2.determination of Ethanol in Gasoline by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

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Fuel 212 (2018) 236–239

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Determination of ethanol in gasoline by high-performance liquid MARK


Lorena Morine Avilaa, Amanda Pereira Franco dos Santosb, ,
Danielle Ignácio Mançano de Mattosb, Cristiane Gimenes de Souzab, Débora França de Andradec,
Luiz Antonio d'Avilab
Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro 24020-141, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Engineering Program in Chemical and Biochemical Processes, Escola de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21941-909 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, 21941-909 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Keywords: This study employed non-aqueous reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with re-
Gasoline fractive-index detection and methanol as a mobile phase to quantify the ethanol content in gasoline. The ad-
Ethanol vantages of HPLC are its good separation versatility, high resolution, relatively short analysis time, and auto-
HPLC mation. Standard samples were prepared to obtain a standard curve and partial validation. Accuracy, precision,
linearity, selectivity for methanol (adulterant), and measurement uncertainty were investigated. In the partial
validation analysis, the accuracy of the proposed method was identified as its main advantage over the reference

1. Introduction The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has its own
standard, D5501, published in 2012 and reapproved in 2016, which
When fuel is adulterated, it is usually done by adding a lower cost describes a standard method using gas chromatography (GC) for the
product in order to obtain illicit financial gains from its retail. The il- determination of the ethanol (20 mass% or over) and methanol
legal addition of excess ethanol to gasoline is arguably the easiest and (0.01 mass%–0.6 mass%) content of fuels [3,11]. This method is not so
most common form of adulteration, since ethanol is already a compo- easy to implement, as it is done using long columns (100 m and 150 m),
nent of the gasoline/ethanol blend used in Brazil (27% ± 1% by vo- which, while they do exist, are harder to find on the market and very
lume) and is cheaper than gasoline. According to the national bulletin expensive. In the case of the 100 m column, the initial temperature of
of the Fuel Quality Monitoring Program run by the Brazilian fuel reg- the column is supposed to be 15 °C, but this is unfeasible in much of
ulatory agency (ANP), the ethanol content of gasoline is the biggest Brazil as it is lower than ambient temperature, meaning that a cooling
cause of noncompliance found in samples of gasoline [1,2]. stage would first have to be employed. Further, the specific density of
The reference method for determining ethanol content, described in all the samples must be calculated to correct the results obtained [11].
ANP resolution N°40 of October 25, 2013, is detailed in Brazilian In Brazil, ABNT set up a working group at its Ethanol Fuel Study
standard NBR 13992/2015, issued by the Brazilian technical standards Commission to create a reference method for quantifying ethanol and
association (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, ABNT) [3,4]. It methanol in gasoline and ethanol fuel. The chosen method was GC, but
is a quick, simple, practical method that can be done in the field to after much research no reference method for quantifying ethanol in
check gasoline purity. However, because of these very features, its gasoline was produced, since the compounds in gasoline are eluted in
measurement uncertainty is 1 vol%, and it has the added limitation of the same time as ethanol [12].
quantifying other water-soluble alcohols like methanol, impairing its There are different methods described in the literature for analyzing
accuracy. oxygenates in gasoline for quality control and regulatory purposes, like
The adulteration of ethanol by methanol has been verified in Brazil Fourier-transform near-infrared spectroscopy [13] with partial least
by the ANP [5–8], and this has motivated the development of tests to square (PLS) calibration [14,15]; Raman spectroscopy [16]; synchro-
determine methanol content in ethanol [9,10]. nous fluorescence spectroscopy with principal component regression or

Corresponding author at: Centro de Tecnologia, Bloco K02, LABCOM, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro 21941-909, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: morineavila@gmail.com (L.M. Avila), apfranco@eq.ufrj.br (A.P.F. dos Santos), danielleignacio@eq.ufrj.br (D.I.M. de Mattos),
cristianegimenes@yahoo.com.br (C.G. de Souza), debora.franca.andrade@gmail.com (D.F. de Andrade), davila@eq.ufrj.br (L.A. d'Avila).

Received 21 February 2017; Received in revised form 22 September 2017; Accepted 6 October 2017
0016-2361/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.M. Avila et al. Fuel 212 (2018) 236–239

PLS calibration models [17]; a combination of excitation-emission Calibrated glassware (10.00 mL volumetric flask, 1.00 mL volu-
matrix fluorescence spectroscopy with multiway partial least square metric pipette, and 10–100 µL variable volume automatic micropipette)
regression (N-PLS) and unfolded PLS [17]; batch injection analysis with was also used in the preparation of this sample.
detection by multiple-pulse amperometry [18]; Terahertz spectroscopy
[19]; proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR) [20]; 2.2. Analysis of the samples by high-performance liquid chromatography
cyclic voltammetry and multivariate calibration [21,22]; and custo- (HPLC)
mized mobile near-infrared spectrometry [23].
ASTM D5599/2010 describes a procedure for determining oxyge- All the samples were analyzed using non-aqueous reversed-phase
nate content in gasoline by GC, but only for the 0.1–20% by mass range, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a Dionex
which is not enough for the Brazilian fuel market [24]. UltiMate™ 3000 quaternary pump (Thermo Scientific, Massachusetts,
ASTM D4815/2013 describes a GC method for determining methyl USA), a Shodex RI-101 refractive index detector (ECOM, Czech
tert-butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), diisopropyl ether Republic), and an UltiMate™ WPS-3000 autosampler (Thermo
(DIPE), tert-amyl alcohol, and C1–C4 alcohols in gasoline. However, this Scientific) with a 100 µL sample loop. An Acclaim™ column (Thermo
method is employed to determine alcohol levels of 0.2 mass% to Scientific) measuring 250 mm long and 4.6 mm internal diameter was
12 mass%, ruling out its use for ethanol-based fuels and making it un- used with an octadecylsilane phase with 5 µm particle size and 120 Å
feasible for testing Brazilian gasolines [25]. pore diameter. The mobile phase was 100% pre-filtered HPLC-grade
In this context, this study proposes the use of high-performance li- methanol (Tedia Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Total analysis time was
quid chromatography (HPLC) with refractive index detection to de- 15 min at 40 °C (temperature of column oven), with a constant flow rate
velop a quick method for quantifying the ethanol content in gasoline. It of 1 mL/min and 10 µL injection volume. The samples were injected in
is hoped that this method may replace the existing reference test for quadruplicate to evaluate repeatability. The chromatograms were
laboratory analyses and the monitoring and inspection of gasoline sold analyzed using Chromeleon 6.80 SR11 software (Thermo Scientific)
in Brazil, whose drawbacks are its minimum uncertainty of ± 1% (by with manual integration.
volume) and the fact that it is not accurate enough for determining
ethanol levels in gasoline if it is adulterated with methanol. 2.3. Partial validation of proposed method

In order to use objective evidence to ascertain whether the proposed

2. Materials and methods method produces reliable results that are fit for purpose – i.e. whether it
meets the requirements and standards for the specific proposed use –
2.1. Preparation of standard samples of gasoline with ethanol we assessed its linearity, selectivity for methanol (adulterant), accu-
racy, precision, and measurement uncertainty [26–30].
Eighteen standard samples of gasoline containing different quan- Linearity was checked by the coefficient of determination (R2) of the
tities of anhydrous ethanol fuel, ranging from 19 to 40% (by volume), straight line. Values over 0.99 indicated the linear working range,
were prepared. The gasoline was supplied by Companhia Brasileira de where the angular coefficient of the straight line could be considered
Petróleo Ipiranga and the ANP inspection department, and support was constant [26].
provided by the Fuel and Petroleum Products Laboratory at the School The selectivity of the HPLC method for methanol was checked by
of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (LABCOM/EQ/ injecting a sample of pure gasoline (matrix) and a standard sample
UFRJ). All the glassware used in preparing the samples (1.00, 2.00, containing 12.5 vol% ethanol, 12.5 vol% methanol, and 75 vol% gaso-
5.00, and 10.00 mL volumetric pipettes; 10–100 µL variable volume line, since no certified reference material exists for such a determina-
automatic micropipette; and 50.00 mL volumetric flask) were cali- tion.
brated in advance. Six of the 18 samples were used to plot an analytical In order to assess the accuracy of the verification samples, we used
curve and 12 were used to verify the analytical curve and to partially Eq. (1) to ascertain relative error (Erel) [26]:
validate the proposed method, as shown in Table 1.
xlab−x v
Aside from the 18 standard samples, a sample of gasoline containing Erel = ∗100
xv (1)
12.5 vol% ethanol and 12.5 vol% methanol was prepared to verify ac-
curacy when ethanol was adulterated with methanol and to demon- where:
strate its selectivity for ethanol.
Erel is relative error (%);
Table 1 Xlab is the single value obtained experimentally or the mean of the
Standard samples of gasoline containing different proportions of anhydrous ethanol fuel.
laboratory results;
Standard Samples for Analytical Curve Standard Samples for Verification Xv is the value accepted as being true.

Sample Code Nominal Ethanol Value Sample Code Nominal Ethanol Value In this study, the relative error of the 12 verification samples
(% volume)* (% volume)* (V1–V12) was calculated, assuming a 95% confidence interval for the
A1 20.00 V1 19.00
statistical treatment of the results obtained. As such, the maximum
A2 22.00 V2 20.00 admissible error was set at 5%.
A3 24.00 V3 21.00 The repeatability limit (r) calculated by Eq. (2) and the total am-
A4 26.00 V4 23.00 plitude of the measurements (difference between the highest and lowest
A5 28.00 V5 23.00
value from a dataset) were used to evaluate the precision of the pro-
A6 30.00 V6 25.00
V7 26.00 posed method [27].
V8 27.00 r = 2.8∗Sr (2)
V9 27.00
V10 31.00 where:
V11 32.00
V12 40.00
r is the repeatability limit;
* The nominal values were corrected using the data from the glassware calibration Sr is the standard deviation of repeatability, meaning the standard
certificates (see Table 2, in Results). deviation of the results for each concentration.

L.M. Avila et al. Fuel 212 (2018) 236–239

Finally, the expanded uncertainty of measurement of the HPLC Analy cal Curve
method described here, for a 95% confidence interval, was calculated y = 2.1608x + 17.978
according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in R² = 0.991
Measurement (ISO GUM) [30]. It considered the following sources of 80

area (μRIU*min)
uncertainty: the calibration of the pipettes and flasks used to prepare
each standard sample; the purity of the ethanol used; the straight-line 75
equation obtained; the preparation of the control sample; and the re-
peatability of the measurements. For each source of uncertainty, we 70
ascertained what type of uncertainty was involved and what method
was best suited to determining and calculating it. We carried out type A 65
and type B evaluations of uncertainty and closely observed the con-
tributions made by more than one source of uncertainty so that no 60
calculations were duplicated. Electronic spreadsheets were used for the 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
calculations of combined uncertainty, effective number of degrees of ethanol on entra on (% volume)
freedom, coverage factor, and expanded uncertainty. The spreadsheet
Fig. 2. Analytical curve showing ethanol concentration (% volume) against area
showing the uncertainty of measurement calculations for this HPLC
method is included in the Supplementary material.

containing 12.5 vol% ethanol and 12.5 vol% methanol in gasoline A,

3. Results and discussion
highlighting the ethanol peak after 3 min retention time, set against the
HPLC chromatogram of pure gasoline (without ethanol). From Fig. 3, it
3.1. Analysis of samples by high-performance liquid chromatography
is clear that there is no interference (superimposition) of the ethanol
and gasoline peaks at this retention time to prevent the quantification
of the anhydrous ethanol fuel content in the blend. The chromatogram
All the samples analyzed by HPLC had the same chromatographic
of the gasoline matrix (filled line) does not peak at the same retention
profile, as shown in Fig. 1. The anhydrous ethanol fuel was eluted in
time as the ethanol (dotted line). In addition, methanol cannot be de-
around 3 min, unlike the constituent parts of the gasoline, whose re-
tected if methanol is the mobile phase, showing that the HPLC method
tention times ranged from 4 min to 10 min.
proposed is selective for ethanol.
The quantity of anhydrous ethanol fuel determined for this sample
3.2. Partial validation of proposed method using the reference method (ABNT NBR 13992/2008) was 25 vol%,
because both methanol and ethanol are water-soluble. However, the
To plot the analytical curve, the six standard samples of gasoline proposed HPLC method found the ethanol content to be 11.97 vol
containing anhydrous ethanol fuel (nominal values: 20 vol%, 22 vol%, % ± 0.43 vol%. In other words, it was not affected by the presence of
24 vol%, 26 vol%, 28 vol%, and 30 vol%) were analyzed by HPLC in an interferent, which puts it at an advantage over the reference method
quadruplicate, generating a dispersion graph in Excel of ethanol con- currently used in Brazil.
centration (% volume) versus anhydrous ethanol fuel peak area The expanded uncertainty of measurement of the HPLC method for
(µRIU*min), as shown in Fig. 2. As the coefficient of determination determining the level of ethanol in the gasoline based on the standard
(R2 = 0.9910) indicated a linear correlation, the equation of the ana- samples used to plot the analytical curve was calculated at 0.56 vol%
lytical curve (y = 2.1608 x + 17.978) was used to quantify the ethanol (Fig. 4S, supplementary material). The uncertainty of measurement in
concentrations determined by HPLC in the 12 verification samples for HPLC is a quantitative indication of the quality of the result obtained,
the partial validation of the proposed method. and is therefore a tool that makes the analytical results and thus the
Table 2 shows the results of the HPLC analyses of the anhydrous analyses conducted using HPLC more reliable.
ethanol fuel content in the 12 verification samples performed in In making the calculation, the contributions of the following sources
quadruplicate. The results in Table 2 show that the method was valid of uncertainty were considered: the calibration of the pipettes and
with regard to accuracy, since all the relative errors obtained in the 12 flasks used to prepare each standard sample; the purity of the ethanol
verification samples were lower than 5%, the level set as the maximum used; the straight-line equation obtained; the preparation of the control
admissible error (95% confidence interval). sample; and the repeatability of the measurements. The spreadsheet
The results also show that the total amplitude of the measurements showing the uncertainty of measurement calculations for this HPLC
was lower than the repeatability limit in all the verification samples method is included in the Supplementary material (Fig. 4S).
analyzed, which indicates the method was valid in terms of repeat-
Fig. 3 shows the HPLC chromatogram of the standard sample 4. Conclusion
Ethanol The proposed high-performance liquid chromatography method
1000 proved effective for quantifying the anhydrous ethanol fuel content of
gasoline for its speed, simplicity, accuracy, and precision, demonstrated
Height (μRIU)

by the statistical tools used in its partial validation.

600 However, its greatest advantage is the accuracy it was found to
have, as it suffered no interference from the other constituent parts of
the matrix (gasoline) or the interferent (methanol). This is one of the
200 drawbacks of the traditional method and the main reason why this
research was done.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
We conclude that the HPLC method described in this study is pro-
-200 mising for the accurate determination of the ethanol content of gaso-
Time (min)
line. The expanded uncertainty of this method (0.56 vol%) is also lower
Fig. 1. HPLC chromatogram of a standard sample containing 28% (vol) ethanol. than that of the current reference test (1.00 vol%).

L.M. Avila et al. Fuel 212 (2018) 236–239

Table 2
Anhydrous ethanol fuel content in the verification samples, determined by HPLC.

Sample Nominal Ethanol Value (% Anhydrous Ethanol Fuel Content (% volume)

Mean of Quadruplicate Measurements (% Standard Absolute Error Relative Error Repeatability Limit Amplitude
volume) Deviation (%)

V1 19.01 19.76 0.04 0.75 3.95 0.12 0.10

V2 19.99 19.51 0.20 0.48 2.41 0.55 0.42
V3 20.99 21.84 0.96 0.84 4.02 2.70 2.01
V4 22.98 23.57 0.85 0.60 2.61 2.38 1.75
V5 22.95 23.33 0.09 0.37 1.63 0.25 0.22
V6 24.99 25.45 0.18 0.46 1.84 0.50 0.43
V7 25.96 26.38 0.34 0.42 1.63 0.95 0.71
V8 26.96 27.28 0.50 0.32 1.20 1.41 1.18
V9 26.95 27.61 0.11 0.66 2.46 0.30 0.22
V10 31.04 30.08 0.50 0.96 3.08 1.41 1.11
V11 32.06 30.88 0.31 1.18 3.68 0.88 0.76
V12 39.99 38.55 1.17 1.44 3.60 3.27 2.69

* Corrected nominal values.

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