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TArgenometric Identities t ce 2 » Bir + Corp= 1 - - fin (AtB) = Sn A CoB + G00A 4B “cos (A+B) = Cosh tb - Sn A LenB ©. in 26 = 2 anO cord =. (0426 . Coo" - LmO = 2coorg -1 = |- 24m°6 °6 eae as am (it) OEE) Cyl — wR + 2 am (Agb) com(Az8) o B.cwsk + cook * 2 cos ( At8) coo (A=) e © an ent = -2 (BB) a (A) @ Oo tink cose zh [um (APBD Fae A-#] ° : oe Be a oe A cB 7 L [ comtare) + co (A-B) J G : : : if ©. coh dinB + L [Ors ~ ante] G Tope Ghatak) | Banca, Group-Phase #10, 11,12 Velocitibs, Oseiltation ae Beats Ceemnataical 3.45, 6 Optie vel Tntedleance, Laue ise le Direction » Ren Rae ee 22 Polarization ae 2 Loses ¢ Serial Topics VF, 2421 - @twlave Etpatuen ddu fan, ain = MM 4mA Note tut my = TM= C DO Miasepaent Js tre Locus op re points whia antgin Ue tame phar Huygens Troy to Conti based om be Joomduical Corstruction ryhick Blborss ss do dlioine Bue gheke Of. ee wneteent ak amy Uma ,if the shoe a, Dre monefnort akon do kmousn OH Accorsing Lo Hygin, ack port f a Wanbront le teunrc Setondany wantlys. He ervtlope ae Dmwetens gone shape of be mw snawefuert . thou. te bower one dranbad with ty model Tt aso gives pice [0 a backwave. To ania Ds, Lalr on Obliquity factor [1zceo | Was Untroduced , ©O600000000900099050% loeccecceea i j ( Differential Expation of Menethrematic - Wave ia a sm ( fe- ut +) eae PS Nido tat Ge ra Vp oe (B Mura & Wane. vo called Plone PAopresuive Wave ype oe direction of displacement of Maddon particle, wy oy an Vy + ky a Gee ey ue ge ee a Wer vee Lie] | the Solution of Bo eypaltion to : For a Aba wane, apts, 4) = ¥ 4B > oan on Bing = Wyo & ples ) 2d wane GY Aur face Wve 3d won eg - Space Warnes cl RL -wt + ¢> ¥ tm (R@- wt $) iE tg 9 Oo & ceecoeocecoeooo0o0ocgoeoo0e0o0ggoongo9go909090 foe dane Velo arty Ge Phase Velouty = “(p) Pasile loots = () ve Aon particles vebtate Grarp Vebeci in PAackice, 0 WOME Aa = lOTS A; best posaibee Lasers “Lin practice Ue han pubase . Bake ve gcuberbesilion of ynenochsemalic Wasved . TINO PLE aS Giky tn & Madivm + Some. wits defend upon f af the source... A® Velo ciby saith suber Suk & rmenoMemalrc wanes (aa ee Group relocity det ls take 2 waves, ¥ » a am Cw,t- x) Ee (w,t = kx) . 8 bn wv - Cy Ys) 2a din [ (eutten)t -(Aut8) *] ts [(ecan)t- Gato] s 2a corf09] - [ack }) a (Gt - kx) where To Wytior 5 k= kiths 2 ? = = 2a cos [ (acest “Cay This envelope bp & wove of wate 8 = Gap) GS) Note that AD not Comet. oe Ce ee eee Q : QAaumd dot Up veloc Lak us Comscden & geonp of ones ae Seu erer, 9 Up = 2 = Ap Gragponey WwW. ° Vp 2 + (dup) 2 Om) = % Gy) i - Webnow, y= Loe k ¢ oe re he Ke 9 nye vet Gx) (B) 0 (o] a \% 2 Mt k (4). a : a vg = Vp- X be © a aa tg Th vp i dependent upon A , dusperscve dvp £0 7 dispersion da ee ee Ug = Up ke Lp] > (eeue] eeoooo. a i e f § a v Oo Ur (m) Ue. Up % (L) > (dva -(dr) n: Asfrackive kndax Homa for nowmal disper , Abe A & al w ve (dae - (thy) eceeeoeeecooceccoocoooeoooos | Anomalous dispersion ‘ | [ex <0 oe a a (<2) <0 de Ug S View ! Anomalous dispersion OCCUTS Over, Nason fevers Le i ‘Ug 7 Bp Anemalous dishersun 7 Uqe Vp - a Up oO t aa © oe abso bor, ¢ ‘ Up = (& © i (6) oO 2 oc dn : ete a) eG da . 2 ALC [da 9 age ee AS) c o = A (dn © t oe Pe nm i) ] oO © @ © : 7 n 4000 {+52 4Soo 1-50 5000 147 dn = Take ong. de exhtrnes dA Vy Ut Ge) Now owe (#)* 4: (aat , ag S| = hie 7 ak” 24 = vel + k. x} = wy e a 1o oO o .e Go ° ‘6 10 0 e 3° ° o CS o ° e ° \o e Q o :@ le o ° oO 8 oO Q Fer 2p mathe, wade V4, Ve defirstions Vite Lorncdions : <4, 400 =8 : . : - SPECULAR ReFucroy- ® Reflclin of Light yen Arrootr Ain | CuLar Reruectioy tan8 cap = Raslocg Acdhering b sponsible fe Artur salou of ne Shey : t-=2,e°-™ (dub Action ) c re for Be Yo ts marion (2 A by nium) =) maxim cy blue Comporert 7 2 Ahy afpans Alue . ; Birla,» bee Compount Cee Apt Coming : pen Betting kun ts pudemin. Bcdtltred Que : Aasbteng Ur Oe Ped Chou 4 Ach an. Trdeed jf bre Colour of the selling @A ey aes ws dap rad, Ort Cer irfer tral Be potdution level 7 ae bre srdene n= Wwe fame : b a yr Ardix j 9) : v : DiFtuse REF Lect. as, Mis fate 4 nur] auth She drat the © © lee Metts uty Py tone - Fresnel Pacruple, NOW trat a “4 : 9 Arm “art. id ¢ Pani oe 00h fe el cafpence freee o bigge Came ruek ) 3 Ornes (2) Sah erctan/2/ ° © Forced Osetla bony 1 -d Case, cy) “aCx) Kyi ~ke De ~ | Fede = kx Es T+U 2 hmvis Lhe 2 const. =} Amybiride will not one eqpation Consie’ Pasticulas, E(t)- L mie tthe 2 Roo’, Cot both) 4 Lk A om * lust +4.) 2 2 2 DK ( Cos wt tg.) + 5? Cot tg.) ) 2 2 -LkA™ 2 = Comt. Ely) = Lk a” Cortes Q) + LkAY & “Gut +q,) 2 L aes ~f x - gael «| + LEA Ps] » Az oe ae — Ke PE. Tine i ek Ce we) : hace bg. of bE & nO @ @*@) ¢ ® © ° f iv) a : 7 Ue Lhe Kk r ate iste 7 ° : Pia nda k At Shee © Os tke de finer T nouth have hs® . eal 2 bun eyund to ROT © a But now the Churses dre. ¢ = : Parabobic , Oren wnder came é te: K 1Pal: Lha* ce ee @ ya 3 ] 2T> 0 ‘ + Mee bath Gre Yat A oo ar O-F4 a : mnat (A) Heme FE 7 PE fon Anges bast oO MT 7 [ts Te od i tea fi - 2] ae o Le A 0 o ies | el Lea 9 4A g ee | 20 ® @ ce eoocseeccooooooceoo OA AW penaulurrs are imales te SUM OW OsciLtatrin of LC cirwit + Sum OF “ilecatuins -Tuke| tute, “SHM a oO o @ G o e 0 @ Practical, A Aedes with time rence Cnergy Arcdinces buh tume due b> men- Conse alte forces, ee + 76% oT take arming forces tla attount, ue oll Call it 8 Fate Osuitlatin 0+ damded Dsochla tion Damped Oscillations For Hmblicity, Ut Gull Conecdee bd “meotuen te. Linear harsmené Bocitlaror kexe, hay, kea Wee Conscdered . [* 3-d. motion, silrofic Oscillator Ll : Fei Frzstorin, + Feaebiy = me X= -kx -bx Freadium, = ~ 5% me + bx+ kx =O has as pre ret we) * Const ® M+ 2ex+ wex 2 O ; How t sole: : Guess Solution 2 hex | 2 ge Ader ; jee At ett . 2 Auhstituting (Ad + 2cothe lor 2%! = O 5 bots Zek+ w= O pore [<> 4] 2) 2 distinct soste eel be 1 a 5 HB) a (Or YY : : @ Meriodic + Ul carat write calle motor in form 4 Percsotii = Functions as % asses tangs oa, hs gts SUM tort Ne “ei? un exponent : Damping - needle to Come te Aart Unmedialely , darcjing Us kept voy Aigh . det ptun whubion be xt,2 Hd e- ole for fi Pom obe te fuss t we fan OR] > ne e* [A+ Bt] ee © [5 e] sr ae het [Ae tee #4 pe AMestcl +) Tay ce Ot i ying aut vibaliens MWe Um abso wrste byez nfo > we et [ A, Mba ec Ay Kanine + A, Gad wb +A. Lomo J = 67 [ (AtaL) £ oboe] + (AH-ADE 5 at J og Ga [2a, C95 liye + cpt | Bech a ti [t+ %] co presale ececccecooooeooecoooooocoeoog900c¢ 599090908 phy & ars Note Dus Pe Cume Ua sRual tse Y maxima ae t “0. ere derived ane th Note Wet Gi. Ge we... a, ay Qs Bane) an aOSeangncoeons ee vases very & to ti (wat). ence eee ee wo catia on (uet) Lm. a Ww e-2% cos (wt +4) variation F 6 : 2 . ge sin Cop“) ext (-c)* 7 e 8 8 e) oO e °o eC oO Cc eo oO ag ( ; # 2c rte Cos (wt+g) | ® br (ot) o oC oe Qo eo oO Co Oo Q Qa oo etn Cwe+c) [negpactea] = Lhar e+ [rm*Wt+o) + Cor* (wt+) zh 7 | Note thet a [ee pide ae | fem em [Ry nt oe he 2 kat Be EF N o fe Atosed in j @) Energy Lost fea ycke ‘ i yD yy : oh portent § ie e 1 Nygeian 2cE (T) : oe é g = fs] = 00,4. oO ze O 6 ——— Rebanatin Teme () ° © Time, token, energy Micon ( |) Limes the Unitiab : i . 34%) @ : that chow duixpation . ; : ie to eee chet ; Le- te = e Tyr a . 2 | be a ze . 2 0368 : & ©) ° CEC GOCOCOHHOOOOCOSOSO9800389000909990908 Darrped 0 ritintion Forced Ocillafion le [re H.... Nov Le afhly & hescodle Fos, that aubhorte the anolisn Foe ap Reb FB Ink + A fora lime, matured vibrations with da at, Now te sptr wl Wwhrakh decor diiy *5 adliond frequen tone orl, fe Urportant - tex mit bi thee F, am pt caus { oe 6 Li Le fo Teste Pes ap ae Ue $i Pf Ack pessiaae du te solution eA ton Chl 8)" tone fie ~ Apr Aén(pe-8) + 2c cos Cft-o) 2C= (4) + W*A sin CfE-P = fF, 0d pty | abr, Factor ee ned Os te sate hl | the Gomorater CO Prey Lo), at a frepungy te: the fas p freperey 5 Aten ee ee Bai th tome Qe i2a a ae ; In mechenctal Systems, be strted us te Marimum pouible stoned “ay os Lotl de. De Sem dre PE Ord bE at some ew _ L Nom wl be lost Ps Be Asrk ere Z on bets Consestive foe. beh Yeh, te Anacntain Amplitude . © Fa Aspec values op Q, Be follony ification bo Ao mathematical, FlCUeale = Raton Papa Ge oxy Aus Randancitr | Pemerten Qe OvER Dam PENS ey CRiTICAtLY Dame Under bam red @eceéeEnooageeand: . Ortics @) Bate 07/g/z011 ° iO la ae i: ao kt 2ek+ woes f wmnpe — O _ a : + _ ie . hee te hath B) A antt-8) ° vaome pe 8) Nb at oC ie — pA sen Cpt-9) le oO P ras lo@ec@O00e8G00Ce0000000080030 © usttiy sO a Ap tin E-B) + 2ep A Coo (ft-B) + WA Tigre can ) = fscn CHO +8) Mn a Note tir Lotche (or pr) A sen HEB) + 2chA Cos l}t-B) ‘ y z fst Cpt) C8 + fi Cost pe-o) sth@ oe on | Comp, vena. > f, cos = Cur-po A on La @ Note te 475 Eh the > [mef 2b] mob fo Cy rte Tut 00> bY i aim 1: a. dyptronization . | tone thre natural fpepencita die aut and tytn frall, © tomes aearding to forced yilaation But there 42 Some m_A bude 4 Phase Dij factor ] nate High Horde Hecenee “Now the ein pina’ s pha oe Leo fer one - CF. vy €Qe%) rey © ign iemrmer compan 7 oer a LZ oy oS : (es by, b= W,'- 2c* a t = G35 2c* ‘ i: fe Uh 4 Gee ae Ample bade aa l sep] me [cts py 2om Sie Gece) ic a 2c 31 Nelociby Resonance x= Ab Cos Gt-P foe cor Cpe-b) = = VC) Cos “pe -8) feat aga on OPP 46 | tha ° ol, 7 2. “4 4e yi mdbeepency + BR Ee (OR- PY HHS [2 Cop) Cap + Sop] = 6) Sj be (ue pa ucye] * [ -4plurp) +44] = oO 3 > pe wt ong? [ opts 2p) <2 . io : Deg (ap ) <6 - 1 beh) «0 . “[eF] & Taonster. Resonarce Colne des tu Veloce! by busenance Pe Force & ‘Wlociy Mie Synchronized. ® ich sinh) : Bose bee me 7 am C. i e optlocity Acsorunce does not Coinecde ith Amplitude 2 Pirsmence , © e@ Energy Tharsfezed Pea Sisseah, Cycle’ fede = [ro dt ae Coe fF) # in o[fosnpe a de a i = | Fs Ff "cas tpt-p) dé “sn8 , ue ; aa,| WrEd tcp” che wo un “| ay te" a | Lederer)” Cpt [dione Reuod tae Eres Transferred In os Fb _ de stmB . 3 on Coe preuey Zor af Woe UC ee Fre PT. Be om | Cte pe acpy z = CMA Ree Fame txrcosion, fos, a Energy ditsipatest ber Gcle (éy.v de = few @ecceooceacooeoooooooooooegssgocoe 90509090 | € { a eee : WET ede ‘ / dbrgee | 2 O ote! 20 at ie ye [s that the wuable ee 2 syare of the expreaten . : > [re tat oe Peiody oetenee E Lramafiracd to € Neagy aptire 1 external é pice tr thme period T. Ol Acscronce fone ba S a | op + rep) Lranstr Aesonance hich bs lame | Note that Parr Thensforr Abrorance Lo Same as ‘ a velouly Aésenamee . e o b : : ira, Atgorance , WE abun Cabulatr Atsmance f Ey nO © Oe Never le sng emaraae Cototed oe C) Ps 3 oes (QD Erdiaipater per ote = E pepe ba te Labantating formes, te "wck ho <2emv.v TB» = (Foreb2r, fasvpy ebay We eooeoceo e090 008 Mose re Bordundr, flatter tre Luwwe , ooeeooo > Quality Factor 15 « rreamre of tharpron f ALummance , hughes the Q, sharper tre Acconance . oe oe 2 poe Ook [ee Fscqyatn | Barabui' ditt The Aafidmese with whit the Power detivered falle nT Abige jn Facquorey from. ‘steonamt facpuaty: Dat bo a vtaune Aharbnen , I ° e ° ° ° e 7) ‘e 7) ° e e x?) ° c Oo ° o Q @btnined from bots the deperitiona thins out te be same !! { Hal Powwes Faequercies j Fo*c pe : am Clos po* 4eF) = [wo +2ch Png be Dew ED > fed: eb 2 pee lea cree Co Ja, S29) w [2b Mecano 2 be centers 2 fit2cp- ee Enetay Akard: Resorvance : kt Lmx Erecgy Abored 4 + box 2 2 te sin? (fe 6) + bm PA Cos*(ft-6) 2 Ae : Pug: Eroagy reed = oe aeh . 6 it a fit e ‘ 4 : a : Bina nan tonseavative forces e are acing 4 exttrmal i also being” appbiiea 5 Catal ena ‘With time percooli This in the ang. 4 eneigy ftOeoa @ Fama > tk > C+ bi) Ff eae fF + Hep) BOCCOCOLCOOOO0O0000000090089820009909900 » g ee f : H Rl Not tat @ Aes ? ransfeaed, (2 Cry Ma Ds Pings cay Co op Abateed | fst emegy) 1 Cua, @Nole Prat here we | ot Pw, YHj7 hy Enea Low = 2mc A ‘2 nee En Wow fer 2 mc pA? ye a Tey b Aarntina Same Cythe pee ole , Cnerys Thamamitted, lost = mep'A?T, 2 : Champ*] Q?, In - mh ome pipe c k+ amy™ . 7 e -[s| a | Er = Go 4 Eo. Lnstantareotedy IY 0) =a ”? Shree é B® Epc bet Or 6 To Eke ue | Butpeabosstion of ‘Wants © hin 2 Oe more wanes disbiel & Aredivm simultemnsarsh thar Cambenss or awe abs Alpes poaliorn . 2 he wanes, Aupercbosition sy wat. Space Ord time . Au pespositien mee Aface : INTERFERENCE ° Beats . Fon evmplicily, sn take 2 1-4 waves. Fee un [lo,t - kya) i a tm (last ~ ka) - ve ° grote c [Fron Reate,, 2 > Comat det ~=0 : 7 a : [No Beale 3 we | 4 2a, 4m (tute? cos (wet : pegs ee : ua —__” hr | Armpoibide stn (vongt) 6 Q bm Wit + a im wt f ‘La Cot festa] An BE Fnbenaily (yc Ae © (O3 A + Cosp a 44° Coa ( tartan ) t 2 “os As) 05 (/ SOF990 08 | Ww. eG No. of Kumea eee rae bests ase heard when (F-f) < lo POSS eeoeC0aoDD GES OOO OOS © Aiton © To hema the Prague, Of dimkerouim binirg fork i g 3 bum: forks SUCCeon' ve fae. : ae a é 1 Yo Oa, OL Ora) G [an W- wt + wy att Pm Cw l] ra ( an (Wt) Ww) + a we] € La [+ vese" + Coat] ft Ie "Se 6) 2 (14 Wastgit=f) 2 Lads Gs) = fe 2& - as! a 5 16 cos orl) | —, wayont,| 2 ° f- ee) week aS aah e110 pe Dies _ oo ) Oo oO oO 7 BR Cyereral Aedulion (ree once b Ae ah (oat g) + B oh (pE-o) Hamepne. soe” petiota sobulion o aye | Safely quum te Urdirdemped cas, ut & © te met prevalent Care Ones ©) ete cea Utanding Waves 2 wanes Urerllirg » bbposite disectiim sufeeimpose . H some A ands, te 2 wanes non beeme slardirg os stabionasy, waves . Thy 4° "et Hamsfore ny ercagy / B’ Ertigy 2 Confirus bitin the 2 Sauces, Thage ae Cesta horns having me displacement. Awe C4 Observe starrdiing aace mis Alflution Ya single Thee & thanye off (497%) apart from direction hinge if seftdea “fem ery Heany edn, 4 = ae a lage ay: [ou pre sr] tae asa” Paes fg) ote @9o0008990990009 o > There Gon 4 byfen Laster Gomer : a gm (wt kx) daperding upon noel tek. a cos (wt gka) Ora distion of) amenement yee a sm (wt +kx) ae pa lesedany ~ ) a stn (otthe +2 oe ~ ae Apel Nanda bust oO oe e ° CS Co Co 6 “oe e CS 8 9 6 o CS Go 9 © | dat 7 Q str (art- kx) @ i yee =a Sen Cott kx) Cry body Aellection] ie utr 2 a [ tn (weeks) - 45 Cust + hx) J] = 7a | su, ( ke) Cos (wt) ] Za. Cos ke fm wt ae Za. sinks sch wt Consign aT Mut at, at Fe Cooks Cosuit Cnbrenion OG a ginkx Coswl af a that if Adled faery had medion oe ned wit] o le drdenodes ao : let us have 42 ret ob Nakkirode : y oe i 2aw Coskx Coswt . ae o nt will, prove this fa a . Ca preg ae 8 Z [2p oa § ya eg)? tA by bind ¥o ye We Unowid tn Average Cresyy Catnied by tbmding 4 oO = wants jes Wit Oren = F i rik c. : pee Herc Sire bad O — 5 i [hie @ = Oo oocgo00 Cana Ye 4 : Tie of St ef g g oO i eG a) Co IN Ze 6 + Note that Whaviaus fp toh fe Bie.) 8 Nodes of ‘velocity 2 displacement “Ate Same. (8 ° Note that, m\ (3) : Volumetric Abrun ° v a oe © Now tut behaysaur of Abr drt Pheaune fare e ° (3 4\ -2ak sir ke som wt :@ Hib Notes 41 stlaion $0) OE; Presnune 1 A2balon &) ae Rance aporite le ooo Note that displacement & shatn have opposite i lain] aoa disHacement Oe Ontinodes of chew [Aan vs Cos] Note tar E pu oe ase per Unit UUme , ed [Pyart [2dpfes ks Bin wt. Coskn Caswt dt » (oon f=) 2 atu f" sin@ka) dom (20t) dt ean : [7 wn@uwdar = O 6 e G oO G G lo de awe UrdirestA in i Us placoment : velou'ty ( volumebic tbrain ci i : Presuuse : Not tab sm Fallenany WraNes tien fe dibvatng ec fesdan edie But’ Baad oe et Le i fe © dunsity’ Emeigg density Panimun a dng Preinirriom ct_NOD “ay cine AuTinopes “ oe at _ NobES. displecemente odes - z 2 24 Coske Strut ! so Wet : 2 Coke =O ' Sp 2 G2n tx 3 ? Oo (pert se ler ° @ a 2a Coskx sin wb 3 ys ‘man vt : 2 Othe = £1 j 2 kas ne 2 leas ne ® x= (nd) 2 a a2 0, A A 3A, 2 velouity Artinodes Piessure Node Arain Node Not that Noda & Antinodgs adhinale . Differin Uw Successive “nodes » fa) Difpnnce Hay Seti etinodles » (A) Diffsmnee Wr Adjacent rode & Ontinede = (% te Tut2Q-l4 A dx Wye Af det 4. de] Vp-Ve * a) ee { due ton Aawe ile are Columns 0 abacng Kn tod ¢ Column 04: Orpen ties Open Column : Beth erdo Shon | | i less Cotumom : Lend chen, fend closed I } Fi qT t = 2 ees € Undamiemaad Tore OL I Haamenic 7 Menton feepeney | (f) that Can be produces, 2f: 18 Overt a 24 Hatrnence A TC L * urdaminiat font i L h) 2 ae 4 oy Ls [ia] a N A £-(34) 4, 7 pe Pe ae ee a. O©0E06666800008000000000099908099390008 — x ¥ : Vp bo Ys ve ee BIS aoe B > we SB x : Laser Ris aaa x x AS = Ww = uv S| o as Aecatte Sel eae! - a ae c : Oo wy Ver oo vee [IE] 2 Tension whe T eft | Mos (Length © VA @ ‘tr ®BCeV\SCSCOSSQOOCOOCaocoooooeosM9oosooo9sa09 h ke tne 22 :_l 3 Pt 4 240 Coskw Coswt Niume 7 2a dinkk fim wot Ye Toe, 1 6 ain (it - kx) | yo oo ( eeg) +7) v Now m6 Contradich'm @® AonomererR —- a 7 te f£oy) j T XK VT ya 7 ‘fi 7 cele ae Jowreln bp & devie Li study Abahimbsp Seti com, Prep og Tension , , Wats Und ry 4 4 ae he @ Im gotiicd ofa, forinen o) mgs a re Aes be. We ep Bae Tet cubes cn 19 frites oft re de neat BEG SG GIO OC DUOC SODS 0020000 0 OGL.) DOEG Oftics (5) © Gratien 9/12] (1 6 Mfrbricad Aberration GeomereicaL OPTICS (eorneteical Optics Ales calles. Para Areal Optics Ux. ast ideal Aas aso paraded to Princcpal Axis. Bem if they dae mot pasallled, the angle > 50 small that (6 4h sin =8 pn 26 Optica Path whosen for Dowel 4 Bye from source to destination to “optimum. path". fay Ag staaing fer @ ba aubar point ba Wan dtati nation trough = mo. 4 i a Aweses rat ath thik & ‘te (it: omarsirna, [minions / sbabinasy)” Tine > da i [ps dae] . ( . [pds] % bu optimum jah. Bb Gn extremum ix dirivalives O e Sipe Ge JO 4g [nde =O + A Fee & sdldlinsh} Lee ar i: + far aoginnA , We hen a fea & Ord Vartable O. > AB= firedad > Lb vawable ,te- O bs varctable ie pAO) + p08] (+ pfeel Here | dS 20 According bw formals punciple oo 4% L Extn) on ao L Che ey} “2 Ula) = 0 2 z . find - snan 20 2 gave cme > LEAL e Qo o 9 o ooo0o00 Ss le LC OSSCOCHOSLOOBOSSCSSHO999099099899 At se planes pal : pl 2 cos8 + 2rsnd ayo oes ap a| ‘ -[seal CNA normal Susfece af N. fo bh ON + pe VL OCs Ute Cie Vk ‘Ge Be (ure + e - > RCurA) Coos CAB) as. O 48 i : CRG) I-06 pet +b oy ; 2 Be (uae) = py Cv) A a™ | Noms Gssunmng pasaanial opie, 2 Pi (utad 2 eR) i (uty + RP 2elute) of (ven 4 a (Uk) v > mprals Atel a BA + pos BB >; Uo R Til now , Wwe hane mak Wich Org Spr Camverilion ee +f you ax thy Spm Wing rie tinea ee Legcrming , then, take Boe (e)] distome ‘massurcd freon “|e a ee 2 eeooc@eedcoaoooocoecnoeescoogaeasonaenes00009 Abessation Abeasatien “meens dimiaten fpor Adeal bekaw'aur. Tdoot Beranouc . Point mage 4 a bomt ojeck. A abemation . O ui & feof @ come ‘ sperive Power 60 Chromatic Abersation @ typo @ 3 Condition Hf 7G Focal longtr + f Csifeactive iden y.) pe FD @lLons makers pe GB eet, eae a” Hy Meine TH VA to fed ape Focus maximum fox Rec @ romatic Maerration jn delosmimed by {Fa-Fal Ty 6 dogs thn Tp vm hught, ES EE lr achremabism, — Fr- Fg =O uw ()- 0 4A fy 6 lyn F- Fe ae es -¢ ; Lett -@ tc (ps-O le Re Fe -@ Pas ye [kek] F, 4 duit = (warwed [a tee 6 fe freee ee A fe fp. Ay -O Fy o> fe-fe 2 Ge ad &) d fr fx, CA) eceeccoce@ecoeoooooooonoooq00e 89s Reaubltink focal Length shoul not vay wih 7, | hnamiSic abematic > fate OF : _¢& [enn POF n Bal L peal byte ie |e Fe ft Ff Fits” > Now Be acnemalic , dF =O iu ahi . Ot. | i oS | fr fe Ef xy tr : e ho n + e ie a & O OG QO & & o S cases wrt. > a) Med am Heaps pie @ tro 7 44m. 0 fo be & ei (2 : Ove fF, 21 2 | Lm Convex, obur in (j N Conkane, OA” hus, & b> cabled homowtne Doug Ler, ~Led ea 3 a de. af - ah a ee OFS F Gfiiod iydern tear 02 Plame Glass Plate, »g@oceecooeoocenqocoooo se ggao0eo79o90000 { Co i oe a FoR A “ 4 | by 2 - Ws Te) fi fa Ws Ne- err — | it asi, d's by 9 Sef} fe Pesijany Rap OR Matyinad Rap fers af Aiffves ford Prim Paracrcot Fa wet | | Dick shape Trage fe Poona Ukpher'cal Alusatiom Cannot be ClimingtA. 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SHAPE racroR Uphericed Aberration — Cannot Le Completed, ehiminater Aut Con be minimized Mo Maing (ky) suc brat oh k,n) Is amuntrm (Ore Cornss ous bo be rerimim fe mebks, k= ZR ip ae 5 Alay SF Cube mminimcick by ppubhng Abebs gy ° Anodbn. blocks o i 3) S wander stops a 3 ee wn io) @ @ a q ae eee ; : ' Miniru2ation Abheucal Aberrahen puter Another 8 For « Sims, diam 5 qe Z Sh tote alee hehe & fees Et wi yy f Ta v Whim & bewm vf bir acee, bangs 2 tplem of Puor Strata places Coarrtally ak stance d apart, ” tre z Srouck — aheration Yo Merimum Thin Pore As” On eypah diridhim at bots Lence, 2 h a FEC CeCeCClCOOOOHOOOO0FTOO0SOE9B20800990006 OQ Thanshation Mabix ° atin Mali 1/12 /1) OPTICS (6) fa a ought on ae : A Un Para anti ce Meattax = © Unis Phana 8 Nodak tone Any pocat 09 & hay ti expressed ty Z varioktes : [direction Cosine , Augiel#l, 4] Oy) ee irectimal Cosine of Aay 2(n ox fawn) GR tefpackie den Omg& Trade web horizontal A(ma, y) Blm%, yo (mie ot Mons 6 «cnn ats [3] FOr any Aas 2 Gheratiéne - thandgtion : tefraction Thanasbation det a; Ataabing potns BF Aeachiing potnt fay brureb Prasugh Bosrotal distance ‘A’ ond seeche: 8. 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Ow“ [en] safc 7 eve J Mhending om ign g R Tana 1 6 oh >| eet \ vw Using point objet —> font tiny a (ax) sea: HY parabit Ay 2 4,7 O SS, | PB} fs aigy lesheele ty fo ttin\ gan px (eI EF] oe Da ees ad) © 08999090008 eersecocecceeeocecocaosesfD da. - 4 -a a 4] ia lhe coer f 8 HI l, a {az 2 b - @b, -@ al [FI ; he = D,d,a +b, “nace || iy es 4 - Ideal Opel Ayton bo free from frome all Ahetrabing ae Pont mage of cain ject ted yes DB > ped VA, 2 ee (Dib-d- DDLatcD) A, + ee >» beater cb= Oo] ~ ———— le veg +D4 A= Called Magripicatum MI ae 7 ery AP Aner dae [ST = 1 = dee Ckl- | lohete ok ep -@ ] 0 “hare 2 (L- ab, )C-Diare) = iL Sopa eM I | © Unik Plame, ox Nodes Plumes Ose bares om beth : i idee of aystom there maprifitin 11 i i Abe $B, - A- Dida teBi= O : 7 : & =O C=O i b, Op. 3 >/bk+c car d h, DB. bib Agr Cormentien oe = _ 8 a © @ Thick done ae ten | Rg 5 mn, n oF Spherical Lun Tronbabe a : ; ah aL vey : : ' fo i Thin tema af Te IC IGT- 09 Pap: P+ Pa, e 1 wh au a : @ $h°2-1”, De el og Pie Mac™ Pye M=Pe a 2 m-rafengh o ° -@ cel a=O @- (P.+P,) 8 > £2. ard ° Uae abe bow, A +5: DiDs : > Lyte PtP. = (many) fet © bi De Lanz] 8 Note Gut a 7 One | ee pile Bins “Al es, mime fa LY ttn Lime: t=O CcGCecoegeoooeooood 1 sf ua QV > ie P, Re ins me) ty 2 often) c LIL YES Gy = eu 0 ) ‘ [i oped 7 [7] eel: a (uty - uv hey) A, + C1 Py) : For eal optical tptm, Paint Ome of fin since ¢ ie qf gro = jae : Soe yo uy, Pep = © ? uty = uv Pep + debe oo leed) - F =@aOQodoeonr: : a Delhi institute for) 28A/4%, Jia Sarai, Near 117, Hauz Khas : JAdministrative Services New Delhi - 16 Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 WAVES TORIAL SHEET: 7A, Damped and’, Forced Oscillations Calculate the rate of energy dissipation by a damped harmonic oscillator, in the weak damping limit _¢.\- Ys wot? so that © = @p. Symbols have their usual meanings. aaa “ / (1988) * 2, Avrite down the differential equation fot damped simplé harmonic oscillator. Solve it and discuss the characteristics of dead - beat motion. ' (1990) s Give @ mathematical analysis of forced vibration and hence explain the-phenomenon of amplitude = (1992) Ker that os forced oscillations amplitude resonance and energy resonance do not occur at the same uency. |“ ‘ (1995) 2 ‘Write tte equation of motion for an pscillator driven by a simple harmonically varying force. Obtain the condition for maximum energy t e the oscillator. (1996) The amplitude of a damped Oscillator 4 f frequency 300 Hz reduces to one - tenth ofits initial amplitude afer 3000 Oseillaions.Caleulate he dagping causa andthe tie in which ts energy wi rece to ne tenth ofits intial energy. (Seo ose. (1997) 4 wat are damped oscillations? Obtain the differential equation for damped oscillations and write its " esse solution. Explain, with eosssponding sketches, when there canbe very heavy damping citi g | dgmping and weak damping ies A site Y raga 1999) ‘An deal massless spring of force constant k has a mass m attached to one of its ends, the oheend being "fixed to a rigid support. The spring is horizontal and the mass moves on a horizontal floor fVelocity v acts om the mass. Assuming the damping to be light, obtain the frequency of oscillation, When m= 0.1 kg and k=10 n/m, it is found that the frequency of oscillation is ¥1/2 times the frequency in the absence of damping. Calculate the! value of constant b, (2003) twit , 3/2, ... while the, Kinetic energy/unit length at the antinades is given by E=2pa’ uF cost ot a = Whore p, A and a are the mass density/unit length, amplitude of transverse displacement and angular frequency of 4 the wAve, wespectively (2005) Asablish the relationship between the phase velocity V, and the group velogity 1’, of waves. Under physical “conditions V, <¥,, and V, >¥, can be possible ? ( 2087) 7 Jey is maximum at i A op tionary waves on a string whose ends are fixed, show that the energy density 1S MAN y, For stationary fh tee section Ppeatets pony ees sna fuid contained in an infinitely fog tube of ToS a in the propagaty A, show that p=p(i-%| \ > py =equilibriuin density — f the fluid in the di aS tensa at 7 (44, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas New Dethi-16 Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 TUTORIAL SHEE Geometrical Optics UA ray of light starts from point A and after reflection from the inner surface of sphere reaches to diametrically opposite point B. Calculate the length of a hypothetical path APB and using Fermat's principal, find the acral of length. Is the patit minimum? (Ans. 2a No) in figure, Pis point source of light. Ifthe distance ofPfroh the ognter O ofthe spherical reflecting Surface, (EA, is 0.8r and if the light ray starting from P aii-after being Feflected at reache¥-at point Q, Show by Fermat's WRG: ficipal; Cos0/2=3/4 eg 3-Consider a lens of thickness lem, made of a material of pee lex 1.5, placed in air (refractive ci Points of air=1). Let the radii of curvatures of the two surface be +4em and ~4cm (negative sign corresponds concave surface). Obtain the systgm matrix ang determine the focat length and the position of unit’ poi and nodal points. lem . et eer\ Ve | Be Consider a syste of two thin lenses as'shown in figure Fora 1cmn tall object at a distance of 40cm frm the vex lens, calculate the position and size ofthe image. Ans.:»=-H4.Sem,/2.2em Aconsidera sphere of radius 26cm of w=! 6. Find the position of paraxial focal point : ee ae achtomatie doublet of focal length 20cm is to be made by placing-a cofivex lens of borosilicate crown lass in contact with a diverging lens of dense flint glass. Assuming n,= 1.51462, m= 1.52264, n,'=1.61216, my! =1,62901, calculate the focal length of each lens; here the unprimed and primed quantities refer to crown int glass respectively. t j Ans, F=8.6lom, fi=-IS.lem | ‘Allens with spherical surfaces and aperture of diameter Gem shows spherical aberration of 1.8 cm. Ifthe central portion of diameter 2cm alone is used, deduce the aberration. i : (Ans.:0.2cm. | “The spherical aberration ofa lens is given by x =h'/f'@ isa constant. Compare the aberration inthe following | three cases: i (When central zone h=0 to S mm is used. : | Gi When peripheral zone h=10 mm to 12mam4s used. ' ii) When the whole lens h=0 to 12mm is used. (Ans. 95:44:14) Fermat's principle. Apply it to get the laws of reflection from a plane surface. (2002) 19fKro thin convex lenses of focal length 0.2m and 0.1m are located 0.1m apart on the akis of symmetry. An ‘object of height 0.01m is plgoed at g distance of 0.2m fiom the first lens. Find by the matrix method, the ion andthe eight of Image. (2003) 1. Show that the ratio-of the focal length of the two lense§ in an achromatic doublet is given by fi/f= - WilWa, fete ws and w2are the dispersive powers ofthe fenses of focal lengihf and f Fespectively. YA thin converging lens and a thin diverging lens are placed coaxially ata distance of Som. Ifthe focal Length of ote each lens is Oem, fgg find fpr the combination Ge focal length power (i) the position of the” - dont facie vel Tro you undersiand by paraxial rays? Show that the effect of translation of a paraxial ray-while travelling - | along @ homogeneous medium is represented by a2 *2 matrix ifthe ray is initially defined by'@ 2x1 matrix, ee (2005) CDesve So's law of reaction index rtd tothe Yelosty of igh? LightoT wavelength 600 nanometer (i vacuum ) enters a glas slab of refractive index 1.5. What are the values of wavelength, frequency and Velocity of tight in glass? / | [Velocity offight in vacuum =3x10%ms"] (2006) | §. Derive the condition forachromatism of two thin fenses separated by a finite distance and made up of | same material. al (2009) Ph: 26837353/ 9350934622 TUTORIAL SHEET: 9 Interference * KA soap-film of refractive index 1.33 is illuminated with light of different wave lengths at an angle of 45°. re is complete destructive interference for 3.= 5890 A°. Find the thickness of the film, (1991) 1AAn interference pattern is obtained by using two coherent sources of light, and the intensity variation is ol bserved to be + 109% of the average intensity. Determine the relative intensities of the interfering urces. i (1993) « ion that the interference fringes in uncoated thin films are distinct when seen in reflection, but very indistinct in transmission. (4994) © In a biprism experiments the fringe-width with light of wavelength A = $900 A° is 0.43 mm, On troducing a micn sheet in the path of one of the interfering rays the central fringe shifts by 1.89mm. If , refractive index of mica is 1.59, calculate the thickness of the sheet. (1995) Show that the interference obtained in young’s two-sSirexperiment are hyperbolic in shape, Under what ditions these are expecied to appear straight? (1996) i hy does a Soap film appear coloured when it is viewed by reflected white ight? A thin film is illuminated by sodiunr light of wavelength 5900 A°, Its refractive index is 1.42. Calculate its minimum ickness So that it appears dark in reflected light. (1997) ~ What are the essential conditions for is interference of light? ‘Two Coherent sources with iptensity ratio 4:1 interfere. Find Inay/Imnin, ? (1999) ‘hy an extended source is necessary to see colours in a Soap-film? Non-reflecting surfaces are made by coating very thin films of a transparent material,- Find phe ‘thickness of such thin coatings fiven that = 5.5 « 10%cm and p = 5/4. sri i (1999), xplain in dejail how one can obtain fringes with the Michelson Interferometer using incandescent lamps. 2000) {10 Atonechromatc light from a distance source of wavelength 2 falls on a double slit. A glass plate of thickness t is inserted between one slit and the screen. Calculate the intensity at a central point as the function of thickness t. (2001) dfn « experiment using a Michelson interferometer, explain with the help of suitable ray diagrams: (i) Why do we need extended sources of light, 1 (ii) Why do we get circular fringes, and ii) Shifting of fringes inwards ot outwards as we shift the movable mirror. (2002) 12fwo microscope stideso¢-length 10em each form a wedge. At one end they are in contact and atthe other end they are sepafated by a thin wire of diameter d. ( see the diagram below). Interference Singes are obtained when illurhinated vertically by a monochromatic fight of 1,=500 rlanometers. The fringe © spacing is found to be 1.25 mm. Estimate the diameter of the wire. Oi (2004) : esol the working of Michelson interferometer using appropriate optical diagram. Also draw paths of rays. (2006) 49 Obtain the relation to find radii of the rings and the wavelength of light in Newton's circular ring. \" Calculate the radius of curvaturé of the convex. glass surface where diameter of ‘Sand 15" bright rings formed by sodium yellow light are measured to be 2.303 mm and 4.134 mm. Given p=1.5 and Ayetiow =SgR2A". (2006) 7 Gcribe the working of a Fabry — Perot interferometé?~Detefmine the intensity of the fringes of the GWA, ccansmitted light. Why the fringes obtained in the Fabry ~ Perot interferometer are comparatively sharper <% than those obtained from the Michelson interferometer ? (2007) 16, Let the two waves with parallel electric fields be given by I Be 2095-04 = em, i 4 Ganimaiaeyor'] 280/14] Jta Soret, Moar fF, Hous Khas PoE a ome Ph: 26537353/ 9350934622 E, =5¢os{ fa or) a7 im. Find the intensity of each beam J,,/,and also the interferenee term Jj at a point where their path difference is zero. Calbulate the visibility L . v(- 3 ) ot introns pa, [ep=8.85%10"%C* Nm, wy =42x107N/ A" (2008) Ll 4 et E, =8,sinot and E, = E, sin(ot+@) © By using analytical method, obtain an expression to explain interference. Also show that intensity varies along the screen in accordance with the law df cosine square in interference pattern : (2009) Je Elan the phenomenon of interference in thin films. Why is the contrast better in brightness off fringes obtaingd from the interference of reflect4d light rays compared to the transmitted light rays? jee { (2009) Describe Michelson interferometer for.evaluation of coherence-length of an optical beam. Calculate cohergage length of a light beam of wavelength 600 nm with spectral width of 0.01 nm, 20/59 tat two light beams polarized in perpendicular direotions will not interfere. (2010) a beam of spectral width 7-5 GHz at wavelength =600 nm is incident normally on Fabry-Perot etalon of thickness 100 mm. Taking refractive index unity find the number of axial modes wich ‘cane supported by the etalon. : : be ve web 2010) (2010)' ! | Delhi Institute for | 28A/11,4ia Sarai, Near UT, Hauz Khas [Administrative Servi New Delhi- 16 Ph: 26537353) 9350934622 \. ‘TUTO! 2 ® Fint de. net - ; een (aie ‘wise, Te meena Diffraction Gon iamaapersing te ficne e diameter of the central zone of a zone-plate is.2.3 mm. If & point source of light (2 = 589.3

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