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A Reflection from

“The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale”

by: Laressa A. Domingo

Upon reading the tale of “The Pardoner” I’ve read lots of vices stated there such
as gluttony, drinking, gambling, and blasphemy, especially greed and was associated
with betrayal towards men. The pardoner said that gluttony was the sin that corrupted
the world and the first form of gluttony is drunkenness. Drunkenness is sinful because
man loses his ability to reason. The three men were guilty of gluttony when they over
indulged in wine at the tavern that eventually led to swearing and lechery. The next vice
I have read that was a very common issue then until now was gambling. It was a never-
ending and contagious disease of men for they tend to gamble more after winning and
become more aggressive to win after losing. Although it may be entertaining and
exciting, people will never be completely fulfilled. The pardoner demonstrated how to
present something sacred in a false light and preached about vices that he himself
engaged in covertly. The story additionally illustrated how far men would go to satisfy
their own needs; they are willing to kill and do not even consider the impact on
Apparently, as I thought back on this tale, I felt horrible for anyone who would be
a victim of intoxication, including myself, which I found disheartening. Basically, being
intoxicated can lead to inappropriate action such as blasphemy since we lose control
and inevitably do something. But I firmly hold to the notion that everything we eat and
drink should be consumed in moderation. This is how I manage and balance my daily
meals. In terms of consuming alcohol, I have also come across certain individuals I
don't trust. As I observed the outcome, I came to the conclusion that getting rid of
something is the wisest course of action rather than choosing moderation.
The pardoner also makes me think of the folks nearby who were struggling to
meet their own needs and were having a hard time realizing that what they have right
now is what they genuinely need and deserve. My former employers, whom I tend to
believe were presumably the ones I may look upon and be my source of inspiration,
have told me sugarcoated lies while acting profanely. As I can identify with the three
rioters who ended up hanging while attempting to collect the riches under the
misconception that they were about to be wealthy. Additionally, it appears to point to the
dumb reason for separating as friends. In this regard, we cannot really trust anyone
because, as time went on, I had no idea that they were merely one of the perpetrators
of several misdeeds who were skilled at concealing in front of everyone from whom they
might gain something. Sadly, fate must have been particularly kind to me because it
revealed their greedy side, and I can no longer ensure the same alliance.
Maturing in the process, I have concluded to build my perception to trust no one
because an angel might hide his spear behind his wings prepared for me to be stabbed
with. Concurring to the aforementioned vices, I am firmly moderating myself to be
involved to people that I cannot find an inspiration from nor allowing myself to meet too
much random people in my life.

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