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Montaño, Arlyn Maye M. Ms.

Janna Lea de Torres

BSED- MATH 3A PEC 8 [Assessment of Learning]

Reflection Paper: Basic Concepts in Assessment

Assessment is the fundamental concept in education that involves gathering and interpreting
evidence about student learning to make informed educational decisions. It helps educators understand
what students know, understand, and can do more. Then, using the assessment this will show whether
the teaching- learning process has been effective or not. In this reflection paper I will share my insights
and thoughts on the basic concepts in assessment; things I learned and discovered, the activity we did,
and my feedback about the discussion that happened.
One key concept that marked to me is the purpose of assessment. It serves various purposes, such
as measuring student understanding, identifying areas for improvement, monitoring progress, and
informing instructional decisions. Understanding the purpose of an assessment is crucial in designing
appropriate assessment strategies that align with the intended goals.
In the activity we did, it shows the interaction of the teacher and students, and students to
students. Every group was given a change to pick the question they want to answer. We are given some
time to brainstorm, share thoughts and opinions with our groupmates about the question assigned to us
and after that we present the gathered ideas in the class. After every group answers the question, there
is discussion, clarification and additional information from our instructor and other students. I can say
that this method is effective way for the learners to become more active, participative and cooperative
in the discussion.
My only suggestion to my fellow learners is to be more confident in their answers and also be
more formal in presenting their thoughts and ideas especially when they are in front of the class. Yes, it
is good that the class must not be boring, there should be laughter and funny moments but set limits or
boundaries, when you think it's too much then control yourselves and stop. Make the study
environment lively but also with respect to each other especially to the teacher.
In summary, studying and knowing the basic concepts in assessment has deepen my
understanding of its significance in education. As a future educator, I learned that by incorporating these
concepts into my teaching practice, I aim to ensure that my assessments are quality, reliable, fair, and
promote student learning. Assessment should not be seen solely as a means to assign grades, but rather
as a tool to support students’ growth and enhance quality education. Overall, I enjoyed that session
while learning something new and essential to me, as I become a teacher someday.

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