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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Rubric for Industrial Training Report

Criteria % Weighted Marks
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Organisation 5 Poorly Moderately Satisfactory Highly Excellently M/10 x 5% =
background presented. presented. presented. satisfactory presented. Key
Most of the key Few of the key Fairly presented. elements are
elements are elements are highlighted the Good in excellently
not highlighted not highlighted key elements highlighting the highlighted
key elements
Activities (provide brief 10 Poorly Moderately Satisfactory Highly Excellently M/10 x 10%=
description of the tasks presented. presented. presented. satisfactory presented. Key
given) Most of the key Few of the key Fairly presented. elements are
elements are elements are highlighted the Good in excellently
not highlighted not highlighted key elements highlighting the highlighted
key elements
Personal reflection 10 Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates an M/10 x 10%=
lack of reflection minimal reflection general reflection satisfactory in-depth reflection
on, or and and reflection and and
personalization personalization of personalization of personalization personalization of
of, the theories the theories and the theories and of, the theories the theories and
and concepts concepts concepts and concepts concepts

Suggestion 5 Unclear Moderate Satisfactory Good Excellent M/10 x 5%=

recommendation recommendation recommendation recommendation recommendation
and conclusion and conclusion and conclusion and conclusion and conclusion
on the industrial on the industrial on the industrial on the industrial on industrial
training report training report training report training report training report

Total marks: 30%

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