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Robbinsdale Armstrong
boys soccer riding long
unbeaten streak.
Page 22

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Crystal Council
candidates meet
to discuss issues
at LWV forum
Three city tion.
Candidates running for
council seats the Section II seat are For-
will be decided est Eidbo and Tony Sum-
nicht. Councilmember
this fall Olga Parsons, who cur-
rently holds the seat, is not
(SUN PHOTOS BY ALAINA ROOKER) seeking reelection.
Assisting ministers lead a procession of Sunday schoolers and current and former clergy at Elim Lutheran Church in Robbinsdale at the By JASON JENKINS Candidates running for
beginning of the church’s 100th anniversary service Sept. 18. the Ward 1 seat are Albin
Andolshek and incumbent

Great decisions ahead as Elim Lutheran The candidates running

for seats on the Crystal
City Council met recently
Councilmember Therese
Traci Kamish, because
Church of Robbinsdale turns 100 at city hall to answer ques-
tions on various local is-
she is running unopposed
for the city’s Ward 2 seat,
sues raised by residents. was not included in the
2022 brings reason for celebration, self-reflection for church The League of Women forum. Councilmember
Voters Crystal-New Hope- Brendan Banks, who cur-
By ALAINA ROOKER synod of North America. Two years western Twin Cities. East Plymouth-Robbin- rently holds the seat, is not later, that church found its home on A traditional Sunday church ser- sdale hosted the Sept. 19 seeking reelection.
the corner of 40th and West Broad- vice marked the occasion Sept. 18, forum, which gave voters The following is a selec-
On Sept. 1, 1922, a man named way avenues. followed by a community breakfast. the chance to hear directly tion of questions and re-
A.W. Lundahl and 26 other wor- Elim Lutheran Church has been When the service began, assisting from the candidates in- sponses from the event. The
shipers met at Lundahl’s Robbin- a stalwart presence in downtown ministers ceremonially led clergy, volved in the races for the full forum is available to
sdale home to form a Lutheran Robbinsdale ever since. Last week, special guests and the church’s three Crystal City Council watch online at ccxmedia.
church associated with the Minne- the church celebrated its 100th year seats on the ballot as part
sota Conference of the Augustana serving its membership in the north- See 100, Page 10 of the Nov. 8 general elec- See Crystal, Page 6

Sun Newspapers | 10917 Valley View Road

Volume 78, No. 41 Index Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Opinion-Pages 4-5
Public Safety-Pages 7-8
Calendar-Page 9
Classifieds-Pages 14-18 @ecmsunpost
Sports-Pages 22-23
Page 2 • Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post

Robbinsdale police captain hired as Big Lake police chief

By JEFFREY HAGE ty members, city staff, and 2014-2020, Kaczmarek trol officer, a position he erson said he took excep- but need to be the voice members of the Big Lake has also represented Rob- held for four years. tion to Mayor Paul Knier for people who were not
City Council. binsdale on the West Met- Kaczmarek holds a — who supported Kac- happy about the process,”
A Robbinsdale police The other candidates ro SWAT team from 2013 bachelor of science degree zmarek — commenting she said.
captain has been hired as were Kenneth Dvorak and to 2020. in law enforcement and a that he felt Kaczmarek was Part of the process that
Big Lake’s next chief of Timothy Jeanetta. Kaczmarek served as a bachelor of arts degree in “malleable.” upset many community
police. Kaczmarek has spent his police investigator from criminal justice from Met- Halverson read a defi- members is the fact that
The Big Lake City entire 16-year career in law 2012 to 2014, and a field ropolitan State University nition of “malleable” and Acting Police Chief Sam
Council voted to approve enforcement with the Rob- training officer in 2010- in St. Paul. suggested the word meant Olson was not granted an
a contract negotiated with binsdale Police Depart- 2011. Kaczmarek will come “easily influenced.” interview for the position.
John Kaczmarek on a 3-2 ment. He joined the Robbin- to Big Lake at a salary Knier noted he used the Council members se-
vote. He is the police captain sdale Police Department of $118,500. He was to word in a context that he lected finalists through an
Kaczmarek was chosen with the Robbinsdale Po- in 2006 as a community come on board Aug. 29 believed Kaczmarek is anonymous point system
from a field of three can- lice Department, a posi- service officer, a position as a three-year employee, young and will fit well into following an initial appli-
didates after two days of tion he has held since 2020. he held for three years. He with 160 hours of annual the culture of Big Lake. cation process. Candidate
interviews with communi- A patrol sergeant from was then promoted to pa- accrued vacation time. He Nodding said she whole- applications were scored
will also receive a take- heartedly supports Kacz- by an outside consultant.
home vehicle. marek and was not voting Point tallies were present-
The approval of Kac- against him as a candidate. ed to the council without
zmrek’s contract was not She was making a stand identifying the identities
unanimous. Council mem- against the selection pro- of the candidates. A final-
bers Ken Halverson and cess. ist list was built from the
SAY HELLO TO OUR Kim Nodding did not sup- She believes another candidate scores.

port the contract approval. person should have been John Kaczmarek, Ken-
Both council members interviewed for the job, neth Dvorak, Timothy
Halverson and Nodding and that didn’t happen Jeanetta, and a fourth, un-
supported Kenneth Dvor- “I’m being true to my- identified candidate who
ak following candidate in- self and what I think of the pulled out of the running

terviews. process,” Nodding said. were identified as the four
Prior to the vote, Halv- “I support the new chief finalists.

League of Women Voters to host New

Hope City Council candidate forum
The League of Women Forums are open to tions be directed to all can-
Voters of Crystal, New the public and questions didates.
Hope, East Plymouth, may be submitted at By League of Women
Robbinsdale will host a or Voter policy, the identity
candidate forum for the 763-290-0288 up to one of any person asking a
New Hope City Council 7 day before the event. Since question is confidential.
p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, at the league is hosting nu- Any questions submitted
New Hope City Hall, 4401 merous forums, the league via email or in person will
Xylon Ave. N. asks that emails reference remain confidential with
After a primary, four the New Hope City Coun- all identifying information
candidates are competing cil forum. removed.

2.79% APY*
for two seats on the New People attending in per- Face masks are suggest-
Hope City Council. All son will be able to submit ed for in-person attendees.
five seats on the council written questions on pro- All forums will be
are at-large, meaning any vided note cards during broadcast live and videos
voter in the city can par- the event. The League of will be posted afterward
ticipate in the election. Women Voters does not al- on and the
*Annual Percentage Yield for the Certificate of Deposit Marti Micks of the low verbal questions from League of Women Voters
on daily balances of $10,000 or more. Minimum League of Women Voters the floor. of Crystal, New Hope,
balance of $10,000 to open the certificate. There is a Golden Valley will moder- The League of Women East Plymouth, Robbins-
penalty for early withdrawal. APY is accurate as ate the forum. Voters requests that ques- dale Facebook page.
9/22/22. Rates are subject to change. Fees could
reduce earnings on the account.

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We really cook. . . & bake! Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 3

Hammer celebrates the dedicated work of direct support professionals

‘[They] make a real
difference in the lives of
people with disabilities,’
said Hammer CEO
John Estrem

Hammer Residences and its sister or-

ganization Northeast Residence are con-
tinuing to celebrate and thank their di-
rect support staff in recognition of Direct
Support Professional Recognition Week,
which was Sept. 11-17.
Gov. Tim Walz made a proclamation
in recognition of the week, in which he
stated, “Direct support professionals
strengthen the fabric of a community by
facilitating the inclusion and integration
of people with disabilities” while also
enduring “long working hours in a pro-
fession marked by critical and growing
shortages of labor.”
Direct support professionals, along
with assistant program managers and
program managers, provide daily sup-
port to adults living with intellectual and
developmental disabilities while helping (SUN PHOTO BY JASON JENKINS)
them be part of their community, have a The residents of Hammer’s Gardner home in Wayzata share a laugh with two direct support professionals. Seated from left are Olu Mustapha, Dawn, Glenda
job and stay active. Hammer and North- Golden and Sarah with Brittni standing behind them.
east Residence manage 70 group homes
and apartment programs throughout the nity to recognize, celebrate and thank portant to recognize that they are the un- Estrem said that dedication has been
west and northeast metro areas. our dedicated, innovative direct support sung heroes whose dedication, skills and especially important in dealing with on-
“Direct Support Professional Recog- workforce,” said Hammer and Northeast care make a real difference in the lives of
nition Week provides a great opportu- Residence CEO John Estrem. “It’s im- people with disabilities.” See Hammer, Page 20

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Sun Post Newspapers encourages the free and open expression of ideas and
opinions. To that end, we welcome letters to the editor and guest columns from
members of the community on issues of local importance. Commentaries can
be sent to

Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 4

(ISSN #2640-4559)

Copyright © 2022 by APG of East

Central Minnesota is published

Clear differences seen in Secretary of State race

weekly by APG of East Central
Minnesota, 10917 Valley View
Rd., Eden Prairie, MN 55344-
An opinion of Adams Publishing Group of
East Central Minnesota. Reactions to this Business, Editorial, and Circulation
Election integrity continues to be an impor- stored. Offices: 10917 Valley View Rd.,
editorial – and to any commentary on these
tant issue in the 2022 election. Close to 30% We cautiously support a so-called “motor Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3730.
pages – are always welcome. Send to
of Americans believe the 2020 election was voter” law by which citizens are automati- Accounting Office: ECM Publish-
ers, 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd.,
unfair. This year, Minnesota’s chief election cally registered to vote when they renew their EDITORIAL BOARD Coon Rapids, MN 55433-2523.
officer, DFL Secretary of State Steve Simon driver’s license or other government I.D. Like Call 763-712-3544 to subscribe.
is up for re-election against Republican-en- us, Crockett has some reservations. She wants Minnesota Secretary of State Periodical rates paid at Hopkins,
dorsed Kim Crockett. to see the details before signing off on any MN.
Minnesotans should be proud they have led proposal. She said, “Don’t make election of- POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to Sun Post Crystal/
the nation in voter turnout in the past three ficials work harder than they already do.” Si- Robbinsdale/New Hope/Golden
elections. At the same time, concerns over the mon supports motor voter, noting the same Kim Steve Valley, 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd,
fairness of our elections need to be addressed screens and filters now used to verify voter Crockett Simon Coon Rapids, MN 55433-2523.
so everyone is confident that no one who is eligibility would continue. He also would of- Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
eligible to vote is prevented from doing so, yet fer pre-registration to 16- and 17-year-olds; Telephone: 952-829-0797
those who are ineligible are stopped. They would not be allowed to vote before age Circulation and delivery:
Every election law causes trade-offs be- 18 but would then already be registered when Steve Simon: 763-712-3544;
tween the opportunity to vote and the secu- they come of age. - Opposes photo I.D. at this time
Business advertising:
rity that only eligible ballots are counted. We Minnesota has one of the longest early vot- - Would maintain 46-day early voting period 952-392-6800
strongly believe any reform of election laws ing periods in the nation, 46 days. We would - Would restore voting rights to felons on probation
should have bipartisan support. That said, we not change that, while cautioning voters much - Supports ‘Motor Voter’ law Deadline: 5 p.m. Fridays
see more problems than benefits in requiring a can happen after voting begins that can affect Kim Crockett: Place a classified:
photo I.D. from all voters. We think too many how they vote. Simon agrees with us. Crockett - Would require a photo I.D. to vote 952-392-6888
Deadline: 3 p.m. Mondays
citizens (for example, the homeless) would end thinks the early voting period should be much - Would shorten the early voting period
Send news items or
up disenfranchised. Crockett wants a free, shorter but did not set a precise length. - Wants felons to atone for their crime before letters to the editor to:
government-issued photo I.D. for voting, and In 2020, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, restoring voting rights Sun Post, 33 Second St. N.E.,
is concerned in particular about non-citizens a foundation controlled by Facebook founder - Has reservations about ‘Motor Voter’ law Osseo, MN 55369
voting. Simon opposes requiring a photo I.D., Mark Zuckerberg, gave grants totaling $80
Deadline: 5 p.m. Thursdays.
but said he sees promise in the future for pre- million nationwide, of which $7 million was Include complete contact informa-
loading photos of all voters when they register spent in Minnesota, to help local governments the precincts. tion with any editorial submission.
and taking photos of those not already in the finance elections. Much of this money was Crockett thinks absentee voting should Legal advertisements:
data base if they register at the polls on Elec- used for the purchase of personal protective be allowed only if the voter gives a reason, 763-691-6001;
tion Day. equipment, but some was used to encourage and notes three -fourths of European na-
Deadline: 2 p.m. Thursdays
We support provisional ballots for people people to vote. Get-out-the vote efforts have tions have banned absentee voting because
Announcements: Obituaries, engage-
registering on Election Day, by which their traditionally been left to political parties. Si- of fraud. She has claimed that the 2020 elec- ments, weddings, anniversaries,
vote would remain private, but would be set mon notes every local government that ap- tion was “rigged” because Simon attempted birthdays, births, team photos.
aside for seven days so election officials can plied for a grant received money. Crockett is to change Minnesota law without legislative 952-392-6875.
verify the voter’s address. Crockett agrees, not- opposed to having private individuals or or- approval. He went to court and obtained a Deadline: 5 p.m. Thursday.
ing Minnesota is one of only three states that ganizations financing election administration. consent decree to accept ballots that arrived
does not have provisional ballots. Simon is The goal with any election law reform up to a week after Election Day (which the Managing Editor
concerned about the details, and said, “Some should be to improve voters’ confidence that 8th Circuit Court of Appeals later required Andy Rogers:
people use provisional ballots not as a shield, the election is fair for all citizens. Simon said to be separated) and to waive the requirement
but as a sword” to prevent eligible citizens the way to do that is “be as transparent as we requiring a witness’ signature on an absentee 763-424-7375
from voting.” can.” He noted Minnesota is part of 32 states ballot (which a court accepted). Community Editor
Alaina Rooker:
We also support the continuation of state that are involved with the bipartisan Election We encourage voters to compare their own
law requiring felons to complete their proba- Registration Information Center, whose in- preferences to Crockett’s and Simon’s posi- 763-424-7394
tion before their voting rights are restored. formation is used to clean up voter rolls and tions on election reform. Clear differences Sports Editor
Simon would restore voting rights once a catch people who try to vote in two states. He between the two candidates exist. The winner Anthony Iozzo:
felon’s incarceration ends, even though he or also pointed out Minnesota already requires will have significant influence over the 2024
she is still on probation. Crockett believes the an accuracy test to be conducted in public on election and the integrity of the system that
Executive Editor
person should make restoration, apologizing all voting machines within two weeks before allows each of us to be confident in our rep- Mandy Froemming:
or otherwise atoning for the harm they have an election and that post-election audits are resentative democracy.
caused others, before having their rights re- randomly performed on approximately 3% of 763-424-7373
Account Executive

What are they doing with all that time?

My showers generally act, always reminds me Deadlines have dominat- in what most would con-
Linda Banks (Golden Valley, Crystal,
Robbinsdale, New Hope):
Account Executive
take less than five minutes. to punch the extra rinse ed my world for more than sider a traditional method. Terry Alvarez (Brooklyn Center,
She easily takes 10. If I button, making sure all three decades. Working at My start-to-finish time is Brooklyn Park):
shave my head, add anoth- KEITH the soap gets cleaned out a newspaper will do that. I about two minutes and 30
er 90 seconds. If she shaves ANDERSON of the clothes. But that have found ways to shave seconds. Hers beginning to 763-712-2474
her legs, add another five takes more time, I think as much time off every end easily consumes three Multimedia Reg. Ad Director-GM
APG of East
Carmen Meyer:
minutes. Central MN to myself. A little soap in little task as possible. For minutes.
Compared to my wife, the clothes just means it’s example, my battery-op- Needless to say, all of 320-630-0279
Keith Anderson is director of news
everything I do takes less probably choking out bac- erated toothbrush signals my time-compressing ef- General Manager
for APG of East Central Minnesota. Jeremy Bradfield
than half the time. If I go teria, right? each of the four stages of forts work great Monday
into a grocery store, I get Air drying on the rack? my two minutes of brush- through Friday, when built
her process does ensure 952-392-6841
only what we need for that I’d never tactically choose ing with a slight beep. around my work schedule.
Director of News
day. Zip in. Zip out. If she we always have food in the that, takes too long to ar- When I get to the last beep, But come the weekend I’m Keith Anderson:
goes in, she will get enough house. Mine tends to leave range the clothes. I often I know I have 30 seconds at the mercy of my wife.
supplies for three, four, or us frequently staring into a select the highest heat set- to prep my floss, fill a cup Any errands, dinner out or 952-392-6847
five different meals. Con- fridge void of nutrition. ting on the dryer so I can with water and have them shopping we do together
templation over what to When I do the wash, I cut down on the amount of both at the ready when the puts me on her timeline.
eat on Tuesday, Wednes- tend to choose the turbo time needed. So the clothes brushing is done. It would It’s as if she is completely
day and Thursday slows cycle so everything goes are a little crunchy; no make a Formula 1 pit crew unaware of my ability to
the process. Of course, a little faster. My wife, harm since they dry faster. proud. My wife brushes
if she catches me in the See Anderson, Page 5 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 5

Attorney General: Contrasts in priorities for candidates

An opinion of Adams Publishing Group of SHARE YOUR
When our editorial board members sought When we asked the two candidates for at-
to define four issues dominate our readers’ torney general, DFL incumbent Keith Ellison
East Central Minnesota. Reactions to this
editorial – and to any commentary on these
concerns, we quickly agreed violent crime, and Republican Jim Schultz, about these vital pages – are always welcome. Send to Letters to the editor
policing issues and drug trafficking had to be issues, in some cases their answers coincided should not exceed 350
EDITORIAL BOARD words. Letters and guest
on our list. more than we might have predicted but di-
And while these issues intertwine with al- verged dramatically in others. columns must bear the
most every elected office, they converge in the Ellison emphasized the extensive breadth
Minnesota Attorney General author’s name and city
Office of the Attorney General, the state’s of his department’s activities, from consumer of residence.
chief legal officer. The office provides legal protection to the opioid lawsuits to defending Keith Jim A telephone number
representation to over 100 state agencies, state agencies. Schultz concentrated on crimi- Ellison Schultz where the writer can be
boards and commissions and represents Min- nal issues and prosecution. reached must be included
nesota in state and federal court and admin- Both men said they support strong, fully for verification purposes.
istrative hearings. While these responsibilities funded police forces. “I’ve never supported We reserve the right to
are vast, our current climate focuses on crime, defunding the police,” Ellison said, although Keith Ellison: edit all submissions and
violence and policing. he supported Minneapolis amendment two, - Supports legalization of marijuana to reject any letters or col-
In 2016, crime across Minnesota reached its supported by council members who did state - Supports holistic approach to stopping violence umns that contain libel-
lowest statewide rate in 50 years, according to the goal was to defund. Ellison said he favored - Supports fully funding public safety ous or offensive material.
data collected by the Minnesota Bureau of the amendment because it offered an excel- - Will defend women’s right to abortion We will limit the fre-
Criminal Apprehension. Violent crime rose lent opportunity to reinvent policing. Schultz Jim Schultz quency of letters pub-
less than 1% from 2015 to 2016. In 2021, vio- countered that Ellison has spoken negatively - Opposes legalization of marijuana lished from an individual
lent crime in Minnesota rose by nearly 22% about police officers and has damaged morale - Sees mandatory minimum sentences for violent writer to one per calendar
from a year earlier. Homicides totaled 201, a among the force. crimes as essential month.
nearly 9% increase, with 97 of them occurring Ellison emphasized steps taken to crack - Will support police in whatever way possible Please email letters it to
in Minneapolis. down on “ghost” guns, those without serial - Will enforce the law, including regarding abortion, alaina.rooker@apgecm.
Responding to the disquieting reversal of a numbers and untraceable. He stated weapons without being political com.
longtime trend toward less crime must begin of war such as AR-15s should be banned.
with fully staffing local police departments, Schultz said he supported enforcing current the flow of dangerous, illegal drugs into Min-
many of which have struggled to recruit and gun regulations but did not agree to any ex- nesota is intertwined with the problems of vi- Election letter
retain officers. Police deter crime by increasing pansions. olence. As for the legalization of marijuana,
the perception that criminals will be caught We believe those who choose to pursue vi- Ellison said yes, while Schultz said no. policies
and punished, according to the National In- olent crimes, such as carjacking, need to be Each candidate was asked about abortion,
During the election
stitute of Justice. kept off the streets and properly processed by currently legal in Minnesota. Our board
season, letter writers must
Regrettably, the Minnesota Legislature the judicial system. However, we also encour- agrees that changes to abortion law must
adhere to the following
failed this year to finish work on a public age more holistic responses to crime, such as come through a vote of the people as a con-
guidelines for their let-
safety bill that would have channeled money community-based prevention and interven- stitutional amendment.
ter to be considered for
to cities for recruiting incentives and one-time tion programs. Both candidates offered simi- Schultz said, as attorney general, he would
publication in-paper and
bonuses for current officers. Also in the mix lar statements, although Schultz emphasized stay non-political and enforce existing laws
online. No letters regard-
were more money for courts and police body detention while Ellison suggested alternatives, regardless of his personal opinion. “What I
ing campaign issues will
cameras to increase officer accountability. especially for juveniles. “Treat juveniles as ju- would be is simply somebody who enforces
be published in the Nov. 3
This spring the Minnesota Board of Police veniles,” Ellison said. Minnesota law, whatever it may be, I’ve got
edition immediately prior
Officer Standards and Training approved new Both agreed stopping the surge in violent my views on this issue. But my job, fundamen-
to Election Day.
rules that enable law enforcement agencies to crime is essential. Schultz said he was deeply tally, is to enforce Minnesota law.”
Editors will publish
weed out the few bad actors in their ranks. The troubled by the dramatic decline in individuals Ellison said he fully supported a woman’s
only one letter every cal-
rules allow the board to revoke the license of receiving the mandatory minimum sentence right to have a safe and legal abortion. He also
endar month from the
an officer who violates its conduct guidelines. for crimes involving guns. “We have to make said he would resist extradition for someone
same author.
This is progress. Before, the board could only clear that when you commit gun crime in Min- who has come to Minnesota for an abortion
Rebuttals are welcome.
revoke a license when an officer was convicted nesota, there will be serious consequences to as well as legally defend someone in another
A candidate is able to
of a felony or some gross misdemeanors. it,” Schultz said. state for an abortion in Minnesota.
submit rebuttal letters ad-
Legislative negotiations on the public safety Ellison noted the process is complex, from We encourage voters to think through
dressing a specific issue.
bill broke down over familiar, left-right di- arrest to arraignment to jail time or release. their choices for this office carefully. While
Individuals who are
vides between tough-on-crime measures such The defendant, the judge and the attorneys addressing our concerns over crime and vio-
candidates are not eligible
as longer sentences and probation periods involved make most of those decisions which lence is extremely important, it is essential to
for guest columns during
and more holistic responses to crime, such as can often include allowing the accused to be recognize the office has vast responsibilities
the election season.
community-based prevention and interven- released. throughout our state. This may not be the
tion programs. The inaction is inexcusable. Our editorial board believes that stopping time to focus only on one issue.
known as high heels.
Anderson Of course, that just scratches the sur-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 face. It doesn’t address more serious is-
sues such as pay inequity, pregnancy
LWV: Election some district lines and altered “Why should I bother to
some assigned voting precincts. vote”
compress time. All my skill to ma-
nipulate precious seconds goes unno-
and the birthing process, societal labels
or boorish men.
season is upon us Visit to locate Taxes, education, crime,
your precinct and voting place. healthcare, transportation,
ticed by her and ultimately leads to me As a man in this world, it’s appar- To the editor: “I don’t know who is on the environmental issues. Each of
standing at the base of the staircase ent there’s a lot more to be done to Election season is upon us! ballot” these issues affects your daily
pacing, waiting, shaking my head and create balance for everyone, especially And the usual comments are Granted it’s not a presiden- life. Who do you want to drive
staring into my Seiko as it mocks me women. surfacing: tial election year, but it’s a BIG the decisions on these issues?
with each passing tick. My little time warp probably saves “I don’t have time to vote” year for Minnesotans. Every “Politics is nasty, and I don’t
I’ve never been a believer in reincar- me about 60 minutes over a year. But Early in-person voting state senator and state repre- want anything to do with it”
nation, but if I did, I’d probably come if I used that time to, well, disregard opened on Sept. 23 in most sentative are up for re-election Democracy is a messy pro-
back as a cheetah, super-fast. My wife time, maybe I’d have a moment to think communities and continues as is our governor and lieuten- cess but one that does not re-
thinks it would do me some good to more about others and less about me. right up to Nov. 7. Absentee ant governor, secretary of state, quire mudslinging. Educate
come back as a woman. Then I’d get to Something to consider as I wait for her ballots can be requested on- attorney general, state auditor, yourself on the issues and
see how the differences between the sex- at the bottom of those stairs. line or via paper application and local county, city council the candidates and ignore the
es might throw my little time experiment But that still would not provide the ( up until Oct. 18 and school board candidates. noise. Your vote supports the
out the window. I’d see how much fun it elusive answer to man’s greatest ques- to provide the option of vot- For a personalized sample bal- democratic process.
is to shave my legs in the shower. I’d get tion of the last few centuries: “What is ing from home. Minnesotans lot, visit Infor- “My vote doesn’t count”
to experience the ever-challenging bad she doing up there?” have the option of registering mation on the candidates and Your vote is your voice.
hair days. I’d get to see what it’s like to Only they know the answer to that to vote on Election Day Nov. 8. their positions can be found Don’t be silent.
pencil in eyeliner or fight with a founda- one, and I suspect no amount of time With all these options and five in recorded League of Women
tion that should have been shelved after or research is going to solve that rid- weeks, there’s time to vote. Voter candidate forums (Visit Rebecca Hawthorne
April to make way for a summer bronze. dle…at least nothing understood by a “I don’t know where to vote” as well as the lo- League of Women Voters,
And let’s not forget about that little gift man. Redistricting has shifted cal newspaper. Plymouth
Page 6 • Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post

approved a contract with En- nounced. has impacted the lives of over the county, Encouraging Lead-
County to begin couraging Leaders at its Sept. 13 “I’m excited to see this mov- 2,000 underserved Minnesota ers will develop the program.
meeting. This organization will ing forward,” Anderson said. youth through performance art The nonprofit will also generate
awarding funding administer the additional grant “We can now reach and engage programs, job placements and and manage grant proposals,
funding for youth art and music with more youth in more ways. I employment skill development. provide technical assistance to
for youth arts and programs. believe that the vibrancy of our Encouraging Leaders has dem- grant applicants, and develop
Building on ideas from previ- future starts with equitable ac- onstrated a capability to perform the primary recommendations
music programing ous board members, District 7 cess to activities that engage both grant administration work with for funding to the county.
Commissioner Kevin Anderson the body and the mind through local nonprofits and a collabora- For the last 13 years, Henne-
Hennepin County is working offered the original resolution to sports and arts.” tive history with potential future pin Youth Sports has awarded
to connect more youth to art the County Board in September Encouraging Leaders is an grant recipients, according to the more than $27 million for facil-
and music programs by expand- 2021. The county can provide African American-led, youth- press release. ity, small equipment and play-
ing the mission of an existing more opportunities to foster based non-profit organization The recent board action com- ground projects, along with wa-
Hennepin County Youth Sports creativity and self-expression located in North Minneapo- pensates Encouraging Leaders ter safety lessons.
grant program. and raise cultural awareness and lis. Since its inception in 2015, up to $300,000 through Septem-
The Hennepin County Board appreciation, a press release an- Encouraging Leaders’ work ber 2025. In collaboration with

Crystal community’s points to the six years ago because of

council. this light rail route. And
does have a great police
force. We’re already very
tially with multi-use hous-
ing in terms of bringing in
violence in Crystal and
neighboring communities.
while right now maybe community policing fo- businesses and housing to How would you suggest
Question: The Metro we’re not super transit- cused and that’s something the community that would we help reverse the current
org/city_programs/2022- Light Rail Blue Line route dependent, if you look at we need to continue. I think not only increase the tax trend and respond to the
candidate-forums-and- has not yet been finalized. census data, many houses where we’re struggling is base that Crystal could re- need for safer communities?
election-related-video. The Met Council has pro- and families and Crystal the mental health aspect. ceive, but also potentially Albin Andolshek: To
Responses have been ed- posed using County High- only have one car or no We have a part-time so- offering more homes in some degree, the crime rate
ited for length and clarity. way 81 as the route for the car. And I think the light cial worker right now, and places where people would in Crystal is lower than the
Blue Line Extension and rail provides the opportu- that’s something I would not have to use as much surrounding communities.
Crystal Section II cities along the route must nity not just for transit, it like to see full-time in Crys- transportation. A lot of I think that’s a positive.
Question: Crystal has sign off on it. If you are provides an opportunity tal to help support our po- the reasons that people I personally have expe-
just instituted a DEI Com- elected, would you support to jump start our commu- lice department when they have cited to me that they rienced gunshots in my
mission (Diversity, Equity or oppose the County High- nity and the community do have issues of residents like living here is we’re in a backyard. ... How would
and Inclusion). How would way 81 route? around 81 and Bass Lake who are having a mental convenient location in rela- we decrease these happen-
you support this effort? Tony Sumnicht: Overall, Road, which is in desper- health crisis – to have a tion to the cities, to other ings? I think we work with
Tony Sumnicht: The city I support light rail and ate need of revitalization. professional there to help businesses, friends and other agencies. I think we
council is just conducting public transit in general. I And so we can use light rail work through those situa- family. do outreach in the commu-
interviews for that com- think Crystal is currently as a tool to spur commer- tions so they don’t escalate. nity. I think we do have an
mission and getting resi- underserved by Metro cial development like we’re With our policing and resi- Question: What are your obligation to understand
dents on it. I think one way Transit. We have a couple seeing in many other com- dents feeling safe in Crys- ideas to increase city rev- the residents needs in Crys-
the council can support of bus routes that barely munities as well and many tal, one thing we can do is enues and/or decrease city tal and a lot of these folks
them is working with them run through the city. You other studies showing that make sure those residents expenses? that may come in and com-
on their work plan initially can’t even catch an early transit does build stronger have a connection to the Albin Andolshek: I think mit crime or violence may
so you can get them off on morning flight out of MSP communities and commer- community and they feel the city does a good job not live in Crystal, but I
a good start and give them by taking a bus down to the cial areas. like they can report things with revenues equaling ex- think it’s important to hear
a direction. The city used airport. With the light rail, when they have concerns. penses right now, which is from the Crystal residents
to have a Human Rights I’m not sure that this route Question: A 2021 sur- actually a really big deal and get their feedback in
Commission and it was is the best route. When vey of Crystal shows that that we don’t see in a lot of terms of how we can do
really without direction BNSF pulled out, I really the percentage of residents Crystal Ward 1 cities across the state. But better because it sounds
and without leadership, hoped they were going to who felt somewhat or very Question: How can Crys- in terms of how we can in- like we’re doing a good job
and I think that’s partially re-imagine the route like unsafe increased from 18% tal maintain its stock of af- crease revenues or decrease as it is today, but I think we
because there wasn’t that they said they were going in 2020 to 29% in 2021. fordable housing? expenses, I think we focus need to be forward look-
direction from the city to. They didn’t. They just How would you interpret Therese Kiser: It’s ac- on the increase in revenues. ing in terms of our public
council. This commission moved it a couple of feet this change? tually a little bit scary to I think we look into the safety.
really needs direction from over onto the highway. Forest Eidbo: It isn’t a me because the housing multi-use housing/busi- Therese Kiser: I have a
the city council to be able There are communities to surprise to anybody that market just exploded in nesses. I see a lot of hous- whole lot of faith in our
to fulfill their mission. the northeast of us that statistic. Right now, we’re 2007 and 2008 and then ing developments coming police chief here in Crystal.
Forest Eidbo: This is could really be better served living in an environment the bubble burst and we in Crystal. ... I’d like to do I think, Chief Stephanie
certainly one of my priori- by this light rail route. And where crime is increas- all watched the tragic re- whatever we can to invite Revering does an amazing
ties. ... The commission, Crystal isn’t very transit ing across the region and percussions of that. I’ve friendly businesses into job. She is very communi-
as Tony just mentioned, is dependent currently. There across the country. ... We’re seen a little bit of that in this area to help increase ty focused in policing. She
just starting to get started. are transit-dependent com- very lucky in Crystal. And the last couple of years as our revenue so we can do creates a really nice atmo-
I think it’s kind of like one munities that this light rail it’s not really luck, hon- the housing market has ex- more as a community. sphere. We have very little
of those birds that you route should be serving. estly. It’s the hard work ploded once again. I’d like Therese Kiser: One of problem with retention of
really have to protect to But that decision is made that’s been put in by our to see interest rates manip- the areas I’d like to see our officers. ... The increase
make sure it can fly well. by Met Council and it’s not excellent police chief and ulated a bit because that developed more is more in crime that we’ve been
And we know this because a city council decision. So police department. We also helps cool the housing commercial development, seeing in the last couple of
the process of getting the as a city council, you have have a lower crime rate in market so the prices don’t possibly along Broadway years since the pandemic
commission in the first to evaluate the proposal Crystal than our neigh- jump quite as rapidly as and Bass Lake Road with and moving forward has
place was so contentious. that’s in front of you. And boring communities. And they have. I think we all the new Blue Line station. been crime that has come
If you listen to some right now, I support the we need to make sure that need to work at keeping Commercial property can out of Minneapolis and
of those work sessions, route. we stay ahead of the curve housing affordable. There’s be taxed at a much higher just for example, a shoot-
there’s a lot of different Forest Eidbo: I unabash- through supporting our new development going up rate than residential prop- out between two cars that
viewpoints on the council edly support light rail here police chief and police de- on Broadway that will have erty. We all want business- happened to stop in Crys-
in terms of how this com- in Crystal. If you look at partment with tools they’re a lot of affordable housing. es in our community, so I tal. We’ve had high crime
mission needs to be run. our plans, if you look at asking for, things like an Albin Andolshek: There’s think we need to develop before in the metro area
And I think if we want that the work that has been embedded community so- a lot of aspects to that areas of Crystal that have and it’s cyclical. I hope
strong leadership to make done, Crystal has sup- cial worker so that we can question; some are in our empty storefronts, for ex- we’re at the high point of
this commission work well, ported light rail. Recently make sure that police offi- control and some are out ample, or other areas of it. And as the pandemic
we have to make sure that what we’re seeing is kind cers are on the street polic- of our control. And I see development, including has eased, I truly hope our
it’s community led and it’s of pulling back on this, but ing and not at houses deal- some of the things that we multi-family. crime rate comes down.
actually a place where the I’ve talked to dozens and ing with situations they are could do to control that
commission represents the dozens of residents who not equipped to. would be improving the Question: Many are con- Follow the Sun Post on Facebook at
community and brings the bought their house five or Tony Sumnicht: Crystal business climate poten- cerned with increased gun
Public safety
Sun Post Newspapers welcomes tips and news submissions from the community.
Send to; mail to: Sun Post, 33 Second St. N.E., Osseo, MN 55369.

Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 7

- Fourth-degree damage to property on - Warrant arrest and trespass notice Winnetka Avenue North. Avenue North and West Broadway.
Crystal Police the 5700 block of West Broadway. served on the 5300 block of 36th
Avenue North.
Sept. 18 - Robbery on the 9400 block - Third-degree driving under the influence
- Fourth-degree damage to property of 27th Avenue North. and third-degree damage to property on
reports Sept. 13-19 on the 5400 block of Louisiana Avenue
Sept. 19 - Assault on the 8200 block the 3800 block of West Broadway.
of 47th Avenue North. Sept. 15 - Receive or possess a
Included in the department’s Sept. 13-
19 reports were these incidents:
- Simple robbery on the 5300 block of New Hope Sept. 20 - Damage to property on the firearm with no serial number, carrying a
West Broadway. 4400 block of Winnetka Avenue North. pistol without a permit in a public place
Sept. 13 - Theft on the 3300 block of
Douglas Drive North.
- Warrant arrest near the corner of Police reports - Theft on the 8200 block of 42nd Av-
with an existing felony and transportation
of a loaded firearm near the intersection
County Road 81 and Wilshire Boule- enue North.
- Third-degree damage to property on vard. Included in the department’s of County Road 81 and 56th Avenue
the 5900 block of West Broadway. reports Sept. 12-22 were these Sept. 21 - Theft on the 8100 block of North.
Sept. 19 - Warrant arrest, drug incidents: 45th Avenue North.
Sept. 14 - Trespassing on the 5900 possession and giving an officer a false - Fifth-degree possession of marijuana
block of West Broadway. name near the corner of 56th Avenue Sept. 12 - Theft from vehicle on the - Theft on the 7200 block of Bass Lake and driving after revocation near the
North and Welcome Avenue North. 3700 block of Winnetka Avenue North. Road. intersection of 36th Avenue North and
- First-degree damage to property,
- Assault on the 5700 block of Winnetka County Road 81.
receiving stolen property, criminal - Fourth-degree damage to property
vehicular operation, speeding, driving
after license revocation, reckless driv-
and theft on the 3000 block of Sumter
Avenue North.
Avenue North.
- Theft from auto on the 9300 block of
Robbinsdale - Warrant arrest on the 3800 block of
West Broadway.
ing, fleeing an officer and failing to stop
after a traffic collision near the corner
- Motor vehicle property damage near 52nd Avenue North. Police reports Sept. 16 - Fifth-degree possession of
marijuana on the 3500 block of Bottineau
the corner of 53rd Avenue North and Sept. 13 - Assault on the 8200 block
of 56th Avenue North and Toledo Douglas Drive North. of 47th Avenue North. Included in the department’s Boulevard.
Avenue North. Sept. 12 to 18 reports were - Careless driving, uninsured vehicle,
- Theft on the 6900 block of 54th Sept. 14 - Theft from vehicle on the
- First-degree damage to property and these incidents: third-degree driving under the influence,
Avenue North. 7800 block of Elm Grove Lane.
theft on the 3300 block of Winpark Sept. 12 - Theft, possession of violating an instructional permit and traffic
Drive. - Warrant arrest, theft, possession of - Theft on the 4200 block of Winnetka crash with property damage near the
burglary or theft tools and first-degree
drug paraphernalia, driving after license Avenue North. intersection of 36th and France avenues
Sept. 16 - Driving after license damage to property on the 4000 block of
revocation, fleeing an officer and giving - Theft on the 9100 block of Science north.
cancellation and fleeing a police officer Perry Avenue North.
an officer a false name on the 5500 Center.
near the corner of Highway 100 and block of West Broadway. - Order for protection on the 4100 block Sept. 17 - Fourth-degree driving under
Olson Memorial Highway. - Theft from vehicle on the 5500 block of of Hubbard Avenue North. the influence and carrying a pistol under
- First-degree damage to property on Zealand Avenue North. the influence of alcohol near the intersec-
- Carrying a pistol without a permit the 5300 block of Lakeland Avenue Sept. 13 - Warrant arrest near the in-
in a public place and receiving stolen North. - Theft on the 5700 block of Winnetka tersection of Memorial Parkway and Penn tion of 36th and Halifax avenues north.
property on the 4200 block of County Avenue North. Avenue North and near the intersection - Seat belt violation, third-degree driving
Road 81. - Theft on the 900 block of Willow under the influence, violation of open
- Theft on the 8000 block of 23rd of 35th and France avenues north.
Bend. bottle law, possession of ammunition or a
- Warrant arrest on the 4600 block of Avenue. - Traffic hit-and-run on the 3800 block of
Adair Avenue North. - Driving after license cancellation near firearm with a previous felony conviction
- Damage to property on the 2700 block Halifax Avenue North.
the corner of Oregon Avenue North and carrying a pistol in a public place
Sept. 17 - Giving false information af- and 42nd Avenue North. of Hillsboro Avenue North. - Failure to obey traffic control device, without a permit with an existing felony
ter a traffic collision on the 5400 block Sept. 16 - Theft on the 2700 block of speeding, second-degree driving under
- Motor vehicle property damage on near the intersection of 36th Avenue
of Lakeland Avenue North. Winnetka Avenue North. the influence and driving after revocation North and Highway 100.
the 6300 block of 36th Avenue North.
Sept. 18 - Fourth-degree driving - Assault on the 4200 block of Boone on the 3700 block of West Broadway
while impaired and fifth degree drug - Motor vehicle property damage near
Avenue North. Sept. 14 - Fleeing an officer in a motor
possession near the corner of Bass the corner of 36th Avenue North and
vehicle near the intersection of 39th
Lake Road and Zane Avenue North. Brunswick Avenue North. Sept. 17 - Theft on the 5700 block of See Police, Page 8

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Page 8 • Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post

Police Sept. 14 - Theft on the 1900

block of Douglas Drive North.
DON’T JUST KINDA TV - Found property on the 800 block
of Winnetka Avenue North.

DIRECTV - Possession of marijuana in a

motor vehicle, possession of a
firearm with no serial number,
carrying a pistol in a public place
- First-degree burglary of an
occupied dwelling with a non-
accomplice present on the 5100
block of Wayzata Boulevard.
without a permit with an existing - Recovered motor vehicle near
felony and transportation of a the intersection of Winnetka and
• ACCESS 70,000+ SHOWS loaded firearm on the 3500 block 23rd avenues north.
AND MOVIES ON DEMAND. of Bottineau Boulevard.
Sept. 15 - First-degree burglary
Requires subscriptions to top-tier PREMIER programming. Other packages Sept. 18 - First-degree burglary of an occupied dwelling with a
will have fewer shows and movies.
of an occupied dwelling on the non-accomplice present on the
• THE MOST LIVE SPORTS 3700 block of Hubbard Avenue 2400 block of Winnetka Avenue
IN 4K HDR. North. North.
Limited 4K HDR programming available. CHOICE Pkg or higher required for - Driving under the influence with - Traffic crash with injury near the
most 4K HDR live sports. 4K HDR compatible equipment, minimum a refusal to submit to a chemi-
programming, 4K account authorization and professional installation intersection of Douglas Drive
required. If 4K TV does not support HDR, content will be viewable in cal test near the intersection of North and Duluth Street.
standard 4K. Other conditions apply. County Road 81 and 36th Avenue
North. - Theft on the 8400 block of
Wayzata Boulevard.
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on the go, must download to mobile device using Genie HD DVR model HR 44 or higher connected to home Wi-Fi network. Rewind and fast-forward may not work. Limits: Mature, music, pay-per-view and some On Demand Sept. 16 - Damage to squad
content is not available for downloading. 5 shows on 5 devices at once. All functions and programming subject to change at any time. car near the intersection of Win-
Golden Valley netka and Harold avenues.
- Theft on the 8300 block of 10th
SIGN UP AND GET DIRECTV AND GET FIRST 3 Police reports Avenue North and the 6800 block
of Wayzata Boulevard.
MONTHS OF HBO MAX, CINEMAX, SHOW- Included in the depart- - Failure to yield, uninsured ve-
ment’s Sept. 12 to 18
TIME, STARZ AND EPIX INCLUDED! reports were these inci-
hicle, driving after revocation and
traffic crash with property damage
dents: near the intersection of Glenwood
Access HBO Max only through HBO Max app or HBO Max also includes HBO channels and On Demand on DIRECTV. Online account registration required. Data rates may apply
for app download/usage. EARLY TERMINATION FEE OF $20/MO. FOR EACH MONTH REMAINING ON AGMT., $19.95 ACTIVATION, EQUIPMENT NON-RETURN & ADD’L FEES APPLY. Sept. 12 - Theft on the 7100 and Natchez avenues.
New approved residential customers only (equipment lease req’d). Credit card req’d (except MA & PA). [See offer details]
block of Wayzata Boulevard, the Sept. 17 - Theft on the 2200
5700 block of Glenwood Avenue block of Mary Hills Drive, the
and the 9300 block of Wayzata 4600 block of Olson Memorial
Contact your local DIRECTV dealer! Boulevard. Highway and three instances on
- Second-degree assault with a the 5700 block of Duluth Street.
IV Support Holdings dangerous weapon on the 1400
- Theft and third-degree burglary
block of Lilac Drive North. on the 1500 block of Xenia
- Identity theft on the 200 block of Avenue North.
DIRECTV SVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. Must maintain a min. base TV package of $69.99/mo. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject Louisiana Avenue South.
to change at any time. ©2022 DIRECTV. DIRECTV and all other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. - Improper vehicle lighting display
- Failure to stop for a traffic col- and fourth-degree driving under
lision and driving after suspen- the influence on the 5200 block of
sion on the 600 block of Ottawa Colonial Drive.
Avenue North. Sept. 18 - Second-degree
Sept. 13 - Theft by swindle driving under the influence with
on the 900 block of Winnetka refusal to submit to a chemical
Avenue North. test and traffic crash with prop-
- Juvenile runaway on the 1700 erty damage on the 2400 block of
block of Independence Avenue Winnetka Avenue North.
North. - Two instances of theft on the
- Theft and card fraud on the 5700 block of Duluth Street.
6800 block of Wayzata Boule- - Found property on the 1600
vard. block of Xenia Avenue North.


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Sun Post Newspapers welcomes tips and news submissions from the community.
Send to; mail to: Sun Post, 33 Second St. N.E., Osseo, MN 55369.

Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022 • Page 9

OPEN HOUSE WHEN: 5-7 p.m. BOOK SALE WHEN: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
WHEN: 5-7:30 p.m. WHERE: Perpich Center for Arts Education, WHEN: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. WHERE: PRISM parking lot, 1220 Zane Ave.
6125 Olson Memorial Highway, Golden Valley
WHERE: Brookview, 316 Brookview Parkway WHERE: Rockford Road Library, 6401 N. 42nd N., Golden Valley
South, Golden Valley INFO: Learn more about reconstruction plans Ave., Crystal INFO: Free and open to the public. For more
with City of Golden Valley and consultant staff.
INFO: Review 90% design plans for the SEA INFO: Bargain hunters and book lovers take information, call 763-529-1350.
Info at
School and Wildwood Park Flood Reduction note: Friends of Rockford Road Library will host
Project. Info at a used book sale. Proceeds benefit Hennepin
County Library. For more info, visit supporthclib. GOLDEN VALLEY CITY
org/book-sales. COUNCIL MEETING
WHEN: 6:30-9 p.m.
SUNDAY, OCT. 2 WHERE: 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.
WHERE: Rockford Road Library, 6401 N. 42nd ROBBINSDALE CITY
INFO: Friends of Rockford Road Library will WHEN: 7 p.m.
host a used book sale. Proceeds benefit Henne- WHERE: Robbinsdale City Hall, 4100 Lakeview
pin County Library. For more info, visit supporth- Ave. N., Robbinsdale

WHEN: 6 p.m. WHEN: 5-7 p.m.
WHERE: Education Service Center, 4148 WHERE: Sanborn Park, near the intersection of
Winnetka Ave. N., New Hope Chowen and 42nd avenues north, Robbinsdale
INFO: INFO: Treats, games, crafts and contests.
Family-friendly, costumes encouraged. “Franken-
CRYSTAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING weenie” movie beginning at 7 p.m. Schedule at
WHEN: 7 p.m.

Your kitchen
WHERE: Crystal City Hall, 4141 Douglas Drive
N., and online via Zoom
12M O NT H
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Page 10 • Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post


Congregants fill the worship space of Elim Lutheran Church Sept. 18 to celebrate its 100th anniversary. Pastor Dan Doerrer greets church members at the conclusion of Elim Lutheran Church of Robbinsdale’s
The church has been located at the intersection of 40th and West Broadway since 1924. 100th anniversary service Sept. 18.

100 the 50th anniversary as featured the smiling faces

children. of friends and loved ones
“Every now and again
someone opens the ar-
a license to keep the boiler
going alongside custodian
“She was a member near
the beginning in the late
who had since passed away. chives door, puts some- Richard Nylin. 20s,” Anderson said. “She
The archive scourers Anderson, who followed thing in there, and shuts One of her favorite finds died in ‘96 at the age of 95.”
youngest members down A century worth of her husband Gerald to the the door,” Anderson said. in the archives is a letter
the aisle. memories were also on dis- church after the birth of The Andersons have written by her mother-in- Celebration and self-
The youth were briefly play in the church gymna- their first child 50 years been dedicated members law, Elsie. It is dated 1962 reflection
seated on the steps near sium, organized by mem- ago, said it was fun to pe- of the church for quite and discusses a question- Some members have
the altar and recognized by bers Teri Anderson and ruse the archives for the some time. Gerald was naire of Elim’s early history. been attending services for
Pastor Dan Doerrer before Dori Schlins. celebration. By now, she is baptized into the church 80 Elsie, or Elas Anna Marie a greater portion of the
heading to Sunday school. Anderson said visi- familiar with almost all of years ago; he helped install Hjelmgren, also mentions church’s existence.
Doerrer wondered if the tors enjoyed seeing the the contents of the archive the church’s air condition- the church’s Women’s Aid At the anniversary ser-
students would remember memorabilia and photos room, but sometimes is ing, headed the property group, which Anderson vice, Doerrer turned the
the day just as senior mem- of church members in ac- surprised by a silent dona- committee for four de- said was a “forerunner” of
bers remember witnessing tion. Some of the photos tion. cades, and has maintained ELCA Women’s Circles. See 100, Page 11

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MN License Number: CR627011 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 11

‘Meet the
Zoom and live stream on tive districts are scheduled
their LAC Facebook page, at a separate one hour time
Candidates’ with access available for fu- slot between 9:30 a.m. and
ture viewing. 4 p.m. (schedule below).
forum Oct. 1
All candidates seeking Schedule: Oct. 1
to represent the Hopkins • 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.:
The Hopkins LAC Public Schools are invited Senate District 43, House
hosts a community forum to participate. District 43B
in election years, and they The sole focus of the fo- • 11 a.m. to noon: Senate
are hoping others can join
them virtually this year on
Saturday, Oct. 1. Their vir-
rum is education, and they
will ask two to three ques-
tions that each candidate
District 45, House District
• 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Sen-
tual format was very well- receives in advance, plus ate District 46, House Dis-
received in 2020, with near- additional questions sub- tricts 46A and 46B
ly 5000 constituents tuning mitted by the community. • 3-4 p.m.: Senate Dis-
in to listen live. Again this Each of the school dis- trict 49, House District
year, they will host via trict’s four Senate legisla- 49A.

By making
a voluntary
you’re helping
Name ____________________________________________________________


Address __________________________________________________________
The faces of Elim Lutheran Church’s clergy since its foundation are tucked behind a case in one hallway _________________________________________________________________
of the church’s sprawling lower level.
Phone #___________________________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________
100 it’s time to downsize its longtime home.
“We had a preference poll in June and Donation Amount __________________________________________________
several community meetings to let people Credit Card No.____________________________________________________
give voice to their frustration or disap-
question of the longest-serving congre- pointment. There’s so many memories Credit Card Expiration________+CVC Code (3 digits on back of card) _________
gant into a “playful controversy.” For the here,” Doerrer said.
Signature _________________________________________________________
record, or at least to the best of Doerrer’s With this in mind, Doerrer’s message
estimation, those members are Carl Taft, at the 100th anniversary service was that
Bob Nord, and the aforementioned Ger- it was the people that built the church, I am not a current newspaper subscriber, but I would like to start receiving
ald Anderson. All have been members for not the other way around: “I wanted to the newspaper in the mail with my donation.
70-plus years. strike a tone that we are here because of
The three joined the church as it began
to experience a period of tremendous
the people we’ve met, and the people who
have been there for us and helped us find
$25 Donation
growth, peaking in the 1960s and 1970s. faith. We want to continue making mem- $50 Donation
Membership has dwindled considerably ories and finding a sense of community.”
since that post-World War II suburban Church leaders are currently in nego- $75 Donation
boom. Simply, the church that expand- tiations with a developer to build market-
ed in the early 1960s to accommodate a rate apartments on a portion of the prop- $100 Donation
4,000-body congregation no longer needs erty, though nothing is final.
the space. Doerrer said the plan is to right-size Other Amount ____________
Instead of one big church, the space the existing facility. One of his central ef-
is now shared with four other congre- forts is to connect with young families to Please enclose check or credit card
gations that offer services in three dif- find out how the church might serve its in an envelope and mail to:
ferent languages, including Laotian and members for the decades to come. These
Spanish. Four of the five are Christian discussions have yielded some interesting
denominations, and two are recognized generational differences on religion and
by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in spirituality, particularly how it relates to Subscriber Services – APG
America. worthiness and belonging. The church is 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd.
Ultimately, though Doerrer said all five taking the insights in stride as it continues Coon Rapids, MN 55433
churches praise “one God, in one body of its period of enthusiastic celebration and Enjoy our new Reader
Christ within one building.” sober self-reflection. 763.712.3544
Doerrer said as Elim continues to cel- “In this moment in time, it’s more than Or, go online to
Perks program.
ebrate a century of praise, it is deeply and
concurrently in a process of Christian dis-
just a celebration. It inspires us to take a
closer look,” Doerrer said. Visit our website
cernment. Church leadership is embark- and click on
ing on a process to decide what the future Follow the Sun Post on Facebook at
holds. This summer, and with a heavy mnsunpost. “FREE Coupon”!
heart, Elim’s congregation agreed that WE ACCEPT:
Page 12 • Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post

Groves Academy celebrates 50 years

By SETH ROWE 1960s, according to a St. dents.” of the Groves Construction Louis Park Historical Soci- The families were all Co. and the grandparent of
ety account. sending their children to a an original student at the
Fifty years ago, Groves “Under different circum- boarding school in Florida. school, according to the ac-
Academy began with 21 stu- stances, the families would “These families knew count.
dents. More than 10 times probably have never met,” there had to be a better As enrollment reached
that number marked the an- says the account at slphis- way,” the account says. 115 students, the school
niversary with cupcakes and The families conducted moved to the former Ethel
candles at the St. Louis Park “They came from different research for three years be- Baston School at 3200 Hwy.
private school Sept. 8. backgrounds and lifestyles. fore opening Groves Learn- 100 S. in St. Louis Park,
The school’s inspiration But they all had one thing ing Center in September where it remains. The school (SUN PHOTOS BY SETH ROWE)
came from a chance meet- in common: each had a son 1972 along Hopkins Cross- later became Groves Acad- G. Bryan Fleming, president of the Groves Learning Organization
ing of families at a North- or daughter with a learning roads in Minnetonka. emy, with the name Groves board, celebrates after lighting candles on a cake to celebrate
west Airlines concourse at disability or attention disor- The name arose in mem- Learning Center going to a the Groves Academy 50th anniversary. Head of School Kimberly
Minneapolis-St. Paul In- der, and there was no school ory of education advocate service that began in 2015 to Peeples, right, applauds as St. Louis Park Councilmember Sue
ternational Airport in the in Minnesota for such stu- Franklin Groves, president provide assessments, tutor- Budd, seated, grins during the Sept. 8 assembly.
ing, speech and language
therapy and summer pro- Groves Learning Organiza- She had been a member of
grams, according to a time- tion board. “I believe the the school staff for its 25th
line from the school. next few years will be even anniversary, she noted.
In 2015, enrollment more impactful.” After time away from the
reached 250 students. Fleming said he appreci- school while working at an
Groves Literacy Partner- ates how the school differ- East Coast college, she said
ships followed the next year entiates instruction to en- she returned to Groves 12
to share teaching methods sure each student receives years ago to find the school
used at the academy with the attention they need. The had greatly expanded.
students and teachers in school generally limits class “We’re kind of bursting
other schools. A curriculum sizes to eight students. at the seams right now, she
SUBMIT YOUR called the Groves Method
arrived in 2018.
Though the class sizes
are small, the organization’s
said of the current enroll-
ment of more than 270 stu-

FAVORITE Last year, the Groves

Learning Organization
launched “to represent our
reach continues to expand.
Through the curriculum of-
fered to 74 schools, Flem-
dents in first through 12th
The staff has grown along
HUNTING PHOTOS! full ecosystem of educa-
tional resources designed
ing said the organization is
serving upward of 10,000
with the enrollment, allow-
ing the school to offer more
FAVORI Sept. 24th - Dec. 14th to help all students unleash students this year. activities like art, one-act

their brilliance,” the time- The curriculum focuses plays, soccer, basketball and
Vote for your favorite Dec. line says. on phonics and relies on even trap shooting, Eng-

evidence-based practices, strom said.

T 15th - Dec. 31st Current work

he said. The curriculum has

P H S T (1 vote per day)

“The last few years have
been, I think, a time of re-
“Many school districts
are not as attuned to the
evolved since she first came
to the school in 1993.

N T E ally digging deeply into the science of reading the way “There’s been an explo-

science of literacy and un- that we are,” Fleming said. sion of research in literacy,”
WIN PRIZES FOR derstanding how deeply we
really do transform lives for
Ellen Engstrom, director
of curriculum for Groves
Engstrom said.
With assessments, Eng-
TOP VOTED PHOTO our children,” said G. Bryan
Fleming, president of the
Academy, has seen the long-
term progress at the school. See Groves, Page 21

Be sure to visit
to check out this contest.
This contest is sponsored by

Drainage LLC
Little Falls Sauk Centre

763-280-8527 Call Your Multi Media Representative today before

they’re gone. Most co-op funds expire December 31st. Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 13

Humane society begins training program to combat staffing shortages

Animal Humane Soci- erinary technicians, the essary to be eligible, and
ety is launching a new vet- organization will increase participants will be tested
erinary technician training its capacity to help more on proficiency throughout
program to address the animals and keep even the program.
ongoing impacts a nation- more people and their pets This program is not an
wide veterinary technician together. accredited veterinary tech-
shortage is having on the Applications are now nician program and gradu-
organization, both in its open for the Vet Tech ates won’t be certified vet-
shelters and low-cost vet- Training Program, and erinary technicians.
erinary clinics. the first cohort, which will Every year Animal
“One of our biggest begin in October, will have Humane Society cares
constraints to growing our five individuals. Addition- for more than 100,000
service offerings right now al cohorts are expected to animals: those that need
is a shortage of veterinary start approximately every homes and thousands
technicians,” said Dr. Gra- three to four months. In- more through programs
ham Brayshaw, director of dividuals accepted into for people and pets. As one
veterinary medicine. “This the cohort will be paid an of the nation’s leading ani-
nationwide shortage isn’t hourly salary and receive mal welfare organizations,
going away any time soon, benefits while participat- it is transforming the way
so we decided to create ing in the seven-month pro- shelters care for animals
a program to train and gram, which will include a and engage their commu-
equip individuals with (SUBMITTED PHOTOS) mix of classroom lessons nities.
the skills necessary to be Veterinary technicians care for animals at the Animal Humane Society. and hands-on practice The Animal Humane So-
a veterinary technician in each week. Upon gradu- ciety has adoption centers
AHS’s shelters and clinics. training program for vet- nary technicians impacts pointments available to the ation, individuals will be in Golden Valley, Wood-
As far as we know, we’re erinary technicians where the number of animals public at its low-cost veter- promoted to full-time bury and Coon Rapids.
the first animal welfare or- employees are trained full- the Humane Society can inary centers. By providing Animal Humane Society To learn more visit anim-
ganization in the country time.” care for in its shelters and all the training individuals veterinary technicians. No
that has created a formal The shortage of veteri- limits the number of ap- need to be successful vet- animal experience is nec-


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feature stories, photography
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We are looking for someone passionate about community journalism who can share compelling stories that happen • Strong technical computer aptitude and knowledge of business tools
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Page 20 • Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post

INTERMEDIATE noting minor changes to policies CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY
DISTRICT 287 presented. Pederson moved, and SUMMARY PUBLICATION
NOTICE RELATING Adams seconded; that the Board ORDINANCE NO. 744
TO FACILITIES approves policies [204, 210, 214,
MAINTENANCE BONDS OF 410, 414, 456, and 524] in First AN ORDINANCE
INTERMEDIATE Read; further, the Board directs the AMENDING THE CITY CODE
DISTRICT NO. 287, Administration to prepare the poli- AMENDING 2022
PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA cies (with suggested revisions) for MASTER FEE SCHEDULE
approval in Second Reading at the FOR THE ADDITION OF
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN next meeting (as part of Consent). GRANT ADMINISTRATION
that Intermediate District No. 287, Carried. FEES FOR GRANTS
Plymouth, Minnesota (the District) INVOLVING A
intends to issue Facilities Mainte- Board members reported on re- SUB-RECIPIENT PARTY.
nance Bonds, Series 2022A (the cent educational activities/events in
Bonds) in a principal amount not which they have participated. Ad- This is a summary of the provi-
to exceed $4,930,000, pursuant ams moved; Andreson seconded; sions of Ordinance No. 744 which
to Minnesota Statutes, Section to approve the incidental reports has been approved for publication
123B.595. The proceeds of the as presented. Carried. Parents and by the City Council.
Bonds will be used to finance de- community members; Ellie Kretz,
ferred capital maintenance projects Michael Goodman, Andy Kyle, At the September 20, 2022, City
at various District facilities (collec- Andrew Wold, Michelle Kuhl ad- Council meeting, the Golden Valley
tively, the Projects), as described dressed the board. Adams moved; City Council enacted Ordinance
in the District’s ten-year facility Pederson seconded; to adjourn the No. 744 amending the 2022 Mas-
plan (the Facility Plan). A copy of meeting at 8:22 p.m. Carried. ter Fee Schedule for the addition of
the Facility Plan will be on file with grant administration fees for grants
the District and available for pub- Katie Pederson, involving a sub-recipient party. The
lic inspection at the District offic- School Board Clerk full ordinance is available to the
es during regular business hours. public at the City Clerk’s Office,
The total amount of outstanding As per M.S. 123B.09 Subd. 7800 Golden Valley Road during
indebtedness of the District as of 10, section 331A.01, subdivision normal business hours and online
September 1, 2022 is $67,410,000. 10, this is only a summary. For at
Any interested person may submit a complete copy of the meeting
written comments relating to the minutes, visit https://www. Passed by the City Council of
(SUN PHOTO BY JASON JENKINS) Bonds or the Projects to the Dis- h o p k i n s s c h o o l s . o rg / d i s t r i c t / the City of Golden Valley, Minneso-
trict. school-board/school-board- ta on September 20, 2022.
Brittni, who lives at Hammer Residences’ Gardner home in Wayzata, stands in the doorway to her meeting-minutes or request a
bedroom. BY ORDER OF THE copy by emailing Alise.Hofstad@ /s/Shepard M. Harris
SCHOOL BOARD OF Shepard M. Harris, Mayor

Hammer church on Tuesday nights,

bowling or catching the
been with Hammer for a
year and helping at the
PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA Published in the
Sun Sailor, Sun Post
/s/Theresa J. Schyma
Theresa J. Schyma, City Clerk
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Published in the September 29, 2022
occasional show at the Gardner home for about Sun Sailor, Sun Current, 1260580 Published in the
Chanhassen Dinner The- four months. Sun Post, The Press Sun Post
going staffing shortages, atre. “[Critzer and Robillard] September 29, 2022
DISTRICT NO. 270 September 29, 2022
1260816 1260822
during which the organiza- Sarah moved into the made it so easy for me to (HOPKINS PUBLIC
tions’ direct care staff of- Gardner home only a year come in. They wrote ev- INDEPENDENT SCHOOL SCHOOLS) CITY OF CRYSTAL
ten pick up extra shifts and ago but quickly found a erything down, step by OFFICIAL SCHOOL BOARD MINNESOTA VARIANCE APPLICATION
sacrifice time with their connection with Brittni, step and hour by hour. I’ve MINUTES EXECUTIVE 5730 BOTTINEAU
own families to ensure the who has lived there for 13 never seen it before, but SCHOOL BOARD TO ISSUE FACILITIES
individuals they serve have years, when she learned that was so helpful for me. I SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 MAINTENANCE BONDS
the support and care they the fact that they share the really appreciate them very TO FINANCE PROJECTS
The regular meeting of the INCLUDED IN THE
need 24/7. same birthday. much,” Golden said. “The Board of Education of Indepen- DISTRICT’S TEN-YEAR
“Ultimately, they live “What do you always say staff here is awesome.” dent School District 270 was con- FACILITIES PLAN
out our mission of helping to each other at bedtime? Kathy Ganzer, Sarah’s ducted in-person and streamed
virtually, on Tuesday, September NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
the 370+ individuals Ham- What do you call each mother, said she is ex- 6, 2022. The meeting was called the School Board of Independent
mer serves to live their best other,” asked Emily Robil- tremely grateful for Ham- to order at 7:00 p.m. School Board School District No. 270 (Hopkins PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
lives,” Estrem said. lard, an assistant program mer and everyone working members present: Treasurer Steve Public Schools), Hennepin County, 7:00 P.M. ON MONDAY,
Adams, Vice Chair Shannon An- Minnesota (the “District”), intends OCTOBER 10, 2022
Evidence of that mis- manager for Hammer. at the Gardner home. dreson, Chair Jennifer Westmore- to issue its general obligation fa- CRYSTAL CITY HALL
sion being fulfilled can “Sisters,” Brittni re- “This has been such a land (Bouchard), Director Rachel cilities maintenance bonds (the (4141 DOUGLAS DR N) AND
Hartland, Director Tanya Khan, Di- “Bonds”), in the aggregate principal ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCE
be easily found at Ham- sponded. good fit. ... The staff actu- rector Jason Ross, and Clerk Katie amount not to exceed $10,985,000,
mer’s Gardner home in “She says, ‘Goodnight ally participates with the Pederson. School Board members pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, LEGAL NOTICE: Notice is here-
Wayzata, where decades sis,” Robillard added. “You girls. They don’t just drop absent: None. Student Board reps Chapter 475, as amended, and by given that the Planning Commis-
present: Oscar Wolfe (12), Isabella, Minnesota Statutes, Section sion of the City of Crystal will meet
of combined DSP experi- just kind of become family them off somewhere and Grace. Staff members present: Su- 123B.595, as amended. The pro- on October 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
ence provides support for with everybody.” pick them up later or sit on perintendent Rhoda Mhiripiri-Reed. ceeds of the Bonds will be used to at Crystal City Hall, 4141 Douglas
Staff members absent: None. finance certain projects included in Drive North, in said City, to consid-
the home’s three residents: Among those helping their phones. They are ac- the District’s ten-year facilities plan er a variance application from Scott
Brittni, Dawn and Sarah. build that familial struc- tively engaging with them No public comments pertaining and related financing costs. A gen- Endres for a new monument sign
Upon a recent visit, ture is Annie Critzer, pro- and it really is like a fam- to agenda items were presented. eral description of the projects to at the Crystal Vision Clinic at 5730
Student Board Representatives: be financed is as follows: Bottineau Boulevard. The variance
Dawn, who has lived at the gram manager for Ham- ily,” Ganzer said. “It really McCoy, Wolf, and Riley, provid- is to increase the maximum height
home for 12 years, talked mer, who applauded the is amazing.” ed details on the beginning of the • Various deferred mainte- of the proposed sign from 6’ to 25’
about her new job at the other DSPs – Julia Barn- In the past year, Ganzer second week of school and the nance projects in fiscal years 2023 and to increase the maximum sign
exciting opportunities ahead while through 2025 included in the Dis- area from 75 sq. ft to 150 sq. ft. Af-
local Juut Salon. hill, Glenda Golden and said it’s been wonderful to Superintendent, Mhiripiri-Reed trict’s 10-year facilities mainte- ter holding the public hearing, the
“I’m a salon assistant. Olu Mustapha – for their watch as Sarah has grow highlighted recent site visits, focus- nance plan approved by the Com- Commission is expected to make a
ing on the upcoming year. missioner of Education. recommendation to the City Coun-
I’ve been working there tireless work at the Gard- and continued to gain con- cil for their meeting on Tuesday,
for seven weeks,” Dawn ner home. fidence in herself. Pederson moved; Adams sec- The total amount of District in- October 18, 2022 at Crystal City
said, adding that her favor- “The team here is so “I’m just super happy,” onded; to approve the agenda debtedness as of September 1, Hall. Persons desiring to be heard
as presented. Carried. Andreson 2022, is $144,830,000. If these are invited and encouraged to at-
ite perks of the job are the strong and they’re so great she sad. “I mean, it makes moved, Pederson seconded; to proposed Bonds were issued after tend the public hearing. Persons
discounted hair cuts and at their job and everything me cry. I just can’t tell you approve the Consent Calendar that date, the total indebtedness of unable to attend may submit writ-
hair coloring. that they do,” Critzer said. the joy it gives me every as presented: A) Approval of Min- the District at that time would be ten comments prior to the date of
utes — Organizational and Regular $155,815,000. the hearing to: Dan Olson, City of
When she’s not working, “They take initiative. They time I see her and every Meetings Conducted on August Crystal, 4141 Douglas Dr N, Crys-
Dawn likes to go shopping go above and beyond in time I hear what she’s do- 30, 2022; B) Insurance Renewals, Dated: September 20, 2022 tal MN 55422. Auxiliary aids are
2022-23; C) Board Agenda Plan, available upon request to individ-
or get coffee at Starbucks every way shape and form. ing.” 2022-23. Carried. BY ORDER OF THE SCHOOL uals with disabilities by calling the
with her friends. When at They pick up extra shifts To learn more about Treasurer Adams highlighted ex- BOARD OF INDEPENDENT city clerk at 763-531-1145 at least
home, the women like to and help each other out. ... DSPs and the services penses of interest. Adams moved, SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 270 96 hours in advance. TTY users
Khan seconded; to approve finan- (HOPKINS PUBLIC SCHOOLS), may call Minnesota Relay at 711 or
have dinner together, ex- I really love this team. Ob- provided by Hammer and cial disbursements of $640,816.93 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 1-800-627-3529.
ercise by running on the viously, we’re here for the Northeast Residence, visit for the period of August 23, 2022,
treadmill or dancing and women and we’ve got great and nerinc. through August 30, 2022. Carried. /s/Katie Pederson Published in the
Clerk of the School Board Sun Post
play games after finishing women here.” org. Assistant Superintendent Light- Independent School District No. September 29, 2022
up their chores. Golden, who has worked foot and Director of Marketing and 270 (Hopkins Public Schools), 1260591
Communications, Goldade, shared Hennepin County,
Leaving the house typi- in the disability services Follow the Sun Sailor on Facebook at background details on the enroll- Minnesota
cally involves going to industry for 45 years, has ment information provided and ad-
ditionally asked for Board feedback Published in the
on items they wish to see. Sun Sailor, Sun Post
Vice Chair Andreson and As- September 29, 2022
sistant Superintendent Lightfoot 1260581 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 21

Groves to break down such barriers.

Heather Anderson, who
dent learned how to view
her learning difference as a
Head of School Kim-
berly Peeples indicated that
to be as successful as he is
at Augsburg right now,” she
dent for seven years, said,
“The trajectory of my life
teaches fifth and sixth strength rather than a dis- a technique that may work said. changed because of the edu-
grades, said she often hears ability, Anderson said. with one student may not She became head of cation I received which ca-
strom made an analogy to from past students who Students at the school resonate with another stu- school while he attended tered to my learning style. I
a car, comparing what is share their successes with have an ability to think dent. The school uses data the school, allowing her to became confident in asking
evident in how a car drives her. For example, she said creatively and show grit in to inform the learning expe- hand him a diploma using a for help and built meaning-
and determining what’s un- one former student is now a overcoming challenges, said riences the school will create pizza paddle through a car ful connections that set me
der the hood that should psychologist while another Anderson who has worked for each individual, she said. window during a pandemic- up to succeed to graduate
be addressed. For example, is thriving in her business. at the school for 20 years. Peeples has been the par- altered graduation ceremo- from college and obtain a
educators may consider One past student acknowl- “If you can get that little ent of a Groves student who ny in 2020. meaningful career. With-
whether a student needs as- edged some struggles but spark and that confidence is now a junior at Augsburg “That’s one of the joys of out Groves I am confident
sistance with sound process- said what she learned at just going, whether it’s read- University. being the head of school,” I wouldn’t have had the op-
ing or memory. Tools help Groves helped her gain ing, math, writing – whatev- “It’s through the wonder- she said of the experience. portunities that I have now,
diagnose the issues, and confidence in college and er their struggle is – they can ful educators that he’s had Sarah Anderson, who at- and that is a powerful feel-
instruction can be adapted beyond. The former stu- soar,” Anderson said. here at Groves that he’s able tended the school as a stu- ing.”

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Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 22

Falcons continue unbeaten run against Park Center

Armstrong has gone
8 games unbeaten
following a 3-0 win
over Park Center

The Armstrong boys soccer

team has been one of the best in
the state so far this season.
The Falcons rode a 7-game
unbeaten streak into the Sept. 21
matchup with Park Center. The
Pirates have proven themselves
to be a tough out this season de-
spite losing a lot of talent from
last year.
But Park Center entered the
game losing two of their last
three games, conceding four
goals in both losses.
It took some time for Arm-
strong to find their footing, but
they eventually found the back
of the net in a 3-0 win over the
Pirates at Park Center High
In the opening 20 minutes,
the Falcons had just one shot,
coming from midfielder Micah (SUN POST STAFF PHOTO BY RACE ARCHIBALD)
Miller that went well over the Armstrong sophomore Muhammed Abdukrahman (16) heads in the third goal for the Falcons in the second half against Park Center Wednesday, Sept. 21 at Park Center
crossbar. Armstrong was spend- High School.
ing a lot of time on the ball with
little to show for it. was an instant gut-punch to Park
The opening goal finally came Center as the game began to drift
with a little over 14 minutes re- away from them.
maining in the half. Forward Ten minutes later, Armstrong
William Saar, who came off the won a free kick in the attacking
bench, received the ball on the third. Nathan Hunt delivered the
right side of the penalty box. ball into the box for Mohammed
There was a defender near him Abdulrahman to put a head on.
but with some impressive indi- He made it 3-0 and the Falcons
vidual skill, he cleared room for were on their way to victory.
a shot that went right past the A bad night got even worse
goalkeeper for a 1-0 lead. for the Pirates later on as Casil-
Park Center’s strength in mid- las Lopez received a red card
field was weakened on the night for an altercation with an Arm-
with the absence of sophomore strong player after both went to
Johanso Camacho. More re- the ground challenging for the
sponsibility fell onto the shoul- ball. Due to the nature of the
ders of Angel Martinez, Pablo exchange, it could result in more
Casillas Lopez and Adahir Bri- than the one-game suspension a
to-Salgado in the middle of the red card calls for.
park. Towards the end of the game,
They performed admirably in midfielder Titus Lee had to be
the first half with Armstrong’s helped off the field with a lower
midfielders – most notably body injury.
Miller, Nathan Ore and Ryder
Tomlinson-Sterud – constantly Flying High
in their space and making plays Armstrong lost their first game (SUN POST STAFF PHOTO BY RACE ARCHIBALD)
defensively. of the season to Wayzata 5-2 on Armstrong attacker Patrick Ponnie (23) and Park Center defender Christian Wamstad (13) try to make a play on the ball in the
It didn’t take long for Arm- August 25. first half Wednesday, Sept. 21 at Park Center High School.
strong to extend their lead right Since then, they’ve remained
after halftime. Not even a min- unbeaten. The only blemish is a 30-6 in their unbeaten run, aided emergence of freshman forward in with 4 goals and 8 assists,
ute had gone by when freshman draw with Andover (7-0-1 con- by a 12-1 win over Totino-Grace Moses Kamara. operating on the left side of the
forward Moses Kamara tapped ference, 9-0-1 overall) who is on Sept. 6. He is tied with Saar for the midfield.
in a cross from Miller to make it right with the Falcons atop the With how they’ve played so team lead with 6 goals. They’ve Defensively, they’ve allowed
2-0. Miller’s picture-perfect cross Northwest Suburban Confer- far, they have caught the eyes of rotated time and shared the field 11 goals through 9 games, an av-
needed only the slightest touch ence standings. their competitors. One big piece and represent a deadly attack for erage of 1.2 per game.
to be directed towards goal. It They’ve outscored opponents to their success has been the the Falcons. Miller has chipped Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Sun Post Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 • Page 23

Swim & dive results: Blaine Hopkins sophs make memories in Griak CC Meet
gets best of Park Center
Drevlow and
By RACE ARCHIBALD Grobstein are
Blaine swimming and diving won eight events in their among the elite
victory over Park Center at Brooklyn Junior High. The
Bengals swam the final three events as exhibition – 100 By JOHN SHERMAN
backstroke, 100 breaststroke, 400 freestyle relay – so
those events went to the Pirates.
Park Center’s lone win without exhibition entries When the best runners in the
came in the 1-meter dive with sophomore Maya Woods Heartland Region gathered in Lau-
posting the top score. She scored a 227.90, comfortably derdale for the annual Roy Griak
ahead of Blaine senior Sophie Larson in second place Cross Country Meet Sept. 23, the
with a 196.70. Park Center freshman Luna Xiong came spotlight was on two sophomores
in third with a 147.50. from Hopkins, Sydney Drevlow and
They had five other top-3 finishes. Freshman Lauryn Daphne Grobstein. (SUN PHOTO BY JOHN SHERMAN)
Brockman was second in the 200 freestyle at 2:39.72. In This dynamic duo was ready to Hopkins High sophomore cross country stars Sydney Drevlow (front) and Daphne Grob-
the 100 freestyle, sophomore Isabella Bennett touched compete. Drevlow was among the stein are training hard for the end-of-season meets. Both ran well in the Roy Griak Meet
second with a 1:01.96. top ten the whole race and finished Sept. 23 at the University of Minnesota.
Rounding out the top-3 individual finishers for the Pi- fifth with a 5K time of 18:19.2. The
rates were sophomore Jada Nathe in the 200 individual only Minnesota runner ahead of her tight spaces in those meets. They from its top three runners. Suhayb
medley, junior Sophia Jermstad in the 50 freestyle and was Wayzata senior captain Abbey definitely learn in a race like this.” Ali, the senior captain, had a break-
Brockman again in the 500 freestyle. Nechanicky, who won the race in Team-wise, Harris said, “I out race, finishing the 5K in 16:45.1
Both of the Pirates’ 200 medley and freestyle relays 17:37.9. thought we could finish in the top for 46th place. He finished ahead of
finished in third behind Blaine’s A and B relays, clock- Grobstein finished 38th with a 15. We have a little more work to Armstrong’s Alex Omodt by one
ing a time of 2:26.61 and 2:05.60, respectively. On both time of 19:50.8. The efforts of the do.” place. Hopkins had the 68th and
relays were Bennett, Nathe, Brockman and junior Car- two sophomores helped Hopkins One of Hopkins’ goals for the 70th finishers, eighth-grader Logan
men Sanchez-Rincon. finish 18th in the team standings. end of the girls season is to qualify Drevlow and sophomore Landon
Bennett was the top finisher for Park Center in the 100 Hopkins head coach Mike Harris for the State Class AAA Meet as Hering, who were both just above 17
backstroke and Nathe was first in the 100 breaststroke. wasn’t surprised to see his top two a team. Wayzata is sure to finish minutes. Unfortunately, for the Roy-
The 400 freestyle relay team consisted of Jermstad, runners near the head of the field. first in the section after winning the als, there was a huge gap between
seventh-grader Ava Smith, Sanchez-Rincon and Woods. “It was a really good meet for Griak last week. However, the No. the top three runners and the others.
Blaine had a different swimmer in each event finish them, but they want more,” he said. 2 spot is up for grabs and could go “We have the ability to close the
first for the team. Utilizing many swimmers on the night, “They had a chance to mix it up with to the Royals if the supporting cast gap on Wayzata, Washburn and
their registered B relay in the 200 medley and C relay in good runners and good teams, and closes the gap between the two lead- Southwest,” coach Harris said in
the 200 freestyle won their respective events. Junior Kalli a race like the Griak prepares them ers and themselves. evaluating Section 6AAA. “We
Stark, who won the 100 freestyle, was the only swimmer for state and for the Nike meets. Hopkins’ boys placed 28th in the want to be contending at section
to win both an individual event and a relay. They will have to be able to navigate Griak with notable performances time.”

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