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2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)

Web Application Penetration Testing & Patch

Development Using Kali Linux
Ritik Karayat 1 Manish Jadhav 3
Department of Information Technology, Department of Information Technology,
SIES GST , Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India SIES GST , Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India
2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) | 978-1-6654-0816-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS54159.2022.9785232

Lakshmi Sudha Kondaka 2 Ashwath Nambiar 4

Department of Information Technology, Department of Information Technology,
SIES GST, Nerul , Navi Mumbai, India SIES GST, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India

Abstract— Nowadays, safety is a first-rate subject for all security professionals to mitigate these risks. It is an offensive
applications. There has been an exponential growth year by year approach of assessing the security posture of an application
in the number of businesses going digital since the few decades which is divided in 2 parts, Vulnerability Assessment
following the birth of the Internet. In these technologically incorporates the use of various automated and manual testing
advanced times, cyber security is a must mainly for internet
applications, so we have the notion of diving deeper into the
procedures to probe the target and detect the possible attack
Cyber security domain and are determined to make a complete vectors whereas Penetration Testing involves imitating an
project. We aim to develop a website portal for ease of attacker and exploiting the vulnerabilities detected
communication between us and the end user. Utilizing the power showcasing the impact and severity of the attacks on the
of python scripting and flask server to make independent target application.
automated tools for detection of SQLI , XSS & a Spider(Content
Discovery Tool). We have also integrated skipfish as a website
vulnerability scanner to our project using python and Kali
Linux. Since conducting a penetration test on another website
without permission is not legal, we thought of building a dummy
website prone to OS Command Injection in addition to the
above-mentioned attacks. A well-documented report will be
generated after the penetration test/ vulnerability scan. In case
the website is vulnerable, patching of the website will be done
with the user’s consent.

Keywords — XSS, SQLI, OS Command Injection, Kali Linux,

Skipfish, Python, Spider, Flask.

Almost all of the software applications made today in this
technologically advanced world utilize the Internet to serve
their purpose. As more and more applications are Web-based
, more and more data is being exchanged over the net and the
attack surface becomes very vast. This leaves many loopholes
in the entire system and the sites become vulnerable to a
plethora of attacks.
Cybersecurity is the act of staying protected against Fig 1. VAPT Life Cycle
unauthorized and malicious use of data and the
countermeasures used to prevent it. We have built this project, for the detection of the most
Security is a must for all the software being developed to dangerous and up to date vulnerabilities, for that we are
protect the CIA Triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability. referring to the OWASP top 10 attacks. OWASP stands for
It is an information security policy framework. A relevant Open Web Application Security Project. It is an organization
example of the CIA triad is an ATM where the PIN helps that regularly updates issues regarding Web Application
maintain the Confidentiality, the bank software ensures Data Security, highlighting the 10 most dangerous security risks
Integrity and Availability is upheld by ensuring authorized which contain Sql injection, Cross Site Scripting and
users can access the ATM at all times. Command injection. Fig 1. SQL injection, often known as
SQLI, is a typical attack vector in which malicious SQL code
This can be achieved by Vulnerability Assessment & is used to manipulate backend databases and get access to
Penetration Testing (VAPT) which is a practice adopted by data that was not intended to be displayed.

978-1-6654-0816-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

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2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)
Ankit Shrivastava et al. [4] discussed Cross-site scripting
and how it can be very dangerous and can be used to harm
users and applications present over the internet by delivering
or inserting malicious code into application databases.
B.M. Mehtre et al. [5] describes the four phases of
vulnerability assessment and penetration testing and also tells
us about the different open source tools available for
vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. Md. Maruf
Hassan et al. [6] analyses Broken Authentication and Session
Management and how these are listed as the most critical web
application vulnerabilities since 2007.
Sadeeq Jan et al. [7] elaborates about XML based attacks
like XML Billion Laughs and XML External Entities. Xin-
Yu Hou et al. [8] demonstrates about detection of XSS
vulnerabilities which has high detection efficiency. R.
Abirami et al.[9] sheds light on the use of python for
Fig 2. SQL Injection developing automated testing tools for detection of various
attacks which can be carried out by malicious attackers.
Fig 2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) assaults are injection Cristoph Karg[10] decodes the implementation of python for
attacks in which malicious scripts are inserted into otherwise XSS detection using python. Vangala Rama et al [11]
trustworthy and innocent websites. deciphers the use of python to integrate the scripts used to
detect the attacks and the portal which the user will access.
In this attack, a hacker will inject malicious script into a
trusted website, when the user will access the website, they Dr. Sandeep Malik [12] gives us a solution to stop
will unknowingly trigger the malicious script, Fig 3. which software vulnerabilities with the use of concepts such as
gives the attacker access to their cookies and session tokens. defensive coding, robust coding standards by following
security guidelines, staying away from unnecessary and
dangerous threats through internet browsers, and provides us
a solution to the cross site scripting problem. Kamsuriah
Ahmed et al. [13] proposed a foolproof comprehensive
method to overcome three issues in the SQL injection attack
like improper use of dynamic SQL, lack of input validation
process and inconsistent error handling which are observed
in SQL injections. M.Denis et al. [14] covers concepts,
attacks and different strategies pertaining to penetration
testing. . Maryam Mouzarani et al. [15] suggested ways for
the detection of injection attacks like command injections and
SQL injections. Hussein Alnabulsi et al. [16] presents a tool
named GMSA which prevents attacks like XSS, SQLI and
command injection attacks.
We propose a system which provides various services
like automated and manual testing tools to check their
websites integrity. We also provide services to patch the
clients website thus maintaining a high level of security.

Fig 3. Cross Site Scripting III. PROPOSED SYSTEM

The paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the The proposed system provides a portal, where any user
literature review. Proposed system is presented in Section III. can login and utilize the security testing services by entering
Experimental results are presented in Section IV. Finally, the the url of their website in a specified field. Penetration testing
conclusion is shown in Section V. will be performed on their sites/endpoints, generate a detailed
and well documented report and also patch any vulnerabilities
Babak D. Beheshti et al. [1] explained penetration testing Functionality of the system: The proposed system
and the factors to be considered while performing penetration consists of three modules namely the Web Application
testing. In another paper, William G.J Halfond et al. [2] module, the automated vulnerability scanners and the
demonstrated how different SQLIAs can be introduced into vulnerable web app.
an application. Yugansh Khera et al. [3] illustrated the life
cycle of VAPTs and different types of vulnerabilities and also
highlighted the different OWASP top 10 attacks.

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2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)
For XSS and SQLI detection, only specific pages of the

website are vulnerable which use forms, that is why a
process known as content discovery has been used.
● Since only the vulnerable web pages are needed,the
website’s main URL is given to the spider which is
linked to the backend python script, which will in-turn
return that website’s internal and external links in the
form of a report. It is helpful in figuring out the basic
layout of the user’s web application & mapping the site.
● Internal links: These are multiple pages or subdomains
of the main website.
● External links: These are the hyperlinks that link the
main website’s domain to another website’s domain.
⮚ XSS Scanner:
● For XSS detection, the user has to simply input their
website’s URL into the input-field provided, which will
then trigger the backend python script. The script is
designed in such a way that whenever triggered, it will
try to inject payloads into the user’s website, if the
payload is accepted by the user’s website, then it can be
concluded that their website in vulnerable to XSS and
Fig 4. Flowchart then an automated detailed report will be generated
containing the total number of forms present and the
Module 1: Web Application Module: Fig 4. It is an solutions to mitigate XSS vulnerability. If in case the
interface built for users to interact with the system, in which payload is rejected, it can safely be assumed that their
the users will have to register their account and then login for website is not vulnerable to XSS.
availing the services. ⮚ Sqli Scanner:
● Similar to the XSS scanner, the user will have to input
In the portal the users will have to enter their website’s their website’s URL into the input-field.
URL if they want automated testing, which will then scan ● After the input has been received, the python script will
their website for different vulnerabilities such as XSS and be triggered which will simply quote the URL and check
SQL injections. if the URL itself is vulnerable and if it is, the same will
For manual testing the user can fill their information in the be reflected in the portal.
‘Contact Us’ section provided in the portal which will then ⮚ Skipfish Report Generator:
send a mail to our official email-id, then contact will be ● Skipfish is one of the pre-installed modules in Kali
initiated with the user, and the user will also receive an email Linux which is a full-fledged Website Vulnerability
that notifies them that their request has been received. Scanner. It gives detailed reports of the target URL.
● This has been added to the project for the sole purpose
For building Web Application in Front-End we have used
of providing an in-depth scan, since many users won't
HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language) for creating structure
be aware of this useful tool. It has been integrated into
and pages, CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets) for designing the
the site to make it accessible.
application and JS (JavaScript) which gives pages interactive
● The subprocess module has been used in python to
component that engage a user and, in the Back end we have
invoke a shell and used the shlex library to quote the
used Flask.
inputted command so as to prohibit any malicious
The main aim of the system is to merge the most common activity.
and dangerous vulnerabilities and attacks into a single web ● All the user has to put is the URL and the time of the scan
application/portal so that developers/laymen trying to secure in HH:MM:SS format. Once the scan is completed the user
their web applications don’t have to browse through various will be able to download the .zip file of the entire directory
websites for figuring out a solution to all the vulnerabilities, and can view the results of the scan in an interactive webpage
since our manual and automated testing tools cover the most 'index.html' found inside the directory after unzipping it.
popular attacks which are directly referenced from the
OWASP top 10 list. Module 3: Vulnerable Web App:
Module 2:Vulnerability Scanners: The second module is VAPT cannot be performed on any random website that is
the Vulnerability Scanner which is further divided into 4 sub- available to us on the Internet because it is against the law.
modules namely Spider, XSS Scanner, SQLI Scanner and A website has been made which is intentionally vulnerable
Skipfish(Report Generator). to attacks like SQL Injection, Reflected & Stored XSS and
⮚ Spider: OS Command Injection.
● Spidering: It is the act of discovering content or This website was built using Flask. The website consists of
functionality not linked from visible content which a 2 pages namely login and main page.
user can browse to.
The manual testing is performed on a website as follows.

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2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)
the impact and severity of this vulnerability, a
1] SQL Injection netcat listener has been set up and this payload can
The login page is vulnerable to SQL Injection since the be used
query running in the backend is flawed and concatenates ● & bash -i >& /dev/tcp/
user input. 0>&1
● c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ● It returned a reverse shell instantly and now
email='%s' AND password='%s'" % (email, anything can be done like viewing or modifying the
password)) hidden server files which should never be accessed
● An attacker could easily bypass this authentication by anyone.
by using’-- . Now the query
becomes similar to this This is the final module and serves as a testament to our skills
● "SELECT * FROM users WHERE and commitment to the users.
email=’’--’ AND
Patched Site Remediations:
● This leads to no checking of the password since For the SQL Injection parameterized queries have been
everything after the email has been commented. used so that an attacker can not manipulate the query as they
wish. The code for the same can be seen below:-
2] Cross Site Scripting
After logging in, there are 3 input fields for various c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email= ?
operations like search, comment and ping. AND password= ?" ,(email, password))
● The search utility is prone to Reflected XSS and For XSS protection the use of Content Security
this can be confirmed by using a simple payload Policy(CSPs) in the response header is a must. The code is
like <script>alert(‘XSS’)</script>. shown below:-
● As soon as the submit button is clicked, this piece @app.after_request
of malicious javascript is executed and reflected def XSS_protection(response):
back to us in the immediate response. response.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] =
"default-src 'self'"
3] Stored XSS return response

The comment utility is prone to Stored XSS , in which Lastly for command injection which was possible due to
anything a user types gets stored in the database and shell=True in the python subprocess, Popen function
displayed on the website. running in the backend , the shell has been converted to
● Since there is no input sanitization an attacker can shell=False and used the shlex library in Python to securely
inject payloads containing malicious javascript break down the user input and quote it.
which will run every time a user visits that page. Now, no malicious command instead of ping will work.
To show the impact of this vulnerability, this All these techniques must be incorporated in the
payload has been used development of any website or the impact can be severe.
● <a href="#"
onclick="document.location=' IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
/?c='+document.cookie;">Click To Win</a>
Demonstration of Spider, XSS Scanner and its reports are
● Thus a malicious link has been posted ‘Click To
provided in figure 5 ,6 and 7.
Win’, which when clicked will give the cookie of
the user who clicked on the local python server.
Cookie stealing is very severe as the attacker can
then impersonate the user and do whatever they
want. It is like Digital Identity Theft.
4] Command Injection
The last input field allows pinging any host since it runs
a shell in the backend and passes any host specified in the
input to the shell and returns the output immediately. This
can be exploited by using a number of special characters in
the linux command line such as & - to run commands
simultaneously ,&& - to run malicious commands after
successful completion of the legitimate command , ; - to
enter a new malicious command.
● & has been used in order to show the Proof of
Concept. So the payload is & cat
● This will ping the localhost and in the background
output the contents of the passwd file which
contains all the user details in a linux OS. To show Fig 5. Content Discovery And Report

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2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)

Fig 9. PoC (Reflected XSS)

Fig 6. XSS Scanner and Report

Fig 10. PoC (Stored XSS)

Fig 7 . Skipfish tool and Report

Demonstration of SQLI , Reflected & Stored XSS & OS

Command Injection on the dummy vulnerable website are
provided in figure 8,9,10 and 11.

Figure 11. PoC (OS Command Injection)

A full-fledged, open-source web application has been
developed which will make the life of web developers easier
by making their applications safe and secure without the
hassle of approaching multiple services and considering
various attack vectors as we have combined the major
vulnerabilities and provided remedies for the same using both
manual and automated techniques.
The authors would like to thank their family members and the
SIES Management for their support towards the development
Fig 8. PoC (SQL Injection) of the project.

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2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)

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