Test Bank For Personality Psychology Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature 4th Edition Larsen

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Test Bank for Personality Psychology Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature, 4th Edition :

Test Bank for Personality Psychology Domains of

Knowledge About Human Nature, 4th Edition :

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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. After Elliot's brain tumor was removed his _____ changed.

A. personality
B. intelligence
C. memories
D. language skills

2. A small bit of Elliot's brain that transmitted _____ information to the higher reasoning centers of the brain
was destroyed when his tumor was removed.
A. spatial
B. emotional
C. reasoning
D. memory

3. The idea that personality characteristics could be related to biology dates back to
A. the 1950s.
B. 1892.
C. the 1400s.
D. 170 A.D.

4. One of the first people to suggest that biological differences could be responsible for personality differences
A. Eysenck.
B. Pavlov.
C. Galen.
D. Sheldon.

5. The _____ theory of personality suggests that differences in sociability are caused by differences in the
amount of blood an individual has present in his or her body compared to other substances.
A. arousal
B. bodily fluid
C. reinforcement sensitivity
D. circadian rhythm
6. According to Galen's theory of bodily fluids, if a person is passive, calm, and thoughtful they had a greater
abundance of _____ than other fluids in their bodies.
A. phlegm
B. black bile
C. blood
D. yellow bile

7. If a person is unstable, aggressive, and excitable they would have an abundance of _____, according to
Galen's theory of bodily fluids.
A. black bile
B. phlegm
C. yellow bile
D. blood

8. Galen believed that a person who was happy, outgoing, and lively could be described as being
A. phlegmatic.
B. melancholic.
C. choleric.
D. sanguine.

9. Individuals with an abundance of black bile were described by Galen as being

A. sanguine.
B. choleric.
C. melancholic.
D. phlegmatic.

10. Which of the following was NOT a part of the bodily-fluid theory of personality?
A. Phlegm
B. Black bile
C. Blood
D. Green bile

11. Phineas Gage's personality became _____ after his brain was penetrated by an iron rod in an accident.
A. agreeable and conscientious
B. obstinate and capricious
C. extraverted and neurotic
D. extraordinarily conventional
12. Following his accident, Phineas Gage
A. returned to his job and led a fairly normal life.
B. became a circus side show curiosity.
C. held a variety of farm jobs.
D. died of complications due to his injury.

13. An advantage of the physiological approach to personality is that physiology

A. is easy to measure.
B. can be measured mechanically and reliably.
C. is the most important part of personality.
D. is the same for all people.

14. Most physiological psychologists would agree that

A. physiology is destiny.
B. physiology does not change over time.
C. physiology is one cause of personality.
D. physiology determines behavior

15. Most physiological personality psychologists today focus on

A. body types.
B. physiological systems.
C. the four humors.
D. telemetry.

16. Sensors placed on the surface of the skin can be used to measure
A. brain waves, cardiovascular measures, and electrodermal activity.
B. neurotransmitters.
C. dopamine.
D. telemetry.

17. Electrodermal activity measures

A. alpha waves.
B. how much sweat is present on the skin.
C. cardiovascular activity.
D. actual biological substrates of personality.
18. Measuring the amount of electricity that passes between two electrodes placed on a person's skin measures
A. cardiovascular reactivity.
B. electrocardiogram activity.
C. electrodermal activity.
D. electroencephalogram activity.

19. Some individuals have spontaneous electrodermal responses even when in a resting state in a quiet room.
The personality traits most consistently associated with these nonspecific electrodermal responses are
A. extroversion and openness to experience.
B. anxiety and neuroticism.
C. sensation seeking and aggression.
D. impulsivity and psychoticism.

20. Which of the following best indicates cardiovascular activity?

A. Skin conductance
B. Alpha waves
C. Electrodermal activity
D. Blood pressure

21. To obtain an accurate measure of cardiovascular activity researchers typically

A. measure the number of heartbeats per minute.
B. measure skin conductance between heartbeats.
C. measure the intervals between heartbeats.
D. measure the average systolic blood pressure.

22. The increase in blood pressure observed in response to stress is an indication of

A. cardiovascular reactivity.
B. alpha waves.
C. skin conductance.
D. hormonal activity

23. People with Type A personality show

A. lower levels of cardiovascular reactivity.
B. higher levels of cardiovascular reactivity.
C. higher levels of electrodermal activity.
D. lower levels of electrodermal activity.
24. Carlos is very competitive, hostile, impatient, and has a strong level of cardiac reactivity. Carlos most likely
has a _____ personality.
A. mesomorphic
B. Type A
C. impulsive
D. reactive

25. Terry, a Type A personality, suffers from chronic cardiovascular activity. He should be careful as these
behaviors may contribute to
A. cancer proneness.
B. coronary artery disease.
C. chronic diabetes.
D. Crohn's disease.

26. Electrical activity in the brain is measured with

A. cardiovascular reactivity.
B. the electrocardiogram.
C. skin conductance.
D. the electroencephalogram or EEG.

27. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used by psychologists to study

A. the portions of the brain that are active while performing a task.
B. vascular system in humans during stress.
C. how much magnetic activity can be measured on a person's skin.
D. assess how quickly blood flows through the bloodstream.

28. Monica is shown some pictures with very negative content. Activity in the frontal brain would indicate that
she may have the personality trait of
A. extroversion.
B. neuroticism.
C. quarrelsomeness.
D. sensation seeking.

29. According to Eysenck, _____ is related to low physiological arousal.

A. extraversion
B. introversion
C. the Behavioral Activation System
D. the Behavioral Inhibition System
30. A person who is sociable, outgoing, venturesome, and easily bored
A. has a Type A personality.
B. is an introvert.
C. is an extravert.
D. would score high on harm avoidance.

31. Which of the following physiological mechanisms is thought to control overall cortical arousal?
A. Parasympathetic nervous system
B. Ascending reticular activating system or ARAS
C. Behavioral activation system or BAS
D. Behavioral inhibition system or BIS

32. According to Hebb's theory, there is a(n) _____ state of arousal for every task that will lead to the highest
level of performance for each individual.
A. marginal
B. optimal
C. maximal
D. progressive

33. Which of the following is NOT part of Hebb's theory about "optimal levels of arousal"?
A. A person can be too aroused to perform well.
B. A person has the same optimal level of arousal for all stimuli.
C. A person can perform poorly because they are not sufficiently aroused.
D. Different activities have different optimal levels of arousal.

34. According to Eysenck, introverts avoid social situations because

A. they do not like people.
B. they also score high on measures of anxiety.
C. they have too much monoamine oxidase.
D. they are likely to become over aroused in social situations.

35. According to Eysenck, extraverts seek out social situations and stimulation as they
A. need the arousal of social situations.
B. have high levels of anxiety when alone.
C. have overactive ascending reticular activating systems.
D. have greater impulse control when in social situations.
36. Eysenck's revised theory of extraversion suggests that introverts and extraverts differ in
A. baseline level of arousal.
B. their arousal response.
C. maximal level of arousal.
D. behavioral activating systems.

37. The following were all findings of Russell Geen's study of introverts and extraverts EXCEPT
A. introverts preferred lower levels of arousal than extraverts.
B. extraverts and introverts had different levels of baseline arousal.
C. introverts performed better under conditions of low arousal.
D. extraverts performed better when they chose their own level of arousal.

38. Which name is most associated with the reinforcement sensitivity theory?
A. Pavlov
B. Eysenck
C. Gray
D. Zuckerman

39. According to Gray, _____ is responsive to cues for incentives, rewards, and approach behavior.
A. the behavioral activation system
B. the behavioral inhibition system
C. dopamine
D. frontal brain asymmetry

40. According to Gray, _____ is responsive to cues for punishment, frustration, and uncertainty resulting in a
personality dimension assessing anxiety.
A. the behavioral activation system
B. the behavioral inhibition system
C. dopamine
D. frontal brain asymmetry

41. Gray thought that _____ was responsible for avoidance behavior.
A. reward dependence
B. the behavioral inhibition system
C. monoamine oxidase
D. a strong nervous system
42. In Gray's model of personality, individuals with a reactive behavioral inhibition system are very sensitive to
A. positive emotions.
B. punishment or frustration.
C. incentives and rewards.
D. changes in MAO levels.

43. Individuals with a reactive behavioral activating system may be very

A. extraverted.
B. impulsive.
C. conscientious.
D. psychopathic.

44. According to Gray, a person who scores high on extraversion and somewhat high on the neuroticism
dimensions in Eysenck's model will also score high on
A. anxiety.
B. Type A personality.
C. cardiovascular reactivity.
D. impulsivity.

45. According to Gray, a person who scores high on introversion and somewhat high on the neuroticism
dimensions in Eysenck's model will also score high on
A. anxiety.
B. Type A personality.
C. cardiovascular reactivity.
D. impulsivity.

46. Most of Gray's research has

A. been done on the brains of animals.
B. used questionnaires.
C. used measures of electrodermal activity.
D. been done on college sophomores.

47. In Gray's theory of personality, anxiety and impulsivity are related to

A. emotional stability and openness to experience.
B. psychoticism and extraversion.
C. sensation seeking and liberalism.
D. reinforcement and punishment.
48. Individuals with high scores on the behavioral activating scale perform better when they are working
A. to obtain a reward.
B. to avoid a punishment.
C. working alone on a task.
D. working in a group on a task.

49. According to Gray's theory, people in jails probably

A. score high on measures of anxiety.
B. lack sufficient levels of dopamine.
C. have strong behavioral activation systems.
D. have strong behavioral inhibition systems

50. Sheri wants to get her husband, Carlos, to finish waxing the car before they go out for the evening. Being a
student of Jeffery Gray's theory of personality Sheri knows that the best way get her impulsive husband to
complete the task is to
A. go about her business because she knows Carlos will finish waxing the car on his own.
B. promise to reward him with his favorite dinner if he finishes waxing the car.
C. threaten to not make dinner if he does not complete the wax job.
D. yell at Carlos every time he starts to slack off from working on the wax job.

51. _____ tend to take more risks and engage in more exciting activities.
A. People who score high on introversion
B. People who score high on sensation seeking
C. People who score high on Type A personality
D. People with weak nervous systems

52. Bored people may seek out mild stimulation to

A. invigorate their nervous systems.
B. reach an optimal level of arousal.
C. avoid a much higher level of stimulation.
D. to reduce tension in their systems.

53. Hebb's theory of an optimal level of arousal was controversial as it hypothesized that individuals
A. seek out tension and stimulation as well as try to reduce tension in the body.
B. seek out higher levels of tension without a means for reducing that tension in the body.
C. cannot maintain an optimal low arousal for significant period of time.
D. are punished when the individual is not in a state of optimal arousal.
54. Zuckerman found that people _____ found sensory deprivation particularly unpleasant.
A. who score on introversion scales
B. with more activation in the left hemisphere
C. who were sensation seekers
D. who scored high on harm avoidance

55. There is a _____ correlation between scores for Zuckerman's sensation seeking scale and Eysenck's trait of
A. very low positive
B. marginally negative
C. moderately strong positive
D. very strong negative

56. Research has found that _____ tend to score lower on sensation seeking scales.
A. people who enjoy skydiving
B. people who have more sexual partners
C. students who volunteer for unconventional psychology experiments
D. endure sensory deprivation conditions for long periods of time

57. The enzyme monoamine oxidase works by

A. blocking too many neurotransmitters from entering the synaptic cleft.
B. acting as a conductor to facilitate the transmission of neurotransmitters between neurons.
C. manufacturing neurotransmitters inside of the neuron.
D. breaking down neurotransmitters after a nerve impulse has passed.

58. If there is too little monoamine oxide present

A. too much transmission will take place between the nerves.
B. not enough neurotransmitters will be produced in the nervous system.
C. the neurons will fire at a slow rate, inhibiting behavior.
D. the lack of oxides will damage the nervous system.

59. Monoamine oxidase acts upon the nervous system by _____ neurotransmission.
A. maximizing
B. inhibiting
C. optimizing
D. moderating
60. Monoamine oxidase
A. breaks down neurotransmitters.
B. facilitates nerve transmissions.
C. is linked to cardiovascular reactivity.
D. holds neurons together.

61. According to Zuckerman, _____ have _____ levels of monoamine oxidase.

A. sensation seekers; low
B. introverts; low
C. sensation seekers; high
D. extraverts; low

62. The neurotransmitter _____ is associated with feeling pleasure.

A. norepinepherine
B. serotonin
C. dopamine
D. monoanamine oxide

63. Drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft act to block the reuptake of
A. norepinepherine.
B. serotonin.
C. dopamine.
D. monoamine oxidase.

64. Which of the following neurotransmitters is involved in activating the sympathetic nervous system for
fight-or-flight responses?
A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
C. Norepinephrine
D. Monoamine oxide

65. Who of the following associated specific neurotransmitters with personality traits?
A. Eysenck
B. Pavlov
C. Gray
D. Cloninger
66. Which of the following is NOT a trait in Cloninger's tridimensional personality model?
A. Harm avoidance
B. Sensation seeking
C. Novelty seeking
D. Reward dependence

67. According to Cloninger, the trait of novelty seeking is related to low levels of
A. norepinepherine.
B. serotonin.
C. dopamine.
D. monoamine oxidase.

68. Initially increased levels of serotonin may result in _____, but over time may lead to _____.
A. high levels of anxiety; decreased vulnerability to overreacting to stress
B. strong euphoric states; generally increased happiness
C. high levels of depression; modal levels of euphoria
D. low sensation seeking; high vulnerability to stress

69. Individuals who score high on harm avoidance can be described as

A. energetic, outgoing, and optimistic.
B. cautious, inhibited, and apprehensive.
C. shy, paranoid, and tense.
D. happy, positive, and extroverted.

70. People who score high on the trait of _____ are persistent and continue to work in situations in which others
would likely give up.
A. extraversion
B. novelty seeking
C. reward dependence
D. sensation seeking

71. Recent work in the area of genetics and personality has led researchers to conclude that
A. there is a one-to-one correspondence between genes and personality traits.
B. there are a large number of genes involved in the creation of any single personality trait.
C. only genes associated with neurotransmitters are responsible for the creation of personality traits
D. genes appear to exist in bipolar hairs on the chromosomes and affect behavior in opposing ways.
72. Cloninger's model of personality has much in common with all of these models of personality EXCEPT
A. Wiggins' circumplex model of personality.
B. Eysenck's three dimensional model of personality.
C. Gray's reinforcement sensitivity theory.
D. Zuckerman's model of sensation seeking.

73. Which of the following traits is most related to biological rhythms?

A. Extraversion
B. Sensation seeking
C. Morningness-eveningness
D. Impulsivity

74. A person who is deprived of time cues in his or her environment to influence behaviors or biology is said to
be ______ in time.
A. showing frontal asymmetry
B. free running
C. off track
D. symmetrical

75. Which of the following has been shown to fluctuate with a circadian rhythm?
A. Body temperature
B. Extraversion
C. Frontal asymmetry
D. Serotonin

76. A person with a circadian rhythm that is longer than 24 hours will score higher on _____ scales.
A. eveningness
B. sensation-seeking
C. harm avoidance
D. morningness

77. The trait of morningness-eveningness

A. often changes over time.
B. remains stable over time.
C. has been studied only in America.
D. is correlated with anxiety.
78. A study discussed in the text showed that roommates who scored similarly on the trait of _____ liked each
other more than roommates who were mismatched on this trait.
A. extraversion
B. anxiety
C. morningness-eveningness
D. achievement motivation

79. Drinking caffeinated coffee in the morning will provide a greater performance boost to this group than if
they drink coffee in the evening.
A. People with greater left-hemisphere activation
B. People with a greater right-hemisphere activation
C. People scoring high on morningness
D. People scoring high on eveningness

80. Mike flies non-stop from San Francisco to London. He finds he has little trouble with the time change. Most
likely Mike is a(n)
A. novelty-seeking type
B. evening type
C. extraverted type
D. diurnal type

81. Disruptions in sleep-wake cycles due to long airline flights that pass through many time zones are best
tolerated by
A. Morning types, if the flights are eastbound.
B. Evening types, if the flights are westbound.
C. Morning types, regardless of the direction of the flight.
D. Evening types, regardless of the direction of the flight.

82. The greater the alpha wave activity in the brain, the
A. greater the level of harm avoidance is present at a given time.
B. less amount of symmetrical brain activity is present at a given time.
C. greater amount of norepinepherine is present at a given time.
D. less brain activity is present at a given time.

83. An electroencephalograph measures

A. alpha waves.
B. skin conductance.
C. cardiovascular reactivity.
D. morningness-eveningness.
84. People who have higher levels of activation in the _____ hemisphere of the brain tend to have more _____.
A. right; positive emotions
B. right; sexual partners
C. left; positive emotions
D. left; sexual partners

85. A study by Fox and Davidson showed that infants who reacted more strongly to bitter solutions placed in
their mouths
A. had more activation in the left hemispheres than in the right hemispheres of their brains.
B. had more activation in the right hemispheres than in the left hemispheres of their brains.
C. were more likely to be morning types than evening types.
D. tended to score lower on activity scales than less sensitive infants did

86. Test-retest correlations of frontal asymmetry have been shown to be

A. weak and positive.
B. strong and positive.
C. weak and negative.
D. strong and negative.

87. If a person responds to an amusing film with more positive emotions than average, that person is likely to
A. be a morning type.
B. be an evening type.
C. have more activation in the right hemisphere.
D. have more activation in the left hemisphere.

88. Increased activation of the right hemisphere of the brain has been found to be related to increased levels of
_____ in both monkeys and 6-month-old children.
A. cortisol
B. norepinepherine
C. serotonin
D. dopamine

89. A person who has greater right than left hemispheric activation would likely score high on a measure of
A. BAS or behavioral activation system.
B. BIS or behavioral inhibition system.
C. morningness.
D. sensation seeking.
c7 Key

1. (p. 190) After Elliot's brain tumor was removed his _____ changed.
A. personality
B. intelligence
C. memories
D. language skills

Larsen - Chapter 07 #1

2. (p. 190) A small bit of Elliot's brain that transmitted _____ information to the higher reasoning centers of the
brain was destroyed when his tumor was removed.
A. spatial
B. emotional
C. reasoning
D. memory

Larsen - Chapter 07 #2

3. (p. 190) The idea that personality characteristics could be related to biology dates back to
A. the 1950s.
B. 1892.
C. the 1400s.
D. 170 A.D.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #3

4. (p. 190) One of the first people to suggest that biological differences could be responsible for personality
differences was
A. Eysenck.
B. Pavlov.
C. Galen.
D. Sheldon.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #4
5. (p. 190) The _____ theory of personality suggests that differences in sociability are caused by differences in the
amount of blood an individual has present in his or her body compared to other substances.
A. arousal
B. bodily fluid
C. reinforcement sensitivity
D. circadian rhythm

Larsen - Chapter 07 #5

6. (p. 190) According to Galen's theory of bodily fluids, if a person is passive, calm, and thoughtful they had a
greater abundance of _____ than other fluids in their bodies.
A. phlegm
B. black bile
C. blood
D. yellow bile

Larsen - Chapter 07 #6

7. (p. 190) If a person is unstable, aggressive, and excitable they would have an abundance of _____, according to
Galen's theory of bodily fluids.
A. black bile
B. phlegm
C. yellow bile
D. blood

Larsen - Chapter 07 #7

8. (p. 190) Galen believed that a person who was happy, outgoing, and lively could be described as being
A. phlegmatic.
B. melancholic.
C. choleric.
D. sanguine.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #8
9. (p. 190) Individuals with an abundance of black bile were described by Galen as being
A. sanguine.
B. choleric.
C. melancholic.
D. phlegmatic.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #9

10. (p. 190) Which of the following was NOT a part of the bodily-fluid theory of personality?
A. Phlegm
B. Black bile
C. Blood
D. Green bile

Larsen - Chapter 07 #10

11. (p. 191) Phineas Gage's personality became _____ after his brain was penetrated by an iron rod in an accident.
A. agreeable and conscientious
B. obstinate and capricious
C. extraverted and neurotic
D. extraordinarily conventional

Larsen - Chapter 07 #11

12. (p. 191) Following his accident, Phineas Gage

A. returned to his job and led a fairly normal life.
B. became a circus side show curiosity.
C. held a variety of farm jobs.
D. died of complications due to his injury.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #12

13. (p. 192) An advantage of the physiological approach to personality is that physiology
A. is easy to measure.
B. can be measured mechanically and reliably.
C. is the most important part of personality.
D. is the same for all people.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #13

14. (p. 192) Most physiological psychologists would agree that
A. physiology is destiny.
B. physiology does not change over time.
C. physiology is one cause of personality.
D. physiology determines behavior

Larsen - Chapter 07 #14

15. (p. 192) Most physiological personality psychologists today focus on

A. body types.
B. physiological systems.
C. the four humors.
D. telemetry.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #15

16. (p. 194) Sensors placed on the surface of the skin can be used to measure
A. brain waves, cardiovascular measures, and electrodermal activity.
B. neurotransmitters.
C. dopamine.
D. telemetry.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #16

17. (p. 194) Electrodermal activity measures

A. alpha waves.
B. how much sweat is present on the skin.
C. cardiovascular activity.
D. actual biological substrates of personality.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #17

18. (p. 194) Measuring the amount of electricity that passes between two electrodes placed on a person's skin
A. cardiovascular reactivity.
B. electrocardiogram activity.
C. electrodermal activity.
D. electroencephalogram activity.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #18

19. (p. 194) Some individuals have spontaneous electrodermal responses even when in a resting state in a quiet
room. The personality traits most consistently associated with these nonspecific electrodermal responses are
A. extroversion and openness to experience.
B. anxiety and neuroticism.
C. sensation seeking and aggression.
D. impulsivity and psychoticism.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #19

20. (p. 195) Which of the following best indicates cardiovascular activity?
A. Skin conductance
B. Alpha waves
C. Electrodermal activity
D. Blood pressure

Larsen - Chapter 07 #20

21. (p. 195) To obtain an accurate measure of cardiovascular activity researchers typically
A. measure the number of heartbeats per minute.
B. measure skin conductance between heartbeats.
C. measure the intervals between heartbeats.
D. measure the average systolic blood pressure.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #21

22. (p. 195) The increase in blood pressure observed in response to stress is an indication of
A. cardiovascular reactivity.
B. alpha waves.
C. skin conductance.
D. hormonal activity

Larsen - Chapter 07 #22

23. (p. 195) People with Type A personality show

A. lower levels of cardiovascular reactivity.
B. higher levels of cardiovascular reactivity.
C. higher levels of electrodermal activity.
D. lower levels of electrodermal activity.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #23

24. (p. 195) Carlos is very competitive, hostile, impatient, and has a strong level of cardiac reactivity. Carlos most
likely has a _____ personality.
A. mesomorphic
B. Type A
C. impulsive
D. reactive

Larsen - Chapter 07 #24

25. (p. 195) Terry, a Type A personality, suffers from chronic cardiovascular activity. He should be careful as
these behaviors may contribute to
A. cancer proneness.
B. coronary artery disease.
C. chronic diabetes.
D. Crohn's disease.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #25

26. (p. 196) Electrical activity in the brain is measured with

A. cardiovascular reactivity.
B. the electrocardiogram.
C. skin conductance.
D. the electroencephalogram or EEG.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #26

27. (p. 196) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used by psychologists to study
A. the portions of the brain that are active while performing a task.
B. vascular system in humans during stress.
C. how much magnetic activity can be measured on a person's skin.
D. assess how quickly blood flows through the bloodstream.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #27

28. (p. 196) Monica is shown some pictures with very negative content. Activity in the frontal brain would indicate
that she may have the personality trait of
A. extroversion.
B. neuroticism.
C. quarrelsomeness.
D. sensation seeking.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #28

29. (p. 199) According to Eysenck, _____ is related to low physiological arousal.
A. extraversion
B. introversion
C. the Behavioral Activation System
D. the Behavioral Inhibition System

Larsen - Chapter 07 #29

30. (p. 198) A person who is sociable, outgoing, venturesome, and easily bored
A. has a Type A personality.
B. is an introvert.
C. is an extravert.
D. would score high on harm avoidance.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #30

31. (p. 199) Which of the following physiological mechanisms is thought to control overall cortical arousal?
A. Parasympathetic nervous system
B. Ascending reticular activating system or ARAS
C. Behavioral activation system or BAS
D. Behavioral inhibition system or BIS

Larsen - Chapter 07 #31

32. (p. 199) According to Hebb's theory, there is a(n) _____ state of arousal for every task that will lead to the
highest level of performance for each individual.
A. marginal
B. optimal
C. maximal
D. progressive

Larsen - Chapter 07 #32

33. (p. 199) Which of the following is NOT part of Hebb's theory about "optimal levels of arousal"?
A. A person can be too aroused to perform well.
B. A person has the same optimal level of arousal for all stimuli.
C. A person can perform poorly because they are not sufficiently aroused.
D. Different activities have different optimal levels of arousal.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #33

34. (p. 200) According to Eysenck, introverts avoid social situations because
A. they do not like people.
B. they also score high on measures of anxiety.
C. they have too much monoamine oxidase.
D. they are likely to become over aroused in social situations.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #34

35. (p. 200) According to Eysenck, extraverts seek out social situations and stimulation as they
A. need the arousal of social situations.
B. have high levels of anxiety when alone.
C. have overactive ascending reticular activating systems.
D. have greater impulse control when in social situations.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #35

36. (p. 200) Eysenck's revised theory of extraversion suggests that introverts and extraverts differ in
A. baseline level of arousal.
B. their arousal response.
C. maximal level of arousal.
D. behavioral activating systems.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #36

37. (p. 201) The following were all findings of Russell Geen's study of introverts and extraverts EXCEPT
A. introverts preferred lower levels of arousal than extraverts.
B. extraverts and introverts had different levels of baseline arousal.
C. introverts performed better under conditions of low arousal.
D. extraverts performed better when they chose their own level of arousal.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #37

38. (p. 201) Which name is most associated with the reinforcement sensitivity theory?
A. Pavlov
B. Eysenck
C. Gray
D. Zuckerman

Larsen - Chapter 07 #38

39. (p. 201) According to Gray, _____ is responsive to cues for incentives, rewards, and approach behavior.
A. the behavioral activation system
B. the behavioral inhibition system
C. dopamine
D. frontal brain asymmetry

Larsen - Chapter 07 #39

40. (p. 203) According to Gray, _____ is responsive to cues for punishment, frustration, and uncertainty resulting
in a personality dimension assessing anxiety.
A. the behavioral activation system
B. the behavioral inhibition system
C. dopamine
D. frontal brain asymmetry

Larsen - Chapter 07 #40

41. (p. 203) Gray thought that _____ was responsible for avoidance behavior.
A. reward dependence
B. the behavioral inhibition system
C. monoamine oxidase
D. a strong nervous system

Larsen - Chapter 07 #41

42. (p. 203) In Gray's model of personality, individuals with a reactive behavioral inhibition system are very
sensitive to
A. positive emotions.
B. punishment or frustration.
C. incentives and rewards.
D. changes in MAO levels.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #42

43. (p. 203) Individuals with a reactive behavioral activating system may be very
A. extraverted.
B. impulsive.
C. conscientious.
D. psychopathic.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #43

44. (p. 203) According to Gray, a person who scores high on extraversion and somewhat high on the neuroticism
dimensions in Eysenck's model will also score high on
A. anxiety.
B. Type A personality.
C. cardiovascular reactivity.
D. impulsivity.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #44

45. (p. 204) According to Gray, a person who scores high on introversion and somewhat high on the neuroticism
dimensions in Eysenck's model will also score high on
A. anxiety.
B. Type A personality.
C. cardiovascular reactivity.
D. impulsivity.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #45

46. (p. 205) Most of Gray's research has

A. been done on the brains of animals.
B. used questionnaires.
C. used measures of electrodermal activity.
D. been done on college sophomores.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #46

47. (p. 206) In Gray's theory of personality, anxiety and impulsivity are related to
A. emotional stability and openness to experience.
B. psychoticism and extraversion.
C. sensation seeking and liberalism.
D. reinforcement and punishment.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #47

48. (p. 206) Individuals with high scores on the behavioral activating scale perform better when they are working
A. to obtain a reward.
B. to avoid a punishment.
C. working alone on a task.
D. working in a group on a task.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #48

49. (p. 206) According to Gray's theory, people in jails probably

A. score high on measures of anxiety.
B. lack sufficient levels of dopamine.
C. have strong behavioral activation systems.
D. have strong behavioral inhibition systems

Larsen - Chapter 07 #49

50. (p. 206) Sheri wants to get her husband, Carlos, to finish waxing the car before they go out for the evening.
Being a student of Jeffery Gray's theory of personality Sheri knows that the best way get her impulsive husband
to complete the task is to
A. go about her business because she knows Carlos will finish waxing the car on his own.
B. promise to reward him with his favorite dinner if he finishes waxing the car.
C. threaten to not make dinner if he does not complete the wax job.
D. yell at Carlos every time he starts to slack off from working on the wax job.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #50

51. (p. 207) _____ tend to take more risks and engage in more exciting activities.
A. People who score high on introversion
B. People who score high on sensation seeking
C. People who score high on Type A personality
D. People with weak nervous systems

Larsen - Chapter 07 #51

52. (p. 207) Bored people may seek out mild stimulation to
A. invigorate their nervous systems.
B. reach an optimal level of arousal.
C. avoid a much higher level of stimulation.
D. to reduce tension in their systems.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #52

53. (p. 207) Hebb's theory of an optimal level of arousal was controversial as it hypothesized that individuals
A. seek out tension and stimulation as well as try to reduce tension in the body.
B. seek out higher levels of tension without a means for reducing that tension in the body.
C. cannot maintain an optimal low arousal for significant period of time.
D. are punished when the individual is not in a state of optimal arousal.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #53

54. (p. 208) Zuckerman found that people _____ found sensory deprivation particularly unpleasant.
A. who score on introversion scales
B. with more activation in the left hemisphere
C. who were sensation seekers
D. who scored high on harm avoidance

Larsen - Chapter 07 #54

55. (p. 208) There is a _____ correlation between scores for Zuckerman's sensation seeking scale and Eysenck's
trait of extraversion.
A. very low positive
B. marginally negative
C. moderately strong positive
D. very strong negative

Larsen - Chapter 07 #55

56. (p. 208) Research has found that _____ tend to score lower on sensation seeking scales.
A. people who enjoy skydiving
B. people who have more sexual partners
C. students who volunteer for unconventional psychology experiments
D. endure sensory deprivation conditions for long periods of time

Larsen - Chapter 07 #56

57. (p. 212) The enzyme monoamine oxidase works by

A. blocking too many neurotransmitters from entering the synaptic cleft.
B. acting as a conductor to facilitate the transmission of neurotransmitters between neurons.
C. manufacturing neurotransmitters inside of the neuron.
D. breaking down neurotransmitters after a nerve impulse has passed.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #57

58. (p. 212) If there is too little monoamine oxide present
A. too much transmission will take place between the nerves.
B. not enough neurotransmitters will be produced in the nervous system.
C. the neurons will fire at a slow rate, inhibiting behavior.
D. the lack of oxides will damage the nervous system.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #58

59. (p. 212) Monoamine oxidase acts upon the nervous system by _____ neurotransmission.
A. maximizing
B. inhibiting
C. optimizing
D. moderating

Larsen - Chapter 07 #59

60. (p. 212) Monoamine oxidase

A. breaks down neurotransmitters.
B. facilitates nerve transmissions.
C. is linked to cardiovascular reactivity.
D. holds neurons together.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #60

61. (p. 212) According to Zuckerman, _____ have _____ levels of monoamine oxidase.
A. sensation seekers; low
B. introverts; low
C. sensation seekers; high
D. extraverts; low

Larsen - Chapter 07 #61

62. (p. 212) The neurotransmitter _____ is associated with feeling pleasure.
A. norepinepherine
B. serotonin
C. dopamine
D. monoanamine oxide

Larsen - Chapter 07 #62

63. (p. 212) Drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft act to block the reuptake of
A. norepinepherine.
B. serotonin.
C. dopamine.
D. monoamine oxidase.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #63

64. (p. 213) Which of the following neurotransmitters is involved in activating the sympathetic nervous system for
fight-or-flight responses?
A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
C. Norepinephrine
D. Monoamine oxide

Larsen - Chapter 07 #64

65. (p. 213) Who of the following associated specific neurotransmitters with personality traits?
A. Eysenck
B. Pavlov
C. Gray
D. Cloninger

Larsen - Chapter 07 #65

66. (p. 213) Which of the following is NOT a trait in Cloninger's tridimensional personality model?
A. Harm avoidance
B. Sensation seeking
C. Novelty seeking
D. Reward dependence

Larsen - Chapter 07 #66

67. (p. 213) According to Cloninger, the trait of novelty seeking is related to low levels of
A. norepinepherine.
B. serotonin.
C. dopamine.
D. monoamine oxidase.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #67

68. (p. 213) Initially increased levels of serotonin may result in _____, but over time may lead to _____.
A. high levels of anxiety; decreased vulnerability to overreacting to stress
B. strong euphoric states; generally increased happiness
C. high levels of depression; modal levels of euphoria
D. low sensation seeking; high vulnerability to stress

Larsen - Chapter 07 #68

69. (p. 213) Individuals who score high on harm avoidance can be described as
A. energetic, outgoing, and optimistic.
B. cautious, inhibited, and apprehensive.
C. shy, paranoid, and tense.
D. happy, positive, and extroverted.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #69

70. (p. 213) People who score high on the trait of _____ are persistent and continue to work in situations in which
others would likely give up.
A. extraversion
B. novelty seeking
C. reward dependence
D. sensation seeking

Larsen - Chapter 07 #70

71. (p. 214) Recent work in the area of genetics and personality has led researchers to conclude that
A. there is a one-to-one correspondence between genes and personality traits.
B. there are a large number of genes involved in the creation of any single personality trait.
C. only genes associated with neurotransmitters are responsible for the creation of personality traits
D. genes appear to exist in bipolar hairs on the chromosomes and affect behavior in opposing ways.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #71

72. (p. 214) Cloninger's model of personality has much in common with all of these models of personality
A. Wiggins' circumplex model of personality.
B. Eysenck's three dimensional model of personality.
C. Gray's reinforcement sensitivity theory.
D. Zuckerman's model of sensation seeking.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #72

73. (p. 214) Which of the following traits is most related to biological rhythms?
A. Extraversion
B. Sensation seeking
C. Morningness-eveningness
D. Impulsivity

Larsen - Chapter 07 #73

74. (p. 215) A person who is deprived of time cues in his or her environment to influence behaviors or biology is
said to be ______ in time.
A. showing frontal asymmetry
B. free running
C. off track
D. symmetrical

Larsen - Chapter 07 #74

75. (p. 215) Which of the following has been shown to fluctuate with a circadian rhythm?
A. Body temperature
B. Extraversion
C. Frontal asymmetry
D. Serotonin

Larsen - Chapter 07 #75

76. (p. 215) A person with a circadian rhythm that is longer than 24 hours will score higher on _____ scales.
A. eveningness
B. sensation-seeking
C. harm avoidance
D. morningness

Larsen - Chapter 07 #76

77. (p. 215) The trait of morningness-eveningness

A. often changes over time.
B. remains stable over time.
C. has been studied only in America.
D. is correlated with anxiety.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #77

78. (p. 215) A study discussed in the text showed that roommates who scored similarly on the trait of _____ liked
each other more than roommates who were mismatched on this trait.
A. extraversion
B. anxiety
C. morningness-eveningness
D. achievement motivation

Larsen - Chapter 07 #78

79. (p. 218) Drinking caffeinated coffee in the morning will provide a greater performance boost to this group than
if they drink coffee in the evening.
A. People with greater left-hemisphere activation
B. People with a greater right-hemisphere activation
C. People scoring high on morningness
D. People scoring high on eveningness

Larsen - Chapter 07 #79

80. (p. 218) Mike flies non-stop from San Francisco to London. He finds he has little trouble with the time change.
Most likely Mike is a(n)
A. novelty-seeking type
B. evening type
C. extraverted type
D. diurnal type

Larsen - Chapter 07 #80

81. (p. 219) Disruptions in sleep-wake cycles due to long airline flights that pass through many time zones are best
tolerated by
A. Morning types, if the flights are eastbound.
B. Evening types, if the flights are westbound.
C. Morning types, regardless of the direction of the flight.
D. Evening types, regardless of the direction of the flight.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #81

82. (p. 219) The greater the alpha wave activity in the brain, the
A. greater the level of harm avoidance is present at a given time.
B. less amount of symmetrical brain activity is present at a given time.
C. greater amount of norepinepherine is present at a given time.
D. less brain activity is present at a given time.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #82

83. (p. 219) An electroencephalograph measures

A. alpha waves.
B. skin conductance.
C. cardiovascular reactivity.
D. morningness-eveningness.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #83

84. (p. 220) People who have higher levels of activation in the _____ hemisphere of the brain tend to have more
A. right; positive emotions
B. right; sexual partners
C. left; positive emotions
D. left; sexual partners

Larsen - Chapter 07 #84

85. (p. 220) A study by Fox and Davidson showed that infants who reacted more strongly to bitter solutions placed
in their mouths
A. had more activation in the left hemispheres than in the right hemispheres of their brains.
B. had more activation in the right hemispheres than in the left hemispheres of their brains.
C. were more likely to be morning types than evening types.
D. tended to score lower on activity scales than less sensitive infants did

Larsen - Chapter 07 #85

86. (p. 20) Test-retest correlations of frontal asymmetry have been shown to be
A. weak and positive.
B. strong and positive.
C. weak and negative.
D. strong and negative.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #86

87. (p. 220) If a person responds to an amusing film with more positive emotions than average, that person is likely
A. be a morning type.
B. be an evening type.
C. have more activation in the right hemisphere.
D. have more activation in the left hemisphere.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #87

88. (p. 221) Increased activation of the right hemisphere of the brain has been found to be related to increased
levels of _____ in both monkeys and 6-month-old children.
A. cortisol
B. norepinepherine
C. serotonin
D. dopamine

Larsen - Chapter 07 #88

89. (p. 221) A person who has greater right than left hemispheric activation would likely score high on a measure
A. BAS or behavioral activation system.
B. BIS or behavioral inhibition system.
C. morningness.
D. sensation seeking.

Larsen - Chapter 07 #89

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