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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Calamba City
Punta Integrated School
Purok 6, Brgy. Punta, Calamba City, Laguna


Second Summative Test

Name: Date Accomplished:

Grade/Section: Teacher:

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Direction: Read and answer the question carefully. Blacken the circle of the BEST
answer on your answer sheet.

1. ________ helps us to keep our money avail different kinds of loan and exchange currencies.
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Unions

2. Is owned by a group of people, but has a separate legal identity. Some well-known are San Miguel
Corporation, Accenture and Shell.
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Unions

3. They look after the well-being of the workers. Created to protect the labor force of the Philippines. In
the Philippines, the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines has the largest membership.
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Unions

4. Are made up of people with common interest who agreed to work together for easy, safe and affordable
access to commodities loans and other services.
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Unions

5. Non-state agencies like JICA, CIDA and USAID provide financial assistance to particular projects of a
country like building bridges or roads that are essential for development. Which non-state institution
provides this kind of aid?
A. Banks C. Development Agencies
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Unions

6. Include academic institutions, research teams, mass media, religious organizations, and people
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Civil Organizations D. Trade Unions

7. Influence the government to take action on matters commonly neglected. A group maybe a national or
international organization that promotes and advocates progress and development related to particular
issues of the society.

A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Transnational Advocacy Groups

Address: Purok 6, Brgy. Punta Calamba City Laguna

Telephone Number: (049) 549-63
8. This are groups and organizations which operate outside the support of any state or government.
A. Non-state Institution
B. Political Institution
C. State Institution
D. None of the above

9. Department of Education, Local Government Unit, Armed Forces of the Philippines are example of
A. Non-state Institution
B. Political Institution
C. State Institution
D. None of the above

10. _____________ institutions include the following: banks, corporations, trade unions, development
agencies, civil organizations, and transnational advocacy groups.
A. Non-state Institution
B. Political Institution
C. State Institution
D. None of the above

11. Is derived from the Latin word “educare” which means “to train”, to rear or bring up (a child).
A. Education C. Non-formal Education
B. Formal Education D. Non of the above

12. Education is a social institution that has its own definition. Which of the following bests define
A. It is a social institution that improve social status
B. It is a social institution that helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to their
C. It is a social institution through which a society’s children are taught basic academic knowledge,
learning skills, and cultural norms.
D. All the above

13. Education will be more appreciated through its goals. Which of these are the two most important goals
of education?
A. Communication and patriotism
B. Social and cultural innovation
C. Self-actualization and productive citizenry
D. Upgrading social standing and becoming famous

14. The following is a formal education except for?

A. Computer Literacy Program
B. Primary Education
C. Secondary Education
D. Tertiary Education

15. Which among the following belongs to a compulsory formal education?

A. Welding
B. College education
C. Elementary education
D. Alternative Learning System

16. Which type of education is usually based in the classroom and the learners are provided by trained
and professional teaching and nonteaching personnel?
A. Homeschooling
B. Formal education
C. Informal education
D. Nonformal education

Address: Purok 6, Brgy. Punta Calamba City Laguna

Telephone Number: (049) 549-63
17. Livie is already 45 years old but she just completed grade nine level of basic education. She wanted to
go back to school to learn dressmaking. Which type of education is best for her?
A. Homeschooling
B. Formal education
C. Informal education
D. Nonformal education

18. The educational system in the Philippines has two forms: the formal and the nonformal. Which of the
following belongs to a nonformal education?
A. An educational activity about work skills.
B. An educational program for out of school children.
C. An educational movement for social development.
D. All of the above

19. Education has several functions to people and society. Which of these statements tells the function of
A. Education is for all
B. Education is reinforced by state or religion.
C. Provides new experiences, offers alternatives.
D. Education transmits culture and provides socialization.

20. Whether formal or nonformal education, both exerts significance in the society. Hence, everyone is
entitled to a free education of at least a primary education. Which of the following does not show the
significance of the right to education?
A. It stimulates independence.
B. It provides productive citizens.
C. It divests work related opportunities.
D. It produces important development benefits.

21. Which of the following is not considered as a social class?

A. Castaways
B. Lower class
C. Middle class
D. Lower class

22. Which of the following groups belong to the lower class during the Philippine pre-colonial social
A. The Maharlika
B. The Alipin
C. The Timawa
D. The Maginoo

23. Which of the following groups belong to the upper class during the Philippine pre-colonial social
A. The Maharlika
B. The Alipin
C. The Timawa
D. The Maginoo

24. Which type of status is earned by an individual?

A. Single status
B. Ascribed status
C. Achieved status
D. In a relationship status

25. Which of the following describes the upper class?

A. A person who can afford to buy clothes and shoes.
B. A person who do not have enough money to make ends meet.
C. A person who owned businesses, is an investor.
D. A person who can buy a lot of foods and drinks for his family.

Address: Purok 6, Brgy. Punta Calamba City Laguna

Telephone Number: (049) 549-63
26. Assigned or given by the society or group based on some fixed category, without regard to a person’s
abilities or performance.
A. Single status
B. Ascribed status
C. Achieved status
D. In a relationship status

27. Elite or wealthy families.

A. Upper class
B. Middle class
C. Lower class
D. None of the above

28. Mostly professional people

A. Upper class
B. Middle class
C. Lower class
D. None of the above

29. Office/clerical workers, skilled or unskilled craftsman. This are examples of _______.
A. Upper class
B. Middle class
C. Lower class
D. None of the above

30. The act of moving from one social status to another.

A. Social mobility
B. Social class
C. Social Science
D. Socialization

31. Can be describes as a state of social affairs in which there is difference in opportunity, status and
treatment among the member of a given society.
A. Social Inequality B. Equality C. Social Stratification D. None of the above

32. Is the uneven distribution of wealth in our country, where few rich people had more, and the less
fortunate people have less in life.
A. Social Inequality B. Equality C. Social Stratification D. None of the above

33. They tend to have greater degree of inequality experienced as manifested by their lower income, lower
education opportunities, reduce access to healthcare - Aside from our minorities, very poor people also
experience greater social disadvantages.
A. Social Inequality B. Equality C. Social Stratification D. None of the above

34. Was also very evident in gender to, we know that being female carries with them certain
disadvantages to social equality and that female always experience differences in terms of pay from
their work, and were not given equal opportunities to be promoted to higher positions in a private
company or public institutions.
A. Social Inequality B. Equality C. Social Stratification D. None of the above

35. -40. Choose the letter that corresponds to this agency:


35. The Philippines’ Conditional Cash Transfer Program

36. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)
37. Education For All (EFA)
38. Service Delivery Network (SDN)
39. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
40. Libreng Pabahay

Address: Purok 6, Brgy. Punta Calamba City Laguna

Telephone Number: (049) 549-63
41. Refers to the modification of mechanisms, means methods, or systems within the social structure,
characterized by alterations in social relationships, social order social symbols, social organizations, value
system, or rules of behaviour. Examples of social change include the industrial revolution, the abolition of
slavery, the civil rights movement and the women's suffrage movement, etc.

A. Social Change B. Cultural Change C. Political Change D. None of the above

42. Could be seen in the practices, institutions, technology, societal laws, ethos or mores (moral norms),
manners, value systems, customs, traditions, habits, beliefs, arts, music, and literatures. Some of the
examples are changes in the manner of choosing a spouse and adopting a new lifestyle.
A. Social Change B. Cultural Change C. Political Change D. None of the above

43. Denotes alterations in the governmental aspect of a society, such as changes in the administrative,
executive, legislative, judicial, and constitutional processes, systems, and structures. Examples are
constitutional amendments and the shift from presidential to parliamentary form of government.
A. Social Change B. Cultural Change C. Political Change D. None of the above

44. Described as a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans.
A. Global warming B. Climate Change C. Greenhouse effect D. None of the above

45-50 Write A if the statements suggest effect of climate change and B if not.

45. Rainfall patterns

46. Surface temperature and cyclones
47. Coastline Changes
48. Water level changes
49. Food productivity
50. Forest cover

So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”

Hebrews 13:6

Address: Purok 6, Brgy. Punta Calamba City Laguna

Telephone Number: (049) 549-63
Teacher II


Master Teacher II HT I, SHS Supervising Head

Approved: IMEE P. ALDEA

Principal II

Key to Correction (UCSP):

1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. A
29. G
30. F
31. E
32. A
33. D
34. C
35. B
36. B
37. A

Address: Purok 6, Brgy. Punta Calamba City Laguna

Telephone Number: (049) 549-63
38. B
39. A
40. A
41. A
42. B
43. A
44. B
45. A
46. B
47. C
48. C
49. A
50. B

Address: Purok 6, Brgy. Punta Calamba City Laguna

Telephone Number: (049) 549-63

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