test with 552
people but they don’t know who in 552 people and 249
people they said they play video game after test they
conclude play video game Adult video gamers also
seemed less outgoing, and less social and assertive than
non-gamers. they have a little connect with out side
they Nguyễn Phương Anh
Speaker 1 use many time for video game so they emotion they HS180923
down and down after they have poor emotion.
according guardian in april 25, 2017 play video game
make student don’t want go to school and connect with
social it make gamer forget how to use emotion normal.
according guardian in march 20, 2015 Guilt and remorse
popular in human but gamer don’t feel any thing
Video games can lead to decreased academic
performance and cognitive development. According to
Reuters, 2017- playing games was associated with a 22%
reduced risk of cognitive decline. And according to
Reuters, 2007- Adolescents who played violent video Phạm Tú Anh
games showed increased activity in areas of the brain
Speaker 2 HE181843
involved in emotional arousal and decreased response
areas that govern self-control .These findings suggest
video games may hinder cognitive development and
intellectual growth instead of making us smarter.

Argument : Video games decreased prosocial helping

make children more violent Evidence: in 2018, an
of 24 studies involving 17000 youngsters from countries
including the U.S., Canada, Germany and Japan and Nguyễn Hữu Thái
Speaker 3
published in the Proceedings of the National Academy Anh
Sciences found those who played violent games such as HE181928
"Grand Theft Auto," "Call of Duty" and "Manhunt" were
more likely to exhibit behavior such as being sent to the
principal's office for fighting or hitting a non-family

And now I will summarize the argument of speakers 1,

2, 3
to make you remember and understand better :
1.Play games makes my emotions become poor.
Meaning is
when we play games, our brain will stressful emotions
Maybe it can make us become introverted and quiet.
Therefore, the children will become less social Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi
Speaker 4 communicate.
2. Games make students lose knowledge. Because when
play game, We will get addicted and alway focus on
gaming. So the knowledge connections of other skills
be weak and lost.
3. Video games make children more violent. You say
games make us smarter, so when we play violent games,
what do we learn from them. Violent games will make
children learn and do violent things. So that is the
of school violence, shootings.
As you can see Games don’t make us smarter and
to our brain. So let's reduce game time and go to
studying to develop and growth my brain


Full name Student ID Content Teamwork score by leader & Explanation

Speaker 1 Nguyễn Văn Khôi HE186548 Speaker 1 10/10 (join all meeting)
Speaker 2 Trần Mạnh Hùng HE186101 Speaker 2 10/10 (join all meeting, edit video )
Speaker 3 Nguyễn Văn hậu HS186504 Speaker 3 10/10 (join all meeting)
Speaker 4 Trịnh Đức Hải HS180686 Speaker 4 10/10 (join all meeting)
Speaker 5 Nguyễn Phương Anh HS180923 Speaker 5 10/10 (join all meeting)
Speaker 6 Phạm Tú Anh HE181843 Speaker 6 10/10 (join all meeting)
Speaker 7 Nguyễn Hữu Thái Anh HE181928 Speaker 7 10/10 (join all meeting)
Speaker 8 Nguyễn Thị Yến Nhi HS181049 Speaker 8 10/10 (join all meeting)

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