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Writing Task Unit 1 – Cause-Effect Essay – Outline

Essay prompt: Write a 5-paragraph cause-effect essay describing how the activities of a
charity, or a nonprofit organization are having a positive impact on the planet.

Team 9:
Bruno Alejandro Maldonado Ochoa 162639
Alexa Juárez Palomino 174541
Edgardo Rodríguez Pacheco 179317

• Bruno: African Wildlife Foundation - Protection and conscientization of African
ecosystems, animals, people and the environment
• Alexa: Greenpeace - Organization dedicated to preserving endangered species of animals,
preventing environmental abuses, and raising environmental awareness.
• Edgardo: Greenpeace Mexico – It is an organization that protects the natural habitats,
resources and endangered species of our country.

Negotiating group: Choosing organization

Non-Profit Organization: Greenpeace Mexico
It is an organization that protects the earth's biodiversity of Mexico to have a green, peaceful,
fair, dignified and healthy country where we can live in harmony with the natural environment.

Organization: Greenpeace Mexico
Framework type: Cause-Effect times 3
Mission: To ensure the Earth’s ability to nourish life in all its diversity.
Vision: In order to have a green, peaceful, fair, dignified, healthy, inclusive and
equitable world where people can exercise their power, act and decide to live in
harmony with the environment and biodiversity.
Values: Personal responsibility and non-violence, independence, diversity,
inclusion, integrity and having no permanent friends or enemies.
Founding: Was founded in 1971 by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe. It has been
working in Mexico since 1993 as an organization that seeks to influence policy,
engage and inspire change in our environment.
Activities (causes) Impacts (effects)
1. Since 1999,
Greenpeace transgenicos-en-mexico-20-anos-de-resistencia-y-lucha/
started creating
campaigns to
denounce the el-decreto-presidencial-que-prohibe-el-maiz-transgenico-y-
planting, elimina-progresivamente-el-uso-de-glifosato/
marketing and
import of 1. In December of 2022 a decree that bans the use of
transgenic maize. transgenic maize and glyphosate by 2024 was published by
the federal government.
2. There are some 2. As a result, in 2002 the Mexican Whaling Sanctuary was
programs that established with more than 3 million square kilometers of
Greenpeace coastline so that hundreds of cetaceans that reach our shores
Mexico has been are safe.
promoting to
protect the marine
ecosystems in our
territory, these are mexico/
against destructive
fishing as well as jurisdiccionales-santuario-ballenero/
other industrial
activities that lead conseguimos-el-tratado-global-de-los-oceanos-y-que-sigue-
to the death of ahora/
ocean animals.

3. During 2022 3. The organizations managed to get Grupo México, one of

and early 2023, the main construction agencies of section five of the Mayan
Greenpeace and Train, to withdraw from the project in 2023.
organizations 3. Prevent more destruction of the ecosystem by the
have been construction of the Maya Train
protesting and
have filed more
than 50 frenos-grupos-de-activistas-se-organizan-mientras-lopez-
injunctions obrador-se-prepara-lanzar-el-tren-maya/
against the seven
sections of the
Mayan Train in
order to stop its

Have you ever heard of the work done by any environmental organizations such as Greenpeace
Mexico? We hope that by letting you know what it has achieved during all these years, you will sign up.
Mexico, the fifth nation in the world in terms of accelerated rate of deforestation, loses about 500,000
hectares of forest annually (Forbes, 2020). The lakes, rivers and oceans have been polluted by drain
water, plastic waste and chemical spills; as a result, all of these cause the death of many aquatic species
and the destruction of coral reefs. (Lifeder, 2020). This isn’t a very nice prospect, right? But thank God
there´s still a hope. Irving and Dorothy Stowe, a couple that went into exile in Canada, founded
Greenpeace in 1971. The organization has been working in Mexico since 1993 and seeks to secure that
our country can sustain all life forms, fostering a green, peaceful, equitable world where we
harmoniously coexist with our natural environment guided by values such as personal responsibility, non-
violence, independence and diversity (Greenpeace, 2023). Greenpeace Mexico, through campaigns,
programs, public protests and denouncements, has succeeded in protecting natural resources, establishing
reserves and influencing public policies in our country.

Since 1999 Greenpeace Mexico started to create campaigns that denounce the planting, marketing
and import of transgenic maize to protect the unique identity of our national corn and prevent it from
being genetically altered; as a result of many public protests during 2003, 2006, 2013 and 2019, the
federal government published a decree in December of 2022 that will ban the use of transgenic maize and
glyphosate by 2024.

There are some programs that Greenpeace Mexico has been promoting to protect the marine
ecosystems in our territory, these are against industrial activities — destructive fishing, overfishing

and shipping — that lead to the death of many ocean animals; as a result, in 2002 the Mexican
Whaling Sanctuary, an area of more than 3 million square kilometers of coastline, was established so
that hundreds of cetaceans that reach our shores are safe.

As Greenpeace wants to end deforestation in Mexico, the organization has been fighting to
prevent further damage from the Mayan train to the ecosystems. In fact, it is looking to stop the
construction, mainly sections 5, 6 and 7. Consequently, with the help of other organizations, they
managed to get Grupo México, one of the main construction agencies of section five of the Mayan
Train, to withdraw from the project in 2023 due to the inevitable damage that will be done to biodiversity.
In May of this year, the First District Court of Yucatán stopped deforestation in section five (Cancún and
Playa del Carmen), section three (Calkiní to Izamal), section four (Izamal to Cancun), and section six
(Tulum to Bacalar).

After three decades of passion and dedication, Greenpeace Mexico has carried out numerous
campaigns, programs, public protests, and complaints for our planet’s well-being; because of this tireless
commitment, the government and some companies have been forced to adopt more sustainable practices.
According to the positive effects of this actions in our national territory, we can be sure that a cleaner and
more sustainable future awaits us where upcoming Mexican generations will be able to live in harmony
with other living beings, but this only if we also join the change.
VI. References
Greenpeace Mexico. (n.d.). About Greenpeace: Mission, vision and values. Retrieved from:
Greenpeace Mexico. (2019, November 5). The transgenics in Mexico: 20 years of resistance and
Greenpeace Mexico. (2021, January 2). We celebrate the Presidential Decree that bans the use of
transgenic maize and progressively eliminates the use of glyphosate.
Forbes Mexico. (2020, June 17). Mexico, in the top 5 of Latin America with the highest deforestation in
Lifeder. (2021, May 26). 17 Environmental problems in Mexico that are very serious. Retrieved from:
Greenpeace Mexico. (2021, July 1). 5 things that Greenpeace Mexico has done for the environment
[Video]. YouTube.
Cetacean Conservation Centre. (2002, May 24). Mexico declares jurisdictional waters ‘Whale
Sanctuary’. Retrieved from:
Hanson, J. (2023, June 26). How we got the Global Oceans Treaty-and what’s next. Greenpeace Mexico.
Greenpeace Mexico. (n.d.). Achievements of Greenpeace Mexico. Retrieved from:
Soto, J. (2021, July 20). How does industrial fishing affect the planet? Greenpeace Mexico.
Bezaury, J. E. (n.d.). Sanctuaries or whaling shelters. La Jornada.
Miller, K. (2023, August 3). A train without brakes: groups of activists organize as López Obrador
prepares to launch the Mayan Train. Greenpeace Mexico.

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