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25 S. CT. 358, 49 L. ED. 643 (U.S. FEB. 20, 1905)

Cities in Massachusetts could require that all residents be vaccinated, as authorized by
a state statute. This type of regulation was adopted by the city of Cambridge.

1. Whether or not for the purpose of protecting public health and safety, does the
scope of the state’s police power include the authority to enact reasonable
regulations to do so?

1. YES. The scope of the state's police power includes the right to impose justifiable
restrictions to do so in order to safeguard public health and safety. Although the
Constitution guarantees everyone's freedom within its purview, it does not grant
everyone an absolute right to be unrestrained at all times and under all
circumstances. For the benefit of all, everyone must be subject to a variety of
restrictions. The preservation of public health and safety is closely tied to
Cambridge's attempts to eradicate smallpox. Nothing has been proven to firmly
support the Court's conclusion that the legislation is unconstitutional.

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