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NAME: Rejhen D. Manchures.



I always believe in the saying "Everyone gets their justice served". And as I've read the story
"The Reeve’s Tale" there are many important morals and lesson that we can learn from it. In
"The Reeve’s Tale" it focuses on the Miller, another one of Chaucer’s characters. The Miller is a
schemer; he is a master at ripping people off. He is used to easily getting away with it, since
what he sells, people need, and is a staple in their society. He rips people off by padding the
sacks of corn with lower grade bran. He learns his lesson though; two students try to outsmart
him. They end up not outsmarting him, but the two students found out a way to get back at
him. This is something that the Miller has become very accustomed to. He is used to, and okay
with, the lies people tell him. This is unusual because people are usually disgusted by liars, but
since he is one, he doesn't mind at all. In "The Reeve's Tale", the Reeve make is as apparent as
possible that the Miller is a liar, and is surrounded by liars. The Reeve seems to make a mockery
of the Miller's life by always talking about the compulsive lies throughout the tale. All of the
lying, untrustworthy people, and karma in the Miller's life are the obvious themes.

Therefore, the Reeve's Tale is a story about revenge or what is called quitting, meaning to repay
someone. The moral of this story is that you can't hope for good if you do evil. Although this
could be a typical story of the bad guy being beaten and humiliated by the good guys, we do
need to wonder if by the end we still think the students are the good guys because they take
their revenge a little too far. On a larger scale, the Reeve also gets his revenge on the Miller for
his story which disrespects carpenters (the Reeve's former profession) by telling a story that
makes a miller look ridiculous.

What I've learn in this story is that we should feel contended about what we have. We should
strive hard to earn things but not be greedy. Our greed makes us to do many things which are
not good or ethical.

We should make just demands that can be fulfilled easily and must make our earnings in honest
means. Our greed can turn us into corrupt and dishonest human beings and must restrain
ourselves from becoming that. Our needs should be limited and our wishes should be in

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