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Saturday 08-13-23

1.- My dad, since he lived a very difficult childhood and adolescence, now as an adult when
there is a problem or difficulty he tries to solve it and take the good out of it.

2.- Not recently, but when I notice that someone is down I try to make him/her forget about
the situation and suggest going out or watching movies.

3.- Not so far.

4.- No, it takes time to gain confidence.

5.- I'm not really into doing activities outside my house, I like to stay in my room and spend
time alone. I like to read, watch Korean dramas and listen to music.

6.- In the career I study you can offer your service in communities where these don't reach, I
know a girl who is in Alaska working and that's great because she gave up everything to
offer service to those people.

7.- On the contrary, I think that women think about things much more, we analyze them more
thoroughly, we think about all possible scenarios.

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