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Apart from the J-Seals there are other implants and seals which affect our DNA

template. These seals and energetic implants also include Metatronic Implants, Templar
Seal, Templar Axion Seal, Cell Death programs (Apoptosis), Crown of Thorns, and the
Zeta Seal.
Metatronic Implants are a series of implants designed to rapidly reverse the activating
DNA template. It is the reverse shadow body as opposed to the ascending, evolving 12-
dimensional body.
The Templar Seals have been passed on genetically over time and now affect the
majority of the population, making physical ascension impossible. The Templar Seal
involved the removal of the 6th base tone of DNA Strand 2, the 6th overtone from strand
4 and the 12th overtone of strand 5 which created massive distortions within the astral,
mental and emotional bodies locking consciousness into the 3D time cycles. In order for
biological transmutation (“ascension”) to take place, we require to braid the 12 magnetic
base tones with the 12 electrical overtones (Remember the magnetic represents the
Feminine energy and the Electric the Masculine) within each DNA strand corresponding
to the dimensional frequencies we are inhabiting and this results in an ‘up-folding’ of the
physical form to then reappear in the next harmonic. If there are fragments of the DNA
base-magnetic and electrical overtones missing, this is not possible.
The seventh dimensional Templar-Axion Seal involved the removal of the 6th base tone
of the 1st DNA strand, the 6th base tone of the 5th strand and the 6th base tone of the
6th DNA strand. As a result of these distortions in the genetic codes people are unable
to assemble their DNA adequately to “qualify” for the next harmonic universe. This is
one of the reasons why so many people are “not waking up” during this ascension
cycle. People who have had these seals energetically removed can then begin to
rapidly integrate the higher dimensional frequencies of the higher harmonics in
preparation for biological transmutation and ascension during the current ascension
Zeta Seal
Everyone has the Zeta Seal in their energetic physiology in some way. This genetic
manipulation involved the removal of the 2nd base tone and second and third overtones
of the 4th DNA strand which created a hidden frequency fence on Earth. The result of
this has been that people have been unable to access their soul identity “Higher Self” –
intuitive body which would otherwise serve to direct them along a more favourable
pathway of choices in their lives. This is also one of the main reasons why people are
not “waking up” and recognising what is transpiring on Earth right now. As a result of
this interference the sleeping masses continue their lives completely unaware of the
cosmic events unfolding around them as they remain focused within the 3-dimensional
reality fields.
The Zeta Sealis located in the 4 DNA strand, which blocks a person’s ability to evolve
towards frequencies of unconditional self love, omni love and higher dimensions. The 5
DNA strand is blocked from plugging into any of the lower strands. It’s a frequency
fence. The Zeta seal distortion has created a blockage from experiencing astral
awareness, astral travel, lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, intuitive gifts and
causing difficulty in remembering dreams.
When a minimum of 8% of the population (“critical mass”) have successfully activated
their 4th DNA strand this will result in an energetic override of the Zeta Seal in the
planetary grids which will result in an awakening within in the greater collective.
Cell Death Programs
This is apoptosis or what science terms as cells committing suicide and the telomeres
becoming shorter. It was never intended by Source for us to die and reincarnate. Cell
Death Programs have shortened humanity’s life span.
Crown of Thorns
The Crown of Thorns is an energy configuration above the head which distorts the
natural energetic circulatory system and blocks the receiving of the primal life force
currents from your Higher Self (which spans your 4 through 15 dimensional self).
The crucifixion was an energetic crucifixion of humanity. The Crown of Thorns
scrambles the Universal currents and prevents its continuous flow through our gateway
(Chakras) to higher consciousness

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