Management August Assignment Chapter 2

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EMBF 123 – Business Organization Management (Assignment 1)

Submitted by Yamin Kyaw (Ent-83) EMBF 10th Batch

Question 5, Page 64
As organizations become more technology-driven which do you think will become more important-the
management of the human element of the organization or the management of technology? Discuss.
As organizations become more technology-driven, both the management of the human element and the
management of technology are crucial for success. While technology plays a significant role in enabling
efficiency and innovation, it is the human element that drives the effective utilization and management
of technology.
The management of the human element involves understanding the skills, capabilities, and motivations
of employees and ensuring they are aligned with the organization's technological goals. It includes
effective recruitment, training, and development of employees to enhance their technological
competencies. Additionally, it involves fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and adaptability
to embrace technological changes.
On the other hand, the management of technology involves selecting, implementing, and maintaining
the right technological infrastructure, tools, and systems. It requires staying updated with the latest
technological advancements and evaluating their potential impact on the organization. Effective
technology management also involves ensuring data security, privacy, and compliance with relevant
Both aspects are interdependent and should be managed in tandem. Organizations need skilled
employees who can understand, operate, and leverage technology to its fullest potential. At the same
time, technology needs to be managed effectively to support and enhance the productivity and
creativity of employees.
"Managing the Human Side of Technology" - This Harvard Business Review article explores the
challenges organizations face in managing the human side of technology. It provides insights into
effective strategies for managing technology-driven change and building a technology-savvy workforce.

Question 6, Page 64

Why do you think Mary Parker Follett’s ideas tended to be popular with businesspeople of her day but
were ignored by management scholars? Why are her ideas appreciated more today?
Mary Parker Follet was one of the early advocates of the theory of human relations approach to
management. She proposed the concept of human relations and generated arguments that employees
will work well if left alone. Moreover, she emphasized on the need for theories such as leadership and
empowerment of employees. These theories were not very popular with other scientists in the earlier
period as they believed in scientific management practices. Moreover, this theory believed that workers
are to be trained efficiently but neglected the fact that controlling them cannot yield results beyond a
EMBF 123 – Business Organization Management (Assignment 1)

certain extent. Modern day practitioners do agree that, Mary parker Follet studies the human relations
and practices which are important for the development of the organization.
Reference: Harvard Business Review: Mary Parker Follett's Ideas About Power Were Far Ahead of Her
Time -

Question 9, Page 64
How would you apply systems thinking to a problem such as poor performance in your current academic
studies? To a problem with a romantic partner or family member? Try to identify all the elements and
their interdependencies.
Applying systems thinking to a problem such as poor performance in academic studies or a problem
with a romantic partner or family member involves understanding the interconnectedness of various
elements and their impact on the overall system. Here's how we can approach each problem:

1. Poor performance in academic studies:

To address this problem using systems thinking, we would need to consider multiple elements
and their interdependencies. Some of the key elements include:

 Personal factors: Our motivation, study habits, time management skills, and learning style.
 Environmental factors: The learning environment, available resources, support from teachers
and classmates, and distractions.
 Curriculum and teaching methods: The content, structure, and delivery of the courses you're
 Feedback and assessment: The quality and usefulness of feedback received, assessment
methods, and alignment with learning objectives.

2. Problem with a romantic partner or family member:

When dealing with relationship problems, systems thinking helps we analyze the complex
dynamics and interrelationships between individuals and their environment. Here are some
elements and interdependencies to consider:

 Communication: The quality, clarity, and effectiveness of communication between you and your
partner or family member.
 Emotional dynamics: The emotions, feelings, and reactions of each person involved and how
they influence the overall relationship.
 Beliefs and values: The individual beliefs, values, and expectations that shape behavior and
decision-making in the relationship.
 External influences: The impact of external factors such as societal norms, cultural differences, or
financial pressures.

Reference: "Systems Thinking in Education" by Peter Senge:

EMBF 123 – Business Organization Management (Assignment 1)

Reference: "Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity" by Jamshid Gharajedaghi:

Question 10, Page 64

Can a manager be effective and successful today without using social media? What do you see as the
most important ways for managers to use this technology?

The social media plays a vital role in the way modern managers connect with people in the same
industry. Profession and domain of work, look for better career options, find means to improve their
credentials and skills, be part of professional groups and meet likeminded people. This helps them to
progress and advance in their personal and professional lives. In this way, social media platforms
(including professional networking platforms) play a vital role in their success. However, it is not
essential for being successful. One can rely on the age-old ways of networking and building teams and
groups. Still, social media makes it easier and effective, which is essential in today's fast paced

Managers can benefit from the technology for finding suitable roles as well as prospective candidates
which result in matching of good roles with good people, and thus contributes to the organizational
effectiveness and reduces the cost. Social media can be helpful in keeping in touch with industry
processionals, friends, colleagues and other people who can play important role in career growth. Social
media can be used to keep oneself updated with latest trends in industry, helping a person to be
prepared, be relevant and future ready by upgrading skills. These platforms also help to build a healthy
after office circle of likeminded people, helping a person to improve his /her social life.

Reference: Harvard Business Review - "How Leaders Can Use Social Media to Build Trust": This article
explores how leaders can leverage social media to build trust and credibility among their employees and
stakeholders. Link:

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