Popular Mechanics 01 1951-52

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256 NEW 1951 MODELS! 7.8:1" compression a dreds of mechonica! sents, Now Terior leatures omy, ‘given you 35 te''50" miles on @ gallon of And monthly terms. So. test 1951" crevley— y ingly, surprised SUPER MODELS "have. rall- down windows, fold-up reer seats, mojer upholtery fements ineleaing fil inner = big, solid, ders, folding top, zipper side exrirs "ALL MODELS, Super ond Stnderd, now equipped with Shty Font exte, far ‘ov irom black ong dicaton, mechonicl Ti {lease mechonism, exh fetoton, fell fow oil ‘ont gesign com: late body restling. ‘a Fine car Yee saernem 1TH FREE! 1951 Crosley Cot- clog! Write Crosley Motors, Inc.,_ 2590-42 Spring’ Grove Aye., Ci Gianoli 14, Ohio. Panel Delivery “Brownlee” SECTIONAL LOG CABINS Easy to Erect, Saving Lot Seve money on your log cabin! Get a the cabin that you can erect yourself! sections, with doors and windows install Impervious to proof. Foctory-cauiked jals furnished for Send 25 today fer catelog. (Some territories still open to dealers.) wey Prat ‘and tourist cobins. THE BROWNLEE CO. 10164 W. Jefferson Detroit 18, Mich, If shelter (a doorway or wall, a ditch or tree) is within two steps, leap for it. If not, pivot immediately so your back is to the bright light, dive to the ground and pull your coat up over your head. Cover your hands if possible. If you are in a home or office building, dive immediately to the floor and crawl be- neath a table or desk, at the same time cov- ering every possible inch of exposed skin. After the bomb explodes. Stay where you are. About half the de- structive radiation is over within the first second of explosion. The remaining 50 per- cent dissipates within the first minute. Thus for 60 seconds you will be in danger from radiation. Cement and timber, glass and steel may cascade down long after the radiation and blast wave have raced past. For that rea- son, stay under cover until you hear no more falling debris. Then extricate your- self in a hurry. If you are within % mile of ground zero, move out of the area immediately. Other- wise, do what you can to help fellow vic- tims. There'll be a lot of people pinned un- der wreckage. After most atomic explosions, a “fire storm” sweeps the area. The blast and fires leave a vacuum around ground zero. About 20 minutes after the explosion you can ex- pect winds to start sweeping in toward the destroyed area from all sides. The wind will reach a height of 30 to 40 miles per hour about two to three hours after the blast. This fire-storm phenomenon aids the community, in a way,-by blowing the fire back toward the ruined sector instead of spreading it. But the narrowing ring of fire likely will burn to death anyone trapped in the wreckage. It is essential that victims be evacuated before the fire storm strikes, so help anyone who is help~ less. Then move toward a less-damaged area of the city. If you have been reasonably close to ground zero—say within a mile—or if you have been downwind from the explosion, wash yourself thoroughly as soon as you - can reach the facilities. Don’t smoke, drink or eat anything until you've washed. The reason for the bath is to get rid of any radioactive particles which may have fallen and lodged on your skin. They are just dirt, no more difficult to wash off than any other dirt, but you must eliminate them before they enter your body. Scrub yourself five or six times, paying particular attention to the hair and finger- nails. Then put on clean clothes and get rid of the ones you were wearing. (Continued to page 258) POPULAR MECHANICS JSURPLUS MACHINE SHOP TOOLS AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD] z= zi nea Sand New MOUNTED STONES | HIGH SPEED 52.69 | MORSE TAPER SHANK DRILLS pot Ne eee Re ECOMEITIONED, ORILLS, READY, TO 1 l "BRAND NEW $3.49 | $1.95 : s. HIGH SPEED TAPER SHANK a CHUCKING REAMERS HIGH SPEED ‘SS stralcHt SHANK DOUBLE END END. MILLS JAIGHT SHANK KING. REAMERS HYDRAULIC DEPARTMENT BRAND NEW VICKERS MF10 HYDRAULIC PUMP OR MOTOR COMPLETE wiTH mounting KIT — | READY TO. INSTALL comgiet® 514.95 258 ott than, EE a Remember that scrubbing and decontam- ination do not get rid of radioactivity— they merely transfer it somewhere else. If you burn clothing which contains radio- active dust, the ashes or smoke become radioactive. If you boil water that has caught radioactive dust, you merely make it more potent by reducing the amount of dispersion. Put on a pair of gloves and carry your old clothing to a spot where you can bury it. Drop the clothing into the hole, drop the gloves in, and kick dirt over the hole. ‘Then see if there is anything further you can do to help others. ‘None of these precautions can prevent ugly scars from appearing across the face of American cities. They can’t save build- | ings or homes, they can’t protect green parks or broad streets. But they can save lives—by the hundreds of thousands. The Owners Report on the Nash Rambler Continved from page 145) I was particularly interested to match my own opinions and test against the sur- vey. I put the Rambler through its paces under all sorts of conditions between Ke- nosha and Los Angeles. This included a stop in Colorado to climb Pikes Peak. I climbed the Peak in 21 minutes, 11 seconds, from the race-day starting point (elevation 7500 feet) to the rocky top which is 14,109 feet high. The distance by speedometer was 12.1 miles. There are more than 150 curves and sharp hairpin turns and the steepness of the climb required use of second and low gears most of the way. The highway is ex- cellent but it is a long steady climb of over 6000 feet. High gear could be used for less than a mile. ‘Two days were spent on the Peak making many tests, including descending the mountain in neutral. I consider this the most severe test to which brakes can be subjected. The early automobile stages up the mountain cooled their brakes with water dripping from small tanks onto the brake drums during the descent. The Ram- bler brakes are excellent; they not only withstood this severe test, but needed no adjustment even on arrival in Los Angeles, where the test ended. The power of the car was amazing to me. I've driven many cars up Pikes Peak and none performed better than the Rambler. Its short wheelbase is a distinct advantage on sharp curves. It handles extremely well over rough spots and controls easily in a skid. Few cars make the journey without adding water but on three nonstop trips to (Continved 10 page 260) POPULAR MECHANICS STe Ke els improvement fn kaa faces rear CR Led MOTO-BOY See Lf We mont ovtsrond ff ing accessory end improvement for 0 lawn mower devel- opedinAity yours, A615 Woodend Ave, and cute ‘em up, Powerful for belt jobs. Pays for itself quickly, Always. 4 demand. for wood. Nothing. like i for FREE details. Street, Ottaw: SURPLUS BARGAINS (isc bid nnnon oan $500,000.00 INVENTORY ‘Quiek LiQuipar ae 10c | Ere socc ag Cues ened Say You Saw It in Popular Mechanics JANUARY 1951 Perens Om as merce and (strated! modelsso eguip bed, pertorm double dety, Topping the weeds ohead th hs feet enabling te feat to cot te 0b oxions weeds of Gt some time that i cuts grate to normal height ... Other MOTO-MOWER models sizes 172 1071". Serd forcomplete informetion fond the nome of the nearest dealer ws nowes foe thinty-tue years “7M OWER Company etrt , isan 1 0cKs VISE-GRIP's the most useful tool you can own! VISE- GRIP LOCKS to work with more than Ton-Grip . holds anything! Worke wonders in hard-to-get places. Easily turns battered nuts, bolts, worn screws— holds the smallest parts for gluing, filing, sawing, ete, with cutter No, TW, 1, $228; No. 10W, 107 $260. Without cutter No. 7C, No. 106, 10%, $2.25. No. 1, 1, $185; No. 10, 107, $215, ‘Order from your dealer PETERSEN MFG. CO., Dept. P-1, DeWitt, Nebr. 259 PACKACED BOAT KITS ‘Worto's sest Recess 12-14 Be Oe J =$135. up Renabouts 12-16 ‘Outboards 127-16 ‘197, 0 ey Exclusive Z 3125209 features. Top- grade material <.0.8, Buflalo Kit prices oppo sign. Top performance. POUSHES furnitur 4 ANNSEED atl MG YOR BETTER PAINETINNG Ss Bg aoa C — 101 HANDY HOME USES! Every home, every workshop, needs Pol-mer-ik BOILED Linseed Ol. Available ot all stores. Free folder tele you how to ute i Write Dept. 603 ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND CO., Minneapolis 2, Minn. 260 the summit the Rambler needed no water whatever. After the Peak test, I headed west across the Rockies for Los Angeles. In New Mexico I ran into a severe cross wind and dust storm which lasted nearly all day. Surely here was a test for a light car traveling at high speed! The Rambler handled ex- ceptionally well and there is a feeling of safety in driving this car, even at speeds of 90 miles per hour (and the Rambler will do that and more with the overdrive, by the speedometer.) It cruises nicely at 80 miles per hour with 75 percent throttle after reaching 80. It definitely is a fast road car and it stood up to punishment mile after mile at high speeds. The reason for excellent acceleration and speed is the Nash “600” six-cylinder 82- horsepower engine originally designed for a car weighing 650 pounds more than the Rambler. The overdrive is a fine feature and I would recommend it for anyone doing much country driving. The car used very little oil and the heat indicator showed near normal even in the heat of the desert. My gasoline mileage was extremely economical and it seemed to me that I must have saved at least a dollar every time I refueled as compared with larger cars. My mileage re- sults at various speeds appear elsewhere in this survey. As for comfort: Three can ride with ease in the front seat. The car has ample leg room for my 5-foot 11-inch body. The foam-rubber cushions give an excellent ride. The hood is quite wide and, looking over it, the car does not appear smaller than many full-size cars. The heater is good and so is the vision. I agree with the owners’ survey report that the radio could be improved and that the door operation appears heavier than neces- sary. There is no gainsaying that the trunk space is small on the convertible models, ‘This is because much of the space is used to house the top mechanism. What price convertibles! Iran into a severe rainstorm in Arizona and, believe it or not, not a drop of water leaked into the car—something I can’t say for all postwar cars I've tested, The top mechanism is unique. Personally, I don’t care for a convertible, but the Rambler de- sign is excellent. Press a button and the top operates back and forth on a track. The door and body sides are permanent and they do offer some protection in case of accident. Balance and stability of the car are good. A slight choppiness in the rear is the only noticeable evidence of its short wheelbase. From my personal test, I would rate the Rambler as a first-quality light car. POPULAR MECHANICS

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