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COE 3001-ROX: Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (3-0-3) at Oxford Summer 2010 Prof. Jim Craig (james.craig@ae.gatech.

edu) Aerospace Engineering Catalog Description This course introduces basic concepts of the mechanics of deformable materials with emphasis on problem identification, formulation and solution. We will start with the definitions of stress and strain and their transformation, and then will apply this to analyzing forces in bars and beams. Specific topics include lateral deflections and stresses in beams, axial stresses and deformation of bars, twisting of shafts (torsion), combined loads on beams, and beam buckling. This is a foundational course in mechanics for engineers and introduces basic concepts that will be extended in subsequent courses in different disciplines. While only onedimensional elements (bars, beams and shafts) are considered, such elements are very common in structures. The Oxford version is specially designed for the faster classroom pace of the shortened semester. Unlike the typical GT campus version of this course, the Oxford version is arranged so that you will have much more time to meet daily or evenings with the instructor in informal one-on-one or small group problem-solving sessions which can be very helpful when covering new topics that are difficult to grasp. You will also be invited to use your weekend travels as a chance to capture photos to show the class that illustrate situations where bars, beams and shafts are used in structures (photo is from a museum in Paris). The standard Oxford Program attendance policy will apply. Stress and Strain Definition of stress and strain Stress-strain diagrams Elasticity, plasticity and Hookes Law Axial Force Members Deformation of axially loaded members Statically indeterminate structures Torsion Torsion of circular bars Torsion testing Power transmission in circular shafts Stress and Strain Transformation at a Point Principal stresses, Maximum shear stress Mohrs circle, Principal strains, maximum shear strain Membrane stresses, pressure vessels and pipes Week 1

Week 1-2 Week 2

Week 3

Stresses in Beams Shear force and benging moment diagrams Normal stress in beams Properties of sections Shear stress in beams Built-up beams Unsymmetric bending beams under bending and axial loading Beam Deflection Curvature and beam deflection equation Boundary conditions Statically indeterminate beams Energy methods Column Buckling Buckling of columns with different boundary conditions Eccentric loading and imperfection

Week 3-4

Week 5-6

Week 6

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